def parse_data(self, page, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): xpath_keys = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.keys') xpath_units = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.units') xpath_column = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.column') tree = html.fromstring(page) location_name = self.load_location(selected_wios, station_id) keys = tree.xpath(xpath_keys) try: units = tree.xpath(xpath_units) except UnicodeDecodeError: # Swietokrzyskie unit encoding problem parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding="ISO-8859-1") tree2 = html.fromstring(page, parser=parser) units = tree2.xpath(xpath_units) column = tree.xpath(xpath_column) last_val_index = self.extract_last_value(column) result_map = {} # empty map if last_val_index is not None: for index, key in enumerate(keys): try: xpath_cols = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.cols') xpath = xpath_cols.format(last_val_index + 1, index + 1) hour = self.HOURS[last_val_index] unit = units[index] value = tree.xpath(xpath)[0].strip() result_map[key] = DataEntry(unit, '', hour, str(value)) except IndexError: # no data for given key, skipping pass return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)
def parse_data(self, page, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): xpath_keys = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.keys') xpath_units = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.units') xpath_column = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.column') tree = html.fromstring(page) location_name = self.load_location(selected_wios, station_id) keys = tree.xpath(xpath_keys) units = tree.xpath(xpath_units) column = tree.xpath(xpath_column) last_val_index = self.extract_last_value(column) result_map = {} # empty map if last_val_index is not None: for index, key in enumerate(keys): try: xpath_cols = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.cols') xpath = xpath_cols.format(last_val_index + 3, index + 2) hour = self.HOURS[last_val_index] unit = self.stringify_children(units[index]).replace( '[', '').replace(']', '') value = tree.xpath(xpath)[0].strip() fixed_key = key.split('-')[0] result_map[fixed_key] = DataEntry(unit, '', hour, str(value)) except IndexError: # no data for given key, skipping pass return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)
def parse_data(self, page, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): xpath_rows = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'xpath.rows') tree = html.fromstring(page) location_name = self.load_location('SL', station_id) rows = tree.xpath(xpath_rows) result_map = {} # empty map for row in rows[2:]: key = self.extract_key(row[self.PARAMETER_COLUMN].text_content()) if (key != None): unit = row[self.UNIT_COLUMN].text_content().strip() maxvalue = row[ self.MAXIMUM_FOR_GIVEN_UNIT_COLUMN].text_content().strip() if maxvalue == '-': maxvalue = '' striped_row = [i.text_content() for i in row[3:-1] ] # omit header elements and get plain numbers last_val_index = self.extract_last_value(striped_row) if last_val_index is not None: hour = self.HOURS[last_val_index] value = striped_row[last_val_index].strip() result_map[key] = DataEntry(unit, maxvalue, hour, str(value)) return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)
def parse_rows(self, rows, data_cols_range_start, data_cols_range_end, hour_shift): """ Parse table rows. :param rows: Rows to parse :param data_cols_range_start: start column that contains data (usualy 3, cause first two are substance and unit name) :param data_cols_range_end: (Eg. can be last (-1) or if we want to ommit 3 last columns then (-3) :param hour_shift: when two tables are available the second table contains data from eg. 18 hour, so we need hour index shift to have valid time :return: results map """ result_map = {} # empty map for row in rows[2:]: key = self.extract_key(row[self.PARAMETER_COLUMN].text_content()) unit = row[self.UNIT_COLUMN].text_content().strip() maxvalue = row[ self.MAXIMUM_FOR_GIVEN_UNIT_COLUMN].text_content().strip() if maxvalue == '-': maxvalue = '' striped_row = [ i.text_content() for i in row[data_cols_range_start:data_cols_range_end] ] # omit header elements and get plain numbers last_val_index = self.extract_last_value(striped_row) if last_val_index is not None: hour = self.HOURS[last_val_index + hour_shift] value = striped_row[last_val_index].strip() result_map[key] = DataEntry(unit, maxvalue, hour, str(value)) return result_map
def parse_data(self, page, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): tree = html.fromstring(page) location_name = self.load_location(selected_wios, station_id) xpath_data = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'parsers.xpath.data_row') xpath_label = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'parsers.xpath.label_row') data_cols = tree.xpath(xpath_data) labels_cols = tree.xpath(xpath_label) result_map = {} # empty map hour = strptime(data_cols[0], '%d.%m.%y\xa0\xa0\xa0%H:%M').tm_hour for index, data_cell in enumerate(data_cols[1:]): label = self.stringify_children(labels_cols[index + 1]) matcher = self.SUBSTANCE_AND_UNIT_REGEXP.match(label) substance_type = unit = # removing first character result_map[substance_type] = DataEntry( unit, "", hour, str(data_cell.replace(',', '.'))) return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)
def parse_data(self, page, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): # page is json json_data = json.loads(page) location_name = self.load_location(selected_wios, station_id) result_map = {} # empty map series = json_data['data']['series'] for serie in series: try: substance_type = serie['paramId'].upper() value = serie['data'][-1][1] hour = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(serie['data'][-1][0])).strftime('%H') unit = serie['unit'] result_map[substance_type] = DataEntry(unit, "", hour, str(value)) except IndexError: #value = serie['data'][-1][1] throws IndexError when no data for given substance, ignoring pass return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)
def parse_data(self, xml_data, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): root = etree.fromstring(xml_data) start_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(root.attrib['start_date'])) xpath_station = './/station[@name="{station}"]/.'.format( station=station_id) station_data_element = root.findall(xpath_station)[0] location_name = station_data_element.attrib['localisation'] result_map = {} # empty map for substance in station_data_element: substance_type = substance.attrib['type'] substance_values = substance.text.split('|') for index, element in reversed(list(enumerate(substance_values))): if element != '-999': hour = start_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=index) result_map[substance_type] = DataEntry( 'µg/m3', "", hour.strftime('%H'), str(element)) break return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)
def parse_data(self, page, station_id, selected_wios, wios_mapping): xpath_labels = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'parsers.xpath.label_row') xpath_data = wios_mapping.get(selected_wios, 'parsers.xpath.data_row') location_name = self.load_location('LD', station_id) tree = html.fromstring(page) labels_cols = tree.xpath(xpath_labels) data_cols = tree.xpath(xpath_data) result_map = {} # empty map hour = strptime(data_cols[0].xpath('span/b')[0].text, '%y.%m.%d %H:%M').tm_hour for index, data_cell in enumerate(data_cols[1:]): matcher = self.SUBSTANCE_AND_UNIT_REGEXP.match(labels_cols[index + 1].text) substance_type ='\u00c2', '').strip() unit =[1:] # removing first character try: value = data_cell.text.strip() result_map[substance_type] = DataEntry(unit, "", hour, str(value)) except ValueError: value = None return Data(result_map, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), location_name, station_id)