def launch (forwarding = "eco"): import pox.log.color pox.log.color.launch() import pox.log pox.log.launch(format="[@@@bold@@@level%(name)-22s@@@reset] " + "@@@bold%(message)s@@@normal") from pox.core import core #import pox.openflow.discovery #import eco_flow_table #eco_flow_table.launch() import eco_discovery eco_discovery.launch() core.getLogger("openflow.spanning_tree").setLevel("INFO") if forwarding.lower() == "l3": import pox.forwarding.l3_learning as fw elif forwarding.lower() == "l2_multi": import pox.forwarding.l2_multi as fw elif forwarding.lower() == "l2_learning": import pox.forwarding.l2_learning as fw elif forwarding.lower() == "static": import static_topology as fw else: import eco_topology as fw core.getLogger().debug("Using forwarding: %s", fw.__name__) fw.launch() import pox.openflow.spanning_tree pox.openflow.spanning_tree.launch()
def setup (): """ Set up GUI """ global unblocked_list, blocked_list top = Toplevel() top.title("MAC Blocker") # Shut down POX when window is closed top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", core.quit) box1 = Frame(top) box2 = Frame(top) l1 = Label(box1, text="Allowed") l2 = Label(box2, text="Blocked") unblocked_list = Listbox(box1) blocked_list = Listbox(box2) l1.pack() l2.pack() unblocked_list.pack(expand=True,fill=BOTH) blocked_list.pack(expand=True,fill=BOTH) buttons = Frame(top) block_button = Button(buttons, text="Block >>", command=do_block) unblock_button = Button(buttons, text="<< Unblock", command=do_unblock) block_button.pack() unblock_button.pack() opts = {"side":LEFT,"fill":BOTH,"expand":True} box1.pack(**opts) buttons.pack(**{"side":LEFT}) box2.pack(**opts) core.getLogger().debug("Ready")
def launch (__INSTANCE__=None, **kw): """ Allows configuring log levels from the commandline. For example, to turn off the verbose web logging, try: web.webcore log.level --web.webcore=INFO """ for k,v in kw.iteritems(): if v is True: # This means they did something like log.level --DEBUG v = k k = "" # Root logger try: v = int(v) except: old = v v = logging.DEBUG def dofail (): core.getLogger(k).error("Bad log level: %s. Defaulting to DEBUG.", old) if (len(old) == 0) or (len(old.strip(string.ascii_uppercase)) != 0): dofail() else: vv = getattr(logging, old, None) if not isinstance(vv, int): dofail() else: v = vv core.getLogger(k).setLevel(v)
def launch(): #clear some unimportant message core.getLogger("packet").setLevel(logging.ERROR) core.registerNew(Discovery,explicit_drop=False,install_flow = False) core.registerNew(Link_Learning) #update flow Timer(120,Install_All_Flow,recurring=True,args=["All Path------------------"])
def launch(**kw): """ Allows configuring log levels from the commandline. For example, to turn off the verbose web logging, try: web.webcore log.level --web.webcore=INFO """ for k, v in kw.iteritems(): core.getLogger(k).setLevel(v)
def block_handler (event): #Handles packet event and kills the ones with a blocked port number tcpp = event.parsed.find('tcp') if not tcpp: return # Not TCP if tcpp.srcport in block_ports or tcpp.dstport in block_ports: #Halt the event, stopping l2_learning from seeing it #(and installing a table entry for it) core.getLogger("blocker").debug("Blocked TCP %s <-> %s", tcpp.srcport, tcpp.dstport) event.halt = True
def launch (__INSTANCE__=None, **kw): """ Allows configuring log levels from the commandline. For example, to turn off the verbose web logging, try: web.webcore log.level --web.webcore=INFO """ for k,v in kw.iteritems(): if v is True: # This means they did something like log.level --DEBUG v = k k = "" # Root logger core.getLogger(k).setLevel(v)
def launch (debug = False): core.registerNew(topo_addressing) from proto.arp_helper import launch launch(eat_packets=False) if not debug: core.getLogger("proto.arp_helper").setLevel(99) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, refresh_all_table) # emit SIGALRM after 5 secs signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 60)
def check_for_overlapping_entry(self, in_entry): # FELIPE TOMM - TCC # Esta funcao verifica se ja existe uma flow identica. # Sera essa minha funcao base? log = core.getLogger() log.debug("Debug TCC - Flow Table: Iniciando analise de conflito") """ Tests if the input entry overlaps with another entry in this table. Returns true if there is an overlap, false otherwise. Since the table is sorted, there is only a need to check a certain portion of it. """ # NOTE: Assumes that entries are sorted by decreasing effective_priority # NOTE: Ambiguous whether matching should be based on effective_priority # or the regular priority. Doing it based on effective_priority # since that's what actually affects packet matching. # NOTE: We could improve performance by doing a binary search to find the # right priority entries. priority = in_entry.effective_priority for e in self._table: if e.effective_priority < priority: break elif e.effective_priority > priority: continue else: if e.is_matched_by(in_entry.match) or in_entry.is_matched_by(e.match): print("Debug TCC - Flow Table: O Flow: ja existe.") return True return False
def __init__ (self, switch=None, **kw): self.switch = switch self.connection = None from pox.core import core self.log = core.getLogger("dp." + dpid_to_str(self.switch.dpid)) super(OpenFlowWorker, self).__init__(switch=switch,**kw) self._info("Disconnected")
def launch (port=6633, address="", name=None, private_key=None, certificate=None, ca_cert=None, __INSTANCE__=None): """ Start a listener for OpenFlow connections If you want to enable SSL, pass private_key/certificate/ca_cert in reasonable combinations and pointing to reasonable key/cert files. These have the same meanings as with Open vSwitch's old test controller, but they are more flexible (e.g., ca-cert can be skipped). """ if name is None: basename = "of_01" counter = 1 name = basename while core.hasComponent(name): counter += 1 name = "%s-%s" % (basename, counter) if core.hasComponent(name): log.warn("of_01 '%s' already started", name) return None global deferredSender if not deferredSender: deferredSender = DeferredSender() if of._logger is None: of._logger = core.getLogger('libopenflow_01') l = OpenFlow_01_Task(port = int(port), address = address, ssl_key = private_key, ssl_cert = certificate, ssl_ca_cert = ca_cert) core.register(name, l) return l
def __init__ (self,connection,name): self.log = core.getLogger("LearningSwitch(%s)" % name) # Switch we'll be adding L2 learning switch capabilities to self.connection= connection self.listenTo(connection) self.mactable = {}
def __init__(self, name): """ Note that server may be a direct reference to the NomServer (for simulation), or a Pyro4 proxy (for emulation) pre: name is unique across the network """ EventMixin.__init__(self) # We are a "controller" entity in pox.topology. # (Actually injecting ourself into pox.topology is handled # by nom_server) topology.Controller.__init__(self, name) = name self.log = core.getLogger(name) # Construct an empty topology # The "master" copy topology will soon be merged into this guy self.topology = topology.Topology("topo:%s" % # Register subclass' event handlers self.listenTo(self.topology, "topology") self._server_connection = None self._queued_commits = [] # For simulation. can't connect to NomServer until the Messenger is listening to new connections # TODO: for emulation, this should be removed / refactored -- # just assume that the NomServer machine is up core.messenger.addListener(messenger.MessengerListening, self._register_with_server)
def __init__(self, switch=None, **kw): self.switch = switch self.connection = None from pox.core import core self.log = core.getLogger("dp." + dpid_to_str(self.switch.dpid)) super(OpenFlowWorker, self).__init__(switch=switch, **kw) self._info("Connecting to %s:%s", kw.get('addr'), kw.get('port'))
