def install_server(self): self.mod_files.append(self.minecraft_server_jar()) for f in self.mod_files: if not f['required_on_server']: # pass - note that currently, there are some files (i.e. authlib-1.5.13.jar) which don't have an install path, so can't be handled. continue try: f.validate_attributes() except AssertionError: print("INSTALLATION FAILED - MOD FILE DEFINITION INVALID.") import pprint pprint.pprint(f) return 'FAILURE' print('-') mkdir(self['download_cache_folder']) os.chdir(self['download_cache_folder'])"server") mkdir(self['install_folder']) os.chdir(self['install_folder']) f.install(self, "server") print('-\r\nWriting eula.txt') os.chdir(self['install_folder']) with open('eula.txt', 'w') as eula: eula.write("eula=true")
def test(): user_agent = "NowKithMikeTyson 0.0 by /u/redleader6432" r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent) user_name = "redleader6432" user = r.get_redditor(user_name) thing_limit = 10 gen = user.get_submitted(limit=thing_limit) com = user.get_comments(limit=thing_limit) karma_by_subreddit = {} comments = {} for thing in gen: subreddit = thing.subreddit.display_name karma_by_subreddit[subreddit] = (karma_by_subreddit.get(subreddit, 0) + thing.score) for thing in com: subreddit = thing.subreddit.display_name comments[subreddit] = (karma_by_subreddit.get(subreddit, 0) + thing.score) print('Submitted:') pprint.pprint(karma_by_subreddit) print('Comments:') pprint.pprint(comments)
def test_user_queues(self): queues = self.user.get_queues(expand="@title", sort_order="alphabetical", start_index=0, max_results=10) self.assertIsNotNone(queues) dump_object(queues) queues_instant = self.user.get_queues_instant(sort_order="alphabetical", start_index=0, max_results=2) self.assertIsNotNone(queues_instant) pprint.pprint(queues_instant) for queue in queues_instant['queue']: q = self.user.get_resource(queue['id'], data={}) print queue['id'] print(q.content) try: queues_disc = self.user.get_queues_disc(sort_order="alphabetical", start_index=0, max_results=10) self.assertIsNotNone(queues_disc) dump_object(queues_disc) except NetflixError as e : dump_object(e) queues_ia = self.user.get_queues_instant_available(sort_order="alphabetical", start_index=0, max_results=10) self.assertIsNotNone(queues_ia) dump_object(queues_ia) queues_is = self.user.get_queues_instant_saved(sort_order="alphabetical", start_index=0, max_results=10) self.assertIsNotNone(queues_is) dump_object(queues_is)
def runTest(): print("Test script:") import pprint print("Component tree of all installed components:") pprint.pprint(getAllComponents_tree()) print("") test_cfg = RHNOptions(sys.argv[1]) # test_cfg = RHNOptions('') # test_cfg = RHNOptions('') # test_cfg = RHNOptions('proxy.redirect', _CONFIG_ROOT) # test_cfg = RHNOptions('proxy.redirect', '/tmp') # test_cfg.filename = 'empty.conf' test_cfg.parse() print("=============== the object's repr ================================") print(test_cfg) print("=============== the object's defaults ============================") pprint.pprint(test_cfg.getDefaults()) print("=============== an erronous lookup example =======================") print("testing __getattr__") try: print(test_cfg.lkasjdfxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) except AttributeError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print('Testing: "AttributeError: %s"' % e) print("") print( "=============== the object's merged settings ======================") print( "=============== dump of all relevant dictionaries =================") test_cfg.showall() print( "===================================================================")
def RunDispatch(txn, balances={}, commodities={}, raise_error=False, check_not_empty=False): """Dispatch a transaction to its handler.""" key = (txn['type'], txn['description']) try: handler = _DISPATCH[key] except KeyError: if raise_error: pprint.pprint(txn) raise ValueError("Unknown message: {}".format(repr(key))) logging.error("Ignoring message for: %s", repr(key)) else: # Call the handler method. signature = inspect.signature(handler) kwargs = dict() if 'balances' in signature.parameters: kwargs['balances'] = balances if 'commodities' in signature.parameters: kwargs['commodities'] = commodities result = handler(txn, **kwargs) if result and not isinstance(result, list): result = [result] if check_not_empty: empty_txn = PruneEmptyValues(txn) assert not empty_txn, pformat(empty_txn) return result
def printJSONCursor(self, fieldnames, datemap, time_format=None): """ Output plan json objects. :param c: collection :param fieldnames: fieldnames to include in output :param datemap: fieldnames to map dates to date strings :param time_format: field names to map to a specific time format :return: """ count = 0 with self._smart_open(self._filename) as output: for i in self._cursor: # print( "processing: %s" % i ) # print( "fieldnames: %s" % fieldnames ) self._results.append(i) d = CursorFormatter.fieldMapper(i, fieldnames) # print( "processing fieldmapper: %s" % d ) d = CursorFormatter.dateMapper(d, datemap, time_format) pprint.pprint(d, output) count = count + 1 return count
def install_server(self): self.mod_files.append(self.minecraft_server_jar()) for f in self.mod_files: if not f['required_on_server']: # pass - note that currently, there are some files (i.e. authlib-1.5.13.jar) which don't have an install path, so can't be handled. continue try: f.validate_attributes() except AssertionError: print ("INSTALLATION FAILED - MOD FILE DEFINITION INVALID.") import pprint pprint.pprint(f) return 'FAILURE' print ('-') mkdir(self['download_cache_folder']) os.chdir(self['download_cache_folder'])"server") mkdir(self['install_folder']) os.chdir(self['install_folder']) f.install(self, "server") print ('-\r\nWriting eula.txt') os.chdir(self['install_folder']) with open('eula.txt', 'w') as eula: eula.write("eula=true")
