def assemble_subdies( mask_name, dict_subdies, subdies_directory, mask_directory=None, um_to_grid=UM_TO_GRID, ): """ Args: dict_subdies: {subdie_name: (x, y, rotation) in (um, um, deg)} subdies_directory: directory where the subdies should be looked for """ top_level_layout = pya.Layout() top_level = top_level_layout.create_cell(mask_name) if mask_directory is None: mask_directory = subdies_directory for subdie_name, (x_um, y_um, R) in dict_subdies.items(): gdspath = os.path.join(subdies_directory, subdie_name + ".gds") subdie = load_gds(gdspath).top_cell() _subdie = import_cell(top_level_layout, subdie) t = pya.Trans(R / 2, 0, int(x_um * um_to_grid), int(y_um * um_to_grid)) # t = pya.Trans(0, 0) subdie_instance = pya.CellInstArray(_subdie.cell_index(), t) top_level.insert(subdie_instance) top_level.write(os.path.join(mask_directory, mask_name + ".gds")) return top_level
def add_text(cell, text, position=(0, 0), align_x="center", align_y="top", fontpath=FONT_PATH): """ add text label""" text = text.upper() alphabet = load_alphabet(filepath=fontpath) idbu = 1 / cell.layout().dbu si = alphabet["A"].dbbox() x, y = position w = si.width() h = si.height() c = cell.layout().create_cell("TEXT_{}".format(text)) n = len(text) if align_x == "center": dx = -(n + 0.5) * w / 2 elif align_x == "right": dx = -n * w else: dx = 0 if align_y == "top": dy = -h elif align_y == "center": dy = -h / 2 else: dy = 0 for i, char in enumerate(text): _l = import_cell(cell.layout(), alphabet[char]) _transform = pya.DTrans((i * w + dx) * idbu, dy * idbu) label = pya.CellInstArray(_l.cell_index(), _transform) c.insert(label) cell.insert(pya.CellInstArray(c.cell_index(), pya.DTrans(x, y))) return c
def place_from_yaml(filepath_yaml, root_does=CONFIG["cache_doe_directory"], precision=1e-9, fontpath=text.FONT_PATH): """ Returns a gds cell composed of DOEs/components given in a yaml file allows for each DOE to have its own x and y spacing (more flexible than method1) Args: filepath_yaml: root_does: used for cache, requires content.txt """ transform_identity = pya.Trans(0, 0) dicts, mask_settings = load_yaml(filepath_yaml) does, templates = separate_does_from_templates(dicts) placed_doe = None placed_does = {} top_level_name = mask_settings.get("name", "TOP_LEVEL") layer_doe_label = mask_settings["layer_doe_label"] top_level_layout = pya.Layout() # Set database units according to precision top_level_layout.dbu = precision / 1e-6 dbu = top_level_layout.dbu um_to_grid = int(1 / dbu) top_level = top_level_layout.create_cell(top_level_name) global CELLS CELLS[top_level_name] = top_level_layout default_doe_settings = { "add_doe_label": False, "add_doe_visual_label": False, "dx_visual_label": 0, "dy_visual_label": 0, } for doe_name, doe in does.items(): # If a template is specified, apply it if "template" in doe: doe_templates = doe["template"] if type(doe_templates) != list: doe_templates = [doe_templates] for doe_template in doe_templates: try: doe = update_dicts_recurse(doe, templates[doe_template]) except: print(doe_template, "does not exist") raise doe = update_dicts_recurse(doe, default_doe_settings) # Get all the components components = load_doe(doe_name, root_does) """ # Check that the high level components are all unique # For now this is mostly to circumvent a bug # But the design manual also specifies that DOE components should have # unique names. So one instance per cell """ if components: if len(components) != len( set([_c.top_cell().name for _c in components])): __dict_component_debug = {} for _c in components: _name = _c.top_cell().name if _name not in __dict_component_debug: __dict_component_debug[_name] = 0 __dict_component_debug[_name] += 1 duplicates_components = [ _name for _name, _count in __dict_component_debug.items() if _count > 1 ] print( "Please remove duplicate components at DOE entry level: ") print(duplicates_components) components = [ import_cell(top_level_layout, _c.top_cell()) for _c in components ] # Find placer information default_placer_settings = { "align_x": "W", "align_y": "S", "margin": 10, "x0": "E", "y0": "S", } settings = default_placer_settings.copy() placer = doe.get("placer") if placer: