Example #1
    def add_new_state_node(self, t):
        if len(self.variables["states"]) > t:
            # the state already exists in the graph.
            if t == 0:
                P = self.get_prior_factor()
                self.factors["transition"].append(pm.DiscreteDistribution(P)) # add prior factor
                self.variables["states"].append(pm.State( self.factors["transition"][t], name="Damage {}".format(t)))
                T = self.get_transition_factor()
                # check if we have a controlA
                if len(self.variables["controlAs"]) > t-1:
                    self.factors["transition"].append(pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(T, [self.factors["transition"][t-1],self.factors["controlA"][t-1]]))
                    self.factors["transition"].append(pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(T, [self.factors["transition"][t-1],self.factors["controlP"][t-1]]))

                # add RV as a node in the graph
                self.variables["states"].append(pm.State( self.factors["transition"][t], name="Damage {}".format(t)))

                # connect node via transition edge
                self.add_edge(self.variables["states"][t-1], self.variables["states"][t] )

                # connect node via control edge
                if len(self.variables["controlAs"]) > t-1:
                    self.add_edge(self.variables["controlAs"][t-1], self.variables["states"][t] )
                    self.add_edge(self.variables["controlPs"][t-1], self.variables["states"][t] )
Example #2
def hmm(nstates=2, bias=0.1):
    def make_bias(i, s):
        if i == 0:
            return [bias, 1 - bias][s]
            return [1 - bias, bias][s]

    states = [
            0: make_bias(i, 0),
            1: make_bias(i, 1)
                  name='S%d' % i) for i in range(nstates)

    #trans = np.ones((nstates, nstates)) / nstates;
    trans = np.random.rand(nstates, nstates)
    for i in range(nstates):
        trans[i] = trans[i] / trans[i].sum()

    model = pmg.HiddenMarkovModel()
    for i in range(nstates):
        for j in range(nstates):
            model.add_transition(states[i], states[j], trans[i, j])
        model.add_transition(model.start, states[i], 1.0 / nstates)
    return model
Example #3
	def fit(self, similarBldDF):
		climate zone, Design cooling load and principle building activity are parents attributes of main cooling equipment.
		Census division, main cooling equipment, cooling degree days, percentage of building cooled are four parent attribute of high efficient building
			similarBldDF, a pandas DataFrame object includes a group of building similar to the proposed 
				building.This object is used to train the Bayesian Network classifier.


		coolingDegreeDays = pm.DiscreteDistribution(CDD65NDict)

		#MCE_CPT is the conditional probability table of main cooling equipment
		#HECS_CPT is the conditional probability table of high efficient cooling system.
		#the first layer parent attributes

		#the second layer parent attributes
		#the main cooling equipment
		p2_MAINCL = pm.Node(mainCoolingEquipmentCPT,name="MAINCL")#
		p2_CDD65 = pm.Node(coolingDegreeDays,name="CDD65")

		#high efficient cooling system
		p_HECS = pm.Node(highEfficientCoolingSystemCPT, name="highEfficientCoolingSystemCPT")

		#the Bayesian Network for the main cooling equipment
		modelMCE = pm.BayesianNetwork("Main cooling equipment")
Example #4
def create_independent_dist(feature, seed):
    unique_val = np.unique(feature)
    init_dict = {}
    random_state = check_random_state(seed)
    init_prob = random_state.rand(len(unique_val), 1)
    init_prob = init_prob / init_prob.sum()

    for idx, i in enumerate(unique_val):
        init_dict[int(i)] = init_prob[idx].item()
    return pom.DiscreteDistribution(init_dict)
Example #5
 def __create_direction_distribution(self):
     direction_dict = {}
     max_prob_value = 0
     for i in range(action.Action.num_actions):
         if self.__direction_probs[i] > max_prob_value:
             self.__max_prob_dir = i
             max_prob_value = self.__direction_probs[i]
             action.Action.action2string[i]] = self.__direction_probs[i]
     self.__direction_dist = pm.DiscreteDistribution(direction_dict)
Example #6
def probparam(dfent, typ, hdeb, hfin, mot):
    #Pourquoi pas rajouter un nom en paramètre et le dico pour ajouter au dico le modèle
    df = dfent.copy()
    df = df[(df['V2_MORIHDEP'] <= pd.to_timedelta(hfin, unit='h'))
            & (df['V2_MORIHDEP'] >= pd.to_timedelta(hdeb, unit='h'))
            & (np.floor(df['V2_MMOTIFDES']) == mot)
            & (df['TYPE_JOUR'] == typ)]

    prob_dist = pg.LogNormalDistribution(0, 1)
    pg_mu, pg_sigma = prob_dist.parameters

    Q = [
        np.exp(pg_mu + np.sqrt(2 * pg_sigma) * erfinv(2 * x - 1))
        for x in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
    Q.insert(0, 0)
    prob_quartdist = {}
    for i in range(0, len(Q) - 1):
        df_dist = df[(df['V2_MDISTTOT'] <= Q[i + 1])
                     & (df['V2_MDISTTOT'] > Q[i])]
        df_dur = df_dist.copy()