def _handle_ConnectionUp (event): if dpid_to_str(event.dpid) == "00-00-00-00-00-01": core.getLogger().info("Connection %s" % (event.connection,)) Firewall(event.connection, False) elif dpid_to_str(event.dpid) == "00-00-00-00-00-02": core.getLogger().info("Connection %s" % (event.connection,)) Firewall(event.connection, False) elif dpid_to_str(event.dpid) == "00-00-00-00-00-05": core.getLogger().info("Connection %s" % (event.connection,)) LearningSwitch(event.connection, False) elif dpid_to_str(event.dpid) == "00-00-00-00-00-03": core.getLogger().info("Connection %s" % (event.connection,)) LearningSwitch(event.connection, False) #LoadBalancer(event.connection) elif dpid_to_str(event.dpid) == "00-00-00-00-00-04": core.getLogger().info("Connection %s" % (event.connection,)) LearningSwitch(event.connection, False)
def __init__(self,net_id=0x0): self.log = core.getLogger() core.openflow.miss_send_len = 1400 core.openflow.addListeners(self)"SecondTest initialization") self.switches = dict() self.connections = set() self.net_id = net_id
def __init__(self, connection_up_event): if not hasattr(self, '_log'): self._log = core.getLogger('OpenFlowSwitch %s' % connection_up_event.dpid) self._dpid = connection_up_event.dpid self._connection = connection_up_event.connection self._ports = connection_up_event.ofp.ports # Save the list of physical ports of the switch. self._flow_table = [] # Initialize the inner flow table for the learning switch. self._stats_req_timer = None
def _process_commands (msg): """ Processes logger commands """ def get (key): r = msg.get(key) if r is not None: if not isinstance(r, dict): r = {None:r} else: return {} return r lowerLevels = get("lowerLevels") # less verbose raiseLevels = get("raiseLevels") # more verbose setLevels = get("setLevels") for k,v in lowerLevels.iteritems(): logger = core.getLogger(k) level = logging._checkLevel(v) if not l.isEnabledFor(level+1): logger.setLevel(v) for k,v in raiseLevels.iteritems(): logger = core.getLogger(k) if not l.isEnabledFor(v): logger.setLevel(v) for k,v in setLevels.iteritems(): logger = core.getLogger(k) logger.setLevel(v) message = msg.get("message", None) if message: level = msg.get("level", "DEBUG") if isinstance(level, basestring): import logging if not level.isalpha(): level = logging.DEBUG else: level = level.upper() level = getattr(logging, level, logging.DEBUG) sub = msg.get("subsystem", "<external>") logging.getLogger(sub).log(level, message)
def __init__ (self, address, port = 7790, nexus = None, connection_class = TCPConnection, max_backoff = 8): port = int(port) Task.__init__(self) Transport.__init__(self, nexus) self._addr = (str(address),port) self._connections = set() self._connection_class = connection_class self._max_backoff = max_backoff self.log = log or core.getLogger()
def __init__(self, name="topology"): EventMixin.__init__(self) self._entities = {} = name self.log = core.getLogger(name) # If a client registers a handler for these events after they have # already occurred, we promise to re-issue them to the newly joined # client. self._event_promises = {SwitchJoin: self._fulfill_SwitchJoin_promise}
def __init__(self): = dict() self.log = core.getLogger() core.openflow.miss_send_len = 1400 core.openflow.addListeners(self)"NCS initialization") self.timer = dict() self.timer[0] = Timer(30, self.gratuitousARP, args=[None],recurring=True) self.timer[1] = Timer(5, self.dump,recurring=True)[0xaabbcc] = HotOMNet(0xaabbcc)
def _handle_SwitchDescReceived (event): s = _format_entry(event) if not _always and s in _switches: # We've already logged it. return _switches.add(s) ss = s.split("\n") logger = core.getLogger("info." + dpid_to_str(event.connection.dpid)) for s in ss:
def __init__(self,conf): = dict() self.avs = dict() self.confvstag = dict() # vstag table from config file self.log = core.getLogger() core.openflow.miss_send_len = 1400 core.openflow.addListeners(self)"NCS initialization") self.parseConf(conf) Timer(30, self.gratuitousARP, args=[None],recurring=True) Timer(10, self.dump,recurring=True)
def launch (cmd, address = None, port = 7791): core.quit() if not address: address = "" import socket core.getLogger('core').setLevel(100) log = core.getLogger('ctl') try: s = socket.create_connection((address,port), timeout=2) except: log.error("Couldn't connect") return try: s.settimeout(2) s.send(cmd + "\n") d = s.recv(4096).strip() core.getLogger("ctl").info(d) except socket.timeout: log.warn("No response") except: log.exception("While communicating")
def __init__(self, flow_idle_timeout=30, flow_hard_timeout=60, default_latency=1, default_bandwidth=100): core.listen_to_dependencies(self) self.log = core.getLogger() # self.path_preference_table = PathPreferenceTable.Instance() self.path_preference_table = PathPreferenceTable() self.flow_idle_timeout = flow_idle_timeout self.flow_hard_timeout = flow_hard_timeout self.default_latency = default_latency # Milliseconds self.default_bandwidth = default_bandwidth # Megabits self.path_preferences = dict()
def launch (port = 6633, address = ""): if core.hasComponent('of_01'): return None global deferredSender deferredSender = DeferredSender() if of._logger is None: of._logger = core.getLogger('libopenflow_01') l = OpenFlow_01_Task(port = int(port), address = address) core.register("of_01", l) return l
def launch (port = 8987): # Set up logging global log log = core.getLogger() # Set up IO loop global _ioloop _ioloop = RecocoIOLoop() #_ioloop.more_debugging = True _ioloop.start() # Register our little JSON core as a component core.registerNew(JSONServer, port=int(port))
def __init__(self, vlan, threshold, *args, **kwargs): ## Define logger (defaults to current path) self.log = core.getLogger() # Disable logger for 'packet' (TLV) logger = core.getLogger("packet") logger.propagate = False ## Registers every method exposed by the class core.openflow.addListeners(self) self.vlan = int(vlan) ## Firewall-related self.traffic_frequency = {} # Threshold time (in seconds) to determine harmful network conditions (e.g.: 0.2) self.threshold = float(threshold) # Time (in seconds) to maintain the DROP rules for the network traffic deemed harmful self.idle_drop_time = 30 self.hard_drop_time = 30 ## Constants section # Define value of protocol number assigned to IP and LLDP traffic self.ip_proto = 2048 #0x0800 self.lldp_proto = 35020 #0x88cc self.max_priority = 65535"Toy firewall for FGRE 2015 (seconds threshold=%s, vlan=%s)." % (self.threshold, self.vlan))
def _handle_PacketIn (event): packet = event.parsed show = _show_by_default p = packet while p: if p.__class__.__name__.lower() in _types: if _show_by_default: # This packet is hidden return else: # This packet should be shown show = True break return if not hasattr(p, 'next'): break p = if not show: return msg = dpidToStr(event.dpid) + ": " msg = "" if _verbose: msg += packet.dump() else: p = packet while p: if isinstance(p, basestring): msg += "[%s bytes]" % (len(p),) break msg += "[%s]" % (p.__class__.__name__,) p = if _max_length: if len(msg) > _max_length: msg = msg[:_max_length-3] msg += "..." core.getLogger("dump:" + dpidToStr(event.dpid)).debug(msg)
def launch(port=6633, address=""): if core.hasComponent("of_01"): return None global deferredSender deferredSender = DeferredSender() # run the __init__ function and start function if of._logger is None: of._logger = core.getLogger("libopenflow_01") l = OpenFlow_01_Task(port=int(port), address=address) # an instance of class 'OpenFlow_01_Task' core.register("of_01", l) # print('of_01 has been launched') #print information return l
def launch(): from pox.core import core log = core.getLogger() log.critical("This isn't a POX component.") log.critical("Please see the documentation.") raise RuntimeError("This isn't a POX component.")
