def loadMhpFile(self, filepath): log.message("Load Mhp: %s", filepath) human = if os.path.basename(filepath) == "clear.mhp": posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.resetPoseMode() return posemode.enterPoseMode() folder = os.path.dirname(filepath) (fname, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath)) modpath = '%s/${gender}-${age}-${tone}-${weight}' % (folder, fname) modpath = modpath.replace("\\","/") log.debug('PoseLoadTaskView.loadMhpFile: %s %s', filepath, modpath) modifier = PoseModifier(modpath) modifier.updateValue(human, 1.0) amt = human.armature if amt: pass #amt.rebuild() else: amt = human.armature = armature.rigdefs.createRig(human, "soft1") amt.setModifier(modifier) amt.readMhpFile(filepath)
def exportMhx(human, filename, options): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() config = export_config.exportConfig(human, True, options) (fpath, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename) if '24' in config.mhxversion: mhx_24.exportMhx(human, filename, options, config) if '25' in config.mhxversion: time1 = time.clock() fname = os.path.basename(fpath) the.Human = fname.capitalize().replace(' ','_') outfile = export_config.getOutFileFolder(filename, config) try: fp = open(outfile, 'w') log.message("Writing MHX 2.5x file %s", outfile ) except: log.message("Unable to open file for writing %s", outfile) fp = 0 if fp: #cProfile.runctx( 'exportMhx_25(human, config, fp)', globals(), locals()) exportMhx_25(human, config, fp) fp.close() time2 = time.clock() log.message("Wrote MHX 2.5x file in %g s: %s", time2-time1, outfile) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def exportMhx(human, filename, options): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() config = export_config.exportConfig(human, True, options) (fpath, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename) if '24' in config.mhxversion: mhx_24.exportMhx(human, filename, options, config) if '25' in config.mhxversion: time1 = time.clock() fname = os.path.basename(fpath) the.Human = fname.capitalize().replace(' ', '_') outfile = export_config.getOutFileFolder(filename, config) try: fp = open(outfile, 'w') log.message("Writing MHX 2.5x file %s", outfile) except: log.message("Unable to open file for writing %s", outfile) fp = 0 if fp: #cProfile.runctx( 'exportMhx_25(human, config, fp)', globals(), locals()) exportMhx_25(human, config, fp) fp.close() time2 = time.clock() log.message("Wrote MHX 2.5x file in %g s: %s", time2 - time1, outfile) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def exportFbx(human, filepath, options): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() the.Human = human the.Config = export_config.exportConfig(human, True, []) the.Config.separatefolder = True outfile = export_config.getOutFileFolder(filepath, the.Config) (outpath, ext) = os.path.splitext(outfile) log.message("Write FBX file %s" % outfile) rawTargets = [] if options["expressions"]: shapeList = read_expression.readExpressionUnits(human, 0, 1) rawTargets += shapeList if options["customshapes"]: the.Config.customshapes = True mhx_custom.listCustomFiles(the.Config) log.message("Custom shapes:") for path, name in the.Config.customShapeFiles: log.message(" %s", path) shape = mhx_custom.readCustomTarget(path) target = (name, shape) rawTargets.append(target) rigfile = "data/rigs/%s.rig" % options["fbxrig"] stuffs = object_collection.setupObjects( os.path.splitext(outfile)[0], human, rigfile, rawTargets=rawTargets, helpers=options["helpers"], hidden=options["hidden"], eyebrows=options["eyebrows"], lashes=options["lashes"], ) (scale, unit) = options["scale"] bpy.initialize() name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] boneInfo = stuffs[0].boneInfo rig = bpy.addRig(name, boneInfo) for stuff in stuffs: ob = bpy.addMesh(, stuff, True) ob.parent = rig # name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] # bpy.addMesh(name, human.meshData, False) filename = "%s.fbx" % outpath