Example #1
    def place(self, x, y, z):
        self.base.move_manipulable_pose(x, y, z, 
            try_hard = True, group=self.arm_name)
        world_pose = Pose()
        world_pose.position.x = x
        world_pose.position.y = y
        world_pose.position.z = z
        world_pose.orientation.x = 0.0
        world_pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        world_pose.orientation.z = 0.0
        world_pose.orientation.w = 1.0
        new_pose = transform_pose('base_footprint', 'map', world_pose)
        hand_pose = self.planner.get_hand_frame_pose()
        #print hand_pose
        #print new_pose
        hand_pose.pose.position.x = new_pose.position.x
        hand_pose.pose.position.y = new_pose.position.y
        hand_pose.pose.position.z = new_pose.position.z + 0.1

        if self.arm_name == 'right_arm':
            joint_position = [-1.254, -0.325, -1.064, -1.525, 0.109, -1.185, 0.758]
            joint_position = [1.191, -0.295, 0.874, -1.610, 0.048, -1.069, -.988]
        joint_state = self.mover.get_joint_state()
        joint_state.position = joint_position
        #print "********"
        #print self.mover.get_exceptions()
        #print "********"

        still_in_free_space = True
        hand_pose = self.planner.get_hand_frame_pose()
        while still_in_free_space:
            goal_z = hand_pose.pose.position.z - 0.03
            hand_pose.pose.position.z = goal_z
            hand_pose = self.planner.get_hand_frame_pose()
            if abs(hand_pose.pose.position.z - goal_z) > 0.01:
                still_in_free_space = False
            #print self.mover.reached_goal()
            #if not self.mover.reached_goal():
            #    still_in_free_space = False

        if self.arm_name == 'right_arm':
            gripper_name = 'r_gripper_palm_link'
            gripper_name = 'l_gripper_palm_link'
        gripper_pose = transform_pose_stamped(gripper_name, hand_pose)
        gripper_pose.pose.position.x -= 0.20
        hand_pose = transform_pose_stamped(hand_pose.header.frame_id, gripper_pose)
        self.mover.move_to_goal_directly(hand_pose, collision_aware=False)
Example #2
def get_joint_goal(arm_name, target, robot_state, seed = None):
    cart_goal = False
        ps_target, ps_origin = parse_cartesian_parameters(arm_name, target)
        cart_goal = "link" in ps_target.header.frame_id or "odom_combined" in ps_target.header.frame_id or "map" in ps_target.header.frame_id #todo: use tf?
    except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): 
        cart_goal = False

    if cart_goal:
        if "map" in ps_target.header.frame_id:
             ps_target = transform_listener.transform_pose_stamped('base_link', ps_target, use_most_recent=False)
        iks = rospy.ServiceProxy("/cob_ik_wrapper/arm/get_ik_extended", GetPositionIKExtended)
        req = GetPositionIKExtendedRequest()
        req.ik_pose = ps_origin.pose
        req.constraint_aware = True
        req.timeout = rospy.Duration(5.0)
        req.ik_request.ik_link_name = ps_origin.header.frame_id
        req.ik_request.pose_stamped = ps_target
        req.ik_request.ik_seed_state = deepcopy(robot_state)
        if seed is not None:
	    js, err = get_joint_goal(arm_name, seed, robot_state)
	    if (err is None or err.val == err.SUCCESS) and js is not None:
        req.ik_request.robot_state = robot_state
        res = iks(req)
        return res.solution.joint_state, res.error_code
        return read_target_state_from_param(arm_name, target), None
Example #3
 def __init__(self, graspable, location):
     pose = graspable.object_pose_stamped
     self.mappose = transform_listener.transform_pose_stamped("/map",pose)
     self.graspable = graspable
     self.label = graspable.label
     self.location = location
     self.arm_name = "right_arm"
 def _add_table_to_map(self, table, table_name):
     co = CollisionObject()
     co.id = table_name
     if not co.id:
         co.id = 'current_table'
     co.header = table.pose.header
     #we do NOT want a padded table
     co.padding = -1
     if len(table.convex_hull.vertices) > 0:
         if self.table_thickness > 0:
             table_z = range(0, int(1000*self.table_thickness/2.0), int(1000*TABLE_RESOLUTION))
             sgnrng = [1.0, -1.0]
             table_z = [0]
             sgnrng = [1.0]
         for z in table_z:
             for sgn in sgnrng:
                 ps = tl.transform_pose_stamped(self._wi.world_frame, table.pose)
                 ps.pose.position.z += sgn*z/1000.0
                 co.poses.append(tl.transform_pose(table.pose.header.frame_id, ps.header.frame_id, ps.pose))
         rospy.logdebug('Adding table as convex hull')
         bbox = Shape()
         bbox.type = bbox.BOX
         bbox.dimensions = [abs(table.x_max - table.x_min), abs(table.y_max - table.y_min), self.table_thickness]
         rospy.logdebug('Adding table as bounding box')
     return co.id
    def _do_detection(self, point_head_at):
        req = TabletopDetectionRequest()
        req.return_clusters = True
        req.return_models = True
        req.num_models = 1

