Example #1
def mg3p(app_data):
    pipe_data = app_data['pipe_data']

    z = pipe_data['z']
    y = pipe_data['y']
    x = pipe_data['x']

    lt = app_data['lt']
    lb = app_data['lb']
    n  = pipe_data['n']

    U = Image(Double, "U", [n+2, n+2, n+2])
    V = Image(Double, "V", [n+2, n+2, n+2])
    R = Image(Double, "R", [n+2, n+2, n+2])

    a = app_data['a']
    c = app_data['c']

    extent = pipe_data['extent']
    interior = pipe_data['interior']
    ghosts = pipe_data['ghosts']

    # from finest to the coarsest level
    # restrict the residual to the next coarser level
    restr = {}
    restr[lt] = R
    for l in range(lt, lb, -1):
        restr[l-1] = restrict(restr[l], l, pipe_data, "restrict_"+str(l-1))

    # compute an approximate solution on the coarsest grid
    smooth = {}
    smooth[lb] = psinv(restr[lb], None, lb, app_data, "psinv_"+str(lb))

    residl = {}

    intrp = {}
    for l in range(lb+1, lt):
        # prolongate from level l-1 to l
        intrp[l] = \
          interpolate(smooth[l-1], None, l, pipe_data, "interp_"+str(l))

        # compute residual for level l
        residl[l] = \
          residual(intrp[l], restr[l], l, app_data, "resid_"+str(l))

        # apply smoother
        smooth[l] = \
          psinv(residl[l], intrp[l], l, app_data, "psinv_"+str(l))
    # endfor

    # prolongate from level lt-1 to lt
    intrp[lt] = interpolate(smooth[lt-1], U, lt, pipe_data, "interp_"+str(lt))

    # compute residual for level lt
    residl[lt] = residual(intrp[lt], V, lt, app_data, "MG_R")

    # apply smoother
    smooth[lt] = psinv(residl[lt], intrp[lt], lt, app_data, "MG_U")

    return smooth[lt], residl[lt]
Example #2
    def rec_v_cycle(v, f, l):

        # coarsest level
        if l == 0:
            ''' COARSE-SMOOTHING '''
            if nuc == 0:
                return v

            smooth_p1[l] = {}
            for t in range(0, nuc):
                if l == L and t == nuc-1:
                    fname = app_data['cycle_name']
                    fname = "T"+str(t)+"_coarse"

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][t-1]

                smooth_p1[l][t] = w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            return smooth_p1[l][nuc-1]
        # all other finer levels
            ''' PRE-SMOOTHING '''
            smooth_p1[l] = {}
            for t in range(0, nu1):
                fname = "T"+str(t)+"_pre_L"+str(l)
                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][t-1]

                smooth_p1[l][t] = w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            if nu1 <= 0:
                smooth_out = v
                smooth_out = smooth_p1[l][nu1-1]

            ''' RESIDUAL '''

            r_h[l] = defect(smooth_out, f, l, "defect_L"+str(l),

            ''' RESTRICTION '''
            r_2h[l] = restrict(r_h[l], l, "restrict_L"+str(l-1), pipe_data)

            ''' NEXT LEVEL '''
            # e_2h <- 0
            e_2h[l] = rec_v_cycle(None, r_2h[l], l-1)


            ''' INTERPOLATION & CORRECTION '''
            if l == L and nu2 <= 0:
                fname = app_data['cycle_name']
                fname = "interp_correct_L"+str(l)

            if nu1 <= 0:
                correct_in = v
                correct_in = smooth_p1[l][nu1-1]

            ec[l] = interpolate(e_2h[l], correct_in, l, fname, pipe_data)

            if nu2 <= 0:
                return ec[l]

            ''' POST-SMOOTHING '''
            smooth_p2[l] = {}
            for t in range(0, nu2):
                fname = "T"+str(t)+"_post_L"+str(l)
                if l == L and t == nu2-1:
                    fname = app_data['cycle_name']

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = ec[l]
                    in_func = smooth_p2[l][t-1]

                smooth_p2[l][t] = w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)
            return smooth_p2[l][nu2-1]
    def rec_w_cycle(v, f, l, visit):

        visit[l] += 1

        # coarsest level
        if l == 0:
            ''' COARSE-SMOOTHING '''
            if nuc == 0:
                return v

            if visit[l] == 1:
                smooth_p1[l] = {}

            smooth_p1[l][visit[l]] = {}

            for t in range(0, nuc):
                if l == L and t == nuc - 1:
                    fname = "Wcycle"
                    fname = "T" + str(t) + "_coarse" + "__" + str(visit[l])

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t - 1]

                smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t] = \
                    w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            return smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][nuc - 1]
        # all other finer levels
            ''' PRE-SMOOTHING '''
            if visit[l] == 1:
                smooth_p1[l] = {}

            smooth_p1[l][visit[l]] = {}

            for t in range(0, nu1):
                fname = "T" + str(t) + "_pre_L" + str(l) + "__" + str(visit[l])
                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t - 1]

                smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t] = \
                    w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            if nu1 <= 0:
                smooth_out = v
                smooth_out = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][nu1 - 1]

