Example #1
def portal_info_plus():
    portal = Portal('http://portaldev.esri.com')
    print portal.info()
Example #2
def portal_info_plus():
    portal = Portal('http://portaldev.esri.com')
    print portal.info()
Example #3
def extract_portal(portaladdress, contentpath, adminuser, adminpassword,
    '''Extract Portal info and content for all specified users'''

    specifiedUsers = specifiedUsers.lower()
    excludeUsersList = []
    includeUsersList = []
    #if first character is a minus, then the "specifiedUsers" variable
    # contains a comma delimited string of the users to exclude from the extract
    if len(specifiedUsers) > 0:
        if specifiedUsers.find("-") == 0:
            specifiedUsers = specifiedUsers.replace("-", "", 1)
            excludeUsersList = specifiedUsers.split(",")
            includeUsersList = specifiedUsers.split(",")

    # Create root output folder if it doesn't exist.
    if not os.path.exists(contentpath):

    #Make Admin connection to portal and retrieve portal info
    portaladmin = Portal(portaladdress, adminuser, adminpassword)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Extract Portal Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    portal_properties = portaladmin.properties()

    print "\n- Extracting portal info ..."
    json.dump(portal_properties, open('portal_properties.json', 'w'))

    #Get portal featured items

    # get a list of portal resources
    resources = portaladmin.resources(portal_properties['id'])
    json.dump(resources, open('resources.json', 'w'))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Extract users, groups and items
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n- Extracting users, groups and items ..."

    usersList = []
    usersListAllNames = []

    # Get list of users on the source portal
    usersListAllNames_temp = portaladmin.users()

    # Remove any esri_ accounts from the list
    for u in usersListAllNames_temp:
        if not u["username"].startswith("esri_"):

    # Create list of users that we don't want to extract content for.
    # NOTE: specify user names in lowercase.
    userExcludeList = ["admin", "system_publisher", "administrator"]

    # If user has specified users to exclude from extract then add these
    # users to the exclude list
    if len(excludeUsersList) > 0:

    # Create output file to store username and fullname properties
    userfile = open(os.path.join(contentpath, 'userfile.txt'), 'w')

    # If only specific users should be extracted
    # then only keep those users in the user information dictionary
    if len(includeUsersList) > 0:
        for u in usersListAllNames:
            userName = u["username"]
            if userName.lower() in includeUsersList:
        usersList = usersListAllNames


    for u in usersList:
        userName = u["username"]
        if userName.lower() not in userExcludeList:
            users[str(userName)] = None
            userfile.write(userName + "," + userName + ",MyDefault4Password!" +

    for username in users.keys():
        # Create output folder if it doesn't exist
        extractpath = os.path.join(contentpath, username)
        if not os.path.exists(extractpath):

        print "\n" + sectionBreak
        print "Extracting content for user: " + username

        # Dump user info to json file
        userinfo = portaladmin.user(username)
        filepath = os.path.join(extractpath, 'userinfo.json')
        json.dump(userinfo, open(filepath, 'w'))