        if point_head_at:
            point_head_at = tl.transform_point_stamped(self._wi.world_frame, point_head_at)
            zrng = range(0, int(100*self.table_search_max), int(100*self.table_search_resolution))
            sgnrng = [-1.0, 1.0]
            rospy.logdebug('For table finding, trying z offsets for head of:' +str(zrng))
        if not point_head_at or not zrng:
            zrng = [0]
            sgnrng = [1.0]

        for z in zrng:
            for sgn in sgnrng:
                if point_head_at:
                    new_point = copy.copy(point_head_at.point)
                    new_point.z += sgn*z/100.0
                    self._head._point_head([new_point.x, new_point.y, new_point.z], point_head_at.header.frame_id)
                    rospy.sleep(0.4) #let the head bobbing settle out
                res = self._detect_srv(req)
                if res.detection.result != res.detection.SUCCESS:
                    rospy.logerr('Unable to find table.  Error was: '+ str(res.detection.result))
                    if first_pass: 
                        exc = DetectionError('Unable to find table', error_code=res.detection.result)
                        first_pass = False
                if self.allow_vertical_tables:
                    return res
                table = res.detection.table
                #is the table somewhat horizontal?
                table_pose_bl = tl.transform_pose_stamped(self._wi.robot_frame, table.pose)
                vert = Point()
                vert.z = 1.0
                oripose = Pose()
                oripose.orientation = table_pose_bl.pose.orientation
                table_vertical = gt.transform_point(vert, oripose)
                if table_vertical.z < self.vertical_threshold:
                    rospy.logerr('Table vertical is [%f, %f, %f].  This is not a horizontal table',
                                 table_vertical.x, table_vertical.y, table_vertical.z)
                    res.detection.result = res.detection.OTHER_ERROR
                    if first_pass:
                        exc = DetectionError('Unable to find horizontal table', error_code=res.detection.result)
                        first_pass = False
                rospy.loginfo('Found horizontal table. Vertical is [%f, %f, %f]', 
                              table_vertical.x, table_vertical.y, table_vertical.z)
                return res
        raise exc
Example #6
    def execute(self, userdata):
        #rospy.logwarn("PEZZ HACKING!!")
        #return "success"

        goal = self.world.pickup_next
        pose = goal.object_pose_stamped
        mappose = transform_listener.transform_pose_stamped("/map",pose)

        x = mappose.pose.position.x
        y = mappose.pose.position.y
        z = mappose.pose.position.z
        rospy.loginfo("Trying to go to %s", (x,y,z))
            self.base.move_manipulable_pose(x, y, z, 
                    try_hard = True, group="right_arm")
            #return "failure"
        return "success"
def find_height_above_table(pose_stamped_in, table_pose_stamped):
    Utility function that, given the pose (presumably of an object) and the pose of a table
    will return the height of that object above the table.

