Example #1
def get_ball_ball_collision_coeffs_fast(rvw1, rvw2, s1, s2, mu1, mu2, m1, m2, g1, g2, R):
    """Get the quartic coeffs required to determine the ball-ball collision time (just-in-time compiled)

    - Speed comparison in pooltool/tests/speed/get_ball_ball_collision_coeffs.py
    c1x, c1y = rvw1[0, 0], rvw1[0, 1]
    c2x, c2y = rvw2[0, 0], rvw2[0, 1]

    if s1 == const.spinning or s1 == const.pocketed or s1 == const.stationary:
        a1x, a1y, b1x, b1y = 0, 0, 0, 0
        phi1 = utils.angle_fast(rvw1[1])
        v1 = np.linalg.norm(rvw1[1])

        u1 = (np.array([1,0,0], dtype=np.float64)
              if s1 == const.rolling
              else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw1, R)), -phi1))

        K1 = -0.5*mu1*g1
        cos_phi1 = np.cos(phi1)
        sin_phi1 = np.sin(phi1)

        a1x = K1*(u1[0]*cos_phi1 - u1[1]*sin_phi1)
        a1y = K1*(u1[0]*sin_phi1 + u1[1]*cos_phi1)
        b1x = v1*cos_phi1
        b1y = v1*sin_phi1

    if s2 == const.spinning or s2 == const.pocketed or s2 == const.stationary:
        a2x, a2y, b2x, b2y = 0., 0., 0., 0.
        phi2 = utils.angle_fast(rvw2[1])
        v2 = np.linalg.norm(rvw2[1])

        u2 = (np.array([1,0,0], dtype=np.float64)
              if s2 == const.rolling
              else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw2, R)), -phi2))

        K2 = -0.5*mu2*g2
        cos_phi2 = np.cos(phi2)
        sin_phi2 = np.sin(phi2)

        a2x = K2*(u2[0]*cos_phi2 - u2[1]*sin_phi2)
        a2y = K2*(u2[0]*sin_phi2 + u2[1]*cos_phi2)
        b2x = v2*cos_phi2
        b2y = v2*sin_phi2

    Ax, Ay = a2x-a1x, a2y-a1y
    Bx, By = b2x-b1x, b2y-b1y
    Cx, Cy = c2x-c1x, c2y-c1y

    a = Ax**2 + Ay**2
    b = 2*Ax*Bx + 2*Ay*By
    c = Bx**2 + 2*Ax*Cx + 2*Ay*Cy + By**2
    d = 2*Bx*Cx + 2*By*Cy
    e = Cx**2 + Cy**2 - 4*R**2

    return a, b, c, d, e
Example #2
def evolve_slide_state(rvw, R, m, u_s, u_sp, g, t):
    if t == 0:
        return rvw

    # Angle of initial velocity in table frame
    phi = utils.angle_fast(rvw[1])

    rvw_B0 = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(rvw.T, -phi).T

    # Relative velocity unit vector in ball frame
    u_0 = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw, R)), -phi)

    # Calculate quantities according to the ball frame. NOTE w_B in this code block
    # is only accurate of the x and y evolution of angular velocity. z evolution of
    # angular velocity is done in the next block

    rvw_B = np.empty((3,3), dtype=np.float64)
    rvw_B[0,0] = rvw_B0[1,0]*t - 0.5*u_s*g*t**2 * u_0[0]
    rvw_B[0,1] = -0.5*u_s*g*t**2 * u_0[1]
    rvw_B[0,2] = 0
    rvw_B[1,:] = rvw_B0[1] - u_s*g*t*u_0
    rvw_B[2,:] = rvw_B0[2] - 5/2/R*u_s*g*t * utils.cross_fast(u_0, np.array([0,0,1], dtype=np.float64))

    # This transformation governs the z evolution of angular velocity
    rvw_B[2, 2] = rvw_B0[2, 2]
    rvw_B = evolve_perpendicular_spin_state(rvw_B, R, u_sp, g, t)