""" Inception Cloud ARP module """ from pox.core import core from pox.lib.packet.arp import arp from pox.lib.packet.ethernet import ethernet from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from ext import priority LOGGER = core.getLogger() class InceptionArp(object): """ Inception Cloud ARP module for handling ARP packets """ def __init__(self, inception): self.inception = inception # IP address -> MAC address: mapping from IP address to MAC address # of end hosts for address resolution self.ip_to_mac = {} def handle(self, event): # process only if it is ARP packet eth_packet = event.parsed if eth_packet.type != ethernet.ARP_TYPE: return"Handle ARP packet")
from pox.core import core from pox.lib.revent import * from pox.lib.recoco import Timer from pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 import * from pox.openflow import * from pox.openflow.discovery import * from pox.lib.addresses import * from pox.topology.topology import * import time import json import pymongo UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5 topology_timer = None log = core.getLogger("rfproxy") def rf_id(id): return "{:#016x}".format(id) class StatsDB: def __init__(self): self.db = {} self.connection = pymongo.Connection() self.collection = self.connection.db.rfstats def update(self, id_, type_, links=None, **data): if id_ not in self.db: if links is None:
from pox.openflow.of_json import * import time from threading import Thread from threading import Lock import socket import json import math import statistics as st import time from random import randint from operator import itemgetter from pox.lib.recoco import Timer log = core.getLogger() # We don't want to flood immediately when a switch connects. # Can be overriden on commandline. _flood_delay = 0 LOG = core.getLogger() CONTROLLER_IP = '' switch_states = [] # in bits, obtained experimentally using TCP - Iperf capacity = 100000000 #bw_for_new_flows = 0.0 remaining_bw = 100000000 num_flows = 0 alfa = 0.9 response_port = 23456
def interact(self): """ Begin user interaction """ import os history = self.history if history is True: history = ".pox_history" elif history: history = os.path.expanduser(history) if history: history = os.path.abspath(history) import readline, atexit _log = core.getLogger("py") try: readline.read_history_file(history) readline.set_history_length(10000) _log.debug("Read console history") except Exception: pass def save_history(): readline.write_history_file(history) _log.debug("Saved console history") atexit.register(save_history) if self.completion: import readline, rlcompleter ns = globals().copy() ns.update(self.variables) # Note that things added to self.variables later won't be available. # To fix this, make a dict proxy that actually reads from self.variables # *and* globals(). readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(ns).complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") _monkeypatch_console() # print("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This program " \ # "is free software,") # print("and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.") # print("Type 'help(pox.license)' for details.") # Ridiculously gross code to wait for a while before showing the console is_up = [False] def notify_up(): is_up[0] = True core.call_later(notify_up) while not is_up[0]: time.sleep(0.2) if core._openflow_wanted: # Hacky time.sleep(0.6) # Long enough? else: time.sleep(0.2) if not core.running: return # A race condition, but probably okay import code import sys sys.ps1 = "POX> " sys.ps2 = " ... " self.running = True console = code.InteractiveConsole(self.variables) # Patch in the synchronized feature real_runcode = console.runcode def runcode(code): if self.variables['sync'] and core.running: with core.scheduler.synchronized(): return real_runcode(code) return real_runcode(code) console.runcode = runcode # Patch in the event hook; why don't we just subclass InteractiveConsole?! real_runsource = console.runsource def runsource(source, *args, **kw): e = SourceEntered(source) self.raiseEvent(e) source = e.source if source is None: return return real_runsource(source, *args, **kw) console.runsource = runsource try: import readline except ImportError: pass console.interact('Ready.') self.running = False core.quit()
import threading from .authentication import BasicAuthMixin from pox.core import core from pox.lib.revent import Event, EventMixin import os import socket import posixpath import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import cgi import errno from io import StringIO, BytesIO log = core.getLogger() try: weblog = log.getChild("server") except: # I'm tired of people running Python 2.6 having problems with this. #TODO: Remove this someday. weblog = core.getLogger("webcore.server") def _setAttribs(parent, child): attrs = [ 'command', 'request_version', 'close_connection', 'raw_requestline', 'requestline', 'path', 'headers', 'wfile', 'rfile', 'server', 'client_address', 'connection', 'request' ] for a in attrs:
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # POX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with POX. If not, see <>. """ This package contains a nom-based L2 learning switch. """ from pox.core import core log = core.getLogger("nom_l2_switch_controller.init") def launch(distributed=False): # TODO: need a more transparent mechanism for specifying the debug flag... """ Starts a NOM-based L2 learning switch, along with the discovery and topology modules """ if type(distributed) == bool and distributed: distributed = 1 elif type(distributed) == str: distributed = int(distributed) import pox.openflow.connection_arbiter pox.openflow.connection_arbiter.launch()
def setup(): log = core.getLogger(log_name) tester = Tester(log) topo = core.sim_topo if server_isn is None: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: random.randint(1000, 100000) else: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: literal_eval(server_isn) def get_client_socket(): try: return next(iter(c1.stack.socket_manager.peered.itervalues())) except Exception: return None c1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("c1") s1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("s1") r1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r1") r2 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r2") tm = core.sim_topo.time r1c1_dev = core.sim_topo.get_devs(r1, c1)[0] # Create two echo applications. Nobody should be sending, so # they should just three-way handshake and then sit and stare # at each other until the simulation ends. sapp = s1.new_echo(port=1000, listen=True) capp = c1.new_echo(ip=s1.netdev.ip_addr, port=1000, delay=0.1) pkts = [] def on_cap(e): parsed = e.parsed if not parsed: return parsed = parsed.find("tcp") if not parsed: return # Giant hack, but just tack this stuff on parsed._devname = parsed._client = is r1c1_dev parsed._server = not parsed._client csock = get_client_socket() parsed._client_state = csock.state if csock else None pkts.append(parsed) #print,parsed.dump() r1.stack.add_packet_capture("*", on_cap, ip_only=True) def do_score(): # SYN from client client_seq = pkts[0].seq tester.expect_true(pkts[0]._client and not pkts[0]._server, "first pkt comes from client") tester.expect_true(pkts[0].SYN and not pkts[0].ACK, "first pkt is SYN not ACK") # SYN+ACK from server server_seq = pkts[1].seq tester.expect_true(not pkts[1]._client and pkts[1]._server, "second pkt comes from server") tester.expect_true(pkts[1].SYN and pkts[1].ACK, "second pkt is SYN+ACK") tester.expect_eq(client_seq | PLUS | 1, pkts[1].ack, "second pkt ack seq num is correct") tester.expect_eq(SYN_SENT, pkts[1]._client_state, "state is SYN_SENT when r1 receives SYN+ACK") # ACK from client tester.expect_true(pkts[2]._client, "third pkt comes from client") tester.expect_true(not pkts[2].SYN and pkts[2].ACK, "third pkt is ACK") tester.expect_eq(server_seq | PLUS | 1, pkts[2].ack, "third pkt ack seq num is correct") tester.expect_eq(ESTABLISHED, pkts[2]._client_state, "state is ESTABLISHED when r1 receives ACK") tester.expect_eq(3, len(pkts), "3 packets total") def on_end(): try: do_score() tester.finish() except Exception: log.exception("Exception during scoring") core.quit() tm.set_timer_at(float(run_time), on_end)