def evaluate(args): opt = vars(args) # make other options opt['dataset_splitBy'] = opt['dataset'] + '_' + opt['splitBy'] if args.cfg_file is not None: cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) print('Using config:') pprint.pprint(cfg) # set up loader data_json = osp.join('cache/prepro', opt['dataset_splitBy'], 'data.json') data_h5 = osp.join('cache/prepro', opt['dataset_splitBy'], 'data.h5') loader = GtMRCNLoader(data_json, data_h5) # set up model opt['vocab_size']= loader.vocab_size opt['C4_feat_dim'] = 512 net = vgg16(opt, batch_size=1) net.create_architecture(81, tag='default', anchor_scales=cfg.ANCHOR_SCALES, anchor_ratios=cfg.ANCHOR_RATIOS) sfile = osp.join(opt['dataset_splitBy'], 'output_{}'.format(opt['output_postfix']), 'vgg16_faster_rcnn_iter_{}.pth'.format(opt['model_iter'])) print('Restoring model snapshots from {:s}'.format(sfile)) saved_state_dict = torch.load(str(sfile)) count_1 = 0 new_params = net.state_dict().copy() for name, param in new_params.items(): #print(name, param.size(), saved_state_dict[name].size()) if name in saved_state_dict and param.size() == saved_state_dict[name].size(): new_params[name].copy_(saved_state_dict[name]) #print('---- copy ----') else: print(name, '----') count_1 += 1 print('size not match:', count_1) net.load_state_dict(new_params) net.eval() net.cuda() split = opt['split'] crit = None acc, num_sent = eval_split(loader, net, crit, split, opt) print('Comprehension on %s\'s %s (%s sents) is %.2f%%' % \ (opt['dataset_splitBy'], split, num_sent, acc*100.)) # write to results.txt f = open('experiments/det_results.txt', 'a') f.write('[%s][%s], id[%s]\'s acc is %.2f%%\n' % \ (opt['dataset_splitBy'], opt['split'], opt['id'], acc*100.0))
def print_cluster_data(args): """loading precomputed fits""" from util import depickle_fits res = depickle_fits(args.file, suffix="cfits") """retrieving weightmatrix from fits dic""" W = res["map"]["W"] dic_W = res["map"] """get fit and cluster data""" cl = res["dic_cluster"] num_dead = cl["num_dead_rf"] alive = W.shape[0] - num_dead import pprint as pp print print "*****+ Trained map data" print "visible units", W.shape[1] print "hidden units", W.shape[0] print "alive hidden units", alive, "(", N.round(alive / float(W.shape[0]), 2), "% )" print "*****+ Map Parameter" print pp.pprint([(key, dic_W[key]) if key != "W" else () for key in dic_W.keys()]) print "*****+ Cluster data" print "num cluster", cl["num_clusters"] print "num rf in each cluster", cl["num_each_cluster"] print "prototype weights each cluster", N.round(cl["prototype_cluster"], 2) print "*****+ Cluster Parameters" print pp.pprint(cl["args"])
def get_top_ten(self): topten = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] print "Domain\tTLS\tVerified\t" results = [] for domain in topten: self.cur.execute("select id from domains where domain = '%s';" % domain) dom_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute( "select mx_id from domains_mx where domain_id = %s;" % dom_id) mx_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute( "select server_id from mx_servers where mx_id = %s;" % mx_id) serv_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute("select tls from servers where id = %s;" % serv_id) tls = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute( "select ssl_verified from servers where id = %s;" % serv_id) verified = self.cur.fetchone()[0] results.append([domain, tls, verified]) #num_servers_tls = int(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) #self.cur.execute("select count(*) from Servers where ssl_verified = 'True';") pprint.pprint(results)
def suggestion(dict, sample): # aus sample process extrahieren, schwerpunktsenergie query = { "energy": get_energy(sample, "2016"), "process": get_process(sample).replace("/", "") } print "searching for previously known cross-sections with following query: " pprint.pprint(query) query_result = [] best_guess = 0 for sample, values in dict.iteritems(): matches = True for name, attribute in values.iteritems(): if not name in query: continue if not (re.match(str(query[name]), str(attribute)) != None): #query[name] != attribute: matches = False if matches and "xsec" in dict[sample]: query_result.append("\t" + make_nickname(values) + " : " + str(dict[sample]["xsec"])) if best_guess == 0: best_guess = dict[sample]["xsec"] else: if best_guess != dict[sample]["xsec"]: best_guess = -1 # differences, no recommendation found print "previously set: " pprint.pprint(query_result) return best_guess
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]", description="Script to extend datasets.json by another sample") # sample parser.add_option("-s", "--sample", help="official Sample Sting") # crosssection parser.add_option("-x", "--xsec", help="Sample cross section") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() sample = options.sample xsec = float(options.xsec) #xsec = eval_expr(xsec.replace('x', '*').replace(' ', '')) dict = database if "xsec" in dict[sample]: print "sample already does have a cross-section of " + str(dict[sample]["xsec"]) + ". Stopping" sys.exit() best_guess = suggestion(dict, sample) if best_guess > 0 and xsec < 0: print "automatically fetching cross-section from previously known samples" xsec = best_guess if xsec <= 0.0: print "no proper cross-section defined. Stopping" sys.exit() dict[sample]["xsec"] = float(xsec) print "\n new datasets.json entry: " pprint.pprint( dict[sample]) save_database(dict, dataset)