        df_dur['V2_DUREE'] = pd.to_timedelta(
            unit='Min').dt.round('1Min').dt.total_seconds() // 60
        prob_dist_dur = pg.LogNormalDistribution.from_samples(
        #        df_dur=df_dur.groupby(by=['V2_DUREE'], as_index=False)['POIDS_JOUR'].sum()
        #        plt.plot(df_dur['V2_DUREE'].values.flatten(),df_dur['POIDS_JOUR'].values.flatten()/(df_dur['POIDS_JOUR'].sum()),df_dur['V2_DUREE'].values.flatten(),prob_dist_dur.probability(df_dur['V2_DUREE'].values.flatten()))
        #        plt.show()
        del df_dur
        df_hdep = df_dist.copy()
        df_hdep['V2_MORIHDEP'] = df_hdep['V2_MORIHDEP'].dt.round('15Min')
        df_hdep = df_hdep.groupby(by=['V2_MORIHDEP'],
        df_hdep = df_hdep.sort_values(['V2_MORIHDEP'])
        prob_dist_hdep = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
                    df_hdep['POIDS_JOUR'].values.flatten() /
        #        prob_test = pg.GaussianKernelDensity()
        #        prob_test.fit(df_dist['V2_MORIHDEP'].dt.total_seconds()/60)
        #        n =plt.hist(df_dist['V2_MORIHDEP'].dt.total_seconds()/60, density = True , bins = (hfin - hdeb)*4)
        #        plt.plot(n[1],prob_test.probability(n[1]))
        #        plt.show()
        #        print(df_dist['V2_MORIHDEP'].count())
        prob_quartdist[(Q[i], Q[i + 1])] = (prob_dist_dur, prob_dist_hdep)
    return (prob_dist, prob_quartdist)
Example #7
def generate_model(state, transition):
    # Setup hmm
    model = pomegranate.HiddenMarkovModel()

    A = pomegranate.State(pomegranate.DiscreteDistribution({'A': state, 'B': 1-state}), name='A')
    B = pomegranate.State(pomegranate.DiscreteDistribution({'A': 1-state, 'B': state}), name='B')

    model.add_transition(model.start, A, 0.5)
    model.add_transition(model.start, B, 0.5)

    model.add_transition(A, A, 1-transition)
    model.add_transition(A, B, transition)
    model.add_transition(B, A, transition)
    model.add_transition(B, B, 1-transition)

    model.add_transition(A, model.end, 0.5)
    model.add_transition(B, model.end, 0.5)

    return model
Example #8
def run():
    # Load dataset
    path = 'datasets/'
    with open(path + datasetload, 'rb') as f:
        a = pickle.load(f)
    X = a[0]
    X = X.astype(int)

    # Create HMM
    D = bond_dimension
    N = X.shape[1]
    d = np.max(X + 1)
    list_of_states = []
    for i in xrange(N):
        for u in xrange(bond_dimension):
            dictionnary = dict()
            for l in xrange(d):
                dictionnary[str(l)] = np.random.rand()
    model = pomegranate.HiddenMarkovModel()
    for i in xrange(N - 1):
        for d in xrange(D):
            for d2 in xrange(D):
                                     list_of_states[i + 1][d2],
    for d in xrange(D):
        model.add_transition(model.start, list_of_states[0][d],
    for d in xrange(D):
        model.add_transition(list_of_states[N - 1][d], model.end,

    # Train HMM
    begin = time.time()
    sequencetrain = [[str(i) for i in v] for v in X]

    u = 0
    for i in sequencetrain:
        u += model.log_probability(i)
    accuracy = -u / len(sequencetrain)

    time_elapsed = time.time() - begin

    print("Negative log likelihood = %.3f" % (accuracy))
    print("Time elapsed = %.2fs" % (time_elapsed))
Example #9
File: hmm.py Project: as-101/pyecog
def make_hmm_model(emission_mat, transition_probs):
    model = pomegranate.HiddenMarkovModel('ndf')

    ictal_emissions    = {i:emission_mat[1,i] for i in range(emission_mat.shape[1])}
    baseline_emissions = {i:emission_mat[0,i] for i in range(emission_mat.shape[1])}

    ictal    = pomegranate.State(pomegranate.DiscreteDistribution(ictal_emissions   ), name = '1')
    baseline = pomegranate.State(pomegranate.DiscreteDistribution(baseline_emissions), name = '0')


    model.add_transition( model.start, ictal, 0.05 )
    model.add_transition( model.start, baseline, 99.95)

    model.add_transition( baseline, baseline, transition_probs[0,0] )
    model.add_transition( baseline, ictal,    transition_probs[0,1]  )
    model.add_transition( ictal, ictal   ,    transition_probs[1,1] )
    model.add_transition( ictal, baseline,    transition_probs[1,0]  )

    model.bake(verbose=False )
    return model
Example #10
    def add_new_controlA_node(self, t, control):
        # 'Actual' or enacted control node
        C = self.get_controlA_factor(control)
        self.variables["controlAs"].append(pm.State(self.factors["controlA"][t], name="ControlA {}".format(t)))

        # add RV as a node in the graph
        if len(self.variables["states"]) > t+1:
            T = self.get_transition_factor()
            self.factors["transition"][t+1].__init__ (T, [self.factors["transition"][t],self.factors["controlA"][t]])
            self.variables["states"][t+1].__init__(self.factors["transition"][t+1], name="Damage {}".format(t+1))
            for idx, (a,b) in enumerate(self.edges):
                if a.name == "ControlP {}".format(t) and b.name == "Damage {}".format(t+1):
                    self.edges[idx] = (self.variables["controlAs"][t], self.variables["states"][t+1])
Example #11
def probDiagnose(percList):
    Funzione che riceve in input una lista con tre tuple contenenti ognuna una
    categoria e la loro percentuale e, attraverso l'uso di una rete bayesiana ed
    il calcolo delle probabilità condizionate, restituisce una lista con le 
    probabilità delle categorie delle diagnosi condizionate dalle categorie
    dei sintomi
    percList: list
        Lista contenente tre tuple: ogni tupla contiene una categoria  e la
        rispettiva percentuale(per i sintomi) 
    condProbList: list
        Lista contenente tre tuple: ogni tupla contiene una categoria e la
        rispettiva probabilità(per le diagnosi)  
    import pomegranate as pg
    sym = pg.DiscreteDistribution({
        'gen': 192. / 389,
        'sup': 125. / 389,
        'inf': 72. / 389
    diagn = pg.ConditionalProbabilityTable(
        [['gen', 'gen', 0.5], ['gen', 'sup', 0.25], ['gen', 'inf', 0.25],
         ['sup', 'gen', 0.20], ['sup', 'sup', 0.75], ['sup', 'inf', 0.05],
         ['inf', 'gen', 0.2], ['inf', 'sup', 0.05], ['inf', 'inf', 0.75]],