    # Rotate to table reference
    rvw_T = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(rvw_B.T, phi).T
    rvw_T[0] += rvw[0] # Add initial ball position

    return rvw_T
Example #3
def resolve_ball_cushion_collision(rvw, normal, R, m, h, e_c, f_c):
    """Inhwan Han (2005) 'Dynamics in Carom and Three Cushion Billiards'"""

    # orient the normal so it points away from playing surface
    normal = normal if np.dot(normal, rvw[1]) > 0 else -normal

    # Change from the table frame to the cushion frame. The cushion frame is defined by
    # the normal vector is parallel with <1,0,0>.
    psi = utils.angle_fast(normal)
    rvw_R = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(rvw.T, -psi).T

    # The incidence angle--called theta_0 in paper
    phi = utils.angle_fast(rvw_R[1]) % (2*np.pi)

    # Get mu and e
    e = get_ball_cushion_restitution(rvw_R, e_c)
    mu = get_ball_cushion_friction(rvw_R, f_c)

    # Depends on height of cushion relative to ball
    theta_a = np.arcsin(h/R - 1)

    # Eqs 14
    sx = rvw_R[1,0]*np.sin(theta_a) - rvw_R[1,2]*np.cos(theta_a) + R*rvw_R[2,1]
    sy = -rvw_R[1,1] - R*rvw_R[2,2]*np.cos(theta_a) + R*rvw_R[2,0]*np.sin(theta_a)
    c = rvw_R[1,0]*np.cos(theta_a) # 2D assumption

    # Eqs 16
    I = 2/5*m*R**2
    A = 7/2/m
    B = 1/m

    # Eqs 17 & 20
    PzE = (1 + e)*c/B
    PzS = np.sqrt(sx**2 + sy**2)/A

    if PzS <= PzE:
        # Sliding and sticking case
        PX = -sx/A*np.sin(theta_a) - (1+e)*c/B*np.cos(theta_a)
        PY = sy/A
        PZ = sx/A*np.cos(theta_a) - (1+e)*c/B*np.sin(theta_a)
        # Forward sliding case
        PX = -mu*(1+e)*c/B*np.cos(phi)*np.sin(theta_a) - (1+e)*c/B*np.cos(theta_a)
        PY = mu*(1+e)*c/B*np.sin(phi)
        PZ = mu*(1+e)*c/B*np.cos(phi)*np.cos(theta_a) - (1+e)*c/B*np.sin(theta_a)

    # Update velocity
    rvw_R[1,0] += PX/m
    rvw_R[1,1] += PY/m
    #rvw_R[1,2] += PZ/m

    # Update angular velocity
    rvw_R[2,0] += -R/I*PY*np.sin(theta_a)
    rvw_R[2,1] += R/I*(PX*np.sin(theta_a) - PZ*np.cos(theta_a))
    rvw_R[2,2] += R/I*PY*np.cos(theta_a)

    # Change back to table reference frame
    rvw = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(rvw_R.T, psi).T

    return rvw
Example #4
def get_ball_ball_collision_coeffs(rvw1, rvw2, s1, s2, mu1, mu2, m1, m2, g1, g2, R):
    """Get the quartic coeffs required to determine the ball-ball collision time"""
    c1x, c1y = rvw1[0, 0], rvw1[0, 1]
    c2x, c2y = rvw2[0, 0], rvw2[0, 1]

    if s1 in const.nontranslating:
        a1x, a1y, b1x, b1y = 0, 0, 0, 0
        phi1 = utils.angle_fast(rvw1[1])
        v1 = np.linalg.norm(rvw1[1])

        u1 = (np.array([1,0,0])
              if s1 == const.rolling
              else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw1, R)), -phi1))

        K1 = -0.5*mu1*g1
        cos_phi1 = np.cos(phi1)
        sin_phi1 = np.sin(phi1)

        a1x = K1*(u1[0]*cos_phi1 - u1[1]*sin_phi1)
        a1y = K1*(u1[0]*sin_phi1 + u1[1]*cos_phi1)
        b1x = v1*cos_phi1
        b1y = v1*sin_phi1

    if s2 in const.nontranslating:
        a2x, a2y, b2x, b2y = 0, 0, 0, 0
        phi2 = utils.angle_fast(rvw2[1])
        v2 = np.linalg.norm(rvw2[1])

        u2 = (np.array([1,0,0])
              if s2 == const.rolling
              else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw2, R)), -phi2))