def upload_fastq(self, ctx, params): """ :param params: instance of type "UploadFastqParams" (testing invocation of ReadsUtils) -> structure: parameter "fwd_id" of String, parameter "wsid" of Long, parameter "wsname" of String, parameter "objid" of Long, parameter "name" of String, parameter "rev_id" of String, parameter "sequencing_tech" of String :returns: instance of type "UploadFastqObjref" """ # ctx is the context object # return variables are: objref #BEGIN upload_fastq print("hai this is upload_fastq here, params are") pprint.pprint(params) #ReadsUtils_instance = ReadsUtils(url=self.callbackURL, token=ctx['token']) #method_retVal = ReadsUtils_instance.upload_reads( params ) objref = "Vooch" #END upload_fastq # At some point might do deeper type checking... if not isinstance(objref, basestring): raise ValueError('Method upload_fastq return value ' + 'objref is not type basestring as required.') # return the results return [objref]
async def start_service(send_channel): async with oauth.authorizer(_watch_token) as authorize, \ client.factory("", 443) as make_request, \ send_channel: seen = set() while True: data = await client.json_auth_request_factory( partial(youtube.list_live_broadcasts_builder), authorize, make_request) import pprint pprint.pprint(data) async with trio.open_nursery() as chat_handlers: # Make two concurrent calls to child() for broadcast in data["items"]: if broadcast["id"] in seen: print("skipping", broadcast["id"], file=sys.stderr) continue print("starting chat handler for broadcast", broadcast["id"], file=sys.stderr) seen.add(broadcast["id"]) chat_handlers.start_soon( partial( chat_handler, live_chat_id=broadcast["snippet"]["liveChatId"], authorize=authorize, send_channel=send_channel, )) await trio.sleep(60)
def test_get_default_msfragger_3(): up = uparma.UParma() default_params = up.get_default_params("msfragger_style_3") import pprint pprint.pprint(default_params) assert default_params["enzyme_specificity"]["translated_value"] == 2
def _distributor(self, label, cv, param, eval_metric, early_stopping_rounds=50): start = time() if self.is_classifier: label = 'XGBClassifier' rs = XGBClassifier(param) else: label = 'XGBRegressor' rs = XGBRegressor(param) X_visible, X_blind, y_visible, y_blined = \ train_test_split( self.X_train, self.y_train, random_state=1301, stratify=self.y_train, test_size=0.4), self.y_visible, eval_metric, early_stopping_rounds=50, eval_set=[(X_visible, y_visible), (X_blind, y_blined)]) self.result[label] = {} self.result[label]['clf'] = rs # self.result[label]['score'] = rs.best_score_ self.result[label]['time'] = time() - start # self.result[label]['set'] = ('n_iter: %s cv: %s' % (n_iter, cv)) pprint.pprint(self.result[label]) # pprint.pprint(rs.grid_scores_) out_result = open(self.result_address, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.result, out_result) out_result.close()
def shops_in_sf(): output = cur.execute('SELECT value, COUNT(*) as num FROM nodes_tags\ WHERE key="shop" \ GROUP BY value \ ORDER BY num DESC' ) pprint.pprint(output.fetchall()) return output.fetchall()
def json_put(self, _req_url, _data, debug_=False, response_json_list_=None): """ Send a PUT request. This is presently used for data sent to /status-msg for creating a new messaging session. It is not presently used for CLI scripting so lacks suppress_x features. :param _req_url: url to put :param _data: data to place at URL :param debug_: enable debug output :param response_json_list_: array for json results in the response object, (alternative return method) :return: http response object """ json_response = None try: lf_r = LFRequest.LFRequest(self.lfclient_url, _req_url, debug_=self.debug, die_on_error_=self.exit_on_error) lf_r.addPostData(_data) if debug_ or self.debug: LANforge.LFUtils.debug_printer.pprint(_data) json_response = lf_r.json_put(show_error=self.debug, debug=(self.debug or debug_), response_json_list_=response_json_list_, die_on_error_=self.exit_on_error) if debug_ and (response_json_list_ is not None): pprint.pprint(response_json_list_) except Exception as x: if self.debug or self.halt_on_error or self.exit_on_error: print("json_put submitted to %s" % _req_url) pprint.pprint(_data) print("Exception %s:" % x) traceback.print_exception(Exception, x, x.__traceback__, chain=True) if self.halt_on_error or self.exit_on_error: exit(1) return json_response
def register_new_sample(dict, options): # split sample name pd_name, details, filetype = options.sample.strip("/").split("/") new_entry = {} sample = options.sample if(sample in dict): new_entry = dict[sample] else: new_entry = {} if options.dbs: new_entry["inputDBS"]=options.dbs new_entry["data"] = is_data(details, new_entry["embedded"] = is_embedded(filetype) new_entry["energy"] = get_energy(pd_name, details, data = new_entry["data"], isembedded=new_entry["embedded"]) new_entry["campaign"] = get_campaign(details, energy=new_entry["energy"]) new_entry["scenario"] = get_scenario(details, energy=new_entry["energy"], data=new_entry["data"]) new_entry["generator"] = get_generator(pd_name, data=new_entry["data"]) new_entry["process"] = get_process(pd_name) new_entry["format"] = get_format(filetype, default=None) new_entry["n_events_generated"] = get_n_generated_events(sample, options.dbs) new_entry["n_files"] = get_n_files(sample, options.dbs) new_entry["extension"] = get_extension(details) if options.xsec != "": new_entry["xsec"] = float(options.xsec) pprint.pprint(new_entry) print "The nickname will be: " print make_nickname(new_entry) check_nickname_unique(make_nickname(new_entry)) dict[sample] = new_entry return dict