        # Extract folders for user
        extract_folders(portaladmin, extractpath, username)

        # Extract items owned by user
        extract_items(portaladmin, extractpath, username)

        # Extract groups owned by user
        extract_groups_from_user_info(portaladmin, userinfo, extractpath)
def extract_portal(portaladdress,contentpath,adminuser,adminpassword, specifiedUsers):
    '''Extract Portal info and content for all specified users'''
    specifiedUsers = specifiedUsers.lower()
    excludeUsersList = []
    includeUsersList = []
    #if first character is a minus, then the "specifiedUsers" variable
    # contains a comma delimited string of the users to exclude from the extract
    if len(specifiedUsers) > 0:
        if specifiedUsers.find("-") == 0:
            specifiedUsers = specifiedUsers.replace("-","",1)
            excludeUsersList = specifiedUsers.split(",")
            includeUsersList = specifiedUsers.split(",")
    # Create root output folder if it doesn't exist.
    if not os.path.exists(contentpath):
    #Make Admin connection to portal and retrieve portal info
    portaladmin = Portal(portaladdress, adminuser, adminpassword)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Extract Portal Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    portal_properties = portaladmin.properties()
    print "\n- Extracting portal info ..."
    json.dump(portal_properties, open('portal_properties.json','w'))
    #Get portal featured items
    # get a list of portal resources
    resources = portaladmin.resources(portal_properties['id'])
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Extract users, groups and items
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------       
    print "\n- Extracting users, groups and items ..."
    usersList = []
    usersListAllNames = []
    # Get list of users on the source portal
    usersListAllNames_temp = portaladmin.users()
    # Remove any esri_ accounts from the list
    for u in usersListAllNames_temp:
        if not u["username"].startswith("esri_"):
    # Create list of users that we don't want to extract content for.
    # NOTE: specify user names in lowercase.
    userExcludeList = ["admin", "system_publisher", "administrator"]
    # If user has specified users to exclude from extract then add these
    # users to the exclude list
    if len(excludeUsersList) > 0:
    # Create output file to store username and fullname properties
    userfile = open(os.path.join(contentpath,'userfile.txt'),'w')
    # If only specific users should be extracted
    # then only keep those users in the user information dictionary
    if len(includeUsersList) > 0:
        for u in usersListAllNames:
            userName = u["username"]
            if userName.lower() in includeUsersList:
        usersList = usersListAllNames
    for u in usersList:
        userName = u["username"]
        if userName.lower() not in userExcludeList:
            users[str(userName)] = None
            userfile.write(userName + "," + userName + ",MyDefault4Password!" + "\n")
    for username in users.keys():
        # Create output folder if it doesn't exist
        extractpath = os.path.join(contentpath, username)
        if not os.path.exists(extractpath):
        print "\n" + sectionBreak
        print "Extracting content for user: " + username
        # Dump user info to json file
        userinfo = portaladmin.user(username)
        filepath = os.path.join(extractpath, 'userinfo.json')
        json.dump(userinfo, open(filepath,'w'))

        # Extract folders for user
        extract_folders(portaladmin, extractpath, username)
        # Extract items owned by user
        extract_items(portaladmin, extractpath, username)
        # Extract groups owned by user
        extract_groups_from_user_info(portaladmin, userinfo, extractpath)
def publish_portal(portaladdress,contentpath,adminuser,adminpassword, users, hostname_map, specified_groups, id_mapping_file):
    portal_properties = json.load(open("portal_properties.json"))
    portaladmin = Portal(portaladdress, adminuser, adminpassword)
    print_script_header(portaladmin, portal_processing, users, specified_groups)

    # Create Portal log folder for this portal
    portalLogPath = os.path.join(contentpath, portalLogFolder, get_servername_from_url(portaladmin.url))
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get info about the groups on disk to filter items based on group membership
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get the groups on disk
    grps_on_disk = get_groups_on_disk(contentpath)
    # Validate that each specified group is valid
    if specified_groups:
        invalid_specified_groups = []
        for specified_group in specified_groups:
            found = False
            for grp in grps_on_disk.itervalues():
                if specified_group == grp:
                    found = True
            if not found:
        if len(invalid_specified_groups) > 0:
            print '\n***ERROR: the following specified groups do not exist; NOTE: group owner and group title must match exactly including case:\n'
            print invalid_specified_groups
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create users
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print titleBreak
    print 'Create users...\n'
    # Only create users if this is not an online organization
    if portaladmin.properties()['id'] == '0123456789ABCDEF': # All portals have this id.
        for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
           create_user(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo)
        print '\tThis is an online organization. Users must already have been created.'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create user folders
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print '\n'+ titleBreak
    print 'Create user folders...\n'
    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
       print '\nUser: '******'target_username']
       create_user_folders(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create groups and add users to groups
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Creating groups ...\n"
    oldGrpID_newGrpID = {}
    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
        newGroups = publish_user_groups(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo, users)
        for key,val in newGroups.iteritems():
            oldGrpID_newGrpID[key] = {'id': val}
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Publish Items and Update their sharing info
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Publishing items and setting sharing ..."
    print titleBreak
    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
        username = userinfo['target_username']
        password = userinfo['target_password']
        userfoldername = userinfo['username']
        # ---------------------------------------
        # Publish all the users' items
        # ---------------------------------------
        usercontentpath = os.path.join(contentpath, userfoldername)
        newItems, origItemSourceIDs = publish_user_items(portaladmin, username, usercontentpath, source_hostname,
                                new_hostname, new_port, specified_groups, id_mapping_file, grps_on_disk)
        # Dump info about new items to JSON to use for resetting IDs of related items
        dump_newItem_info(newItems, origItemSourceIDs, os.path.join(portalLogPath, username))
        # ---------------------------------------
        # Share the users' items with the
        # appropriate groups
        # ---------------------------------------
        userItemsPath = os.path.join(contentpath, userfoldername, "items")
        share_items(portaladmin, userItemsPath, newItems, origItemSourceIDs, originGroupToDestGroups)
    # Dump info about all items (old, new ids) into json
    json.dump(origIDToNewID, open('oldID_newID.json','w'))
    json.dump(oldGrpID_newGrpID, open('oldGrpID_newGrpID.json', 'w'))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Post publishing processing: Update URLs and item ids
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Update URLs and Item IDs..."
    print titleBreak + "\n"
    # Add the group ids to the dictionary of old/new ids