        K2 = -0.5*mu2*g2
        cos_phi2 = np.cos(phi2)
        sin_phi2 = np.sin(phi2)

        a2x = K2*(u2[0]*cos_phi2 - u2[1]*sin_phi2)
        a2y = K2*(u2[0]*sin_phi2 + u2[1]*cos_phi2)
        b2x = v2*cos_phi2
        b2y = v2*sin_phi2

    Ax, Ay = a2x-a1x, a2y-a1y
    Bx, By = b2x-b1x, b2y-b1y
    Cx, Cy = c2x-c1x, c2y-c1y

    a = Ax**2 + Ay**2
    b = 2*Ax*Bx + 2*Ay*By
    c = Bx**2 + 2*Ax*Cx + 2*Ay*Cy + By**2
    d = 2*Bx*Cx + 2*By*Cy
    e = Cx**2 + Cy**2 - 4*R**2

    return a, b, c, d, e
Example #5
def get_ball_pocket_collision_coeffs_fast(rvw, s, a, b, r, mu, m, g, R):
    """Get the quartic coeffs required to determine the ball-pocket collision time (just-in-time compiled)

    - Speed comparison in pooltool/tests/speed/get_ball_circular_cushion_collision_coeffs.py

    if s == const.spinning or s == const.pocketed or s == const.stationary:
        return np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf

    phi = utils.angle_fast(rvw[1])
    v = np.linalg.norm(rvw[1])

    u = (np.array([1,0,0], dtype=np.float64)
         if s == const.rolling
         else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw, R)), -phi))

    K = -0.5*mu*g
    cos_phi = np.cos(phi)
    sin_phi = np.sin(phi)

    ax = K*(u[0]*cos_phi - u[1]*sin_phi)
    ay = K*(u[0]*sin_phi + u[1]*cos_phi)
    bx, by = v*cos_phi, v*sin_phi
    cx, cy = rvw[0, 0], rvw[0, 1]

    A = 0.5 * (ax**2 + ay**2)
    B = ax*bx + ay*by
    C = ax*(cx-a) + ay*(cy-b) + 0.5*(bx**2 + by**2)
    D = bx*(cx-a) + by*(cy-b)
    E = 0.5*(a**2 + b**2 + cx**2 + cy**2 - r**2) - (cx*a + cy*b)

    return A, B, C, D, E
Example #6
def get_ball_linear_cushion_collision_time(rvw, s, lx, ly, l0, p1, p2, mu, m, g, R):
    """Get the time until collision between ball and linear cushion segment"""
    if s in const.nontranslating:
        return np.inf

    phi = utils.angle_fast(rvw[1])
    v = np.linalg.norm(rvw[1])

    u = (np.array([1,0,0]
         if s == const.rolling
         else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw, R)), -phi)))

    cos_phi = np.cos(phi)

    ax = -0.5*mu*g*(u[0]*np.cos(phi) - u[1]*np.sin(phi))
    ay = -0.5*mu*g*(u[0]*np.sin(phi) + u[1]*np.cos(phi))
    bx, by = v*np.cos(phi), v*np.sin(phi)
    cx, cy = rvw[0, 0], rvw[0, 1]

    A = lx*ax + ly*ay
    B = lx*bx + ly*by
    C1 = l0 + lx*cx + ly*cy + R*np.sqrt(lx**2 + ly**2)
    C2 = l0 + lx*cx + ly*cy - R*np.sqrt(lx**2 + ly**2)

    root1, root2 = utils.quadratic_fast(A,B,C1)
    root3, root4 = utils.quadratic_fast(A,B,C2)
    roots = np.array([

    roots = roots[
        (abs(roots.imag) <= const.tol) & \
        (roots.real > const.tol)