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="usage: %prog [options]", description="Script to extend datasets.json by another sample") # sample parser.add_option("-s", "--sample", help="official Sample Sting") # crosssection parser.add_option("-x", "--xsec", help="Sample cross section") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() sample = options.sample xsec = float(options.xsec) #xsec = eval_expr(xsec.replace('x', '*').replace(' ', '')) dict = database if "xsec" in dict[sample]: print "sample already does have a cross-section of " + str( dict[sample]["xsec"]) + ". Stopping" sys.exit() best_guess = suggestion(dict, sample) if best_guess > 0 and xsec < 0: print "automatically fetching cross-section from previously known samples" xsec = best_guess if xsec <= 0.0: print "no proper cross-section defined. Stopping" sys.exit() dict[sample]["xsec"] = float(xsec) print "\n new datasets.json entry: " pprint.pprint(dict[sample]) save_database(dict, dataset)
def main_read_info (options): """ IBW -> ASCII conversion """ log.debug ("reading %s..." % wav = wave_read ( pprint.pprint (
def save_data(dataset): new_dataset = [] for i, x in enumerate(dataset): sentence = x['sentenceTokens'] verbs = [] etc = [] print('NEW SOURCE SENTENCE') #print(sentence) for vkey in x['verbEntries'].keys(): z = x['verbEntries'][vkey]['questionLabels'] verbs.append([sentence[int(vkey)]]) for qkey in z.keys(): verbs[-1].append([qkey]) for qa in z[qkey]['answerJudgments']: if qa['isValid']: verbs[-1][-1].append(qa['spans'][0]) pprint.pprint(verbs) print(sentence) print() if i == 3: break
def get_top_ten(self): topten = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] print "Domain\tTLS\tVerified\t" results = [] for domain in topten: self.cur.execute("select id from domains where domain = '%s';" % domain) dom_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute("select mx_id from domains_mx where domain_id = %s;" % dom_id) mx_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute("select server_id from mx_servers where mx_id = %s;" % mx_id) serv_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute("select tls from servers where id = %s;" % serv_id) tls = self.cur.fetchone()[0] self.cur.execute("select ssl_verified from servers where id = %s;" % serv_id) verified = self.cur.fetchone()[0] results.append([domain, tls, verified]) #num_servers_tls = int(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) #self.cur.execute("select count(*) from Servers where ssl_verified = 'True';") pprint.pprint(results)
def test_pytorch_linear_nn(self): """Test linear pytorch model training and UDF application""" model = SimpleNetwork() MachineLearningPytorchTestCase.train_pytorch_model(model=model) dir = os.path.dirname(openeo_udf.functions.__file__) file_name = os.path.join(dir, "") udf_code = UdfCodeModel(language="python", source=open(file_name, "r").read()) temp = create_datacube(name="temp", value=1, dims=("x", "y"), shape=(2, 2)) ml = MachineLearnModelConfig( framework="pytorch", name="linear_model", description= "A pytorch model that adds two numbers in range of [1,1]", path="/tmp/") udf_data = UdfData(proj={"EPSG": 4326}, datacube_list=[temp], ml_model_list=[ml]) run_user_code(code=udf_code.source, data=udf_data) pprint.pprint(udf_data.to_dict())
def runTest(): print("Test script:") import pprint print("Component tree of all installed components:") pprint.pprint(getAllComponents_tree()) print("") test_cfg = RHNOptions(sys.argv[1]) # test_cfg = RHNOptions('') # test_cfg = RHNOptions('') # test_cfg = RHNOptions('proxy.redirect', _CONFIG_ROOT) # test_cfg = RHNOptions('proxy.redirect', '/tmp') # test_cfg.filename = 'empty.conf' test_cfg.parse() print("=============== the object's repr ================================") print(test_cfg) print("=============== the object's defaults ============================") pprint.pprint(test_cfg.getDefaults()) print("=============== an erronous lookup example =======================") print("testing __getattr__") try: print(test_cfg.lkasjdfxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) except AttributeError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print('Testing: "AttributeError: %s"' % e) print("") print("=============== the object's merged settings ======================") print("=============== dump of all relevant dictionaries =================") test_cfg.showall() print("===================================================================")
def handle( self, *args, **options ): def enrich( obj ): #s = unicode( obj ).lower() s = obj.strip().lower() # simple stop words s = re.sub( r"\b(the|of|in|a)\b", "", s, re.IGNORECASE ) # type prefixes s = re.sub( r"^(trailer|review|report|screenshots|video):\s*", "", s, re.IGNORECASE ) return s trigrams = defaultdict(int) for ln in sys.stdin: n = NGram( warp=2.5, iconv=enrich, N=3 ) s = n.iconv( ln ) s = n.pad( s ) for gram in n.ngrams( s ): trigrams[gram] += 1 max_idf = math.sqrt(math.log(float(len(trigrams))/1.0)) #print len(trigrams) #return # set weights to sqrt(log(N/n)) for word in trigrams.keys(): # 1.0 constant to account for missing words #trigrams[word] = math.sqrt(math.log(float(len(trigrams))/(1.0+trigrams[word]))) # normalize trigrams[word] = math.sqrt(math.log(float(len(trigrams))/(1.0+trigrams[word])))/max_idf # (missing trigram) value trigrams['$$$'] = 1.0 import pprint pprint.pprint( sorted(trigrams.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) )
