Example #1
	def apply_astar(self):
		print "A star algorithm running to find the goal"
		close = set()
		open = set()
		parent = {}
		g_score = defaultdict(lambda: math.inf)
		g_score[self.return_key(self._tiles)] = 0
		f_score = PQDict.minpq()
		f_matric = {}
		value = g_score[self.return_key(self._tiles)] + self.heuristic(self._tiles,self.end_index)
		f_score[self.return_key(self._tiles)] = value
		f_matric[self.return_key(self._tiles)] = self._tiles
		while open:
			temp_current_key = f_score.pop()
			current = f_matric[temp_current_key]
			if temp_current_key == self.return_key(self.end):
				print "goal found"
				print "Number of closed states are ", len(close)
				return 1
			if temp_current_key in open:
			l = self.cal_child_nodes(current)
			moves = {}
			for x in l:
				temp_node = copy.copy(l[x][0])
				if self.return_key(temp_node) in close:
				new_g_value = g_score[self.return_key(current)] + 1
				if self.return_key(temp_node) not in open or new_g_value < g_score[self.return_key(temp_node)]:
					parent[self.return_key(temp_node)] = [self.return_key(current),l[x][1]]
					moves[self.return_key(temp_node)] = l[x][1]
					g_score[self.return_key(temp_node)] = new_g_value
					value_new = g_score[self.return_key(temp_node)] + self.heuristic(temp_node,self.end_index)
					f_score[self.return_key(temp_node)] = value_new
					if self.return_key(temp_node) not in open:
					if self.return_key(temp_node) not in f_matric:
						f_matric[self.return_key(temp_node)] = temp_node
		return 0
	def a_star_algo(self, start_city, end_city, routing_option):
		print "calling a-star algorithm"
		close = set()
		open = set()
		parent = {}
		g_score = defaultdict(lambda: math.inf)
		g_score[start_city] = 0
		# PQDict is a function imported from a code found online.
		# reference : http://pydoc.net/Python/pqdict/0.5/pqdict/
		f_score = PQDict.minpq()
		if routing_option == "distance":
			f_score[start_city] =  g_score[start_city] + self.great_circle_distance(start_city, end_city)
		elif routing_option == "segments":
			f_score[start_city] =  g_score[start_city]
		elif routing_option == "time":
			f_score[start_city] =  g_score[start_city] + self.great_circle_distance(start_city, end_city)/self.avg_speed
		while open:
			temp_current = f_score.pop()
			current = temp_current
			if current == end_city:
				self.bfs_short_path(parent,start_city, end_city)
				return 1
			if current in open:
			l = self.cities[current].get_outEdges()
			for x in range(len(l)): 
				temp_city = l[x].get_highway_end().get_cityname()
				if temp_city in close:
				# if requested for miles
				if routing_option == "distance":
					new_g_value = g_score[current] + int(l[x].get_miles())
				# if requested for segments
				elif routing_option == "segments":
					new_g_value = g_score[current] + 1
				# if requested for time
				elif routing_option == "time":
					dis = int(l[x].get_miles())
					speed = int(l[x].get_speed())
					new_g_value = g_score[current] + int(dis/speed)
				if temp_city not in open or new_g_value < g_score[temp_city]:
					parent[temp_city] = [current,l[x]]
					g_score[temp_city] = new_g_value
					if routing_option == "distance":
						f_score[temp_city] = g_score[temp_city] + self.great_circle_distance(temp_city,end_city)
					elif routing_option == "segments":
						f_score[temp_city] =  g_score[temp_city]
					elif routing_option == "time":
						f_score[temp_city] =  g_score[temp_city] + self.great_circle_distance(temp_city, end_city)/self.avg_speed
					if temp_city not in open:
		return 0
    def a_star_algo(self, start_city, end_city, routing_option):
        print "calling a-star algorithm"
        close = set()
        open = set()
        parent = {}

        g_score = defaultdict(lambda: math.inf)
        g_score[start_city] = 0

        # PQDict is a function imported from a code found online.
        # reference : http://pydoc.net/Python/pqdict/0.5/pqdict/

        f_score = PQDict.minpq()

        if routing_option == "distance":
                start_city] = g_score[start_city] + self.great_circle_distance(
                    start_city, end_city)
        elif routing_option == "segments":
            f_score[start_city] = g_score[start_city]
        elif routing_option == "time":
                start_city] = g_score[start_city] + self.great_circle_distance(
                    start_city, end_city) / self.avg_speed

        while open:
            temp_current = f_score.pop()
            current = temp_current

            if current == end_city:
                self.bfs_short_path(parent, start_city, end_city)
                return 1

            if current in open:

            l = self.cities[current].get_outEdges()
            for x in range(len(l)):
                temp_city = l[x].get_highway_end().get_cityname()
                if temp_city in close:

                # if requested for miles
                if routing_option == "distance":
                    new_g_value = g_score[current] + int(l[x].get_miles())
                # if requested for segments
                elif routing_option == "segments":
                    new_g_value = g_score[current] + 1
                # if requested for time
                elif routing_option == "time":
                    dis = int(l[x].get_miles())
                    speed = int(l[x].get_speed())
                    new_g_value = g_score[current] + int(dis / speed)

                if temp_city not in open or new_g_value < g_score[temp_city]:
                    parent[temp_city] = [current, l[x]]
                    g_score[temp_city] = new_g_value
                    if routing_option == "distance":
                        f_score[temp_city] = g_score[
                            temp_city] + self.great_circle_distance(
                                temp_city, end_city)
                    elif routing_option == "segments":
                        f_score[temp_city] = g_score[temp_city]
                    elif routing_option == "time":
                        f_score[temp_city] = g_score[
                            temp_city] + self.great_circle_distance(
                                temp_city, end_city) / self.avg_speed
                    if temp_city not in open:
        return 0