    s1 = pg.State(sym, name="sym")
    s2 = pg.State(diagn, name="diagn")

    model = pg.BayesianNetwork("Diagnose finder")
    model.add_states(s1, s2)
    model.add_edge(s1, s2)

    condProbList = []
    for i in percList:
        beliefs1 = model.predict_proba({'sym': i[1]})

    return condProbList
Example #12
def _solve_bayes_network(cpts, conditionals=None):
    print(f'cpts: {cpts}')
    print(f'conditionals: {cpts}')
    model = pmg.BayesianNetwork("User Produced Model")
    states = []
    distributions = []
    cond = []
    _cond_stage = []

    def _translator(string):
        if string == 0 or string == '0':
            return 'True'
        elif string == 1 or string == '1':
            return 'False'
            return None

    counter = 0
    for i, name in enumerate(cpts.keys()):
        temp_dict = cpts[name].to_dict()
        if name not in conditionals:
            for k in temp_dict.keys():
                states.append(pmg.State(distributions[counter], name=name))
                counter += 1
            for col in temp_dict.keys():
                for val in temp_dict[col].keys():
                    arr = [_translator(col), val, temp_dict[col][val]]

            print(f'cond: {cond}')
                pmg.State(pmg.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cond, distributions),
    for i, s in enumerate(states):
        print(f'i: {i}')
        print(f's: {s}')
        if i not in _cond_stage and _cond_stage:
            model.add_edge(s, states[_cond_stage[0]])
    return model
    def _calculate_one(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Run the calculation

        # Get the sequence of states
        dist_1 = pm.DiscreteDistribution(
            {"wet": 0.5, "dry": 0.5}
        )  # random starting point
        dist_2 = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(
                ["wet", "wet", self.param["pi_1"]],
                ["wet", "dry", 1 - self.param["pi_1"]],
                ["dry", "wet", 1 - self.param["pi_2"]],
                ["dry", "dry", self.param["pi_2"]],
        markov_chain = pm.MarkovChain([dist_1, dist_2])
        years = self._get_time("all")
        states = markov_chain.sample(years.size)

        # Get the conditional expected value
        mu_1_vec = self.param["mu_1"] + self.param["gamma_1"] * years
        mu_2_vec = self.param["mu_2"] + self.param["gamma_2"] * years
        mu_vec = mu_1_vec
        mu_vec[np.where(np.array(states) == "wet")] = mu_2_vec[
            np.where(np.array(states) == "wet")

        # get conditional variance
        sigma_vec = self.param["coeff_var"] * mu_vec
        sigma_vec[sigma_vec < self.param["sigma_min"]] = self.param["sigma_min"]

        # get and the streamflow
        sflow = np.exp(np.random.normal(loc=mu_vec, scale=sigma_vec))
        return sflow
Example #14
def export_pom(net, by='index'):
    pomegranate BN Model based on given DAG.
    Assume my "sort" function correctly returns a list where
    children are allways ranked higher than parents. If Pommegranate is used
    to estimate model likelihood, all outcomes must be of the same data type. 
    Either All int or all string. 
    s = topoSort(net.export_nds())
    model = pm.BayesianNetwork("DIY_GRN")

    # Convert Top Level nodes to Discrete distributions
    top = [i for i in s if len(i.par) == 0]
    topStates = {}

    for n in top:
        pr = n.cpt['Prob'].to_dict()
        if by == 'index':
            va = n.cpt[n.idx].to_dict()
            va = n.cpt[n.label].to_dict()
        dist = {}
        for v in va.keys():
            dist[va[v]] = pr[v]

        dist = pm.DiscreteDistribution(dist)
        if by == 'index':
            state = pm.Node(dist, name=str(n.idx))
            topStates[str(n.idx)] = state
            state = pm.Node(dist, name=str(n.label))
            topStates[str(n.label)] = state


    # Convert Depent Nodes to Conditional Distributions
    dep = [i for i in s if len(i.par) != 0]
    depStates = {}

    for n in dep:

        # Convert floats cpt outcome levels to integers if needed
        if isinstance(n.cpt.iloc[0, 0], np.int64):
            cpt = [fl(l) for l in n.cpt.values.tolist()]

            cpt = n.cpt.values.tolist()

        # Vector of ID for each parent
        if by == 'index':
            par_id = [str(i.idx) for i in n.par]
            par_id = [str(i.label) for i in n.par]

        # Validate that all parents have been processed
        for p in par_id:
            if (not p in topStates.keys()) and (not p in depStates.keys()):
                print("Problem with parent:", p, "of node:", n.idx)
                return [topStates, depStates]

        par = [
            topStates[i] if i in topStates.keys() else depStates[i]
            for i in par_id if i in topStates.keys() or i in depStates.keys()

        cpt = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cpt,
                                             [p.distribution for p in par])

        if by == 'index':
            state = pm.Node(cpt, name=str(n.idx))
            depStates[str(n.idx)] = state

            state = pm.Node(cpt, name=str(n.label))
            depStates[str(n.label)] = state

        # Add node to model

        # Add edges from parent to this node
        for p in par:
            model.add_edge(p, state)

    # Assemble and "Bake" model
    return (model)
Example #15
T = np.array([[1 - beta, beta], [1 - alpha,
                                 alpha]])  # Matrice de transition temporaire

B = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])  # matrice d'émission temporaire

dicoObs = {
    'sun': 0,
    'rain': 1
}  # pour transformer les chaines en entier (0 et 1)
dicoState = {'sunny': 0, 'rainy': 1}