def describe_tweets(input_json_file): ## count things data = [] k = j = 0 with open(input_json_file,'r') as jsonFile: for tweet in jsonFile: jObj = json.loads(tweet) ## filter tweets for those that are in English if jObj[0]['lang']== 'en': ## pop'n the dictionary twt_stats ={ 'usr_ment_cnt': len(jObj.get('entities',{}).get('user_mentions', {})), 'url_cnt' : len(jObj.get('entities',{}).get('urls',{})), 'hstgs_cnt' : len(jObj.get('entities',{}).get('hashtags',{})), 'rt_cnt' : jObj.get('retweet_count'), 'fv_cnt' : jObj.get('favorite_count') } pprint.pprint(tw_stats) data.append(twt_stats) k +=1 else: j +=1 #print np.size(data) print k , 'tweets processed' not_en = (j/(j+k)) * 100.0 print '%.2f percent of tweets are not English' % (not_en) return data
def error(self, exception): # print("lfcli_base error: %s" % exception) pprint.pprint(exception) traceback.print_exception(Exception, exception, exception.__traceback__, chain=True) if self.halt_on_error: print("halting on error") sys.exit(1)
def Package_pay(self): """统计包支付上报请求 """ event = Reqspon.Recode( recode_file="doublewin.har", read_file="doublewin.yml", yaml_name="/p/ggdirect", yaml_url="") """ 同样的地址抓捕的时候抓出很多会话,找出符合条件的请求 """ Session = [] for id, data in enumerate(event[0:]): session = event[id] Session.append(session) #if data["request"]["json"]["eventName"] == "af_purchase": # 相同地址多个会话的请求 # pprint(event[id]) #session = event[id] #Session.append(session) pprint.pprint(Session) idn = 0 # 相同的数据 取数控制器 revent = Session[idn] # 取刷选后请求的第一个 url = revent["request"]["url"] data = revent["request"]["data"] headers = revent["request"]["headers"] method = revent["request"]["method"] res =, data=data, headers=headers) ############## # 写入当前时间,下标从1开始 now = int(time.time()) # 显示为时间戳 timeArray = time.localtime(now) currentTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray) ######################### respon_status_code = res.status_code # 返回状态码 respon_headers = res.headers # 返回头 respon_body = json.loads(res.text) # 返回体 respon_cookies = res.cookies respon_history = res.history print(respon_body) print(respon_status_code, respon_headers, respon_cookies, respon_body, respon_history) if respon_status_code == 200: """处理返回数据解析表格输出数据""" idnum = idn + 1 ##序号 code = respon_status_code message = respon_body["message"] # 返回信息 product_id = data["product_id"] ##产品ID player_id = data["cp_player_id"] # 用户账户 userid = data["device_id"] # userID game_version = data["product_version"] # 游戏版本 sdk_version = "None" # SDK版本 androidid = "None" #Android ID event_list = [ idnum, code, message, product_id, player_id, userid, game_version, sdk_version, androidid, currentTime ] print(event_list) return event_list
def Accountkit(self): """统计包登陆上报请求 """ event = Reqspon.Recode( recode_file="doublewin.har", read_file="doublewin.yml", yaml_name="/v1.0/account/trace", yaml_url="") """ 同样的地址抓捕的时候抓出很多会话,找出符合条件的请求 """ Session = [] for id, data in enumerate(event[0:]): session = event[id] Session.append(session) #if data["request"]["json"]["eventName"] == "af_purchase": # 相同地址多个会话的请求 # pprint(event[id]) #session = event[id] #Session.append(session) print(id) pprint.pprint(Session) idn = 0 # 相同的数据 取数控制器 revent = Session[idn] # 取刷选后请求的第一个 url = revent["request"]["url"] data = revent["request"]["data"] headers = revent["request"]["headers"] method = revent["request"]["method"] res =, data=data, headers=headers) ############## # 写入当前时间,下标从1开始 now = int(time.time()) # 显示为时间戳 timeArray = time.localtime(now) currentTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray) ######################### respon_status_code = res.status_code # 返回状态码 respon_headers = res.headers # 返回头 respon_body = json.loads(res.text) # 返回体 respon_cookies = res.cookies respon_history = res.history print(respon_body) print(respon_status_code, respon_headers, respon_cookies, respon_body, respon_history) if respon_status_code == 200: """处理返回数据解析表格输出数据""" idnum = idn + 1 ##序号 code = respon_status_code #请求状态返回code message = respon_body["message"] # 返回信息 vid = respon_body["data"]["vid"] ##vid player_id = data["gameAccountId"] # 玩家账号 也是用户信息 userid = data["staToken"] # userID token = data["thirdPartyToken"] # 三方token package_name = data["packageName"] # 包名 platform = data["platform"] #平台 event_list = [ idnum, code, message, vid, player_id, userid, token, package_name, platform, currentTime ] print(event_list) return event_list
def main(files): import pprint if not files: raise Exception("usage: %s foo.html [bar.html ...]" % sys.argv[0]) for fname in files: print "%s as person:" % fname print pprint.pprint(scrape_person(fname)) print "%s as state:" % fname print pprint.pprint(scrape_state(fname))
def write(self, obj): """Serialize.""" from io import StringIO output = StringIO() pprint.pprint(obj, stream=output, indent=4) contents = output.getvalue() output.close() return contents
def main_pack_list (options): ''' Lists contents of Igor Packed file ''' log.debug ("Scanning %s...") pack_tree = pack_scan_tree (options.list) print "Pack Tree:" pprint.pprint (pack_tree)
def printData(self): vehicle_info = dict({ 'vid':self.vid, 'VDI':self.VDI, 'VTI':self.VTI, 'RTI':self.RTI }) pprint.pprint(test, width=20, indent=2)