    # Create list of items to update
    # (exclude any items owned by esri_ accounts)
    items_all = portaladmin.search()
    items_to_update = []
    for item in items_all:
        if not item["owner"].startswith("esri_"):
    # Update
    update_post_publish(portaladmin, hostname_map, origIDToNewID, items_to_update)

    # Comment out: this functionality is now available out of the box
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # # Share items in default web apps template and default gallery
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # # Share the items in the default web apps template and
    # # default gallery template built-in group with the
    # # 'OpsServer' user 'AFMI Web Application Templates' and
    # # 'AFMI Gallery Templates'
    # print "\n" + sectionBreak
    # print "Share the items in the default web apps and gallery template groups..."
    # group_owner = 'OpsServer'
    # if users.get(group_owner):
    #     share_templates(portaladdress, users[group_owner]['target_username'], users[group_owner]['target_password'])
    # else:
    #     print "-Skipping...user {} was not created. Can perform same operation through portal 'Edit Settings'.".format(group_owner)

    print "\nDONE: Finished posting content to portal."
def publish_portal(portaladdress, contentpath, adminuser, adminpassword, users,
                   hostname_map, specified_groups, id_mapping_file):

    portal_properties = json.load(open("portal_properties.json"))
    portaladmin = Portal(portaladdress, adminuser, adminpassword)

    print_script_header(portaladmin, portal_processing, users,

    # Create Portal log folder for this portal
    portalLogPath = os.path.join(contentpath, portalLogFolder,

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get info about the groups on disk to filter items based on group membership
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get the groups on disk
    grps_on_disk = get_groups_on_disk(contentpath)

    # Validate that each specified group is valid
    if specified_groups:
        invalid_specified_groups = []
        for specified_group in specified_groups:
            found = False
            for grp in grps_on_disk.itervalues():
                if specified_group == grp:
                    found = True
            if not found:

        if len(invalid_specified_groups) > 0:
            print '\n***ERROR: the following specified groups do not exist; NOTE: group owner and group title must match exactly including case:\n'
            print invalid_specified_groups

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create users
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print titleBreak
    print 'Create users...\n'

    # Only create users if this is not an online organization
    if portaladmin.properties(
    )['id'] == '0123456789ABCDEF':  # All portals have this id.
        for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
            create_user(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo)
        print '\tThis is an online organization. Users must already have been created.'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create user folders
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print '\n' + titleBreak
    print 'Create user folders...\n'

    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
        print '\nUser: '******'target_username']
        create_user_folders(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create groups and add users to groups
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Creating groups ...\n"

    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
        newGroups = publish_user_groups(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo,

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Publish Items and Update their sharing info
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Publishing items and setting sharing ..."
    print titleBreak

    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():

        username = userinfo['target_username']
        password = userinfo['target_password']
        userfoldername = userinfo['username']

        # ---------------------------------------
        # Publish all the users' items
        # ---------------------------------------
        usercontentpath = os.path.join(contentpath, userfoldername)

        newItems, origItemSourceIDs = publish_user_items(
            portaladmin, username, usercontentpath, source_hostname,
            new_hostname, new_port, specified_groups, id_mapping_file,

        # Dump info about new items to JSON to use for resetting IDs of related items
        dump_newItem_info(newItems, origItemSourceIDs,
                          os.path.join(portalLogPath, username))

        # ---------------------------------------
        # Share the users' items with the
        # appropriate groups
        # ---------------------------------------
        userItemsPath = os.path.join(contentpath, userfoldername, "items")
        share_items(portaladmin, userItemsPath, newItems, origItemSourceIDs,

