def ppCleanupDir(argv): usage = """ /path/to/ CLEANWORD_FILE InDir OutDir InDir must exist and OutDir must not """ if len(argv) != 4: print usage sys.exit(2) cwfile = argv[1] indir = argv[2] outdir = argv[3] if not os.path.isfile(cwfile): print "clean word file:",cwfile,"does't exist." sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(indir): print "In Dir", indir,"does't exist." sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(outdir): print "Out Dir", outdir,"already exists." sys.exit(1) shutil.copytree(indir, outdir) print "\nCleaning up IFDEFs in", indir, "and store new files in", outdir for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outdir): for name in files: f = os.path.join(root,name) fext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if fext in ['.f','.f90','.F','.F90','.c','.cpp','.h','.H']: ftmp = f+'.orig' os.rename(f,ftmp) ppc.ppCleanup(cwfile, ftmp, f) os.remove(ftmp) print "Finish cleaning up"
def release(argv): usage = """ /path/to/ CodeName CLEANWORD_FILE """ if len(argv) != 3: print usage sys.exit(2) code = argv[1] cwfile = argv[2] if code.lower() == 'castro': code = 'Castro' private_src = 'gamera:/usr/local/gitroot/Castro' public_src = 'gamera:/usr/local/releases/Castro' else: sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(cwfile): print "clean word file:", cwfile, "doesn't exist." sys.exit(1) workdir = os.getcwd() my_private_dir = workdir + '/private/' my_public_dir = workdir + '/public/' my_private_git = os.path.join(my_private_dir, code) my_public_git = os.path.join(my_public_dir, code) if os.path.exists(my_private_git): print "\nTry to clone the private git repo to", my_private_git print "But", my_private_git, "already exists." sys.exit(1) elif not os.path.exists(my_private_dir): os.makedirs(my_private_dir) doGitClone(my_private_dir, private_src) if os.path.exists(my_public_git): print "\nTry to clone the public git repo to", my_public_git print "But", my_public_git, "already exists." sys.exit(1) elif not os.path.exists(my_public_dir): os.makedirs(my_public_dir) doGitClone(my_public_dir, public_src) print "\nrsync from private to public ..." systemCall("rsync -ac --delete --exclude '.git' " + os.path.normpath(my_private_git) + "/ " + os.path.normpath(my_public_git)) print "\nCleaning up IFDEFs ..." for root, dirs, files in os.walk(my_public_git): for name in files: f = os.path.join(root, name) fext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if fext in ['.f', '.f90', '.F', '.F90', '.c', '.cpp', '.h', '.H']: ftmp = f + '.gitorig' os.rename(f, ftmp) # systemCall("~/mygitrepo/BoxLib/Tools/ppCleanup/ -c "+ # "~/mygitrepo/BoxLib/Tools/ppCleanup/cleanWords.txt "+ # " -o "+f+" "+ftmp) ppc.ppCleanup(cwfile, ftmp, f) os.remove(ftmp) if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') doGitCommit(my_public_git) last_tag = getGitTag(my_public_git) print "\nThe last release is called", last_tag while True: next_tag = raw_input("\nWhat's the next release called? ") next_tag = next_tag.strip() uin = raw_input("\nIt will be called '" + next_tag + "'. Is that right? (y or n) ") if uin == 'y': break else: print "\nLet's try again." doGitTag(my_public_git, next_tag) doGitTag(my_private_git, next_tag) print "\nYou now need to make an important choice! There are three things need to be done." print " (1) Push the new public release using 'git push' in", my_public_git + "." print " (2) Push the new tag using 'git push --tags' in", my_public_git + "." print " (3) Push the new tag using 'git push --tags' in", my_private_git + "." while True: uin = raw_input( "\nDo you want these to be done by the script? (y or n) ") if uin == 'y': break elif uin == 'n': break else: print "What did you type?", uin + "?" if uin == 'y': print "\nOK. The script will do it for you." doGitPush(my_public_git) doGitPushTag(my_public_git) doGitPushTag(my_private_git) print "\nCongratulations! ", next_tag, "has been released!" else: print "\nOK. You are going to do it yourself."
def release(argv): usage = """ /path/to/ CodeName CLEANWORD_FILE """ if len(argv) != 3: print usage sys.exit(2) code = argv[1] cwfile = argv[2] if code.lower() == 'castro': code = 'Castro' private_src = 'gamera:/usr/local/gitroot/Castro' public_src = 'gamera:/usr/local/releases/Castro' else: sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(cwfile): print "clean word file:",cwfile,"does't exist." sys.exit(1) workdir = os.getcwd() my_private_dir = workdir+'/private/' my_public_dir = workdir+'/public/' my_private_git = os.path.join(my_private_dir, code) my_public_git = os.path.join( my_public_dir, code) if os.path.exists(my_private_git): print "\nTry to clone the private git repo to", my_private_git print "But", my_private_git,"already exists." sys.exit(1) elif not os.path.exists(my_private_dir): os.makedirs(my_private_dir) doGitClone(my_private_dir, private_src) if os.path.exists(my_public_git): print "\nTry to clone the public git repo to", my_public_git print "But", my_public_git,"already exists." sys.exit(1) elif not os.path.exists(my_public_dir): os.makedirs(my_public_dir) doGitClone(my_public_dir, public_src) print "\nrsync from private to public ..." systemCall("rsync -ac --delete --exclude '.git' " +os.path.normpath(my_private_git)+"/ " +os.path.normpath(my_public_git)) print "\nCleaning up IFDEFs ..." for root, dirs, files in os.walk(my_public_git): for name in files: f = os.path.join(root,name) fext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if fext in ['.f','.F','.c','.cpp','.h','.H']: ftmp = f+'.gitorig' os.rename(f,ftmp) # systemCall("~/mygitrepo/BoxLib/Tools/ppCleanup/ -c "+ # "~/mygitrepo/BoxLib/Tools/ppCleanup/cleanWords.txt "+ # " -o "+f+" "+ftmp) ppc.ppCleanup(cwfile, ftmp, f) os.remove(ftmp) if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') doGitCommit(my_public_git) last_tag = getGitTag(my_public_git) print "\nThe last release is called", last_tag while True: next_tag = raw_input("\nWhat's the next release called? ") next_tag = next_tag.strip() uin = raw_input("\nIt will be called '"+next_tag+"'. Is that right? (y or n) ") if uin == 'y': break else: print "\nLet's try again." doGitTag(my_public_git, next_tag) doGitTag(my_private_git, next_tag) print "\nYou now need to make an important choice! There are three things need to be done." print " (1) Push the new public release using 'git push' in", my_public_git+"." print " (2) Push the new tag using 'git push --tags' in", my_public_git+"." print " (3) Push the new tag using 'git push --tags' in", my_private_git+"." while True: uin = raw_input("\nDo you want these to be done by the script? (y or n) ") if uin == 'y': break elif uin == 'n': break else: print "What did you type?", uin+"?" if uin == 'y': print "\nOK. The script will do it for you." doGitPush(my_public_git) doGitPushTag(my_public_git) doGitPushTag(my_private_git) print "\nCongratulations! ", next_tag, "has been released!" else: print "\nOK. You are going to do it yourself."