    # All roots beyond this point are real and positive

    for i, root in enumerate(roots):
        rvw_dtau, _ = evolve_state_motion(s, rvw, R, m, mu, 1, mu, g, root)
        s_score = - np.dot(p1 - rvw_dtau[0], p2 - p1) / np.dot(p2 - p1, p2 - p1)
        if not (0 <= s_score <= 1):
            roots[i] = np.inf

    return roots.min() if len(roots) else np.inf
Example #7
def resolve_ball_ball_collision(rvw1, rvw2):
    """FIXME Instantaneous, elastic, equal mass collision"""

    r1, r2 = rvw1[0], rvw2[0]
    v1, v2 = rvw1[1], rvw2[1]

    v_rel = v1 - v2
    v_mag = np.linalg.norm(v_rel)

    n = utils.unit_vector_fast(r2 - r1)
    t = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(n, np.pi/2)

    beta = utils.angle_fast(v_rel, n)

    rvw1[1] = t * v_mag*np.sin(beta) + v2
    rvw2[1] = n * v_mag*np.cos(beta) + v2

    return rvw1, rvw2
Example #8
def get_ball_pocket_collision_coeffs(rvw, s, a, b, r, mu, m, g, R):
    """Get the quartic coeffs required to determine the ball-pocket collision time

    a : float
        The x-coordinate of the pocket's center
    b : float
        The y-coordinate of the pocket's center
    r : float
        The radius of the pocket's center
    mu : float
        The rolling or sliding coefficient of friction. Should match the value of s

    if s in const.nontranslating:
        return np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf

    phi = utils.angle_fast(rvw[1])
    v = np.linalg.norm(rvw[1])

    u = (np.array([1,0,0])
         if s == const.rolling
         else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw, R)), -phi))

    K = -0.5*mu*g
    cos_phi = np.cos(phi)
    sin_phi = np.sin(phi)

    ax = K*(u[0]*cos_phi - u[1]*sin_phi)
    ay = K*(u[0]*sin_phi + u[1]*cos_phi)
    bx, by = v*cos_phi, v*sin_phi
    cx, cy = rvw[0, 0], rvw[0, 1]

    A = 0.5 * (ax**2 + ay**2)
    B = ax*bx + ay*by
    C = ax*(cx-a) + ay*(cy-b) + 0.5*(bx**2 + by**2)
    D = bx*(cx-a) + by*(cy-b)
    E = 0.5*(a**2 + b**2 + cx**2 + cy**2 - r**2) - (cx*a + cy*b)

    return A, B, C, D, E
Example #9
def evolve_roll_state(rvw, R, u_r, u_sp, g, t):
    if t == 0:
        return rvw

    r_0, v_0, w_0 = rvw

    v_0_hat = utils.unit_vector_fast(v_0)

    r = r_0 + v_0 * t - 0.5*u_r*g*t**2 * v_0_hat
    v = v_0 - u_r*g*t * v_0_hat
    w = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(v/R, np.pi/2)

    # Independently evolve the z spin
    temp = evolve_perpendicular_spin_state(rvw, R, u_sp, g, t)

    w[2] = temp[2, 2]

    new_rvw = np.empty((3,3), dtype=np.float64)
    new_rvw[0,:] = r
    new_rvw[1,:] = v
    new_rvw[2,:] = w

    return new_rvw
Example #10
def cue_strike(m, M, R, V0, phi, theta, a, b):
    """Strike a ball
                              , - ~  ,
    ◎───────────◎         , '          ' ,
    │           │       ,             ◎    ,
    │      /    │      ,              │     ,
    │     /     │     ,               │ b    ,
    ◎    / phi  ◎     ,           ────┘      ,
    │   /___    │     ,            -a        ,
    │           │      ,                    ,
    │           │       ,                  ,
    ◎───────────◎         ,               '
      bottom cushion        ' - , _ , - 
                              playing surface

    m : positive float
        ball mass

    M : positive float
        cue mass

    R : positive, float
        ball radius

    V0 : positive float
        What initial velocity does the cue strike the ball?

    phi : float (degrees)
        The direction you strike the ball in relation to the bottom cushion

    theta : float (degrees)
        How elevated is the cue from the playing surface, in degrees?