            ''' RESIDUAL '''

            if visit[l] == 1:
                r_h[l] = {}

            name = "defect_L" + str(l) + "__" + str(visit[l])
            r_h[l][visit[l]] = defect(smooth_out, f, l, name, pipe_data)

            ''' RESTRICTION '''
            if visit[l] == 1:
                r_2h[l] = {}

            name = "restrict_L" + str(l - 1) + "__" + str(visit[l])
            r_2h[l][visit[l]] = restrict(r_h[l][visit[l]], l, name, pipe_data)

            '''''' '''''' ''''''
            ''' NEXT LEVEL '''
            '''''' '''''' ''''''

            if visit[l] == 1:
                e_2h[l] = {}

            # e_2h <- 0
            e_2h[l][visit[l]] = \
                rec_w_cycle(None, r_2h[l][visit[l]], l-1, visit)

            e_2h[l][visit[l]] = \
                rec_w_cycle(e_2h[l][visit[l]], r_2h[l][visit[l]], l-1, visit)

            ''' INTERPOLATION & CORRECTION '''
            if l == L and nu2 <= 0:
                fname = "Wcycle"
                fname = "interp_correct_L" + str(l) + "__" + str(visit[l])

            if nu1 <= 0:
                correct_in = v
                correct_in = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][nu1 - 1]

            if visit[l] == 1:
                ec[l] = {}

            ec[l][visit[l]] = \
                interpolate(e_2h[l][visit[l]], correct_in, l, fname, pipe_data)

            if nu2 <= 0:
                return ec[l][visit[l]]

            ''' POST-SMOOTHING '''

            if visit[l] == 1:
                smooth_p2[l] = {}

            smooth_p2[l][visit[l]] = {}
            for t in range(0, nu2):
                fname = "T" + str(t) + "_post_L" + str(l) + "__" + str(
                if l == L and t == nu2 - 1:
                    fname = "Wcycle"

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = ec[l][visit[l]]
                    in_func = smooth_p2[l][visit[l]][t - 1]

                smooth_p2[l][visit[l]][t] = \
                    w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            return smooth_p2[l][visit[l]][nu2 - 1]
def mg3p(app_data):
    pipe_data = app_data['pipe_data']

    z = pipe_data['z']
    y = pipe_data['y']
    x = pipe_data['x']

    lt = app_data['lt']
    lb = app_data['lb']
    n = pipe_data['n']

    U = Image(Double, "U", [n + 2, n + 2, n + 2])
    V = Image(Double, "V", [n + 2, n + 2, n + 2])
    R = Image(Double, "R", [n + 2, n + 2, n + 2])

    a = app_data['a']
    c = app_data['c']

    extent = pipe_data['extent']
    interior = pipe_data['interior']
    ghosts = pipe_data['ghosts']

    # from finest to the coarsest level
    # restrict the residual to the next coarser level
    restr = {}
    restr[lt] = R
    for l in range(lt, lb, -1):
        restr[l - 1] = restrict(restr[l], l, pipe_data,
                                "restrict_" + str(l - 1))

    # compute an approximate solution on the coarsest grid
    smooth = {}
    smooth[lb] = psinv(restr[lb], None, lb, app_data, "psinv_" + str(lb))

    residl = {}

    intrp = {}
    for l in range(lb + 1, lt):
        # prolongate from level l-1 to l
        intrp[l] = \
          interpolate(smooth[l-1], None, l, pipe_data, "interp_"+str(l))

        # compute residual for level l
        residl[l] = \
          residual(intrp[l], restr[l], l, app_data, "resid_"+str(l))

        # apply smoother
        smooth[l] = \
          psinv(residl[l], intrp[l], l, app_data, "psinv_"+str(l))
    # endfor

    # prolongate from level lt-1 to lt
    intrp[lt] = interpolate(smooth[lt - 1], U, lt, pipe_data,
                            "interp_" + str(lt))

    # compute residual for level lt
    residl[lt] = residual(intrp[lt], V, lt, app_data, "MG_R")

    # apply smoother
    smooth[lt] = psinv(residl[lt], intrp[lt], lt, app_data, "MG_U")

    return smooth[lt], residl[lt]
Example #5
    def rec_v_cycle(v, f, l):

        # coarsest level
        if l == 0:
            ''' COARSE-SMOOTHING '''
            if nuc == 0:
                return v

            smooth_p1[l] = {}
            for t in range(0, nuc):
                if l == L and t == nuc - 1:
                    fname = app_data['cycle_name']
                    fname = "T" + str(t) + "_coarse"