def setup (): log = core.getLogger(log_name) tester = Tester(log) topo = core.sim_topo if server_isn is None: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: random.randint(1000,100000) else: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: literal_eval(server_isn) def get_client_socket (): try: return next(iter(c1.stack.socket_manager.peered.itervalues())) except Exception: return None c1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("c1") s1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("s1") r1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r1") r2 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r2") tm = core.sim_topo.time r1c1_dev = core.sim_topo.get_devs(r1,c1)[0] # sapp calls close() after receiving data # capp calls sends data and immediately calls close() sapp = s1._new_resocket_app(ClosingRXApp, port=1000, listen=True) capp = c1.new_fast_sender(data=1000, ip=s1.netdev.ip_addr, port=1000, delay=0.5) pkts = [] def on_cap (e): parsed = e.parsed if not parsed: return parsed = parsed.find("tcp") if not parsed: return # Giant hack, but just tack this stuff on parsed._devname = parsed._client = is r1c1_dev parsed._server = not parsed._client csock = get_client_socket() parsed._client_state = csock.state if csock else None pkts.append(parsed) #print,parsed.dump() r1.stack.add_packet_capture("*", on_cap, ip_only=True) def do_score (): tester.expect_eq("*" * 1000, sapp.all_rx[0][1], "payload correctly sent") payload_pkts = sum(1 for p in pkts if p.payload) tester.expect_eq(1, payload_pkts, "1 retransmission") class drop_payload(object): def __init__(self): self.dropped = False def __call__ (self, dev, packet): tcp = packet.find("tcp") if not tcp: return False if tcp.payload and not self.dropped: self.dropped = True"dropped packet seq={0}, ack={1}".format(tcp.seq, tcp.ack)) return True return False topo.get_wire(c1,r1).drop_conditions.append(drop_payload()) def on_end (): try: do_score() tester.finish() except Exception: log.exception("Exception during scoring") core.quit() tm.set_timer_at(float(run_time), on_end)
# strings from lark setup callout script and parses these # received strings to job and machine classads. It looks for # interesting classad attributes value and uses it for network # scheduling. # import sys import time import socket import threading import SocketServer import classad import htcondor from pox.core import core log = core.getLogger() try: serverlog = log.getChild("server") except: serverlog = core.getLogger("htcondor_module.server") threadLock = threading.Lock() # use a dictionary to store all the network classads, internal IPv4 address # is used as the key classadDict = {} class ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): # there are two possible kinds of request to handle
# OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE WORK. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- from pox.core import core import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.openflow import * from utils import * from BBN_SimpleL2Learning import SimpleL2LearningSwitch log = core.getLogger() # Use central logging service class DuplicateTrafficSwitch(SimpleL2LearningSwitch): def __init__(self, connection, duplicate_port): SimpleL2LearningSwitch.__init__(self, connection, False) self._connection = connection; self._duplicate_port=duplicate_port self._of_duplicate_port=getOpenFlowPort(connection, duplicate_port) def _handle_PacketIn(self, event): log.debug("Got a packet : " + str(event.parsed)) self.packet = event.parsed self.event = event self.macLearningHandle() out_port = self.get_out_port()
def setup(): log = core.getLogger(log_name) tester = Tester(log) topo = core.sim_topo if server_isn is None: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: random.randint(1000, 100000) else: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: literal_eval(server_isn) def get_client_socket(): try: return next(iter(c1.stack.socket_manager.peered.itervalues())) except Exception: return None c1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("c1") s1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("s1") r1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r1") r2 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r2") tm = core.sim_topo.time r1c1_dev = core.sim_topo.get_devs(r1, c1)[0] # sapp calls close() after receiving data # capp calls sends data and immediately calls close() sapp = s1._new_resocket_app(ClosingRXApp, port=1000, listen=True) capp = c1._new_resocket_app(TXRatedApp, ip=s1.netdev.ip_addr, port=1000, delay=0.5) capp.tx_data = '#' * 1300 * 100 pkts = [] client_socket = None def on_cap(e): if not pkts: global client_socket client_socket = get_client_socket() parsed = e.parsed if not parsed: return parsed = parsed.find("tcp") if not parsed: return # Giant hack, but just tack this stuff on parsed._devname = parsed._client = is r1c1_dev parsed._server = not parsed._client csock = get_client_socket() parsed._client_state = csock.state if csock else None pkts.append(parsed) #print,parsed.dump() r1.stack.add_packet_capture("*", on_cap, ip_only=True) def do_score(): tester.expect_eq("#" * 1300 * 100, sapp.all_rx[0][1], "payload correctly sent") global client_socket actual_srtt = client_socket.srtt tester.expect_true(client_socket.rto < 32, "rto < 32") tester.expect_true(client_socket.srtt < 16, "srtt < 16") tester.expect_true(client_socket.rttvar > 1.5, "rttvar > 1.5") random.seed(168) class drop_pct(object): def __init__(self): self.pct = 0.04 self.dropped_pkts = {} def __call__(self, dev, packet): tcp = packet.find("tcp") # only packets with payload if not tcp or not tcp.payload: return False if tcp.seq in self.dropped_pkts: return False r = random.uniform(0, 1) if r <= self.pct: self.dropped_pkts[tcp.seq] = True log.error("dropped pkt") return True return False topo.get_wire(r1, r2).drop_conditions.append(drop_pct()) def on_end(): try: do_score() tester.finish() except Exception: log.exception("Exception during scoring") core.quit() tm.set_timer_at(float(run_time), on_end)
def launch(debug=False): core.registerNew(topo_addressing) from proto.arp_helper import launch launch(eat_packets=False) if not debug: core.getLogger("proto.arp_helper").setLevel(99)