        **pose_stamped_in (geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped):** The pose above the table

        **table_pose_stamped (geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped):** The pose of the table

        The height of the pose above the table.

        All exceptions a TransformListener can raise.
    pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(table_pose_stamped.header.frame_id, pose_stamped_in) 
    #take this coordinate and transform it into the table's
    tp = gt.inverse_transform_point(pose_stamped.pose.position, table_pose_stamped.pose)
    rospy.logdebug('Height above table is '+str(tp.z))
    return tp.z
Example #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
import roslib
import rospy
import sys
import tf.transformations as trans
from pr2_python.transform_listener import transform_pose_stamped
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped

def _yaw(q):
    e = trans.euler_from_quaternion([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])
    return e[2]

rospy.init_node('get_current_pose', anonymous=True)
zero_pose = PoseStamped()
zero_pose.header.frame_id = "/base_footprint"
zero_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
mappose = transform_pose_stamped("/map", zero_pose)
rospy.loginfo("Pose is %s", (mappose.pose.position.x, mappose.pose.position.y,
                             _yaw(mappose.pose.orientation) ))

Example #9
    def execute(self, userdata, overwrite_presets=dict()):
        presets = self.default_presets

        wi = WorldInterface()
        graspdata = dict()
        print userdata.object
        print "time difference = ", (
            rospy.Time.now() - userdata.object.pose.header.stamp).to_sec()

        # add wall
        wall_extent = [3.0, 0.1, 2.5]
        wall_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped(
            [0, -0.99 - wall_extent[1], wall_extent[2] / 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            '/base_link')  # magic numbers are cool
        wi.add_collision_box(wall_pose, wall_extent, "wall")

        # add floor
        floor_extent = [3.0, 3.0, 0.1]
        floor_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped(
            [0, 0, floor_extent[2] / 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            '/base_link')  # magic numbers are cool
        wi.add_collision_box(floor_pose, floor_extent, "floor")

        #transform into base_link
        grasp_pose = transform_listener.transform_pose_stamped(
            '/base_link', userdata.object.pose, use_most_recent=False)
        print grasp_pose

        # add object bounding box
        obj_pose = deepcopy(userdata.object.pose)
        lwh = userdata.object.bounding_box_lwh
        m1 = pm.toMatrix(pm.fromMsg(obj_pose.pose))
        m2 = pm.toMatrix(pm.fromTf(((0, 0, lwh.z / 2.0), (0, 0, 0, 1))))
        obj_pose.pose = pm.toMsg(pm.fromMatrix(numpy.dot(m1, m2)))
        wi.add_collision_box(obj_pose, (lwh.x * 2.0, lwh.y * 2.0, lwh.z),

        # compute minimal height of object bounding box edges in base_link
        min_z = grasp_pose.pose.position.z
        for k in [(0.5, 0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.0), (0.5, -0.5, 1.0),
                  (0.5, -0.5, 0.0), (-0.5, 0.5, 1.0), (-0.5, 0.5, 0.0),
                  (-0.5, -0.5, 1.0), (-0.5, -0.5, 0.0)]:
            m1 = pm.toMatrix(pm.fromMsg(grasp_pose.pose))  # BFromO
            m2 = pm.toMatrix(
                pm.fromTf(((k[0] * lwh.x, k[1] * lwh.y, k[2] * lwh.z),
                           (0, 0, 0, 1))))  # inO
            min_z = min(min_z,
                            m1, m2))).position.z)  #min_z inB

        # add table
        table_extent = (2.0, 2.0, min_z)
        # base_link
        # x - points towards front of robot
        # y - follow right hand rule
        # z - points upwards
        table_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped([
            -0.5 - table_extent[0] / 2.0, 0, table_extent[2] / 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1
        ], '/base_link')  # center of table, 0.5 meter behind the robot
        wi.add_collision_box(table_pose, table_extent, "table")