io_mh_fbx.fbx_export.exportFbxFile(bpy.context, filename) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def exportFbx(human, filepath, options): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() the.Human = human the.Config = export_config.exportConfig(human, True, []) the.Config.separatefolder = True outfile = export_config.getOutFileFolder(filepath, the.Config) (outpath, ext) = os.path.splitext(outfile) log.message("Write FBX file %s" % outfile) rawTargets = [] if options["expressions"]: shapeList = read_expression.readExpressionUnits(human, 0, 1) rawTargets += shapeList if options["customshapes"]: the.Config.customshapes = True mhx_custom.listCustomFiles(the.Config) log.message("Custom shapes:") for path,name in the.Config.customShapeFiles: log.message(" %s", path) shape = mhx_custom.readCustomTarget(path) target = (name,shape) rawTargets.append(target) rigfile = "data/rigs/%s.rig" % options["fbxrig"] stuffs = object_collection.setupObjects( os.path.splitext(outfile)[0], human, rigfile, rawTargets=rawTargets, helpers=options["helpers"], hidden=options["hidden"], eyebrows=options["eyebrows"], lashes=options["lashes"]) (scale, unit) = options["scale"] bpy.initialize() name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] boneInfo = stuffs[0].boneInfo rig = bpy.addRig(name, boneInfo) for stuff in stuffs: ob = bpy.addMesh(, stuff, True) ob.parent = rig #name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] #bpy.addMesh(name, human.meshData, False) filename = "%s.fbx" % outpath io_mh_fbx.fbx_export.exportFbxFile(bpy.context, filename) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def loadExpression(self, filename, include): human = posemode.enterPoseMode() self.resetExpressions(include) f = open(filename, 'r') for data in f.readlines(): lineData = data.split() if len(lineData) > 0 and not lineData[0] == '#': if lineData[0] == 'expression': modifier = self.modifiers.get(lineData[1], None) if modifier: value = float(lineData[2]) modifier.setValue(human, value) modifier.updateValue(human, value) # Force recompilation
def onShow(self, event): gui3d.TaskView.onShow(self, event) self.filechooser.setFocus() self.posefile = posemode.enterPoseMode() if self.posefile: self.pose = posemode.loadMhpFile(self.posefile) else: self.pose = None
def exportFbx(human, filepath, config): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() config.setHuman(human) config.setupTexFolder(filepath) log.message("Write FBX file %s" % filepath) print(config) rigfile = "data/rigs/%s.rig" % config.rigtype rawTargets = exportutils.collect.readTargets(human, config) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) stuffs = exportutils.collect.setupObjects(name, human, config=config, rigfile=rigfile, rawTargets=rawTargets, helpers=config.helpers, eyebrows=config.eyebrows, lashes=config.lashes) bpy.initialize(human, config) boneInfo = stuffs[0].boneInfo rig = bpy.addRig(name, boneInfo, scale=config.scale) for stuff in stuffs: ob = bpy.addMesh(, stuff, rig, isStuff=True, scale=config.scale) #name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] #bpy.addMesh(name, human.meshData, isStuff=False), text="Exporting %s" % filepath) io_fbx.fbx_export.exportFbxFile(bpy.context, filepath, scale=1.0, encoding=config.encoding) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def loadMhpFile(self, filepath): log.message("Load Mhp: %s", filepath) human = self.lastPose = filepath if os.path.basename(filepath) == "clear.mhp": posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.resetPoseMode() return posemode.enterPoseMode() folder = os.path.dirname(filepath) hasTargets = False for file in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == ".target": hasTargets = True break if hasTargets: (fname, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath)) filenamePattern = "${gender}-${age}-${tone}-${weight}" % fname modpath = os.path.join(folder, filenamePattern) log.debug("PoseLoadTaskView.loadMhpFile: %s %s", filepath, modpath) modifier = PoseModifier(modpath) modifier.updateValue(human, 1.0) else: modifier = None amt = human.armature print("AMT", amt) if amt: pass # amt.rebuild() else: amt = human.armature = amtpkg.rigdefs.createPoseRig(human, "soft1") print("New", amt) print(amt.bones.keys()) amt.setModifier(modifier) amt.readMhpFile(filepath)