placer_type = placer.pop("type", "pack_col") settings.update(doe["placer"]) else: placer_type = "pack_col" if placer_type not in PLACER_NAME2FUNC: raise ValueError( f'{placer_type} is not an available placer, Choose: {list(PLACER_NAME2FUNC.keys())}' ) _placer = PLACER_NAME2FUNC[placer_type] # All other attributes are assumed to be settings for the placer ## Check if the cell should be attached to a specific parent cell if "parent" in settings: parent_name = settings.pop("parent") if parent_name not in CELLS: # Create parent cell in layout and insert it under top level parent_cell = top_level_layout.create_cell(parent_name) CELLS[parent_name] = parent_cell parent_cell_instance = pya.CellInstArray( parent_cell.cell_index(), transform_identity) top_level.insert(parent_cell_instance) doe_parent_cell = CELLS[parent_name] else: # If no parent specified, insert the DOE at top level doe_parent_cell = top_level ## Check if we should create a DOE cell which regroups the DOEs if "with_doe_cell" in settings: with_doe_cell = settings.pop("with_doe_cell") else: with_doe_cell = True # x0, y0 can either be float or string x0 = settings.pop("x0") y0 = settings.pop("y0") # Check whether we are doing relative or absolute placement # if (x0 in ["E", "W"] or y0 in ["N", "S"]) and not placed_doe: # raise ValueError( # "At least one DOE must be placed to use relative placement" # ) # For relative placement (to previous DOE) if "margin_x" not in settings: settings["margin_x"] = settings["margin"] if "margin_y" not in settings: settings["margin_y"] = settings["margin"] if "inter_margin_x" not in settings: inter_margin_x = settings["margin_x"] else: inter_margin_x = settings.pop("inter_margin_x") if "inter_margin_y" not in settings: inter_margin_y = settings["margin_y"] else: inter_margin_y = settings.pop("inter_margin_y") align_x = settings["align_x"] align_y = settings["align_y"] ## Making sure that the alignment is sensible depending on how we stack # If we specify a DOE to place next to, use it if "next_to" in settings: placed_doe = placed_does[settings.pop("next_to")] print(placed_doe) print(placed_does) # Otherwise, use previously placed DOE as starting point doe_si = (SizeInfo(placed_doe, top_level_layout, um_to_grid=um_to_grid) if placed_doe is not None else None) if x0 == "E": x0 = doe_si.east if align_x == "W": x0 += inter_margin_x if x0 == "W": x0 = doe_si.west if align_x == "E": x0 -= inter_margin_x if y0 == "N": y0 = doe_si.north if align_y == "S": y0 += inter_margin_y if y0 == "S": y0 = doe_si.south if align_y == "N": y0 -= inter_margin_y # Add x0, y0 in settings as float settings["x0"] = x0 settings["y0"] = y0 settings["um_to_grid"] = um_to_grid placed_components = _placer(components, **settings) # Place components within a cell having the DOE name if with_doe_cell or len(placed_components) > 1: doe_cell = top_level_layout.create_cell(doe_name) CELLS[doe_name] = doe_cell for instance in placed_components: doe_cell.insert(instance) placed_does[doe_name] = doe_cell placed_doe = doe_cell doe_instance = pya.CellInstArray(doe_cell.cell_index(), transform_identity) else: # If only single cell and we want to skip the doe cell doe_instance = placed_components[0] placed_does[doe_name] = doe_instance placed_doe = doe_instance add_doe_label = doe["add_doe_label"] add_doe_visual_label = doe["add_doe_visual_label"] if add_doe_label: label_layer_index, label_layer_datatype = layer_doe_label layer_index = top_level.layout().insert_layer( pya.LayerInfo(label_layer_index, label_layer_datatype)) # Add the name of the DOE at the center of the cell _p = doe_instance.bbox(top_level_layout).center() _text = pya.Text(doe_name, _p.x, _p.y) top_level.shapes(layer_index).insert(_text) if add_doe_visual_label: _bbox = doe_instance.bbox(top_level_layout) idbu = 1 / top_level.layout().dbu x_text = + doe["dx_visual_label"] * idbu y_text = _bbox.bottom + (15.0 + doe["dy_visual_label"]) * idbu _text = text.add_text(top_level, doe_name, position=(x_text, y_text), fontpath=fontpath) # _transform = pya.DTrans(x_text, y_text) # top_level.insert(pya.CellInstArray(_text.cell_index(), _transform)) doe_parent_cell.insert(doe_instance) return top_level