def getDates(client): startDATE = os.getenv('startDATE', "") endDATE = os.getenv('endDATE', "") if startDATE == "": print '>>> Calculating StartDATE ' date_query = " select max(date) as date from " + DATASET_ID + "." + MASTER_TABLE_ID print(">>> " + date_query) date_query_job = client.query(date_query) try: results = date_query_job.result() print '>>> Executed the max Date query ' print '>>> Fetching the date row,if any ' for row in results: if == None: startDATE = "" else: startDATE = str( startDATE = datetime.datetime.strptime(startDATE, '%Y%m%d').strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if startDATE == "": print '>>> No max Date row ' yesterDate = ( - datetime.timedelta(2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') startDATE = yesterDate else: print '>>> setting the startDATE to next day of last updated data' tempDATE = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(startDATE, "%Y-%m-%d") - datetime.timedelta(2)) print tempDATE startDATE = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(tempDATE, '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00').strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) print '>>> startDate is: ' + startDATE except Exception as e: pprint.pprint(">>> Failed to get Max Date from the Master Table %s " % e) type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() pprint(traceback.format_tb(traceback_)) print(type_, value_) sys.exit(1) else: print '>>> Settiing startDATE from Jenkins parm' startDATE = os.environ['startDATE'] if endDATE == "": print '>>> Going to calculate endDate' yesterDate = ( - datetime.timedelta(2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') endDATE = yesterDate else: print '>>> Setting the endDATE from Jenkins parm' endDATE = os.environ['endDATE'] startDATE = str(startDATE) endDATE = str(endDATE) if startDATE > endDATE: print '>>> startDATE greater than endDATE ?? I am setting both as endDATE' startDATE = endDATE print '>>> startDate : ' + startDATE print '>>> endDate: ' + endDATE return [startDATE, endDATE]
def push(self, message: dict): if message['type'] in self.messageTypes: logging.debug("MESSAGE RECEIVED") pprint.pprint(message) messageType = self.messageTypes[message['type']] message = messageType(message) self.signal.emit(message) else: logging.debug("INVALID MESSAGE TYPE", message['type'])
def test_user_feeds(self): feeds = self.user.get_feeds() self.assertIsNotNone(feeds) for item in feeds['resource']['link']: print "%s => %s" % (item['title'], item['href']) try: #pass dump_object(self.user.get_resource(item['href'])) except NetflixError as e: pprint.pprint(e)
def test_relativize(self): rel = relativize_datestamps(TASK_DEF) import pprint pprint.pprint(rel) assert rel["created"] == {"relative-datestamp": "0 seconds"} assert rel["deadline"] == {"relative-datestamp": "86400 seconds"} assert rel["expires"] == {"relative-datestamp": "31536001 seconds"} assert rel["payload"]["artifacts"]["public"]["expires"] == { "relative-datestamp": "31536000 seconds" }
def fit_all_models(self, pipe=True, cv=4, n_iter=10): for label in self.dicts.keys(): print ('Check %s' % label) # send label to distributer if not yet estimated if label not in self.result.keys(): if pipe: self._piped_distributer(label, cv, n_iter) else: self._distributer(label, cv, n_iter) else: pprint.pprint(('score: %0.2f') % self.result[label]['score'])
def index(): # Auth Step 1: Authorization url_args = "&".join([ "{}={}".format(key, urllib.request.quote(val)) for key, val in auth_query_parameters.items() ]) auth_url = "{}/?{}".format(SPOTIFY_AUTH_URL, url_args) return redirect(auth_url) #@app.route("/callback/q") #def callback(): # Auth Step 4: Requests refresh and access tokens auth_token = request.args['code'] code_payload = { "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": str(auth_token), "redirect_uri": REDIRECT_URI } base64encoded = base64.b64encode("{}:{}".format(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)) headers = {"Authorization": "Basic {}".format(base64encoded)} post_request =, data=code_payload, headers=headers) # Auth Step 5: Tokens are Returned to Application response_data = json.loads(post_request.text) access_token = response_data["access_token"] refresh_token = response_data["refresh_token"] token_type = response_data["token_type"] expires_in = response_data["expires_in"] # Auth Step 6: Use the access token to access Spotify API authorization_header = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token)} Requests = requests.get('', headers=authorization_header) r = Requests.json() pprint.pprint(r) # Get profile data user_profile_api_endpoint = "{}/me".format(SPOTIFY_API_URL) profile_response = requests.get(user_profile_api_endpoint, headers=authorization_header) profile_data = json.loads(profile_response.text) # Get user playlist data playlist_api_endpoint = "{}/playlists".format(profile_data["href"]) playlists_response = requests.get(playlist_api_endpoint, headers=authorization_header) playlist_data = json.loads(playlists_response.text) # Combine profile and playlist data to display display_arr = [profile_data] + playlist_data["items"]
def test(): tags = count_tags('example.osm') pprint.pprint(tags) assert tags == {'bounds': 1, 'member': 3, 'nd': 4, 'node': 20, 'osm': 1, 'relation': 1, 'tag': 7, 'way': 1}
def main(): updater = Updater(os.environ['BOT_TOKEN']) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( InteractiveHandler( start_game, entry_points=[ CommandHandler('start_game', None), ], fallbacks=[ CommandHandler('cancel', cancel_game), CallbackQueryHandler(info_button, pattern=r'^info$'), ], per_chat=True, per_user=False, per_message=False, )) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('help', help)) webhook_port = os.environ.get('WEBHOOK_PORT') if webhook_port: sys.stdout.flush() webhook_url = os.environ.get( 'URL_PREFIX', 'https://%s:%s/' % ( os.environ['WEBHOOK_FQDN'], webhook_port, )) + 'api/' + os.environ['BOT_TOKEN'] updater.start_webhook( listen=os.environ.get('WEBHOOK_LISTEN', ''), port=int(webhook_port), url_path='api/' + os.environ['BOT_TOKEN'], key=os.environ.get('WEBHOOK_KEY'), cert=os.environ.get('WEBHOOK_CERT'), webhook_url=webhook_url, clean=True, ) info = print('Webhook info:') import pprint pprint.pprint(str(info)) else: updater.start_polling(clean=True, timeout=10) print('Blood Bound Bot ready for serving!') sys.stdout.flush() updater.idle()