""" from pox.core import core import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of import pox.lib.packet as pkt from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr, parse_cidr from pox.lib.addresses import IP_BROADCAST, IP_ANY from pox.lib.revent import * from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str from pox.proto.dhcpd import DHCPLease, DHCPD from collections import defaultdict from pox.openflow.discovery import Discovery import time log = core.getLogger("f.t_p") # Adjacency map. [sw1][sw2] -> port from sw1 to sw2 adjacency = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None)) # Switches we know of. [dpid] -> Switch and [id] -> Switch switches_by_dpid = {} switches_by_id = {} # [sw1][sw2] -> (distance, intermediate) path_map = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: (None, None))) def dpid_to_mac(dpid): return EthAddr("%012x" % (dpid & 0xffFFffFFffFF, ))
# Copyright 2017 Janos Czentye # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Subpackage for classes related mostly to Service (Graph) Adaptation sublayer """ from pox.core import core LAYER_NAME = "service" log = core.getLogger(LAYER_NAME)
* * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ ''' import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.core import core from pox.lib.recoco import Timer log = core.getLogger("Global_Stats") rx_packets = 0 tx_packets = 0 rx_dropped = 0 tx_dropped = 0 rx_errors = 0 tx_errors = 0 num_sw = 0 #total num of switches num_done = 0 #num of switches for whom stats have been collected wait_timeout = 0 handler = {} #{dpid:portstats listner handler} def _init():
# Import some POX stuff from pox.core import core # Main POX object import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of # OpenFlow 1.0 library import pox.lib.packet as pkt # Packet parsing/construction from pox.lib.addresses import EthAddr, IPAddr # Address types import pox.lib.util as poxutil # Various util functions import pox.lib.revent as revent # Event library import pox.lib.recoco as recoco # Multitasking library from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str from pox.openflow.of_json import * import multiprocessing import json # Create a logger for this component log = core.getLogger("Monitor") # Create a global var to portStatus method def _send_to_pipe(data): with open('/dev/shm/poxpipe','w') as pipe: pipe.write(data) def _to_pipe(data): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_send_to_pipe, args=(data,)) p.start() def _go_up (event): # Event handler called when POX goes into up state # (we actually listen to the event in launch() below)
def setup(): log = core.getLogger(log_name) tester = Tester(log) topo = core.sim_topo if server_isn is None: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: random.randint(1000, 100000) else: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: literal_eval(server_isn) def get_client_socket(): try: return next(iter(c1.stack.socket_manager.peered.itervalues())) except Exception: return None c1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("c1") s1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("s1") r1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r1") r2 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r2") tm = core.sim_topo.time r1c1_dev = core.sim_topo.get_devs(r1, c1)[0] # sapp calls close() immediately after connect() # capp calls close() after 1 sec sapp = s1.new_basic_state_trans(port=1000, listen=True) capp = c1._new_resocket_app(DelayedCloseApp, ip=s1.netdev.ip_addr, port=1000, delay=0.1) pkts = [] client_socket = None def on_cap(e): if not pkts: global client_socket client_socket = get_client_socket() parsed = e.parsed if not parsed: return parsed = parsed.find("tcp") if not parsed: return # Giant hack, but just tack this stuff on parsed._devname = parsed._client = is r1c1_dev parsed._server = not parsed._client csock = get_client_socket() parsed._client_state = csock.state if csock else None pkts.append(parsed) #print,parsed.dump() r1.stack.add_packet_capture("*", on_cap, ip_only=True) def from_server(p): return p._server and not p._client def from_client(p): return not p._server and p._client def do_score(): # SYN from client tester.expect_true(from_client(pkts[0]), "1st SYN from client") # SYN+ACK from server tester.expect_true(from_server(pkts[1]), "2nd pkt comes from server") tester.expect_eq(pkts[1]._client_state, SYN_SENT, "state is SYN_SENT when r2 receives SYN+ACK") # ACK from client tester.expect_true(from_client(pkts[2]), "3rd pkt comes from client") tester.expect_eq(pkts[2]._client_state, ESTABLISHED, "state is ESTABLISHED when r2 receives ACK") # FIN+ACK from server tester.expect_true(from_server(pkts[3]), "4th pkt comes from server") tester.expect_eq(pkts[3]._client_state, ESTABLISHED, "state is ESTABLISHED when r2 receives FINACK") tester.expect_true(pkts[3].ACK and pkts[3].FIN, "4th pkt is FIN+ACK") # ACK from client tester.expect_true(from_client(pkts[4]), "5th pkt comes from client") tester.expect_true(pkts[4].ACK, "5th pkt is ACK") # FIN+ACK from client tester.expect_true(from_client(pkts[5]), "6th pkt comes from client") tester.expect_true(pkts[5].ACK and pkts[5].FIN, "6th pkt is FIN+ACK") # ACK from server tester.expect_true(from_server(pkts[6]), "7th pkt comes from server") tester.expect_eq(LAST_ACK, pkts[6]._client_state, "state is LAST_ACK when r2 receives ACK") tester.expect_true(pkts[6].ACK, "7th pkt is ACK") global client_socket tester.expect_eq(CLOSED, client_socket.state, "At end, client state is CLOSED") def on_end(): try: do_score() tester.finish() except Exception: log.exception("Exception during scoring") core.quit() tm.set_timer_at(float(run_time), on_end)
def launch (entire=False): """ If --entire then the whole message is color-coded, otherwise just the log level. Also turns on interpretation of some special sequences in the log format string. For example, try: log --format="%(levelname)s: @@@bold%(message)s@@@normal" log.color """ global enabled if enabled: return from pox.core import core log = core.getLogger() windows_hack = False # Try to work on Windows if sys.platform == "win32": try: from colorama import init windows_hack = True init() except:"You need colorama if you want color logging on Windows") global _strip_only _strip_only = True from pox.core import _default_log_handler as dlf if not dlf: log.warning("Color logging disabled -- no default logger found") return #if not hasattr(dlf, 'formatter'): # log.warning("Color logging disabled -- no formatter found") # return #if not hasattr(dlf.formatter, '_fmt'): # log.warning("Color logging disabled -- formatter unrecognized") # return # Monkeypatch in a new format function... old_format = dlf.format if entire: def new_format (record): msg = _proc(old_format(record), record.levelname) color = LEVEL_COLORS.get(record.levelname) if color is None: return msg return _color(color, msg) else: def new_format (record): color = LEVEL_COLORS.get(record.levelname) oldlevelname = record.levelname if color is not None: record.levelname = _color(color, record.levelname) return _proc(old_format(record), oldlevelname) dlf.format = new_format if windows_hack: if hasattr(dlf, "stream"): if is sys.__stderr__: = sys.stderr enabled = True else: enabled = True
