Example #1
def change_lang(request):
    Change current documentation language.
    lang = request.GET.get('lang_code', 'en')

    # By default, intend to redirect to the home page.
    response = redirect('/')

    # Needs to set the preferred language first in case the following code reads lang from portal_helper.
    portal_helper.set_preferred_language(request, response, lang)

    # Use the page the user was on, right before attempting to change the language.
    # If there is a known page the user was on, attempt to redirect to it's root contents.
    from_path = urllib.unquote(request.GET.get('path', None))

    if from_path:
        # Get which content the user was reading.
        content_id = request.GET.get('content_id')

        if content_id:
            # Get the proper version.
            docs_version = portal_helper.get_preferred_version(request)

            # Grabbing root_navigation to check if the current lang supports this book
            # It also makes sure that all_links_cache is ready.
            root_navigation = sitemap_helper.get_sitemap(docs_version, lang)

            if content_id in root_navigation:
                all_links_cache = cache.get(
                    sitemap_helper.get_all_links_cache_key(docs_version, lang),

                key = url_helper.link_cache_key(from_path)

                if all_links_cache and key in all_links_cache:
                    response = redirect(all_links_cache[key])
                    # There is no translated path. Use the first link in the contents instead
                    response = _redirect_first_link_in_contents(
                        request, docs_version, content_id)

        # If the user happens to be coming from the blog.
        elif from_path.startswith('/blog'):
            # Blog doesn't a content_id and translated version. Simply redirect back to the original path.
            response = redirect(from_path)

    portal_helper.set_preferred_language(request, response, lang)

    return response
def _transform_urls(version, sitemap, node, all_links_cache, language):
    all_node_links = []

    if sitemap and node:
        if 'link' in node and language in node['link']:
            transformed_path = node['link'][language]

            if not transformed_path.startswith('http'):
                # We only append the document root/version if this is not an absolute URL
                path_with_prefix = url_helper.append_prefix_to_path(
                    version, transformed_path)
                if path_with_prefix:
                    transformed_path = path_with_prefix

            if transformed_path:
                node['link'][language] = transformed_path


            if all_links_cache != None:
                key = url_helper.link_cache_key(transformed_path)
                all_links_cache[key] = transformed_path

        if 'sections' in node:
            for child_node in node['sections']:
                child_node_links = _transform_urls(version, sitemap,
                                                   child_node, all_links_cache,

        node['links'] = all_node_links
        if ('link' not in node or not node['link'][language]):
            # After we process the node's children, we check if the node has a default link.
            # If not, then we set the node's first link
            if len(all_node_links) > 0:
                node['link'] = {language: all_node_links[0]}

    return all_node_links