def optimise_smallest_distance_with_intensity(enders, starters, end, intense): import itertools import numpy as np import pprint as pp if len(starters) > 2 * len(enders): # exit(f'Too many daugters: {len(starters)} daughters for {len(enders)} parents') enders += ['blank'] if len(starters) != 2 * len(enders): starters += ['blank'] * (2 * len(enders) - len(starters)) total_dis_dic = {} # print(list(itertools.permutations(starters, 4)), enders) loop = 0 for startCells in itertools.permutations(starters, 4): tot_dis = 0 loop += 1 for endCell, stCellgroup in zip( enders, np.array_split(startCells, len(enders))): for stC in stCellgroup: if stC == 'blank' or endCell == 'blank': tot_dis += 10000 continue stx, sty, stz = pos_dic[end + 1][stC] endx, endy, endz = pos_dic[end][endCell] dis = (stx - endx)**2 + (sty - endy)**2 + (stz - endz)**2 tot_dis += dis total_dis_dic[tot_dis] = (enders, startCells) pp.pprint(total_dis_dic) min_dis = min(total_dis_dic) linked = [] ender_Cells, start_Cells = total_dis_dic[min_dis] for endCell, stCellgroup in zip( ender_Cells, np.array_split(start_Cells, len(ender_Cells))): for stC in stCellgroup: linked.append((endCell, stC)) return linked
def process_message(data, config={}): global ADMIN, database, slack slack = config.get('slack_client', None) ADMIN = config.get('ADMIN', '') database = config.get('database', None) channel_id = data['channel'] channelname = slack.get_channelname(channel_id) user = {} user['id'] = get_user_id(data) if not user['id']: return conn = sqlite3.connect(database) c = conn.cursor() import pprint pprint.pprint(data) import sys sys.stdout.flush() if data['text'].startswith("!"): freq_table = 'cmd_freq' else: freq_table = 'chat_freq' c.execute( '''create table if not exists {} (user TEXT PRIMARY KEY, count INT)'''. format(freq_table)) c.execute( '''create table if not exists friends (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, user_a TEXT, user_b TEXT, UNIQUE (user_a, user_b) ON CONFLICT IGNORE)''' ) c.execute( '''create table if not exists coins (user TEXT PRIMARY KEY, coins INTEGER DEFAULT 0)''' ) c.execute( '''create table if not exists pokemons (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, user TEXT, race INTEGER, level INTEGER, exp INTEGER, i_hp INTEGER, i_atk INTEGER, i_def INTEGER, i_satk INTEGER, i_sdef INTEGER, i_spd INTEGER)''' ) conn.commit() user['name'] = slack.get_username(user['id']) print("[general] msg: {} from username: {}, channel: {} ({})".format( data['text'].encode('utf8'), user['name'], channelname, channel_id)) if data['text'].startswith("!"): msgs = data['text'].split(" ") if len(msgs) == 2: cmd = msgs[0] target = msgs[1] binary_command(cmd, target, channel_id, user, conn) elif len(msgs) == 1: cmd = msgs[0] unary_command(cmd, channel_id, user, conn) update_freq(data['text'], user['name'], conn) conn.close()
def show_invoice(request): invoice_data = {} client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/') db = client['invoices'] collection = db['invoices'] print collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(request.matchdict['invoice_id'])}) invoice_data = collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(request.matchdict['invoice_id'])}) collection = db['core_data'] import pprint invoice_data['core_data'] = collection.find_one({}) pprint.pprint(collection.find_one({})) pprint.pprint(invoice_data['core_data']['company_name']) return invoice_data
def _piped_distributer(self, label, cv, n_iter): normal = Normalizer() pca = PCA() selection = SelectKBest(k='all') features = FeatureUnion(['reduction', pca], ('selection', selection)) clf = self.dicts[label]['clf'] pipeline = Pipeline([('scale', normal), ('features', features), ('clf', clf)]) piped_param = {} piped_param['features__reduction__n_components'] = [5] for (name, value) in self.dicts[self.label]['param'].items(): piped_param['clf__' + name] = value try: print ('try RandomizedSearchCV...') start = time() rs = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator=pipeline, param_distributions=piped_param, scoring=self.scoring,, n_jobs=-1, n_iter=self.n_iter) # else grid search cv except ValueError: print ('try GridSearchCV...') start = time() rs = GridSearchCV(estimator=pipeline, param_grid=piped_param, scoring=self.scoring,, n_jobs=-1), self.y_train) self.result[label] = {} self.result[label]['clf'] = rs.best_estimator_ self.result[label]['score'] = rs.best_score_ self.result[label]['time'] = time() - start self.result[label]['set'] = ('n_iter: %s cv: %s' % (n_iter, cv)) pprint.pprint(self.result[label]) pprint.pprint(rs.grid_scores_) out_result = open(self.result_address, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.result, out_result) out_result.close()