## Creation de la chaine de Markov
model = pg.HiddenMarkovModel(name="partie 1")  # Creation instance
# Matrice d'emission
sunny = pg.State(pg.DiscreteDistribution({
    'sun': B[0, 0],
    'rain': B[0, 1]
                 name='sunny')  # Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
rainy = pg.State(pg.DiscreteDistribution({
    'sun': B[1, 0],
    'rain': B[1, 1],
                 name='rainy')  # Création de l'état pluie et prob emission
# Matrice de transition
model.add_transitions(model.start, [sunny, rainy],
                      [gamma, 1 - gamma])  # Probs initiales
model.add_transitions(sunny, [sunny, rainy],
                      [T[0, 0], T[0, 1]])  # transitions depuis sunny
model.add_transitions(rainy, [sunny, rainy],
                      [T[1, 0], T[1, 1]])  # transition depuis rainy
Example #16
           for name in state_names}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[int, float]]

for _, row in data.iterrows():
    val = row['eeg']  # type: int
    state = row['doctor']  # type: str

    summary[state][val] += 1

for key in summary.keys():
    total = sum(summary[key].values(), 0.0)
    summary[key] = {k: v / total for k, v in summary[key].items()}

states = {}  # type: Dict[str, pg.State]

for name in state_names:
    dist = pg.DiscreteDistribution(summary[name])
    states[name] = pg.State(dist, name=name)

#counts transition probabilites
chain_model = pg.MarkovChain.from_samples([state_sequence])

#creates empty hidden markov model with name 'prediction'
model = pg.HiddenMarkovModel('prediction')

#adds the states to the model
#sets the starting probability for state 'Wake' to 1.0
model.add_transition(model.start, states['Wake'], 1.0)
#insert the emission probabilities, that we computed in summary
for prob in chain_model.distributions[1].parameters[0]:
    state1 = states[prob[0]]
sf = 1 - cdf

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Three check systems
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Chain model
# A -> B -> C
n = 5
t = 4

ppd_A = {
    "S": sf[n, t - 2],
    "F": 1 - sf[n, t - 2],
dist_A = pm.DiscreteDistribution(ppd_A)

cpd_B_A = [
    ["S", "S", sf[n + 1, t - 1]],
    ["S", "F", 1 - sf[n + 1, t - 1]],
    ["F", "S", sf[n, t - 1]],
    ["F", "F", 1 - sf[n, t - 1]],

dist_B_A = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cpd_B_A, [dist_A])

cpd_C_B = [
    ["S", "S", sf[n + 1, t]],
    ["S", "F", 1 - sf[n + 1, t]],
    ["F", "S", sf[n, t]],
    ["F", "F", 1 - sf[n, t]],
Example #18
max_cdf = np.empty((20, s))
max_pmf = np.empty((20, s))

for n in range(1, 21):
    max_cdf[(n - 1), :] = cdf**n
    max_pmf[(n - 1), 0] = max_cdf[(n - 1), 0]
    max_pmf[(n - 1), 1:] = max_cdf[(n - 1), 1:] - max_cdf[(n - 1), :-1]

sf = np.column_stack([np.zeros(20), 1 - max_cdf])

# Chain model
# A -> B -> C
n = 6
t = s - 3
distA = pm.DiscreteDistribution({
    "F": max_cdf[n - 1, t],
    "S": 1 - max_cdf[n - 1, t]

cpd = [
    ["F", "F", max_cdf[n - 1, t]],
    ["F", "S", 1 - max_cdf[n - 1, t]],
    ["S", "F", max_cdf[n, t]],
    ["S", "S", 1 - max_cdf[n, t]],

distB_A = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cpd, [distA])
distC_B = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cpd, [distB_A])
# distD_C = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cpd, [distC_B])

A = pm.Node(distA, name="A")
B = pm.Node(distB_A, name="B")
Example #19
def modele_jours_type(df, df_gens):
    #Va renvoyer les modèles associés au type de jour (domicile travail, domicile travail loisirs), le nombre de loisir par jour, le moment de ces loisirs, ect
    data_journee = pd.DataFrame()
    data_journee = df.copy()
    typjour = [name for name, f in fb.__dict__.items() if callable(f)]
    dic_tranchlois = {}
    dic_nblois = {}
    dic_parklois = {}
    dic_dureelois = {}
    dic_retourdom = {}

    data_journee.loc[:, 'V2_MORIHDEP'] = pd.to_timedelta(
        data_journee['V2_MORIHDEP'], errors='coerce')
    data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'] = list(
        zip(data_journee['V2_MMOTIFDES'], data_journee['V2_MORIHDEP']))
    data_journee = data_journee.sort_values([
        'IDENT_IND', 'V2_MORIHDEP'
                ])['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(lambda x: list(x)).reset_index()
    nb_profil_mob = [
            ['MOTIF_HDEP'].values) for name, f in fb.__dict__.items()
        if callable(f)
    nb_profil_mob = [x / sum(nb_profil_mob) for x in nb_profil_mob]
    profil_mob = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
            zip([name for name, f in fb.__dict__.items() if callable(f)],
    #    print(profil_mob)

    data_typjour = pd.DataFrame()
    data_typjour = df.copy()
    data_typjour.loc[:, 'V2_MORIHDEP'] = pd.to_timedelta(
        data_typjour['V2_MORIHDEP'], errors='coerce')
    data_typjour['LIMOTIF'] = list(data_typjour['V2_MMOTIFDES'])
    data_typjour = data_typjour.sort_values([
        'IDENT_IND', 'V2_MORIHDEP'
                ])['LIMOTIF'].apply(lambda x: list(x)).reset_index()

