Example #1
a2 = PQU("2.300000000000(1) MeV")
print a2
print a2.info(significantDigits=15)
a2 = PQU("2.300000000001(1) MeV")
print a2
print a2.info(significantDigits=15)

a2 = PQU("2.300000000003(1)", "MeV")
print a2
print a2.info(significantDigits=15)

l = PQU(10., 'm')
big_l = PQU(10., 'km')
sum_l = big_l + l
print sum_l
print l.info(significantDigits=15)
print big_l.info(significantDigits=15)
print sum_l.info(significantDigits=15)

E = PQU(1000, 'MeV/c**2')  # This is similar to the prior one.
print E
print E.info(significantDigits=15)
kg = E.inUnitsOf('kg')
print kg
print kg.info(significantDigits=15)
Example #2
File: t12.py Project: icmeyer/fudge
# 1. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the U.S.
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# any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
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# 3. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or services
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# product endorsement purposes.
# <<END-copyright>>

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')

from pqu.PQU import PQU

t = PQU("314159.", 's')
print t.info(significantDigits=15)
s = t.inUnitsOf('d', 'h', 'min', 's')
for i in s:
    print '\n', i, '\n', i.info(significantDigits=15)