def test_get_about(self): return entry_id_1 = u'11EIs1ZxCykme0FnAdY8Xm_ktUCQ9y5lHC3EwAKFsiFk' entry1 = EntryCache.get_instance().cache.get(entry_id_1) # result = PathRelations.get_instance().register_entry(entry1) entry_id_2 = u'0AJFt2OXeDBqSUk9PVA' # entry2 = EntryCache.get_instance().cache.get(entry_id_2) # result = PathRelations.get_instance().register_entry(entry2) path_relations = PathRelations.get_instance() #print(len(entry.parents)) # path_relations.dump_ll() # print(AccountInfo().root_id) # path_relations.dump_entry_clause('0AJFt2OXeDBqSUk9PVA') # PathRelations.get_instance().dump_entry_clause('0B5Ft2OXeDBqSSmdIek1aajZtVDA') # return # entry_clause = path_relations.get_entry_clause_by_id(entry_id_1) #result = path_relations.find_path_components_goandget('/') result = path_relations.get_child_filenames_from_entry_id(entry_id_2) from pprint import pprint pprint(result) # result = EntryCache.get_instance().cache.get(u'11EIs1ZxCykme0FnAdY8Xm_ktUCQ9y5lHC3EwAKFsiFk') # result = EntryCache.get_instance().cache.get(u'11EIs1ZxCykme0FnAdY8Xm_ktUCQ9y5lHC3EwAKFsiFk') # result = EntryCache.get_instance().cache.get(u'11EIs1ZxCykme0FnAdY8Xm_ktUCQ9y5lHC3EwAKFsiFk') # result = EntryCache.get_instance().cache.get(u'11EIs1ZxCykme0FnAdY8Xm_ktUCQ9y5lHC3EwAKFsiFk') # print(result) return # result = AccountInfo().root_id #about = drive_proxy('get_about_info') # entries = drive_proxy('get_children_under_parent_id', parent_id=about.root_id) #entries = drive_proxy('get_parents_over_child_id', child_id=u'11EIs1ZxCykme0FnAdY8Xm_ktUCQ9y5lHC3EwAKFsiFk') # print(response[u'rootFolderId']) import pprint # pprint.pprint(response[u'importFormats']) pprint.pprint(result)
def write(self, output, resources, notebook_name='notebook', **kw): """ Consume and write Jinja output. See base for more... """ if 'outputs' in resources: print("outputs extracted from %s" % notebook_name) print('-' * 80) pprint.pprint(resources['outputs'], indent=2, width=70) else: print("No outputs extracted from %s" % notebook_name) print('=' * 80)
def process_map(file_in, pretty = False): # You do not need to change this file file_out = "{0}.json".format(file_in) data = [] with, "w") as fo: for _, element in ET.iterparse(file_in): el = shape_element(element) if el: data.append(el) if pretty: fo.write(json.dumps(el, indent=2)+"\n") else: fo.write(json.dumps(el) + "\n") return data pprint.pprint(data)
def test_execution(): """ Method loads a sample corpus, executes the extraction and prints the state of the etractor for inspection. """ #f = open('corpora/easy', 'r') #text = #f.close() from corpus import get_wiki_text text = get_wiki_text() extractor = C_NC_TermExtractor(text) extractor.compute_cnc() import pprint pprint.pprint(extractor.__dict__)
def remove_matching_entries(dict, query): remove_samples = [] for sample, values in dict.iteritems(): matches = True for name, attribute in values.iteritems(): if not name in query: continue if not (re.match(str(query[name]), str(attribute)) != None):#query[name] != attribute: matches = False if matches: remove_samples.append(sample) print "removing the following samples: " pprint.pprint( remove_samples) for sample in remove_samples: del dict[sample] return dict
def display_tree(tree): if nltk_is_available: count = 0 for t in tree: cf = CanvasFrame() tc = TreeWidget(cf.canvas(), t) cf.add_widget(tc, 10, 10) count += 1 fileName = "tree" + repr(count) + ".ps" cf.print_to_file(fileName) cf.destroy() else: count = 0 for t in tree: count += 1 fileName = "tree" + repr(count) + ".txt" pprint.pprint(t, fileName)
def test_update_facebook_share_settings(self): # verify that the linked account was properly added linkedAccounts = self.showLinkedAccounts(self.token) self.assertEqual(len(linkedAccounts), 1) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['service_name'], 'facebook') # update share settings: enable share stamps on facebook path = "account/linked/facebook/settings/update.json" data = { "oauth_token" : self.token['access_token'], 'service_name' : 'facebook', 'on' : 'share_stamps,share_follows,share_todos,share_likes', } self.handlePOST(path, data) # verify that share settings were updated linkedAccounts = self.showLinkedAccounts(self.token) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_stamps'], True) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_follows'], True) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_todos'], True) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_likes'], True) data = { "oauth_token" : self.token['access_token'], 'service_name' : 'facebook', 'off' : 'share_stamps,share_follows', } self.handlePOST(path, data) linkedAccounts = self.showLinkedAccounts(self.token) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_stamps'], False) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_follows'], False) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_todos'], True) self.assertEqual(linkedAccounts['facebook']['share_settings']['share_likes'], True) path = "account/linked/facebook/settings/show.json" data = { "oauth_token" : self.token['access_token'], "service_name" : 'facebook', } result = self.handleGET(path, data) import pprint pprint.pprint(result)
def main(args): """ The main process docstring This function is called when this module is invoked from the commandline """ print "main" if args.file: test_image = os.path.abspath(args.file) else: raise Exception("No test image input!") # test_image = "" header = read_header(test_image) pprint.pprint(header)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]", description="Script to extend datasets.json by another sample") # sample parser.add_option("-s", "--sample", help="official Sample Sting") # crosssection parser.add_option("-x", "--xsec", help="Sample cross section") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() sample = options.sample xsec = options.xsec xsec = eval_expr(xsec.replace('x', '*').replace(' ', '')) dict = load_database(dataset) dict[sample]["xsec"] = float(xsec) import pprint pprint.pprint( dict[sample]) save_database(dict, dataset)
def test_basics(): """Test the progress being made """ code = get_code() insert_project( "Test Proj", # Name of test project "/home/wg", # location of the project on the local file system "", # URL of project on web code # collection to insert this data into ) for x in code.find(): pprint.pprint(x) code.remove({"name":"Test Proj"}) assert code.count() == 0