Example #1
    def initialize(self):
        """Use this function to setup your bot before the game starts."""
        self.verbose = True  # display the order descriptions next to the bot labels
        self.gamedata = {}  # stores game state to be pickled later and used by visualize.py
        self.gamedata["blockHeights"] = self.level.blockHeights
        self.gamedata["visibility_map"] = get_visibility_map(self.level.blockHeights)
        self.astar = AStar(self.gamedata["blockHeights"], self.gamedata["visibility_map"].tolist())

        self.visibleView = VisibleView(
            self.level.fieldOfViewAngles, self.level.blockHeights, self.game.team, self.game.enemyTeam
        # self.pom = ProbOccurenceMap(self.level.blockHeights)
        self.poms = ProbOccurenceMaps(self.level.blockHeights, self.game.enemyTeam)

        self.blockHeights = self.level.blockHeights
        # self.gamedata['probOccMap'] = self.pom.prob

        self.attacker = None
        self.defender = None
        self.verbose = True

        # Calculate flag positions and store the middle.
        ours = self.game.team.flag.position
        theirs = self.game.enemyTeam.flag.position
        self.middle = (theirs + ours) * 0.5

        # Now figure out the flaking directions, assumed perpendicular.
        d = ours - theirs
        self.left = Vector2(-d.y, d.x).normalized()
        self.right = Vector2(d.y, -d.x).normalized()
        self.front = Vector2(d.x, d.y).normalized()

        self.panicMode = False

        self.bot_states = dict([(bot.name, BotStateIdle()) for bot in self.game.team.members])

        self.attacker = None
        self.defender = None
Example #2
class AdmNelson(Commander):
    Rename and modify this class to create your own commander and add mycmd.Placeholder
    to the execution command you use to run the competition.

    def initialize(self):
        """Use this function to setup your bot before the game starts."""
        self.verbose = True  # display the order descriptions next to the bot labels
        self.gamedata = {}  # stores game state to be pickled later and used by visualize.py
        self.gamedata["blockHeights"] = self.level.blockHeights
        self.gamedata["visibility_map"] = get_visibility_map(self.level.blockHeights)
        self.astar = AStar(self.gamedata["blockHeights"], self.gamedata["visibility_map"].tolist())

        self.visibleView = VisibleView(
            self.level.fieldOfViewAngles, self.level.blockHeights, self.game.team, self.game.enemyTeam
        # self.pom = ProbOccurenceMap(self.level.blockHeights)
        self.poms = ProbOccurenceMaps(self.level.blockHeights, self.game.enemyTeam)

        self.blockHeights = self.level.blockHeights
        # self.gamedata['probOccMap'] = self.pom.prob

        self.attacker = None
        self.defender = None
        self.verbose = True

        # Calculate flag positions and store the middle.
        ours = self.game.team.flag.position
        theirs = self.game.enemyTeam.flag.position
        self.middle = (theirs + ours) * 0.5

        # Now figure out the flaking directions, assumed perpendicular.
        d = ours - theirs
        self.left = Vector2(-d.y, d.x).normalized()
        self.right = Vector2(d.y, -d.x).normalized()
        self.front = Vector2(d.x, d.y).normalized()

        self.panicMode = False

        self.bot_states = dict([(bot.name, BotStateIdle()) for bot in self.game.team.members])

        self.attacker = None
        self.defender = None

    def tick(self):
        """Override this function for your own bots.  Here you can access all the information in self.game,
        which includes game information, and self.level which includes information about the level."""

        visibleNodes, visibleEnemyNodes = self.visibleView.tick()
        # self.pom.tick(visibleNodes, visibleEnemyNodes)
        self.poms.tick(visibleNodes, visibleEnemyNodes)

        # Save the game state to a pickle so that it can be used by visualize.py
        output = open(gameplayDataFilepath, "wb")
        self.gamedata["bot_positions"] = []
        self.gamedata["probOccMap"] = self.poms.getCombinedPom()
        self.gamedata["visibleNodes"] = visibleNodes
        pom = self.gamedata["probOccMap"]
        for b in self.game.bots_alive:
            self.gamedata["bot_positions"].append((int(round(b.position.x)), int(round(b.position.y))))
        pickle.dump(self.gamedata, output)

        Start commander
        # print len(pom)
        self.twodpom = np.array(pom).reshape(self.level.width, self.level.height).tolist()

        for bot in self.game.bots_available:
            self.bot_states[bot.name] = BotStateIdle()

        if self.attacker and self.attacker.health <= 0:
            # the attacker is dead we'll pick another when available
            self.attacker = None

        if self.defender and (self.defender.health <= 0 or self.defender.flag):
            # the defender is dead we'll pick another when available
            # pass
            self.defender = None

        if not self.game.team.flag.carrier:  # If flag is being carried by team
            self.panicMode = False  # Don't panic
            if not self.panicMode:  # Else if not already in panic-mode,
                self.panicMode = True  # Start panicking!

                targetPosition = (self.game.team.flag.position + self.game.enemyTeam.flagScoreLocation) * 0.5
                targetMin = targetPosition - Vector2(6.0, 6.0)
                targetMax = targetPosition + Vector2(6.0, 6.0)
                goal = self.level.findRandomFreePositionInBox([targetMin, targetMax])

                if goal:
                    # Send all bots that are alive to intercept the flag
                    for bot in self.game.bots_alive:
                        if bot == self.defender or bot == self.attacker:

                        self.bot_states[bot.name] = BotStateInterceptFlag()
                        order_args, order_keyargs = self.bot_states[bot.name].get_order(self, bot)
                        if not order_args:
                            self.issue(*order_args, **order_keyargs)

        # In this example we loop through all living bots without orders (self.game.bots_available)
        # All other bots will wander randomly

        for bot in self.game.bots_available:

            # If no defender, set a defender
            if (self.defender == None or self.defender == bot) and not bot.flag:
                self.defender = bot

                self.bot_states[bot.name] = BotStateDefend()
                order_args, order_keyargs = self.bot_states[bot.name].get_order(self, bot)
                if not order_args:
                    self.issue(*order_args, **order_keyargs)

            # If no attacker, set an attacker
            elif self.attacker == None or self.attacker == bot or bot.flag:
                self.attacker = bot

                self.bot_states[bot.name] = BotStateAttackFlag()
                order_args, order_keyargs = self.bot_states[bot.name].get_order(self, bot)
                if not order_args:
                    self.issue(*order_args, **order_keyargs)
                # All our other (random) bots

                # pick a random position in the level to move to
                self.bot_states[bot.name] = BotStateRandomPatrol()
                order_args, order_keyargs = self.bot_states[bot.name].get_order(self, bot)
                if not order_args:
                    self.issue(*order_args, **order_keyargs)

        for bot in self.game.bots_holding:
            self.bot_states[bot.name] = BotStateAttackBot()
            order_args, order_keyargs = self.bot_states[bot.name].get_order(self, bot)
            if not order_args:
                self.issue(*order_args, **order_keyargs)

    def getFlankingPosition(self, bot, target):
        """Return simple flanking positions calculated based on the flanking vectors.

            bot (object): The bot for which to calculate the flanking position.
            target (vector2): The location that should be flanked.

            The calculated flanking position as a vector2 object.
        flanks = [target + f * 16.0 for f in [self.left, self.right]]
        options = map(lambda f: self.level.findNearestFreePosition(f), flanks)
        return sorted(options, key=lambda p: (bot.position - p).length())[0]