def cutback_phase(straight_length=100.0, bend_radius=10.0, n=2):
    # Define sub components
    bend180 = bend_circular(radius=bend_radius, start_angle=-90, theta=180)
    pm_wg = phase_modulator_waveguide(length=straight_length)
    wg_short = waveguide(length=1.0)
    wg_short2 = waveguide(length=2.0)
    wg_heater = waveguide_heater(length=10.0)
    taper = _taper()

    # Define a map between symbols and (component, input port, output port)
    string_to_device_in_out_ports = {
        "I": (taper, "1", "wg_2"),
        "O": (taper, "wg_2", "1"),
        "S": (wg_short, "W0", "E0"),
        "P": (pm_wg, "W0", "E0"),
        "A": (bend180, "W0", "W1"),
        "B": (bend180, "W1", "W0"),
        "H": (wg_heater, "W0", "E0"),
        "-": (wg_short2, "W0", "E0"),

    # Generate a sequence
    # This is simply a chain of characters. Each of them represents a component
    # with a given input and and a given output

    repeated_sequence = "SIPOSASIPOSB"
    heater_seq = "-H-H-H-H-"
    sequence = repeated_sequence * n + "SIPO" + heater_seq
    component = component_sequence(sequence, string_to_device_in_out_ports)

    return component
def test_cutback_heater():
    # Define subcomponents
    bend_radius = 10.0
    bend180 = bend_circular(radius=bend_radius, start_angle=-90, theta=180)
    wg = waveguide(length=5.0)
    wg_heater = waveguide_heater(length=20.0)

    # Define a map between symbols and (component, input port, output port)
    string_to_device_in_out_ports = {
        "A": (bend180, "W0", "W1"),
        "B": (bend180, "W1", "W0"),
        "H": (wg_heater, "W0", "E0"),
        "-": (wg, "W0", "E0"),

    # Generate a sequence
    # This is simply a chain of characters. Each of them represents a component
    # with a given input and and a given output

    sequence = "AB-H-H-H-H-BA"
    component = component_sequence(sequence, string_to_device_in_out_ports)
    assert component
    return component