count = int(count) count += 1 return name + "-" + str(count) def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print("Received a message %s" % body) sys.stdout.flush() message.send("I received a %s ball" % body) # Sleep a second time.sleep(1) # Throw the ball ball = transformBall(body) throwBall(ball) print(welcome_message) # Init message message.init() # Init other queue connection = pp_queue.connect() channel = channel.queue_declare(queue=other_queue) # Init queue pp_queue.consume(queue_name, callback)
import pp_queue import sys MESSAGE_QUEUE = 'message' def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print("Message: %s" % body) sys.stdout.flush() print("Welcome to the Ping Pong solution") pp_queue.consume(MESSAGE_QUEUE, callback)