        # calculate grasp and lift pose
        grasp_pose.pose.position.x += presets['grasp_offset'][0]
        grasp_pose.pose.position.y += presets['grasp_offset'][1]
        grasp_pose.pose.position.z += presets['grasp_offset'][2]
        grasp_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(
        )  # orientation of sdh_grasp_link in base_link for 'grasp' joint goal

        graspdata['height'] = grasp_pose.pose.position.z - table_extent[2]

        pregrasp_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
        pregrasp_pose.pose.position.x += presets['pregrasp_offset'][0]
        pregrasp_pose.pose.position.y += presets['pregrasp_offset'][1]
        pregrasp_pose.pose.position.z += presets['pregrasp_offset'][2]

        lift_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
        lift_pose.pose.position.x += presets['lift_offset'][0]
        lift_pose.pose.position.y += presets['lift_offset'][1]
        lift_pose.pose.position.z += presets['lift_offset'][2]

        mp = MotionPlan()
        # open hand
        mp += CallFunction(sss.move, 'sdh', 'cylopen', False)
        mp += MoveArm('arm', [pregrasp_pose, [presets['tcp_link']]],
        mp += MoveComponent('sdh', 'cylopen', True)

        # allow collison hand/object
        for l in hand_description.HandDescription('arm').touch_links:
            mp += EnableCollision("grasp_object", l)

        # goto grasp
        mp += MoveArm('arm', [grasp_pose, [presets['tcp_link']]
                              ])  # Move sdh_grasp_link to grasp_pose

        # close hand
        mp += MoveComponent('sdh', 'cylclosed')

        # check grasp
        #mp += CheckService('/sdh_controller/is_cylindric_grasped', Trigger, lambda res: res.success.data)

        # disable collison
        mp += ResetCollisions()

        # attach object
        mp += AttachObject('arm', "grasp_object")

        # enable collision
        mp += EnableCollision("grasp_object", "table")

        # lift motion
        mp += MoveArm('arm', [lift_pose, [presets['tcp_link']]
                              ])  # Move sdh_grasp_link to lift_pose

        # disable collison
        mp += ResetCollisions()

        # move away
        #mp += MoveArm('arm', [pregrasp_pose,[presets['tcp_link']]])

        # goto hold
        mp += MoveArm('arm', 'hold')

        userdata.graspdata = graspdata

        if not mp.plan(5).success:
            return "not_grasped"

        sss.say(["I am grasping " + userdata.object.label + " now."], False)
        # run, handle errors
        i = 0
        for ex in mp.execute():
            if not ex.wait(80.0).success:
                return 'failed'
            i += 1
        return 'grasped'
Example #10
    def execute(self, userdata):

        wi = WorldInterface()
        graspdata = dict()
        print userdata.object

        # add wall
        wall_extent = [3.0, 0.1, 2.5]
        wall_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped(
            [0, -0.99 - wall_extent[1], wall_extent[2] / 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "base_link"
        )  # magic numbers are cool
        wi.add_collision_box(wall_pose, wall_extent, "wall")

        # add floor
        floor_extent = [3.0, 3.0, 0.1]
        floor_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped(
            [0, 0, floor_extent[2] / 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "/base_link"
        )  # magic numbers are cool
        wi.add_collision_box(floor_pose, floor_extent, "floor")

        # transform into base_link
        grasp_pose = transform_listener.transform_pose_stamped("base_link", userdata.object.pose, use_most_recent=False)

        # add object bounding box
        obj_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
        lwh = userdata.object.bounding_box_lwh
        m1 = pm.toMatrix(pm.fromMsg(obj_pose.pose))
        m2 = pm.toMatrix(pm.fromTf(((0, 0, lwh.z / 2.0), (0, 0, 0, 1))))
        obj_pose.pose = pm.toMsg(pm.fromMatrix(numpy.dot(m1, m2)))
        wi.add_collision_box(obj_pose, (lwh.x * 2.0, lwh.y * 2.0, lwh.z), "grasp_object")

        print grasp_pose
        # add table
        table_extent = (2.0, 2.0, grasp_pose.pose.position.z)
        table_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped(
            [-0.5 - table_extent[0] / 2.0, 0, table_extent[2] / 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "base_link"
        wi.add_collision_box(table_pose, table_extent, "table")

