Example #1
	def find_portal_data(self, location):
		world = location.getWorld()

		#Coordinates are not always accurate, sometimes they are a block next to it. Check nearby blocks for portal.
		corner = find_portal_block(location, 2)
		if not corner:
			raise PortalException("Unable to find from portal")

		#Find the bottom of the portal.
		while world.getBlockAt(corner).getType() == Material.PORTAL:
			corner.subtract(0, 1, 0)
		if world.getBlockAt(corner).getType() != Material.OBSIDIAN:
			raise PortalException("Portal wasn't really a portal")

		#Find which way the portal is placed, and do final adjustments to the corner.
		if world.getBlockAt(corner.getBlockX()+1, corner.getBlockY()+1, corner.getBlockZ()).getType() == Material.PORTAL:
			direction = 0
			corner.subtract(1, 0, 0)
		elif world.getBlockAt(corner.getBlockX(), corner.getBlockY()+1, corner.getBlockZ()+1).getType() == Material.PORTAL:
			direction = 1
			corner.subtract(0, 0, 1)
		elif world.getBlockAt(corner.getBlockX()-1, corner.getBlockY()+1, corner.getBlockZ()).getType() == Material.PORTAL:
			direction = 0
			corner.subtract(2, 0, 0)
		elif world.getBlockAt(corner.getBlockX(), corner.getBlockY()+1, corner.getBlockZ()-1).getType() == Material.PORTAL:
			direction = 1
			corner.subtract(0, 0, 2)
			raise PortalException("Unable to find portal direction")

		return PortalCoordinates(world, location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch(), corner, direction)
Example #2
	def findPortal(self, location):
		print "findPortal"

		portal = find_portal_block(location, 2)

		if not portal:
			portal = None

		if portal:

		return portal