Example #1
def do_show_urls(user, command):
    urls = get_c2urls()
    urlformatted = "ID  Name  URL  HostHeader  ProxyURL  ProxyUsername  ProxyPassword  CredentialExpiry\n"
    for i in urls:
        urlformatted += "%s  %s  %s  %s  %s  %s  %s  %s \n" % (i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7])
    input("Press Enter to continue...")
Example #2
def do_opsec(user, command):
    implants = get_implants_all()
    comtasks = get_tasks()
    hosts = ""
    uploads = ""
    urls = get_c2urls()
    urlformatted = "ID  Name  URL  HostHeader  ProxyURL  ProxyUsername  ProxyPassword  CredentialExpiry\n"
    for i in urls:
        urlformatted += "%s  %s  %s  %s  %s  %s  %s  %s \n" % (
            i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7])
    users = ""
    if implants:
        for implant in implants:
            if implant.Hostname not in hosts:
                hosts += "%s \n" % implant.Hostname
    if comtasks:
        for task in comtasks:
            implant = get_implantdetails(task[1])
            command = task[2].lower()
            output = task[3].lower()
            if implant.User not in users:
                users += "%s\\%s @ %s\n" % (implant.Domain, implant.User,
            if "invoke-pbind" in command and "connected" in output:
                tg = re.search("(?<=-target )\\S*", str(command))
                if tg[0] not in hosts:
                    hosts += "%s \n" % tg[0]
            if "uploading file" in command:
                uploadedfile = command
                uploadedfile = uploadedfile.partition(
                    "uploading file: ")[2].strip()
                filehash = uploadedfile.partition(" with md5sum:")[2].strip()
                uploadedfile = uploadedfile.partition(
                    " with md5sum:")[0].strip()
                uploadedfile = uploadedfile.strip('"')
                uploads += "%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (implant.User, filehash,
            if "installing persistence" in output:
                line = command.replace('\n', '')
                line = line.replace('\r', '')
                filenameuploaded = line.rstrip().split(":", 1)[1]
                uploads += "%s %s \n" % (implant.User, filenameuploaded)
            if "written scf file" in output:
                uploads += "%s %s \n" % (implant.User, output)
            creds, hashes = parse_creds(get_creds())
            "\nUsers Compromised: \n%s\nHosts Compromised: \n%s\nURLs: \n%s\nFiles Uploaded: \n%s\nCredentials Compromised: \n%s\nHashes Compromised: \n%s"
            % (users, hosts, urlformatted, uploads, creds, hashes))
    print_good("\nOpSec Events:")
    do_get_opsec_events(user, command)