    #On calcule différents paramètres dont on aura besoin pour modéliser les jours (une partie nombre loisirs/individu, type de jour, catégorisation des loisirs par leur tranche horaire)

    data_typjour['NBLOIS'] = data_typjour['LIMOTIF'].apply(compter_lois)

    data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR'] = data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(trier_jour)

    data_typjour['NBLOIS_MAT'] = data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(
    data_typjour['NBLOIS_MIDI'] = data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(
    data_typjour['NBLOIS_SOIR'] = data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(
    data_typjour['NBLOIS_GRANDPARK'] = data_typjour['LIMOTIF'].apply(
    data_typjour['NBLOIS_PETITPARK'] = data_typjour['LIMOTIF'].apply(
    tranche_hor_lois = ['NBLOIS_MAT', 'NBLOIS_MIDI', 'NBLOIS_SOIR']
    data_typjour['RETDOM'] = data_typjour['LIMOTIF'].apply(retour_maison)
    #bout de code permettant d'afficher un histogramme de répartition des trajets de loisir dans la journée en fonction du type de jour

    #    data_typjour['LOIS_HIST'] = data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(hist_lois)
    #    arr_hist = data_typjour[data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR']=='domtravailloisirs']['LOIS_HIST'].values
    #    hist_tot = np.zeros(24*2)
    #    for x in arr_hist:
    #        hist_tot = hist_tot + x
    #    plt.bar(np.arange(24*2), hist_tot/sum(hist_tot))

    #Calcule les probas de loisirs selon les tranches horaires pour chaque type de jour
    for typ in typjour:
        if "loisirs" in typ:
            nb_tranchlois = [
                data_typjour[data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR'] == typ][x].sum()
                for x in tranche_hor_lois
            #            print(nb_tranchlois)
            nb_tranchlois = [x / sum(nb_tranchlois) for x in nb_tranchlois]
            dic_tranchlois[typ] = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
                dict(zip([x for x in tranche_hor_lois], nb_tranchlois)))

    #Calcule les probas du nombre de loisirs pour chaque type de jour
    for typ in typjour:
        if "loisirs" in typ:
            nb_lois = data_typjour[data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR'] ==
            nb_lois = nb_lois.drop(nb_lois[nb_lois < 0.005].index)
            dic_nblois[typ] = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
                dict(zip(nb_lois.index, nb_lois.values / nb_lois.sum())))
#            print(dic_nblois[typ])
#    print(profil_lois_domlois)

#Calcule la proportion de loisir avec petit ou grand parking pour chaque type de jour. la répartition est toujours 2/3 petits parking 1/3 grand quelque soit le type de jour
    for typ in typjour:
        if "loisirs" in typ:
            nb_parklois = [
                data_typjour[data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR'] == typ][x].sum()
                for x in park_lois
            nb_parklois = [x / sum(nb_parklois) for x in nb_parklois]
            dic_parklois[typ] = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
                dict(zip(['gpark', 'ppark'], nb_parklois)))

    #Calcule la durée du loisir en fonction de son parking et dy type de jour. C'est selon une loi exponentielle pour les petits parkings et une log normale pour les grands parkings
    df_dureelois = df[['IDENT_IND', 'V2_DURACT', 'V2_MMOTIFDES'
                       ]].merge(data_typjour[['IDENT_IND', 'TYPE_JOUR']],
    for i, typ in enumerate(typjour):
        if "loisirs" in typ:
            dic_dureelois[typ] = {}
            dur_ppark = df_dureelois[
                (df_dureelois['TYPE_JOUR'] == typ)
                & (df_dureelois['V2_MMOTIFDES'].apply(est_petit_parking)) &
                (df_dureelois['V2_DURACT'] > 0) &
                (df_dureelois['V2_DURACT'] < 301)]['V2_DURACT']
            dur_gpark = df_dureelois[
                (df_dureelois['TYPE_JOUR'] == typ)
                & (df_dureelois['V2_MMOTIFDES'].apply(est_grand_parking)) &
                (df_dureelois['V2_DURACT'] > 0) &
                (df_dureelois['V2_DURACT'] < 301)]['V2_DURACT']
            prob_gpark = pg.LogNormalDistribution(0, 1)
            #            plt.figure(2*i)
            #            n = plt.hist(dur_gpark.values, density=True, bins=60)
            #            plt.plot(n[1], prob_gpark.probability(n[1]))
            dic_dureelois[typ]['gpark'] = prob_gpark
            prob_ppark = pg.ExponentialDistribution(1)
            #            plt.figure(2*i+1)
            #            n = plt.hist(dur_ppark.values, density=True, bins=60)
            #            plt.plot(n[1], prob_ppark.probability(n[1]))
            dic_dureelois[typ]['ppark'] = prob_ppark

#    data_typjour=data_typjour.merge(df_gens[['IDENT_IND','V1_BTRAVT','V1_BTRAVHS','SITUA']], left_on='IDENT_IND', right_on='IDENT_IND', how='left')

    df_sortie = df.merge(data_typjour[['IDENT_IND', 'TYPE_JOUR', 'RETDOM']],
    #    print(data_typjour[data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR']==''])

    for typ in typjour:
        if 'loisirs' in typ:
            dat = data_typjour[data_typjour['TYPE_JOUR'] == typ]['RETDOM']
            taux_retour = dat.sum() / dat[dat == 0].count()
            dic_retourdom[typ] = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
                dict(zip([1, 0], [taux_retour, 1 - taux_retour])))
    return profil_mob, dic_nblois, dic_tranchlois, dic_parklois, dic_dureelois, df_sortie
Example #20
    def __init__(self, map_manager, agent_type, sampling=False):
        self.__map_manager = map_manager
        self.__position = None
        self.__percept = None
        self.__action_map = None
        self.__target_threshold = 0.3
        self.__max_prob_dir = None