        # calculate grasp and lift pose
        grasp_pose.pose.position.x += 0.02
        grasp_pose.pose.position.y += 0.02
        grasp_pose.pose.position.z += 0.1  # 0.03 + 0.05
        grasp_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(
            *quaternion_from_euler(-1.706, 0.113, 2.278)
        )  # orientation of sdh_grasp_link in base_link for 'grasp' joint goal

        graspdata["height"] = grasp_pose.pose.position.z - table_extent[2]

        pregrasp_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
        pregrasp_pose.pose.position.x += 0.20
        pregrasp_pose.pose.position.y += 0.11
        pregrasp_pose.pose.position.z += 0.1

        lift_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
        lift_pose.pose.position.z += 0.03

        mp = MotionPlan()
        # open hand
        mp += CallFunction(sss.move, "sdh", "cylopen", False)
        mp += MoveArm("arm", [pregrasp_pose, ["sdh_grasp_link"]], seed="pregrasp")
        mp += MoveComponent("sdh", "cylopen", True)

        # allow collison hand/object
        # for l in hand_description.HandDescription('arm').touch_links:
        #    mp += EnableCollision("grasp_object", l)
        # disable collison
        # mp += ResetCollisions()

        # goto grasp
        mp += MoveArmUnplanned("arm", [grasp_pose, ["sdh_grasp_link"]])

        # close hand
        mp += MoveComponent("sdh", "cylclosed")

        # check grasp
        # mp += CheckService('/sdh_controller/is_cylindric_grasped', Trigger, lambda res: res.success.data)

        # attach object
        mp += AttachObject("arm", "grasp_object")

        # enable collision
        mp += EnableCollision("grasp_object", "table")

        # lift motion
        mp += MoveArmUnplanned("arm", [lift_pose, ["sdh_grasp_link"]])

        # disable collison
        mp += ResetCollisions()

        # move away
        mp += MoveArm("arm", [pregrasp_pose, ["sdh_grasp_link"]])

        # goto hold
        mp += MoveArm("arm", "hold")

        userdata.graspdata = graspdata

        if not mp.plan(5).success:
            return "not_grasped"

        sss.say(["I am grasping " + userdata.object.label + " now."], False)
        # run, handle errors
        i = 0
        for ex in mp.execute():
            if not ex.wait(80.0).success:
                return "failed"
            i += 1
        return "grasped"
Example #11
	def execute(self, userdata, overwrite_presets = dict()):
		presets = self.default_presets

		wi = WorldInterface()
		graspdata = dict()
		print userdata.object
		print "time difference = ", (rospy.Time.now() - userdata.object.pose.header.stamp).to_sec()

		# add wall
		wall_extent = [3.0,0.1,2.5]
		wall_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped([  0, -0.99 - wall_extent[1], wall_extent[2]/2.0 ,0,0,0,1], '/base_link') # magic numbers are cool
		wi.add_collision_box(wall_pose, wall_extent, "wall")

		# add floor
		floor_extent = [3.0,3.0,0.1]
		floor_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped([  0, 0, floor_extent[2]/2.0 ,0,0,0,1], '/base_link') # magic numbers are cool
		wi.add_collision_box(floor_pose, floor_extent, "floor")
		#transform into base_link
		grasp_pose = transform_listener.transform_pose_stamped('/base_link', userdata.object.pose, use_most_recent=False)
		print grasp_pose

		# add object bounding box
		obj_pose = deepcopy(userdata.object.pose)
		lwh = userdata.object.bounding_box_lwh
		m1 = pm.toMatrix( pm.fromMsg(obj_pose.pose) )
		m2 = pm.toMatrix( pm.fromTf( ((0,0, lwh.z/2.0),(0,0,0,1)) ) )
		obj_pose.pose = pm.toMsg( pm.fromMatrix(numpy.dot(m1,m2)) )
		wi.add_collision_box(obj_pose,(lwh.x*2.0,lwh.y*2.0,lwh.z) , "grasp_object")