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][t - 1]

                smooth_p1[l][t] = w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            return smooth_p1[l][nuc - 1]
        # all other finer levels
            ''' PRE-SMOOTHING '''
            smooth_p1[l] = {}
            for t in range(0, nu1):
                fname = "T" + str(t) + "_pre_L" + str(l)
                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][t - 1]

                smooth_p1[l][t] = w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            if nu1 <= 0:
                smooth_out = v
                smooth_out = smooth_p1[l][nu1 - 1]

            ''' RESIDUAL '''

            r_h[l] = defect(smooth_out, f, l, "defect_L" + str(l), pipe_data)

            ''' RESTRICTION '''
            r_2h[l] = restrict(r_h[l], l, "restrict_L" + str(l - 1), pipe_data)

            '''''' '''''' ''''''
            ''' NEXT LEVEL '''
            '''''' '''''' ''''''
            # e_2h <- 0
            e_2h[l] = rec_v_cycle(None, r_2h[l], l - 1)

            ''' INTERPOLATION & CORRECTION '''
            if l == L and nu2 <= 0:
                fname = app_data['cycle_name']
                fname = "interp_correct_L" + str(l)

            if nu1 <= 0:
                correct_in = v
                correct_in = smooth_p1[l][nu1 - 1]

            ec[l] = interpolate(e_2h[l], correct_in, l, fname, pipe_data)

            if nu2 <= 0:
                return ec[l]

            ''' POST-SMOOTHING '''
            smooth_p2[l] = {}
            for t in range(0, nu2):
                fname = "T" + str(t) + "_post_L" + str(l)
                if l == L and t == nu2 - 1:
                    fname = app_data['cycle_name']

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = ec[l]
                    in_func = smooth_p2[l][t - 1]

                smooth_p2[l][t] = w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            return smooth_p2[l][nu2 - 1]
Example #6
    def rec_w_cycle(v, f, l, visit):

        visit[l] += 1

        # coarsest level
        if l == 0:
            ''' COARSE-SMOOTHING '''
            if nuc == 0:
                return v

            if visit[l] == 1:
                smooth_p1[l] = {}

            smooth_p1[l][visit[l]] = {}

            for t in range(0, nuc):
                if l == L and t == nuc-1:
                    fname = "Wcycle"
                    fname = "T"+str(t)+"_coarse"+"__"+str(visit[l])

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t-1]

                smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t] = \
                    w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            return smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][nuc-1]
        # all other finer levels
            ''' PRE-SMOOTHING '''
            if visit[l] == 1:
                smooth_p1[l] = {}

            smooth_p1[l][visit[l]] = {}

            for t in range(0, nu1):
                fname = "T"+str(t)+"_pre_L"+str(l)+"__"+str(visit[l])
                if t == 0:
                    in_func = v
                    in_func = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t-1]

                smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][t] = \
                    w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)

            if nu1 <= 0:
                smooth_out = v
                smooth_out = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][nu1-1]

            ''' RESIDUAL '''

            if visit[l] == 1:
                r_h[l] = {}

            name = "defect_L"+str(l)+"__"+str(visit[l])
            r_h[l][visit[l]] = defect(smooth_out, f, l, name, pipe_data)

            ''' RESTRICTION '''
            if visit[l] == 1:
                r_2h[l] = {}

            name = "restrict_L"+str(l-1)+"__"+str(visit[l])
            r_2h[l][visit[l]] = restrict(r_h[l][visit[l]], l, name, pipe_data)

            ''' NEXT LEVEL '''

            if visit[l] == 1:
                e_2h[l] = {}

            # e_2h <- 0
            e_2h[l][visit[l]] = \
                rec_w_cycle(None, r_2h[l][visit[l]], l-1, visit)

            e_2h[l][visit[l]] = \
                rec_w_cycle(e_2h[l][visit[l]], r_2h[l][visit[l]], l-1, visit)


            ''' INTERPOLATION & CORRECTION '''
            if l == L and nu2 <= 0:
                fname = "Wcycle"
                fname = "interp_correct_L"+str(l)+"__"+str(visit[l])

            if nu1 <= 0:
                correct_in = v
                correct_in = smooth_p1[l][visit[l]][nu1-1]

            if visit[l] == 1:
                ec[l] = {}

            ec[l][visit[l]] = \
                interpolate(e_2h[l][visit[l]], correct_in, l, fname, pipe_data)

            if nu2 <= 0:
                return ec[l][visit[l]]

            ''' POST-SMOOTHING '''

            if visit[l] == 1:
                smooth_p2[l] = {}

            smooth_p2[l][visit[l]] = {}
            for t in range(0, nu2):
                fname = "T"+str(t)+"_post_L"+str(l)+"__"+str(visit[l])
                if l == L and t == nu2-1:
                    fname = "Wcycle"

                if t == 0:
                    in_func = ec[l][visit[l]]
                    in_func = smooth_p2[l][visit[l]][t-1]

                smooth_p2[l][visit[l]][t] = \
                    w_jacobi(in_func, f, l, fname, app_data)
            return smooth_p2[l][visit[l]][nu2-1]