        # target dot products
        self.__target_dots = [None] * action.Action.num_actions

        # Random variables marked as true will be considered in the bayesian net
        self._considered = {
            'target': True,
            'danger': True,
            'obstruction': True,
            'visibility': True,
            'hider': True,
            'seeker': True,
            'blockage': True

        if agent_type == agent.AgentType.Seeker:
            self._considered['danger'] = False

        self.__sampling = sampling

        # Probability distributions

        self.__d_direction = [
                'T': 0.5,
                'F': 0.5
            }) for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
        self.__s_direction = [
            pm.State(self.__d_direction[i], name='direction_' + str(i))
            for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        # Random vars, probability distributions and state vars of considered variables
        # in the bayesian net
        if self._considered['target']:
            self.__r_target = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_target = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__s_target = None

        if self._considered['danger']:
            self.__r_danger = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_danger = [
                    [['T', '0', 0.99], ['T', '1', 0.01], ['F', '0', 0.5],
                     ['F', '1', 0.5]], [self.__d_direction[i]])
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
            self.__s_danger = [
                pm.State(self.__d_danger[i], name='danger_' + str(i))
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        if self._considered['obstruction']:
            self.__r_obstruction = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_obstruction = [
                    [['T', '0', 0.001], ['T', '1', 0.003], ['T', '2', 0.006],
                     ['T', '3', 0.99], ['F', '0', 1. / 4], ['F', '1', 1. / 4],
                     ['F', '2', 1. / 4], ['F', '3', 1. / 4]],
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
            self.__s_obstruction = [
                pm.State(self.__d_obstruction[i], name='obstruction_' + str(i))
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        if self._considered['visibility']:
            self.__r_visibility = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_visibility = [
                    [['T', '0', 0.001], ['T', '1', 0.003], ['T', '2', 0.006],
                     ['T', '3', 0.99], ['F', '0', 1. / 4], ['F', '1', 1. / 4],
                     ['F', '2', 1. / 4], ['F', '3', 1. / 4]],
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
            self.__s_visibility = [
                pm.State(self.__d_visibility[i], name='visibility_' + str(i))
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        cpt_a = [['T', '0', 0.9], ['T', '1', 0.066], ['T', '2', 0.033],
                 ['F', '0', 1. / 3], ['F', '1', 1. / 3], ['F', '2', 1. / 3]]

        cpt_b = [['T', '0', 0.9], ['T', '1', 0.077], ['T', '2', 0.022],
                 ['F', '0', 1. / 3], ['F', '1', 1. / 3], ['F', '2', 1. / 3]]

        target_cpt = None

        if self._considered['hider']:
            if agent_type == agent.AgentType.Hider:
                target_cpt = cpt_a
            elif agent_type == agent.AgentType.Seeker:
                target_cpt = cpt_b
            self.__r_hider = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_hider = [
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
            self.__s_hider = [
                pm.State(self.__d_hider[i], name='hider_' + str(i))
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        if self._considered['seeker']:
            if agent_type == agent.AgentType.Hider:
                target_cpt = cpt_b
            elif agent_type == agent.AgentType.Seeker:
                target_cpt = cpt_a
            self.__r_seeker = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_seeker = [
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
            self.__s_seeker = [
                pm.State(self.__d_seeker[i], name='seeker_' + str(i))
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        if self._considered['blockage']:
            self.__r_blockage = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
            self.__d_blockage = [
                    [['T', '0', 0.999999], ['T', '1', 0.000001],
                     ['F', '0', 0.5], ['F', '1', 0.5]],
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)
            self.__s_blockage = [
                pm.State(self.__d_blockage[i], name='blockage_' + str(i))
                for i in range(action.Action.num_actions)

        # State objects(for pomegranate) library which hold both the distribution as well as name
        self.__model = None
        self.__inferred_results = None
        self.__direction_probs = [None] * action.Action.num_actions
        self.__direction_dist = None
Example #21
 def get_discrete_distribution(self):
     out = pg.DiscreteDistribution(self._rows.get_dict())
     return out
Example #22
    def export_pom(self):
        pomegranate BN Model based on given DAG.
        Assume my "sort" function correctly returns a list where
        children are allways ranked higher than parents
        s = self.sort_nodes(l=list(self.nds.values()))
        model = pm.BayesianNetwork("DIY_GRN")

        # Convert Top Level nodes to Discrete distributions
        top = [i for i in s if len(i.par) == 0]
        topStates = {}

        for n in top:
            pr = n.cpt['Prob'].to_dict()
            va = n.cpt[n.idx].to_dict()
            dist = {}
            for v in va.keys():
                dist[va[v]] = pr[v]

            dist = pm.DiscreteDistribution(dist)
            state = pm.Node(dist, name="G" + str(n.idx))

            topStates["G" + str(n.idx)] = state

        # Convert Depent Nodes to Conditional Distributions
        dep = [i for i in s if len(i.par) != 0]
        depStates = {}

        for n in dep:

            # Convert floats cpt outcome levels to integers if needed
            if isinstance(n.cpt.iloc[0, 0], np.int64):
                cpt = [fl(l) for l in n.cpt.values.tolist()]

                cpt = n.cpt.values.tolist()

            # Vector of ID for each parent
            par_id = ["G" + str(i.idx) for i in n.par]

            # Validate that all parents have been processed
            for p in par_id:
                if (not p in topStates.keys()) and (not p in depStates.keys()):
                    print("Problem with parent:", p, "of node:", n.idx)
                    return [topStates, depStates]

            # Get all parents found in the topStates dict
            par = [topStates[i] for i in par_id if i in topStates.keys()]

            # Add all parents in the depStates dict
            par = par + [depStates[i] for i in par_id if i in depStates.keys()]

            cpt = pm.ConditionalProbabilityTable(cpt,
                                                 [p.distribution for p in par])

            state = pm.Node(cpt, name="G" + str(n.idx))
            depStates["G" + str(n.idx)] = state