		# compute minimal height of object bounding box edges in base_link
		min_z = grasp_pose.pose.position.z
		for k in [(0.5,0.5,1.0),(0.5,0.5,0.0),(0.5,-0.5,1.0),(0.5,-0.5,0.0),(-0.5,0.5,1.0),(-0.5,0.5,0.0),(-0.5,-0.5,1.0),(-0.5,-0.5,0.0)]:		
			m1 = pm.toMatrix( pm.fromMsg(grasp_pose.pose) ) # BFromO
			m2 = pm.toMatrix( pm.fromTf( ((k[0]*lwh.x,k[1]*lwh.y, k[2]*lwh.z),(0,0,0,1)) ) ) # inO
			min_z = min(min_z,pm.toMsg( pm.fromMatrix(numpy.dot(m1,m2))).position.z) #min_z inB

		# add table
		table_extent = (2.0, 2.0, min_z)
		# base_link
		# x - points towards front of robot
		# y - follow right hand rule
		# z - points upwards
		table_pose = conversions.create_pose_stamped([ -0.5 - table_extent[0]/2.0, 0 ,table_extent[2]/2.0 ,0,0,0,1], '/base_link') # center of table, 0.5 meter behind the robot
		wi.add_collision_box(table_pose, table_extent, "table")

		# calculate grasp and lift pose
		grasp_pose.pose.position.x += presets['grasp_offset'][0]
		grasp_pose.pose.position.y += presets['grasp_offset'][1]
		grasp_pose.pose.position.z += presets['grasp_offset'][2]
		grasp_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(*presets['fixed_orientation_euler'])) # orientation of sdh_grasp_link in base_link for 'grasp' joint goal
		graspdata['height'] =  grasp_pose.pose.position.z - table_extent[2]
		pregrasp_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
		pregrasp_pose.pose.position.x += presets['pregrasp_offset'][0]
		pregrasp_pose.pose.position.y += presets['pregrasp_offset'][1]
		pregrasp_pose.pose.position.z += presets['pregrasp_offset'][2]

		lift_pose = deepcopy(grasp_pose)
		lift_pose.pose.position.x += presets['lift_offset'][0]
		lift_pose.pose.position.y += presets['lift_offset'][1]
		lift_pose.pose.position.z += presets['lift_offset'][2]
		mp = MotionPlan()
		# open hand
		mp += CallFunction(sss.move, 'sdh','cylopen', False)
		mp += MoveArm('arm',[pregrasp_pose,[presets['tcp_link']]], seed = presets['pregrasp_seed'])
		mp += MoveComponent('sdh','cylopen', True)

		# allow collison hand/object
		for l in hand_description.HandDescription('arm').touch_links:
		    mp += EnableCollision("grasp_object", l)
		# goto grasp
		mp += MoveArm('arm', [grasp_pose,[presets['tcp_link']]]) # Move sdh_grasp_link to grasp_pose
		# close hand
		mp += MoveComponent('sdh','cylclosed')
		# check grasp
		#mp += CheckService('/sdh_controller/is_cylindric_grasped', Trigger, lambda res: res.success.data)
		# disable collison
		mp += ResetCollisions()

		# attach object
		mp += AttachObject('arm', "grasp_object")
		# enable collision
		mp += EnableCollision("grasp_object", "table")
		# lift motion
		mp += MoveArm('arm', [lift_pose,[presets['tcp_link']]]) # Move sdh_grasp_link to lift_pose