    a : float
        How much side english should be put on? -1 being rightmost side of ball, +1 being
        leftmost side of ball

    b : float
        How much vertical english should be put on? -1 being bottom-most side of ball, +1 being
        topmost side of ball

    - This function creates unrealistic magnitudes of spin. To compensate, I've got a fake factor
      that scales down the passed a and b values, called pooltool.english_fraction


    a *= R*const.english_fraction
    b *= R*const.english_fraction

    phi *= np.pi/180
    theta *= np.pi/180

    I = 2/5 * m * R**2

    c = np.sqrt(R**2 - a**2 - b**2)

    # Calculate impact force F
    numerator = 2 * M * V0 # In Leckie & Greenspan, the mass term in numerator is ball mass,
                           # which seems wrong. See https://billiards.colostate.edu/faq/cue-tip/force/
    temp = a**2 + (b*np.cos(theta))**2 + (c*np.cos(theta))**2 - 2*b*c*np.cos(theta)*np.sin(theta)
    denominator = 1 + m/M + 5/2/R**2 * temp
    F = numerator/denominator

    # 3D FIXME
    # v_B = -F/m * np.array([0, np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)])
    v_B = -F/m * np.array([0, np.cos(theta), 0])
    w_B = F/I * np.array([-c*np.sin(theta) + b*np.cos(theta), a*np.sin(theta), -a*np.cos(theta)])

    # Rotate to table reference
    rot_angle = phi + np.pi/2
    v_T = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(v_B, rot_angle)
    w_T = utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(w_B, rot_angle)

    return v_T, w_T
Example #11
def get_ball_linear_cushion_collision_time_fast(rvw, s, lx, ly, l0, p1, p2, direction, mu, m, g, R):
    """Get the time until collision between ball and linear cushion segment (just-in-time compiled)

    - Speed comparison in pooltool/tests/speed/get_ball_circular_cushion_collision_coeffs.py
    if s == const.spinning or s == const.pocketed or s == const.stationary:
        return np.inf

    phi = utils.angle_fast(rvw[1])
    v = np.linalg.norm(rvw[1])

    u = (np.array([1,0,0], dtype=np.float64)
         if s == const.rolling
         else utils.coordinate_rotation_fast(utils.unit_vector_fast(utils.get_rel_velocity_fast(rvw, R)), -phi))

    K = -0.5*mu*g
    cos_phi = np.cos(phi)
    sin_phi = np.sin(phi)

    ax = K*(u[0]*cos_phi - u[1]*sin_phi)
    ay = K*(u[0]*sin_phi + u[1]*cos_phi)
    bx, by = v*cos_phi, v*sin_phi
    cx, cy = rvw[0, 0], rvw[0, 1]

    A = lx*ax + ly*ay
    B = lx*bx + ly*by

    if direction == 0:
        C = l0 + lx * cx + ly * cy + R * np.sqrt(lx ** 2 + ly ** 2)
        root1, root2 = utils.quadratic_fast(A,B,C)
        roots = [root1, root2]
    elif direction == 1:
        C = l0 + lx * cx + ly * cy - R * np.sqrt(lx ** 2 + ly ** 2)
        root1, root2 = utils.quadratic_fast(A,B,C)
        roots = [root1, root2]
        C1 = l0 + lx * cx + ly * cy + R * np.sqrt(lx ** 2 + ly ** 2)
        C2 = l0 + lx * cx + ly * cy - R * np.sqrt(lx ** 2 + ly ** 2)
        root1, root2 = utils.quadratic_fast(A,B,C1)
        root3, root4 = utils.quadratic_fast(A,B,C2)
        roots = [root1, root2, root3, root4]

    min_time = np.inf
    for root in roots:
        if np.abs(root.imag) > const.tol:

        if root.real <= const.tol:

        rvw_dtau, _ = evolve_state_motion(s, rvw, R, m, mu, 1, mu, g, root)
        s_score = - np.dot(p1 - rvw_dtau[0], p2 - p1) / np.dot(p2 - p1, p2 - p1)

        if not (0 <= s_score <= 1):

        if root.real < min_time:
            min_time = root.real

    return min_time