def loadMhpFile(self, filepath): log.message("Load Mhp: %s", filepath) human = self.lastPose = filepath if os.path.basename(filepath) == "clear.mhp": posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.resetPoseMode() return posemode.enterPoseMode() folder = os.path.dirname(filepath) hasTargets = False for file in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == ".target": hasTargets = True break if hasTargets: (fname, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath)) filenamePattern = "${gender}-${age}-${tone}-${weight}" % fname modpath = os.path.join(folder, filenamePattern) log.debug('PoseLoadTaskView.loadMhpFile: %s %s', filepath, modpath) modifier = PoseModifier(modpath) modifier.updateValue(human, 1.0) else: modifier = None amt = human.armature print("AMT", amt) if amt: pass #amt.rebuild() else: amt = human.armature = amtpkg.rigdefs.createPoseRig(human, "soft1") print("New", amt) print(amt.bones.keys()) amt.setModifier(modifier) amt.readMhpFile(filepath)
def onShow(self, event): gui3d.TaskView.onShow(self, event) self.filechooser.setFocus() if'cameraAutoZoom', True): self.posefile = posemode.enterPoseMode() if self.posefile: self.pose = posemode.loadMhpFile(self.posefile) else: self.pose = None
def exportFbx(human, filepath, config): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() config.setHuman(human) config.setupTexFolder(filepath) log.message("Write FBX file %s" % filepath) print(config) rigfile = "data/rigs/%s.rig" % config.rigtype rawTargets = exportutils.collect.readTargets(human, config) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) stuffs = exportutils.collect.setupObjects( name, human, config=config, rigfile=rigfile, rawTargets=rawTargets, helpers=config.helpers, eyebrows=config.eyebrows, lashes=config.lashes) bpy.initialize(human, config) boneInfo = stuffs[0].boneInfo rig = bpy.addRig(name, boneInfo, scale=config.scale) for stuff in stuffs: ob = bpy.addMesh(, stuff, rig, isStuff=True, scale=config.scale) #name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] #bpy.addMesh(name, human.meshData, isStuff=False), text="Exporting %s" % filepath) io_fbx.fbx_export.exportFbxFile(bpy.context, filepath, scale=1.0, encoding=config.encoding) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def exportCollada(human, filepath, config): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode(), text="Exporting %s" % filepath) time1 = time.clock() config.setHuman(human) config.setupTexFolder(filepath) try: fp = open(filepath, 'w') log.message("Writing Collada file %s" % filepath) except: log.error("Unable to open file for writing %s" % filepath) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) exportDae(human, name, fp, config) fp.close() time2 = time.clock() log.message("Wrote Collada file in %g s: %s" % (time2-time1, filepath)) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def exportCollada(human, filepath, config): posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode(), text="Exporting %s" % filepath) time1 = time.clock() config.setHuman(human) config.setupTexFolder(filepath) try: fp = open(filepath, 'w') log.message("Writing Collada file %s" % filepath) except: log.error("Unable to open file for writing %s" % filepath) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) exportDae(human, name, fp, config) fp.close() time2 = time.clock() log.message("Wrote Collada file in %g s: %s" % (time2 - time1, filepath)) posemode.exitPoseMode() return
def enterPoseMode(self): self.posefile = posemode.enterPoseMode() if self.posefile: posemode.loadMhpFile(self.posefile)