		# disable collison
		mp += ResetCollisions()

		# move away
		#mp += MoveArm('arm', [pregrasp_pose,[presets['tcp_link']]])
		# goto hold
		mp += MoveArm('arm', 'hold')
		userdata.graspdata = graspdata

		if not mp.plan(5).success:
			return "not_grasped"
		sss.say(["I am grasping " + userdata.object.label + " now."],False)
		# run, handle errors
		i = 0
		for ex in mp.execute():
			if not ex.wait(80.0).success:
				return 'failed'
		return 'grasped'
    def detect_objects(self, add_objects_to_map='all', add_table_to_map=True,
                       add_objects_as_mesh='all', reset_collision_objects=True,
                       table_name='', point_head_at=None, reset_collider=True, 
        This is the function you should call to get detections of objects in the scene.  By default, it will 
        give you back a TablewareResult, remove all collision objects (although not attached objects) currently in 
        the collision map and add the objects detected and the table to the map.  This returns first pickup goals for 
        objects recognized as tableware, then for objects recognized but not as tableware and then for objects not
        recognized at all.  In order to use the pickup goals returned, you must fill in the arm_name field.  
        The object labels returned in pickup goal reflect the recognition result.  Labels are:
        For tableware: One of the keys in the tableware_labels list.
        For recognized objects that are not tableware: The first tag in the database
        For unrecognized objects: graspable

            *add_objects_to_map (string or False):* This argument controls whether and which objects are added to the
            collision map during detection.  Passing 'all' will add all detected objects to map, 'recognized' 
            will add only recognized objects to map, 'tableware' will add only objects recognized as tableware,  
            and False or 'None' or 'none' will add nothing to the map.
            *add_table_to_map (boolean):* If true, this will add the detected table to the map.  If you do not already
            have a representation of the table in the map and you wish to do pick or place it is a good idea to
            have the detection add it so there is a defined region of the map in which collision checking for the
            object can be disabled.  If the table is added to the map, the collision_support_surface_id field of
            the pickup goals will be set to its collision id.  Tables are usually added as meshes although
            if only the bounding box for the table is returned they will be added as boxes.
            *add_objects_as_mesh ('all', False, or [string]):* This argument controls which objects are added
            to the map as mesh rather than as a bounding box.  'all' will add all recognized objects as mesh while
            False will add no recognized objects as mesh.  For finer control, you can pass a list of labels that
            you want to add as mesh.
            *reset_collision_objects (boolean):* If true, this will remove all collision objects from the map before
            adding new ones.  The detection does no correlation with what is currently in the map so if you have
            done a detection on this table before, you will get repeat objects added to the map if you do not
            clear them first.
            *table_name (string):* The name of the table on which the objects are sitting.  If passed in, this will be 
            added to the pickup goals to avoid extraneous collisions caused by the object contacting the table
            (and will also be the table_name in the result).  If the table is added to the collision
            map and this is passed in, the table with have this name in the collision map.  If the table is added
            to the collision map and this is not passed in, it will have the name 'current_table', which is
            returned by the TablewareResult.
            *point_head_at (geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped):* A point at which the head should look for the detection.
            If passed in, the robot will first look at this point, but if it cannot find a table or finds a
            vertical table, it will search along the x axis for a table.  For this reason, it is always a good
            idea to pass in this argument.  If left at None, the detection will not move the head.

            *reset_collider (boolean):* True if you want the collider to be reset before detection.  This will not
            wait for repopulate before the detection but will delay the return from the detection until after the
            repopulate is done if the detection is quick.

            *labels_callback (function: string f(pr2_tasks.pickplace_definitions.PickupGoal, 
            tabletop_object_detector.msgs.Table, string)):* After do_detection is finished assigning a label to a 
            cluster, this function (if not None) will be called to do more post-processing on the cluster.  For 
            example, this function is used to identify utensils by checking the height and pose of any 
            unidentified cluster.  It should return the label of the cluster.