from pox.core import core from pox.lib.addresses import * from pox.lib.packet import * from pox.lib.recoco.recoco import * import fileinput import re # Get a logger log = core.getLogger("fw") class Firewall(object): """ Firewall class. Extend this to implement some firewall functionality. Don't change the name or anything -- the eecore component expects it to be firewall.Firewall. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor. Put your initialization code here. """ self.debug = True self.debug2 = True self.banned_ports = set() for line in fileinput.input('/root/pox/ext/banned-ports.txt'): portNumber = int(line.rstrip()) log.debug(portNumber) self.banned_ports.add(portNumber) self.banned_domains = set() for line in fileinput.input('/root/pox/ext/banned-domains.txt'):
def setup(): log = core.getLogger(log_name) tester = Tester(log) topo = core.sim_topo if server_isn is None: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: random.randint(1000, 100000) else: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: literal_eval(server_isn) def get_client_socket(): try: return next(iter(c1.stack.socket_manager.peered.itervalues())) except Exception: return None c1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("c1") s1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("s1") r1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r1") r2 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r2") tm = core.sim_topo.time r1c1_dev = core.sim_topo.get_devs(r1, c1)[0] # sapp calls close() after receiving data # capp calls sends data and immediately calls close() sapp = s1._new_resocket_app(ClosingRXApp, port=1000, listen=True) capp = c1.new_fast_sender(data=100, ip=s1.netdev.ip_addr, port=1000, delay=0.5) pkts = [] def on_cap(e): parsed = e.parsed if not parsed: return parsed = parsed.find("tcp") if not parsed: return # Giant hack, but just tack this stuff on parsed._devname = parsed._client = is r1c1_dev parsed._server = not parsed._client csock = get_client_socket() parsed._client_state = csock.state if csock else None pkts.append(parsed) #print,parsed.dump() r1.stack.add_packet_capture("*", on_cap, ip_only=True) def do_score(): tester.expect_eq("*" * 100, sapp.all_rx[0][1], "payload correctly sent") # search first FIN fin_idx = -1 for i, p in enumerate(pkts): if p.FIN: fin_idx = i # make sure there's no payloads after FIN payload_after_fin = False for p in pkts[fin_idx:]: if p.payload: payload_after_fin = True break tester.expect_true(not payload_after_fin, "no payload after fin") def on_end(): try: do_score() tester.finish() except Exception: log.exception("Exception during scoring") core.quit() tm.set_timer_at(float(run_time), on_end)
def setup(): log = core.getLogger(log_name) tester = Tester(log) topo = core.sim_topo if server_isn is None: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: random.randint(1000, 100000) else: TXWindow.generate_isn = lambda _: literal_eval(server_isn) def get_client_socket(): try: return next(iter(c1.stack.socket_manager.peered.itervalues())) except Exception: return None c1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("c1") s1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("s1") r1 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r1") r2 = core.sim_topo.get_node("r2") tm = core.sim_topo.time r1c1_dev = core.sim_topo.get_devs(r1, c1)[0] # sapp calls close() after receiving data # capp calls sends data and immediately calls close() sapp = s1._new_resocket_app(ClosingRXApp, port=1000, listen=True) capp = c1._new_resocket_app(TXRatedApp, ip=s1.netdev.ip_addr, port=1000, delay=0.5) capp.tx_data = '#' * 1300 * 100 pkts = [] client_socket = None def on_cap(e): if not pkts: global client_socket client_socket = get_client_socket() parsed = e.parsed if not parsed: return parsed = parsed.find("tcp") if not parsed: return # Giant hack, but just tack this stuff on parsed._devname = parsed._client = is r1c1_dev parsed._server = not parsed._client csock = get_client_socket() parsed._client_state = csock.state if csock else None pkts.append(parsed) #print,parsed.dump() r1.stack.add_packet_capture("*", on_cap, ip_only=True) def do_score(): tester.expect_eq("#" * 1300 * 100, sapp.all_rx[0][1], "payload correctly sent") lat = 200 / 1000.0 low_srtt = lat * 2 * 0.9 high_srtt = lat * 2 * 1.1 global client_socket actual_srtt = client_socket.srtt tester.expect_true(low_srtt <= actual_srtt <= high_srtt, "srtt is within +-10% of 2*RTT") def on_end(): try: do_score() tester.finish() except Exception: log.exception("Exception during scoring") core.quit() tm.set_timer_at(float(run_time), on_end)
def set_miss_length(event=None): if not core.hasComponent('openflow'): return core.openflow.miss_send_len = 0x7fff core.getLogger().info("Requesting full packet payloads") return EventRemove
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ A very sloppy IP load balancer. Run it with --ip=<Service IP> --servers=IP1,IP2,... Please submit improvements. :) """ from pox.core import core import pox log = core.getLogger("iplb") from pox.lib.packet.ethernet import ethernet, ETHER_BROADCAST from pox.lib.packet.ipv4 import ipv4 from pox.lib.packet.arp import arp from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool, dpid_to_str import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of import time import random FLOW_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 10 FLOW_MEMORY_TIMEOUT = 60
from zlib import crc32 from pox.core import core from pox.lib.util import dpidToStr import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.lib.revent import EventMixin from pox.lib.addresses import EthAddr from pox.lib.packet.ipv4 import ipv4 from pox.lib.packet.udp import udp from pox.lib.packet.tcp import tcp from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool, dpid_to_str from import topos from util import buildTopo, getRouting log = core.getLogger("hederaController") # log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Number of bytes to send for packet_ins MISS_SEND_LEN = 2000 IDLE_TIMEOUT = 10 CAPACITY = 1 # Borrowed from pox/forwarding/l2_multi class Switch(object): def __init__(self): self.connection = None self.ports = None self.dpid = None
class AbstractRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler, object): """ Minimalistic RESTful API for Layer APIs. Handle /escape/* URLs. Method calling permissions represented in escape_intf dictionary. .. warning:: This class is out of the context of the recoco's co-operative thread context! While you don't need to worry much about synchronization between recoco tasks, you do need to think about synchronization between recoco task and normal threads. Synchronisation is needed to take care manually - use relevant helper function of core object: :func:`callLater()`/ :func:`raiseLater()` or use :func:`schedule_as_coop_task() <escape.util.misc.schedule_as_coop_task>` decorator defined in :mod:`escape.util.misc` on the called function! """ # For HTTP Response messages server_version = "ESCAPE/" + get_escape_version() """server version for HTTP Response messages""" static_prefix = "escape" # Bound HTTP verbs to UNIFY's API functions request_perm = { 'GET': ('ping', 'version', 'operations'), 'POST': ('ping', ) } """Bound HTTP verbs to UNIFY's API functions""" # Name of the layer API to which the server bounded bounded_layer = None """Name of the layer API to which the server bounded""" # Name mapper to avoid Python naming constraint (dict: rpc-name: mapped name) rpc_mapper = None """Name mapper to avoid Python naming constraint""" # Logger name LOGGER_NAME = "REST-API" """Logger name""" # Logger. Should be overrided in child