            # Add node to model

            # Add edges from parent to this node
            for p in par:
                model.add_edge(p, state)

        # Assemble and "Bake" model
        return (topStates, depStates, model)
Example #23
#Evaluer la journée type avec map filter
data_journee = data_filt.copy()
                 'V2_MORIHDEP'] = pd.to_timedelta(data_journee['V2_MORIHDEP'],
data_journee['MOTIF_HDEP'] = list(
    zip(data_journee['V2_MMOTIFDES'], data_journee['V2_MORIHDEP']))
data_journee = data_journee.sort_values(['IDENT_IND', 'V2_MORIHDEP']).groupby(
    ['IDENT_IND'])['MOTIF_HDEP'].apply(lambda x: list(x)).reset_index()
nb_profil_mob = [
    for name, f in fb.__dict__.items() if callable(f)
nb_profil_mob = [x / sum(nb_profil_mob) for x in nb_profil_mob]
profil_mob = pg.DiscreteDistribution(
        zip([name for name, f in fb.__dict__.items() if callable(f)],

li_prob = []

(trav_matin_dist, trav_matin_quartdist) = pm.probparam(data_filt, 5, 11, 9)
(dom_midi_dist, dom_midi_quartdist) = pm.probparam(data_filt, 11, 14, 1)
(trav_aprem_dist, trav_aprem_quartdist) = pm.probparam(data_filt, 12, 15, 9)
(dom_soir_dist, dom_soir_quartdist) = pm.probparam(data_filt, 15, 21, 1)

li_prob.append(pm.probparam(data_filt, 5, 11, 9))
li_prob.append(pm.probparam(data_filt, 11, 14, 1))
li_prob.append(pm.probparam(data_filt, 12, 15, 9))
li_prob.append(pm.probparam(data_filt, 15, 21, 1))
Example #24
B = np.array([[1, 0], [0.8, 0.2], [0, 1]])  # matrice d'émission temporaire

dicoObs = {
    'sun': 0,
    'rain': 1
}  # pour transformer les chaines en entier (0,1 et 2)
dicoState = {'c.sky': 0, 'cloudy': 1, 'v.cloudy': 2}

## Creation de la chaine de Markov
model = pg.HiddenMarkovModel(name="partie 2")  # Creation instance
# Matrice d'emission

# Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
sunny = pg.State(pg.DiscreteDistribution({
    'sun': B[0, 0],
    'rain': B[0, 1]

# Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
cloudy = pg.State(pg.DiscreteDistribution({
    'sun': B[1, 0],
    'rain': B[1, 1]

# Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
v_cloudy = pg.State(pg.DiscreteDistribution({
    'sun': B[2, 0],
    'rain': B[2, 1]
Example #25
start_probability = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
T = np.array([[0.6,0.4],[0.3,0.7]])                # Matrice de transition temporaire

B = np.array([[0.1,0.4,0.5],[0.6,0.3,0.1]])        # matrice d'émission temporaire

dicoObs={'fine': 0 ,'moyenne':1, 'epaisse':2}        # pour transformer les chaines en entier (0,1 et 2)
dicoState={'cold':0 ,'hot':1}

## Creation de la chaine de Markov
model = pg.HiddenMarkovModel( name="partie 3" )      # Creation instance
# Matrice d'emission

# Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
cold = pg.State( pg.DiscreteDistribution({ 'fine': B[0,0],'moyenne': B[0,1],'epaisse':B[0,2]}), name='cold' )

# Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
hot = pg.State( pg.DiscreteDistribution({ 'fine': B[1,0],'moyenne': B[1,1],'epaisse':B[1,2]}), name='hot' )

# Matrice de transition
model.add_transitions(model.start,[cold,hot],[0.5, 0.5])  # Probs initiales 
model.add_transitions(cold, [cold,hot],[T[0,0],T[0,1]])     # transitions depuis sunny
model.add_transitions(hot,  [cold,hot],[T[1,0],T[1,1]])     # transition depuis rainy

model.add_transition( model.start, cold, start_probability[0] )       
model.add_transition( model.start, hot, start_probability[1] )   
Example #26
def decode_sequence(probs=None,
                    params=dict(n=5, t=.8),
    Once a model outputs probabilities for some sequence of data, that
    data shall be passed to this method. This method will use various
    ways to decode an underlying sequence in order to determine where
    the *actual* canned laughter was.
    possible algorithms to decode sequence:
        - 'neural'
          surround-n-gram neural network: this method will use a pretrained
          Keras model to label some sample i using the multiclass probabilities
          of all of the samples numbered [i-n, i-n+1, ... i, i+1, ..., i+n],
          i.e., n before and n afterwards.
        - 'hmm'
          HMM: this method will use a hidden Markov model with underlying
               states that are the same as surface states (the two state spaces
               for hidden and observed are equivalent).
               uses Viterbi to decode the underlying state sequence.
               requires a params to be passed as dict(c=DiscreteDistribution)
               where c is a class (label) and DiscreteDistribution is an
               instance of emission probabilities created using `pomegranate`,
               for each such class c (0, 1, 2, ...)
        - 'threshold'
          window and threshold method: this is simple heuristic-based method
          that will observe windows of length n, and if the average probability
          of any single class is at least t, it will assign that same
          class to all of the samples in that window. imagine a threshold of
          0.9, then it is intuitively likely if few of the samples are labeled
          with some other class, they may have been accidentally so-labeled.
        - 'modethreshold'
          like 'threshold' but instead of considering avg probability, it
          considers what percentage of labels are a particular class and if
          that surpasses a threshold, then all labels are made that same label
        probs: an nparray of (n_samples, n_classes) probabilities such that
               foreach sample, the sum of probabilities across classes adds up
               to 1. In case supplied array is of shape (n_samples,) it will be
               converted to multiclass using this module's
               _binary_probs_to_multiclass method