def exportMhx(human, filepath, config):, text="Exporting MHX") log.message("Exporting %s" % filepath.encode('utf-8')) time1 = time.clock() posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() config.setHuman(human) config.setupTexFolder(filepath) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) fp = open(filepath, 'w') if config.rigtype == 'mhx': amt = mhx_armature.MhxArmature(name, human, config) elif config.rigtype == 'rigify': amt = mhx_armature.RigifyArmature(name, human, config) else: amt = mhx_armature.ExportArmature(name, human, config) fp.write("# MakeHuman exported MHX\n" + "#\n" + "MHX %d %d ;\n" % (MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) + "#if Blender24\n" + " error 'This file can only be read with Blender 2.5' ;\n" + "#endif\n") scanProxies(config, amt) amt.setup() if not config.cage: fp.write( "#if toggle&T_Cage\n" + " error 'This MHX file does not contain a cage. Unselect the Cage import option.' ;\n" + "#endif\n") fp.write("NoScale True ;\n" + "Object CustomShapes EMPTY None\n" + " layers Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ;\n" + "end Object\n\n") amt.setupCustomShapes(fp), text="Exporting armature") amt.writeArmature(fp, MINOR_VERSION), text="Exporting materials") fp.write("\nNoScale False ;\n\n") mhx_materials.writeMaterials(fp, amt, config) if config.cage: mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Cage', 'T_Cage', amt, config, fp, 0.2, 0.25), text="Exporting main mesh") fp.write("#if toggle&T_Mesh\n") mhx_mesh.writeMesh(fp, amt, config) fp.write("#endif\n") mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Proxy', 'T_Proxy', amt, config, fp, 0.35, 0.4) mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Clothes', 'T_Clothes', amt, config, fp, 0.4, 0.55) mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Hair', 'T_Clothes', amt, config, fp, 0.55, 0.6) mhx_pose.writePose(fp, amt, config) writeGroups(fp, amt) if config.rigtype == 'rigify': fp.write("Rigify %s ;\n" % fp.close() log.message("%s exported" % filepath.encode('utf-8')) return
def exportMhx(human, filepath, config):, text="Exporting MHX") log.message("Exporting %s" % filepath.encode('utf-8')) time1 = time.clock() posemode.exitPoseMode() posemode.enterPoseMode() config.setHuman(human) config.setupTexFolder(filepath) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) name = config.goodName(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) fp = open(filepath, 'w') if config.rigtype == 'mhx': amt = mhx_armature.MhxArmature(name, human, config) elif config.rigtype == 'rigify': amt = mhx_armature.RigifyArmature(name, human, config) else: amt = mhx_armature.ExportArmature(name, human, config) fp.write( "# MakeHuman exported MHX\n" + "#\n" + "MHX %d %d ;\n" % (MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) + "#if Blender24\n" + " error 'This file can only be read with Blender 2.5' ;\n" + "#endif\n") scanProxies(config, amt) amt.setup() if not config.cage: fp.write( "#if toggle&T_Cage\n" + " error 'This MHX file does not contain a cage. Unselect the Cage import option.' ;\n" + "#endif\n") fp.write( "NoScale True ;\n" + "Object CustomShapes EMPTY None\n" + " layers Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ;\n" + "end Object\n\n") amt.setupCustomShapes(fp), text="Exporting armature") amt.writeArmature(fp, MINOR_VERSION), text="Exporting materials") fp.write("\nNoScale False ;\n\n") mhx_materials.writeMaterials(fp, amt, config) if config.cage: mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Cage', 'T_Cage', amt, config, fp, 0.2, 0.25), text="Exporting main mesh") fp.write("#if toggle&T_Mesh\n") mhx_mesh.writeMesh(fp, amt, config) fp.write("#endif\n") mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Proxy', 'T_Proxy', amt, config, fp, 0.35, 0.4) mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Clothes', 'T_Clothes', amt, config, fp, 0.4, 0.55) mhx_proxy.writeProxyType('Hair', 'T_Clothes', amt, config, fp, 0.55, 0.6) mhx_pose.writePose(fp, amt, config) writeGroups(fp, amt) if config.rigtype == 'rigify': fp.write("Rigify %s ;\n" % fp.close() log.message("%s exported" % filepath.encode('utf-8')) return