Example #1
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.config = config
     self.pond = Pond()
     self.lilly_pads = []
     self.frogs = []
Example #2
 def test_get_frog_start_coords_returns_list_of_coordinates(self):
     # arrange
     pond = Pond()
     # act
     coord_list = pond.get_frog_start_coords()
     # assert
     assert type(coord_list) == list \
         and type(coord_list[0][0]) == float
Example #3
 def test_pond_has_circle_in_expected_position(self):
     # arrange
     radius = 5
     Pond.radius = radius
     # act
     pond = Pond()
     # assert
     assert pond.circle.centre_point == Point(radius, radius)
Example #4
 def gofishing(self):
     print '1.Add fish'
     print '2.catch fish'
     choice = input('enter your choice:')
     if choice == 1:
         pond = Pond()
         fish_add = pond.add(fish_name, fish_size, fish_id)
     elif choice == 2:
         pond = Pond()
         fishing = pond.catch()
Example #5
def map_sprites():

    global decorations
    decorations = pygame.sprite.Group()
    decorations.add(Pond(400, 325))
    decorations.add(Road_2(150, 0))
    decorations.add(Road_2(350, 0))
    decorations.add(Road_2(550, 0))
    decorations.add(Road_2(750, 0))
    decorations.add(Road(0, 75))
    decorations.add(Road(0, 375))
    decorations.add(Road(0, 675))
    decorations.add(Box(5, 5))
    decorations.add(Box(495, 20))
    decorations.add(Box(295, 320))
    decorations.add(Box(95, 130))
    decorations.add(Box(605, 320))
    decorations.add(Box(205, 620))
    decorations.add(Box(695, 430))
    decorations.add(Box(945, 620))
    decorations.add(Box(405, 730))
    decorations.add(Box(805, 745))
    decorations.add(Tower(0, 275))
    decorations.add(Tower(200, 125))
    decorations.add(Tower(950, 275))
    decorations.add(Tower(300, 575))
    decorations.add(Fan(700, 125))
    decorations.add(Fan(950, 125))
    decorations.add(Fan(0, 625))
    decorations.add(Fan(600, 625))
    decorations.add(Fan(300, 0))
    decorations.add(Fan(200, 750))
    decorations.add(Tree(400, 125))
    decorations.add(Tree(500, 625))
    decorations.add(Flower(405, 325))
    decorations.add(Flower(530, 325))
    decorations.add(Flower(465, 300))
    decorations.add(Flower(405, 460))
    decorations.add(Flower(530, 460))
    decorations.add(Flower(465, 480))
    decorations.add(Arrow(875, 25))
Example #6
    def read_pond_list_from_workbook(self, book):
        Opens the xlrd workbook and returns a list of Pond objects.
        @param book: an xlrd Workbook
        @return: list of Pond objects, storing the information in the workbook.
        @rtype: list
        nsheets = book.nsheets

        sheet_names = book.sheet_names()

        pond_data_workSheet = xlrd.book
        benthic_photo_data_workSheet = xlrd.book
        phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet = xlrd.book
        shape_data_sheet = xlrd.book

        if (nsheets < self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_SHEETS
            ):  #Pond, benthic, planktonic. Guide optional.
            raise IOError(
                "file format incorrect. Number of sheets less than expected")

        if (self.POND_DATA_SHEET_NAME in sheet_names
                and self.BENTHIC_PHOTO_DATA_SHEET_NAME in sheet_names
                and self.PHYTOPLANKTON_PHOTO_DATA_SHEET_NAME in sheet_names
                and self.SHAPE_DATA_SHEET_NAME in sheet_names):
            pond_data_workSheet = book.sheet_by_name(self.POND_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
            benthic_photo_data_workSheet = book.sheet_by_name(
            phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet = book.sheet_by_name(
            shape_data_sheet = book.sheet_by_name(self.SHAPE_DATA_SHEET_NAME)
            #Standard sheet names not detected. Attempting to read using sheet indices.
            pond_data_workSheet = book.sheet_by_index(
            benthic_photo_data_workSheet = book.sheet_by_index(
            phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet = book.sheet_by_name(
            shape_data_sheet = book.sheet_by_name(self.SHAPE_DATA_SHEET_INDEX)

        #Rows, Columns

        pond_data_workSheet_num_rows = pond_data_workSheet.nrows
        benthic_data_workSheet_num_rows = benthic_photo_data_workSheet.nrows
        phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet_num_rows = phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet.nrows
        shape_data_sheet_num_rows = shape_data_sheet.nrows

        #make all the objects!
        pond_list = [
        ]  #list of pond objects. The same water body on a different day counts as a separate "Pond"

        #Make Pond objects from pond_data sheet
        sheet = pond_data_workSheet
        num_rows = pond_data_workSheet_num_rows  #TODO: read until blank space encountered might be better.
        curr_row = self.DEFAULT_FIRST_DATA_ROW  #start at 1. row 0 is column headings
        while curr_row < num_rows:
            row = sheet.row(curr_row)

                row_year_value = row[self.yearIndex].value
                row_doy_value = row[self.dayOfYearIndex].value
                row_lakeID_value = row[self.lakeIDIndex].value
                row_kd_value = float(row[self.kd_index].value)
                row_noonlight_value = float(
                row_lod_value = float(row[self.length_of_day_index].value)
            except Exception as e:
                print str(e)
                print "Error: couldn't read values properly."