        return: a list of len n_samples, with the ith sample being the
                predicted label of that sample. this prediction would usually
                also incorporate somehow the samples before and after the
                current sample
    color.INFO('INFO', 'shape of input probs is: {}'.format(probs.shape))
    if probs.shape[-1] == 1:
        probs = _binary_probs_to_multiclass(probs)

    color.INFO('INFO', 'received probs of shape {}'.format(str(probs.shape)))
    if algorithm == 'threshold':
        n, t = params['n'], params['t']
        labels = [np.argmax(timechunk) for timechunk in probs]

        for i in range(len(probs) - n + 1):
            # print(np.average(probs[i:i+n], axis=0)[0],
            #       np.average(probs[i:i+n], axis=0)[1])
            for c in range(probs.shape[-1]):
                avg = np.average(probs[i:i + n], axis=0)[c]
                if avg >= t:
                    # color.INFO('DEBUG',
                    #            'found threshold window of {} at [{}:{}] for class {}'.format(avg, i, i+n, c))
                    labels[i:i + n] = [c for _ in range(n)]

        return labels

    elif algorithm == 'hmm' or algorithm == 'viterbi':
        # define default emission probabilities
        default = {
            0: pmgt.DiscreteDistribution({
                '0': 0.7,
                '1': 0.3
            1: pmgt.DiscreteDistribution({
                '0': 0.2,
                '1': 0.8

        states = []
        for c in [*range(probs.shape[-1])]:
            state = pmgt.State(params.get(c, default[c]), name=str(c))
            states += [state]

        model = pmgt.HiddenMarkovModel('laugh-decoder')

        if 'transitions' in params:
            # start must always go to state 0
            model.add_transitions([model.start, states[0]],
                                  [states[0], model.end], [1., .1])
            model.add_transitions([states[0], states[0], states[1], states[1]],
                                  [states[0], states[1], states[0], states[1]],
                                  [.5, .4, .2, .8])

        # if verbose:
        #     model.plot() # plotting is weird

        labels = [str(np.argmax(entry)) for entry in probs]
        labels = model.predict(sequence=labels, algorithm='viterbi')
        return labels[1:-1]

        raise NotImplementedError
Example #27
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image
import itertools as it
import pomegranate as pom
import pygraphviz
import tempfile

F = 'Fraud'
T = 'Travel'
OD = 'OwnsDevice'
FP = 'ForeignPurchase'
OP = 'OnlinePurchase'

travelDist = pom.DiscreteDistribution({False: 0.05, True: 0.95})

foreignPurchaseDist = pom.ConditionalProbabilityTable(
    [[False, False, 0.9999], [False, True, 0.0001], [True, False, 0.12],
     [True, True, 0.88]], [travelDist])

ownsDeviceDist = pom.DiscreteDistribution({False: 0.3, True: 0.7})

onlinePurchaseDist = pom.ConditionalProbabilityTable(
    [[False, False, 0.9995], [False, True, 0.0005], [True, False, 0.60],
     [True, True, 0.40]], [ownsDeviceDist])

fraudDist = pom.ConditionalProbabilityTable(
    [[False, False, False, 0.25], [False, True, False, 0.15],
     [True, False, False, 0.20], [True, True, False, 0.0005],
     [False, False, True, 0.75], [False, True, True, 0.85],
     [True, False, True, 0.80], [True, True, True, 0.9995]],
    [onlinePurchaseDist, travelDist])
Example #28
    return " ".join(state.name for idx, state in path[1:])

def idx_from_path(path):
    return [idx for idx, state in path[1:]]

# make a sequence

seq = [np.array(np.random.rand(100) > 0.2, dtype=int)]

model = hmm(nstates=2)

nstates = 2
states = [pmg.DiscreteDistribution({
    0: 0.5,
    1: 0.5
}) for i in range(nstates)]
trans = np.ones((nstates, nstates)) / nstates
trans = np.random.rand(nstates, nstates)
for i in range(nstates):
    trans[i] = trans[i] / trans[i].sum()
model = pmg.HiddenMarkovModel().from_matrix(trans, states,
                                            np.ones(nstates) / nstates,


print model.fit(seq)

Example #29
start_probability = np.array([1, 0, 0])
T = np.array([[0.5 , 0.4 , 0.1],[0.3 , 0.4 , 0.3 ],[0.1 , 0.2 , 0.7 ]])                # Matrice de transition temporaire

B = np.array([[0.5 , 0.5],[0.25,0.75], [0.75, 0.25]])        # matrice d'émission temporaire

dicoObs={'pile': 0 ,'face':1}        # pour transformer les chaines en entier (0,1 et 2)
dicoState={'P1':0 ,'P2':1, 'P3':2}

## Creation de la chaine de Markov
model = pg.HiddenMarkovModel( name="partie 5" )      # Creation instance
# Matrice d'emission

# Creation etat beau temps et prob emission
p1 = pg.State( pg.DiscreteDistribution({ 'pile': B[0,0],'face': B[0,1]}), name='P1' )

p2 = pg.State( pg.DiscreteDistribution({ 'pile': B[1,0],'face': B[1,1]}), name='P2' )

p3 = pg.State( pg.DiscreteDistribution({ 'pile': B[2,0],'face': B[2,1]}), name='P3')

# Matrice de transition
model.add_transitions(model.start,[p1,p2,p3],[1, 0, 0])  # Probs initiales 
model.add_transitions(p1,  [p1,p2,p3],[T[0,0],T[0,1],T[0,2]])     # transitions depuis sunny
model.add_transitions(p2,  [p1,p2,p3],[T[1,0],T[1,1],T[1,2]])     # transition depuis rainy
model.add_transitions(p3,  [p1,p2,p3],[T[2,0],T[2,1],T[2,2]])     # transition depuis rainy

Example #30
 def get_root_state(self):
     if len(self._parents) != 0: raise ValueError('Not a root state')
     p = pg.DiscreteDistribution(self._rows.get_dict())
     out = pg.State(p, name=self._name)
     return out