classes log = core.getLogger("[%s]" % LOGGER_NAME) # Use Virtualizer format virtualizer_format_enabled = False """Use Virtualizer format""" # Default communication approach format = "FULL" """Default communication approach""" MESSAGE_ID_NAME = "message-id" def setup(self): BaseHTTPRequestHandler.setup(self) def do_GET(self): """ Get information about an entity. R for CRUD convention. """ self._process_url() def do_POST(self): """ Create an entity. C for CRUD convention. :return: None """ self._process_url() def do_PUT(self): """ Update an entity. U for CRUD convention. :return: None """ self._process_url() def do_DELETE(self): """ Delete an entity. D for CRUD convention. :return: None """ self._process_url() # Unsupported HTTP verbs def do_OPTIONS(self): """ Handling unsupported HTTP verbs. :return: None """ self.send_error(httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) self.wfile.close() def do_HEAD(self): """ Handling unsupported HTTP verbs. :return: None """ # self.send_error(501) self.wfile.close() def do_TRACE(self): """ Handling unsupported HTTP verbs. :return: None """ self.send_error(httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) self.wfile.close() def do_CONNECT(self): """ Handling unsupported HTTP verbs. :return: None """ self.send_error(httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) self.wfile.close() def get_request_params(self): """ Parse request params from URL. :return: parsed params :rtype: dict """ params = {} query = urlparse.urlparse(self.path).query if query: query = query.split('&') for param in query: if '=' in param: name, value = param.split('=', 1) params[name] = value else: params[param] = True # Check message-id in headers as backup if self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME not in params: if self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME in self.headers: params[self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME] = self.headers[ self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME] self.log.debug("Detected message id: %s" % params[self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME]) else: params[self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME] = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.log.debug("No message-id! Generated id: %s" % params[self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME]) else: self.log.debug("Detected message id: %s" % params[self.MESSAGE_ID_NAME]) self.log.debug("Detected request parameters: %s" % params) return params def _process_url(self): """ Split HTTP path and call the carved function if it is defined in this class and in request_perm. :return: None """ self.log.debug(">>> Got HTTP %s request: %s:%s --> %s" % (self.command, self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1], self.path)) http_method = self.command real_path = urlparse.urlparse(self.path).path try: prefix = '/%s/' % self.static_prefix if real_path.startswith(prefix): self.func_name = real_path[len(prefix):].split('/')[0] if self.rpc_mapper: try: self.func_name = self.rpc_mapper[self.func_name] except KeyError: # No need for RPC name mapping, continue pass if http_method in self.request_perm: if self.func_name in self.request_perm[http_method]: if hasattr(self, self.func_name): # Response is assembled, and sent back by handler functions params = self.get_request_params() getattr(self, self.func_name)(params=params) else: self.send_error( httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Missing handler for actual request!") else: self.send_error(httplib.NOT_ACCEPTABLE) else: self.send_error(httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) else: self.send_error(httplib.NOT_FOUND, "URL path is not valid or misconfigured!") except RESTError as e: # Handle all the errors if e.code: self.send_error(e.code, e.msg) else: self.send_error(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.msg) except: # Got unexpected exception self.send_error(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) self.log.error("\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) finally: self.func_name = None self.wfile.flush() self.wfile.close() self.log.debug(">>> HTTP request: %s ended!" % str(self.raw_requestline).rstrip()) def _get_body(self): """ Parse HTTP request body as a plain text. .. note:: Call only once by HTTP request. .. note:: Parsed JSON object is Unicode. GET, DELETE messages don't have body - return empty dict by default. :return: request body in str format :rtype: str """ charset = 'utf-8' # json.loads returns an empty dict if it's called with an empty string # but this check we can avoid to respond with unnecessary missing # content-* error if self.command.upper() in ('GET', 'DELETE'): return {} try: splitted_type = self.headers['Content-Type'].split('charset=') if len(splitted_type) > 1: charset = splitted_type[1] content_len = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) raw_data = # Avoid missing param exception by hand over an empty json data return raw_data if content_len else "{}" except KeyError as e: # Content-Length header is not defined # or charset is not defined in Content-Type header. if e.args[0] == 'Content-Type': self.log.warning("Missing header from request: %s" % e.args[0]) if e.args[0] == 'Content-Length': # 411: ('Length Required', 'Client must specify Content-Length.'), raise RESTError(code=httplib.LENGTH_REQUIRED) else: raise RESTError(code=httplib.PRECONDITION_FAILED, msg="Missing header from request: %s" % e.args[0]) except ValueError as e: # Failed to parse request body to JSON self.log_error("Request parsing failed: %s", e) raise RESTError(code=httplib.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, msg="Request parsing failed: %s" % e) def send_REST_headers(self): """ Set the allowed REST verbs as an HTTP header (Allow). :return: None """ try: if self.func_name: self.send_header( 'Allow', ','.join([ str(verbs) for verbs, f in self.request_perm.iteritems() if self.func_name in f ])) except KeyError: pass def send_acknowledge(self, code=None, message_id=None): """ Send back acknowledge message. :param code: use explicit response code :type code: int :param message_id: response body :param message_id: dict :return: None """ if code: self.send_response(int(code)) else: self.send_response(httplib.ACCEPTED) if message_id: self.send_header('message-id', message_id) self.send_REST_headers() self.end_headers() def send_raw_response(self, raw_data, code=None, content="text/plain", encoding='utf-8'): """ Send requested data. :param code: use explicit response code :type code: int :param content: use explicit content type :type content: str :param raw_data: data in JSON format :type raw_data: dict :param encoding: Set data encoding (optional) :type encoding: str :return: None """ if code: self.send_response(int(code)) else: self.send_response(httplib.OK) self.send_header('Content-Type', '%s; charset=%s' % (content, encoding)) self.send_header('Content-Length', len(raw_data)) self.send_REST_headers() self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(raw_data) def send_json_response(self, data, code=None, encoding='utf-8'): """ Send requested data in JSON format. :param data: data in JSON format :type data: dict :param code: use explicit response code :type code: int :param encoding: Set data encoding (optional) :type encoding: str :return: None """ response_body = json.dumps(data, encoding=encoding) return self.send_raw_response(raw_data=response_body, code=code, content="application/json", encoding=encoding) error_content_type = "text/json" """Content-Type for error responses""" def send_error(self, code, message=None): """ Override original function to send back allowed HTTP verbs and set format to JSON. :param code: error code :type code: int :param message: error message :type message: str :return: None """ try: short, long = self.responses[code] except KeyError: short, long = '???', '???' if message is None: message = short explain = long self.log_error("code %d, message %s", code, message) # using _quote_html to prevent Cross Site Scripting attacks (see bug # #1100201) content = { "title": "Error response", 'Error code': code, 'Message': message, 'Explanation': explain } self.send_response(code, message) self.send_header("Content-Type", self.error_content_type) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') # self.send_REST_headers() self.end_headers() if self.command != 'HEAD' and code >= 200 and code not in (204, 304): self.wfile.write(json.dumps(content)) def log_error(self, mformat, *args): """ Overwritten to use POX logging mechanism. :param mformat: message format :type mformat: str :return: None """ self.log.error( "%s - - [%s] %s" % (self.client_address[0], self.log_date_time_string(), mformat % args)) def log_message(self, mformat, *args): """ Disable logging of incoming messages. :param mformat: message format :type mformat: str :return: None """ pass def log_full_message(self, mformat, *args): """ Overwritten to use POX logging mechanism. :param mformat: message format :type mformat: str :return: None """ self.log.debug( "%s - - [%s] %s" % (self.client_address[0], self.log_date_time_string(), mformat % args)) def _proceed_API_call(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """ Fail-safe method to call API function. The cooperative micro-task context is handled by actual APIs. Should call this with params, not directly the function of actual API. :param function: function name :type function: str :param args: Optional params :type args: tuple :param kwargs: Optional named params :type kwargs: dict :return: None """ if core.core.hasComponent(self.bounded_layer): layer = core.components[self.bounded_layer] if hasattr(layer, function): return getattr(layer, function)(*args, **kwargs) else: self.log.warning( 'Mistyped or not implemented API function call: %s ' % function) raise RESTError( msg='Mistyped or not implemented API function call: %s ' % function) else: self.log.error( 'Error: No component has registered with the name: %s, ' 'ABORT function call!' % self.bounded_layer) ############################################################################## # Basic REST-API functions ############################################################################## # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def ping(self, params): """ For testing REST API aliveness and reachability. :param params: additional params (skipped) :return: None """ if self.server.ping_response_code == self.server.POST_UP_PING_CODE: response_body = "OK" else: response_body = "INITIALIZING" self.send_response(code=self.server.ping_response_code) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(response_body)) self.send_REST_headers() self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(response_body) self.log.debug("Sent response: %s, %s" % (self.server.ping_response_code, response_body)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def version(self, params): """ Return with version :param params: additional params (skipped) :return: None """ self.log.debug("Call REST-API function: version") body = {"name": __project__, "version": get_escape_version()} self.send_json_response(body) self.log.debug("Sent response: %s" % body) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def operations(self, params): """ Return with allowed operations :param params: additional params (skipped) :return: None """ self.log.debug("Call REST-API function: operations") self.send_json_response(self.request_perm)
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with POX. If not, see <>. """ This is a prototype control application written on top of the (substrate) NOM. It converts NOM switch entities into LearningSwitches. """ from pox.core import core from pox.controllers.controller import Controller from learning_switch import LearningSwitch name = "l2_controller" log = core.getLogger(name) # In addition to declaring the user-defined NOM entity, the application must tell the platform # how and when to instantiate these NOM entities. We do this with the following controller: class nom_l2_switch_controller(Controller): """ Controller that treats the network as a set of learning switches """ _core_name = name def __init__(self): """ Initializes the l2 switch controller component """ Controller.__init__(self) log.debug("nom_l2_switch_controller booting...") def _handle_topology_SwitchJoin(self, switchjoin_event):
An L2 learning switch. It is derived from one written live for an SDN crash course. It is somwhat similar to NOX's pyswitch in that it installs exact-match rules for each flow. """ from __future__ import division from random import randrange from pox.core import core import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool import sys, os, commands, time from pox.lib.util import dpidToStr log = core.getLogger() #-------------------------------define flow rate---------- flow_rate = 50 interval = 1 / flow_rate print 'current flow modification rate is:', flow_rate global burst burst = {} # We don't want to flood immediately when a switch connects. # Can be overriden on commandline. _flood_delay = 0 class LearningSwitch(object): """ The learning switch "brain" associated with a single OpenFlow switch.
from pox.core import core import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.lib.revent import * from pox.lib.util import dpidToStr from pox.lib.revent import EventMixin from pox.openflow.of_json import * from threading import Thread import socket import json import math import time LOG = core.getLogger() CONTROLLER_IP = '' class ServerSocket(Thread): """ Class that listens for switch messages """ def __init__(self, connections): Thread.__init__(self) self.sock = None self.connections = connections #dpdi of the switch def run(self): self.sock = socket.socket() host = CONTROLLER_IP port = 12345 # Reserve a port for own communication btwn switches and controller"Binding to listen for switch messages")
# ext/ # Importar as bibliotecas from pox.core import core import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of from pox.lib.revent import * from pox.lib.addresses import EthAddr, IPAddr from pox.lib.util import dpidToStr log = core.getLogger() # logging class aula2ex2(EventMixin): def __init__(self): self.listenTo(core.openflow) def _handle_ConnectionUp(self, event): log.debug("Connection UP from %s", event.dpid) def _handle_PacketIn(self, event): packet = event.parsed # Drop de todos os pacotes msg = of.ofp_flow_mod() msg.match.in_port = event.port msg.match.dl_src = packet.src msg.match.dl_dst = packet.dst event.connection.send(msg) log.debug("Drop packet sw=%s in_port=%s src=%s dst=%s" \ % (event.dpid, event.port, packet.src, packet.dst))