            #Do we need to make a pond object?
            pond = None
            pond = next(
                (i for i in pond_list
                 if (i.get_lake_id() == row_lakeID_value and i.get_day_of_year(
                 ) == row_doy_value and i.get_year() == row_year_value)), None
            )  #source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7125467/find-object-in-list-that-has-attribute-equal-to-some-value-that-meets-any-condi
            if pond is None:  #not in list. Must create Pond object
                emptyShape = BathymetricPondShape(
                    {})  #initialize with empty dict
                pond = Pond(row_year_value, row_lakeID_value, row_doy_value,
                            row_lod_value, row_noonlight_value, row_kd_value,
                            emptyShape, [], [], self.DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL)
            curr_row += 1

        #we made all the ponds. Time to add all the members

        #Shape data from shape_data sheet

        sheet = shape_data_sheet
        num_rows = shape_data_sheet_num_rows
        curr_row = self.DEFAULT_FIRST_DATA_ROW  #start at 1. row 0 is column headings
        while curr_row < num_rows:
            row = sheet.row(curr_row)

            row_lakeID_value = row[self.shape_ID_index].value
            row_depth_value = float(row[self.shape_depth_index].value)
            row_area_value = float(row[self.shape_area_index].value)

            row_dict = {row_depth_value: row_area_value}
            row_shape = BathymetricPondShape(row_dict)

            #find the correct pond
            pond = None
            #             pond = next((i for i in pond_list if (i.get_lake_id()== row_lakeID_value )),None) #source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7125467/find-object-in-list-that-has-attribute-equal-to-some-value-that-meets-any-condi
            #             matchingPonds = filter(next((i for i in pond_list if (i.get_lake_id()== row_lakeID_value )),None), pond_list)
            for pond in pond_list:
                if (pond.get_lake_id() == row_lakeID_value):
                    pond.update_shape(row_shape)  #add to Pond

            #increment while loop to next row
            curr_row += 1

        #Benthic data

        sheet = benthic_photo_data_workSheet
        num_rows = benthic_data_workSheet_num_rows
        curr_row = self.DEFAULT_FIRST_DATA_ROW  #start at 1. row 0 is column headings
        while curr_row < num_rows:
            row = sheet.row(curr_row)

            row_year_value = row[self.yearIndex].value
            row_doy_value = row[self.dayOfYearIndex].value
            row_lakeID_value = row[self.lakeIDIndex].value
            row_light_penetration_proportion_value = float(
            row_pmax_value = float(row[self.benthic_pmax_index].value)
            row_ik_value = float(row[self.benthic_ik_index].value)

            #find the correct pond
            pond = None
            pond = next(
                (i for i in pond_list
                 if (i.get_lake_id() == row_lakeID_value and i.get_day_of_year(
                 ) == row_doy_value and i.get_year() == row_year_value)), None
            )  #source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7125467/find-object-in-list-that-has-attribute-equal-to-some-value-that-meets-any-condi
            if pond is None:  #something is terribly wrong
                raise FormatError(
                    "Something went wrong. Benthic Measurement with DOY " +
                    str(row_doy_value) + " and Lake ID " + row_lakeID_value +
                    " does not match to any Pond.")
                #TODO: handle this better.
                #create PhotoSynthesisMeasurement object using values specific to that benthic_measurement/row
                row_depth_value = pond.calculate_depth_of_specific_light_percentage(
                )  #convert from light proportions to depth in meters.

                benthic_measurement = BenthicPhotosynthesisMeasurement(
                    row_depth_value, row_pmax_value, row_ik_value)
                #add to Pond

            curr_row += 1
        #end of while loop

        #Phyto data
        sheet = phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet
        num_rows = phytoplankton_photo_data_sheet_num_rows
        curr_row = self.DEFAULT_FIRST_DATA_ROW  #start at 1. row 0 is column headings
        while curr_row < num_rows:
            row = sheet.row(curr_row)

            row_year_value = row[self.yearIndex].value
            row_doy_value = row[self.dayOfYearIndex].value
            row_lakeID_value = row[self.lakeIDIndex].value
            row_thermal_layer_value = row[self.phyto_thermal_layer_index].value
            row_depth_value = row[self.phyto_depth_index].value
            row_phyto_pmax_value = row[self.phyto_pmax_index].value
            row_alpha_value = row[self.phyto_alpha_index].value
            row_beta_value = row[self.phyto_beta_index].value

            #find the correct pond
            pond = None
            pond = next(
                (i for i in pond_list
                 if (i.get_lake_id() == row_lakeID_value and i.get_day_of_year(
                 ) == row_doy_value and i.get_year() == row_year_value)), None
            )  #source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7125467/find-object-in-list-that-has-attribute-equal-to-some-value-that-meets-any-condi
            if pond is None:  #something is terribly wrong
                raise FormatError(
                    "Something went wrong. Benthic Measurement with DOY " +
                    str(row_doy_value) + " and Lake ID " + row_lakeID_value +
                    " does not match to any Pond.")
                #create PhotoSynthesisMeasurement object using values specific to that benthic_measurement/row

                phyto_measurement = PhytoPlanktonPhotosynthesisMeasurement(
                    row_thermal_layer_value, row_depth_value,
                    row_phyto_pmax_value, row_alpha_value, row_beta_value)
                #add to Pond

            curr_row += 1

        return pond_list
def message_display(pond, text, dis, lenght=650, width=100):
    largeText = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 115)
    TextSurf, TextRect = text_objects(text, largeText)
    TextRect.center = (lenght, (width))
    dis.blit(TextSurf, TextRect)


if __name__ == '__main__':
    leftside_frogs_number = int(
        input('Enter number of frogs for the left side: '))
    rightside_frogs_number = int(
        input('Enter number of frogs for the right side: '))
    pond = Pond(leftside_frogs_number, rightside_frogs_number)
    dis = pygame.display.set_mode((1500, 500))
    dis.fill((0, 100, 255))
    pygame.display.set_caption('Frogs Riddle')

    print_pond_in_pygame(pond, dis)
    while not pond.is_arranged():
        print_pond_in_pygame(pond, dis)

message_display(pond, 'SOLVED!', dis)
message_display(pond, f'In {pond.steps_count} steps', dis, 650, 400)
Example #8
class FrogPond(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.pond = Pond()
        self.lilly_pads = []
        self.frogs = []

    def _set_constraints(self):
        # Pond
        Pond.radius = self.config.pond_radius

        # Frog
        Frog.min_range = self.config.frog_min_jump_distance
        Frog.max_range = self.config.frog_max_jump_distance

        # LillyPad
        LillyPad.min_radius = 2/100 * self.config.pond_radius
        LillyPad.max_radius = self.config.lilly_pad_radius_max_percentage_of_pond_size/100 * self.config.pond_radius

    def _choose_frog_start_point(self):
        point = random.choice(self.pond.get_frog_start_coords())
        return Point(point[0], point[1])

    def _choose_lilly_pad_position(self, pad_radius):
        min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = self.pond.circle.get_bounds()
        while True:
            x = random.uniform(min_x, max_x)
            y = random.uniform(min_y, max_y)
            pad = Circle(Point(x, y), pad_radius)
            if self.pond.lilly_pad_in_pond(pad) and not self._is_overlapping_current_lilly_pads(pad):
                return Point(x, y)

    def _is_overlapping_current_lilly_pads(self, circle):
        for lilly_pad in self.lilly_pads:
            if self._lilly_pads_overlap(circle, lilly_pad):
                return True
        return False

    def _lilly_pads_overlap(circle, lilly_pad):
        return circle.intersects_circle(lilly_pad.circle)

    def _choose_radius(min_radius, max_radius):
        return random.uniform(min_radius, max_radius)

    def _create_frog(self, num):
        position = self._choose_frog_start_point()
        radius = self._choose_radius(Frog.min_range, Frog.max_range)
        return Frog(position, radius, num)

    def _create_lilly_pad(self):
        radius = self._choose_radius(LillyPad.min_radius, LillyPad.max_radius)
        position = self._choose_lilly_pad_position(radius)
        return LillyPad(position, radius)

    def _create_centre_lilly_pad(self):
        position = self.pond.circle.centre_point
        radius = self._choose_radius(LillyPad.min_radius, LillyPad.max_radius)
        return LillyPad(position, radius, centre_pad=True)

    def create_all_frogs(self):
        for num in range(self.config.number_of_frogs_in_game):

    def create_all_lilly_pads(self):
        for num in range(self.config.number_of_lilly_pads_on_pond - 1):

    def get_frog_circles(self):
        return [frog.get_range_circle() for frog in self.frogs]

    def get_pond_circle(self):
        return self.pond.circle

    def get_centre_lilly_pad_circle(self):
        return self.lilly_pads[0].circle

    def get_lilly_pad_circles(self):
        return [pad.circle for pad in self.lilly_pads]