    # Dump info about all items (old, new ids) into json
    json.dump(origIDToNewID, open('oldID_newID.json', 'w'))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Post publishing processing: Update URLs and item ids
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Update URLs and Item IDs..."
    print titleBreak + "\n"
    update_post_publish(portaladmin, hostname_map, origIDToNewID)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Share items in default web apps template and default gallery
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Share the items in the default web apps template and
    # default gallery template built-in group with the
    # 'OpsServer' user 'AFMI Web Application Templates' and
    # 'AFMI Gallery Templates'
    print "\n" + sectionBreak
    print "Share the items in the default web apps and gallery template groups..."
    share_templates(portaladdress, users['OpsServer']['target_username'],

    print "\nDONE: Finished posting content to portal."
def publish_portal(portaladdress, contentpath, adminuser, adminpassword, users,
                   hostname_map, specified_groups, id_mapping_file):

    portal_properties = json.load(open("portal_properties.json"))
    portaladmin = Portal(portaladdress, adminuser, adminpassword)

    print_script_header(portaladmin, portal_processing, users,

    # Create Portal log folder for this portal
    portalLogPath = os.path.join(contentpath, portalLogFolder,

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get info about the groups on disk to filter items based on group membership
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get the groups on disk
    grps_on_disk = get_groups_on_disk(contentpath)

    # Validate that each specified group is valid
    if specified_groups:
        invalid_specified_groups = []
        for specified_group in specified_groups:
            found = False
            for grp in grps_on_disk.itervalues():
                if specified_group == grp:
                    found = True
            if not found:

        if len(invalid_specified_groups) > 0:
            print '\n***ERROR: the following specified groups do not exist; NOTE: group owner and group title must match exactly including case:\n'
            print invalid_specified_groups

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create users
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print titleBreak
    print 'Create users...\n'

    # Only create users if this is not an online organization
    if portaladmin.properties(
    )['id'] == '0123456789ABCDEF':  # All portals have this id.
        for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
            create_user(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo)
        print '\tThis is an online organization. Users must already have been created.'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create user folders
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print '\n' + titleBreak
    print 'Create user folders...\n'

    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
        print '\nUser: '******'target_username']
        create_user_folders(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create groups and add users to groups
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Creating groups ...\n"

    oldGrpID_newGrpID = {}
    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():
        newGroups = publish_user_groups(portaladmin, contentpath, userinfo,

        for key, val in newGroups.iteritems():
            oldGrpID_newGrpID[key] = {'id': val}

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Publish Items and Update their sharing info
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Publishing items and setting sharing ..."
    print titleBreak

    for username, userinfo in users.iteritems():

        username = userinfo['target_username']
        password = userinfo['target_password']
        userfoldername = userinfo['username']

        # ---------------------------------------
        # Publish all the users' items
        # ---------------------------------------
        usercontentpath = os.path.join(contentpath, userfoldername)

        newItems, origItemSourceIDs = publish_user_items(
            portaladmin, username, usercontentpath, source_hostname,
            new_hostname, new_port, specified_groups, id_mapping_file,

        # Dump info about new items to JSON to use for resetting IDs of related items
        dump_newItem_info(newItems, origItemSourceIDs,
                          os.path.join(portalLogPath, username))

        # ---------------------------------------
        # Share the users' items with the
        # appropriate groups
        # ---------------------------------------
        userItemsPath = os.path.join(contentpath, userfoldername, "items")
        share_items(portaladmin, userItemsPath, newItems, origItemSourceIDs,

    # Dump info about all items (old, new ids) into json
    json.dump(origIDToNewID, open('oldID_newID.json', 'w'))
    json.dump(oldGrpID_newGrpID, open('oldGrpID_newGrpID.json', 'w'))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Post publishing processing: Update URLs and item ids
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print "\n" + titleBreak
    print "Update URLs and Item IDs..."
    print titleBreak + "\n"

    # Add the group ids to the dictionary of old/new ids

    # Create list of items to update
    # (exclude any items owned by esri_ accounts)
    items_all = portaladmin.search()
    items_to_update = []
    for item in items_all:
        if not item["owner"].startswith("esri_"):

    # Update
    update_post_publish(portaladmin, hostname_map, origIDToNewID,

    # Comment out: this functionality is now available out of the box
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # # Share items in default web apps template and default gallery
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # # Share the items in the default web apps template and
    # # default gallery template built-in group with the
    # # 'OpsServer' user 'AFMI Web Application Templates' and
    # # 'AFMI Gallery Templates'
    # print "\n" + sectionBreak
    # print "Share the items in the default web apps and gallery template groups..."
    # group_owner = 'OpsServer'
    # if users.get(group_owner):
    #     share_templates(portaladdress, users[group_owner]['target_username'], users[group_owner]['target_password'])
    # else:
    #     print "-Skipping...user {} was not created. Can perform same operation through portal 'Edit Settings'.".format(group_owner)

    print "\nDONE: Finished posting content to portal."