            A TablewareDetectionResult.  The pickup goals (see pickplace_definitions.py) in this result have all of the 
            detection information, including recognized models and point cloud information, in the GraspableObject
            field.  The pose at which the object was detected and the label are also returned as fields in the 
            pickup goals.
             **exceptions.DetectionError:** if a table is not found or only vertical tables cannot be found.  If only
             vertical tables were found the error code will be OTHER_ERROR.

        if reset_collision_objects:
        if reset_collider:
            #this function takes so long that we'll have repopulated by the end of it
            reset_time = rospy.Time.now()
        collision_objects = self._wi.collision_objects()
        attached_objects = self._wi.attached_collision_objects()
        used_names = []
        for o in collision_objects:
        for ao in attached_objects:
        res = self._do_detection(point_head_at)
        if add_table_to_map:
            table_name = self._add_table_to_map(res.detection.table, table_name)
        #we want to return first the tableware objects we might want to pick up
        tableware_pgs = []
        #recognized means we recognized them but don't think
        #they are anything we should pick up
        recognized_pgs = []
        #graspable means we could pick them up but we don't
        #know what they are
        graspable_pgs = []
        for c in range(len(res.detection.clusters)):
            #Compute the bounding box
                bres = self._bounding_box_srv(res.detection.clusters[c])
            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                rospy.logerr('Unable to call cluster bounding box service.  Exception was '+str(e)+
                             '.  Ignoring cluster.')
            if bres.error_code != bres.SUCCESS:
                rospy.logerr('Cluster bounding box service returned error '+str(bres.error_code)+ 
                             '.  Ignoring cluster')
            go = GraspableObject()
            go.reference_frame_id = res.detection.clusters[c].header.frame_id
            go.cluster = res.detection.clusters[c]
            pg = PickupGoal('', go, object_pose_stamped=bres.pose,
                            collision_support_surface_name=table_name, allow_gripper_support_collision=True)
            co = CollisionObject()
            label = 'graspable'
            if self.get_model_description and self.get_mesh_from_database and\
                    len(res.detection.models[c].model_list) > 0 and\
                    res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].confidence < 0.005:
                #we recognized this - figure out what it is
                model_id = res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].model_id
                go.potential_models = res.detection.models[c].model_list
                rospy.logdebug('Potential models are: '+ str([m.model_id for m in res.detection.models[c].model_list]))
                    descr = self.get_model_description(model_id)
                    if descr.return_code.code != descr.return_code.SUCCESS:
                        rospy.logwarn('Get model description returned error '+
                    for t in descr.tags:
                        if t in self.tableware_labels:
                            label = t
                    if label == 'graspable' and descr.tags:
                        label = descr.tags[0]
                    rospy.logdebug('Name of model is '+descr.name)
                except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                    rospy.logerr('Call to get description threw exception '+str(e))
                shape = None
                if add_objects_as_mesh and (add_objects_as_mesh == 'all' or label in add_objects_as_mesh):
                        shape = self.get_mesh_from_database(res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].model_id)
                        if label == 'graspable': label = 'recognized'
                        co.header = res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].pose.header
                        pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(pg.target.reference_frame_id,
                    except DetectionError:
                        shape = None
                if not shape:
                    co = self._get_bounding_box_collision_object(bres)
                    pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(pg.target.reference_frame_id, bres.pose)
             shape = self.get_mesh_from_database(res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].model_id)
             if label == 'graspable': label = 'recognized'
             co.header = res.detection.models[c].model_list[0].pose.header
             pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(pg.target.reference_frame_id,
         except DetectionError:
             shape = None
     if not shape:
         co = self._get_bounding_box_collision_object(bres)
         pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(pg.target.reference_frame_id, bres.pose)
     co = self._get_bounding_box_collision_object(bres)
     pg.object_pose_stamped = tl.transform_pose_stamped(pg.target.reference_frame_id, bres.pose)
 co.padding = self.object_padding
 if labels_callback:
     #more logic for assigning labels if you want it
     label = labels_callback(pg, res.detection.table, label)
 rospy.loginfo('Cluster '+str(c)+': '+label)
 self._object_id += 1
 co.id = label+'_'+str(self._object_id)
 while co.id in used_names:
     co.id = label+'_'+str(self._object_id)
     self._object_id += 1
 pg.collision_object_name = co.id
 go.collision_name = co.id
 pg.label = label
 if label in self.tableware_labels: