Example #1
def main():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/fail_location', Marker)

    pickplace = PickPlace(search_place=[])

    place_pose = PoseStamped()
    place_pose.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
    place_pose.pose.position.x = 0.7
    place_pose.pose.position.y = -0.2
    place_pose.pose.position.z = -0.28
    place_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.707
    place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.707

    obj = sys.argv[1]


        place_goal = PlaceGoal('right_arm', [place_pose], \
                                   collision_support_surface_name='table', \

    except ManipulationError:
        # my_world = WorldInterface()
        # fail_loc = my_world.collision_object(obj)
        # rospy.loginfo("FAIL LOC="+str(fail_loc))

    marker = Marker()
    marker.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
    marker.ns = ''
    marker.id = 0
    marker.type = Marker.SPHERE
    marker.action = marker.ADD
    marker.header.frame_id = place_pose.header.frame_id
    marker.pose = place_pose.pose
    marker.scale.x = 0.05
    marker.scale.y = 0.05
    marker.scale.z = 0.05
    marker.color.r = 1.0
    marker.color.g = 0.0
    marker.color.b = 1.0
    marker.color.a = 0.8

    rospy.loginfo("marker msg=" + str(marker))
Example #2
class placer:
    def __init__(self, goal, mass, prims):
        @type goal: PoseStameped
        @param goal: goal pose of the object
        @type mass: float
        @param mass: mass of the object
        @type prims: list
        @param prims: list of possible motion primitives for the given object
        self.goal = goal
        self.mass = mass
        self.prims = prims

        self.my_world = world_interface.WorldInterface()
        self.right_arm = arm_planner.ArmPlanner('right_arm')
        self.left_arm = arm_planner.ArmPlanner('left_arm')
        self.pickplace = PickPlace(search_place=[], place_on_table=False)

    def get_obj(self, name):
        Returns the object with the given id if it is attached in the collision map
        @type name: String
        @param name: name of the object in the collision map
        @rtype arm_navigation_msgs.msg.attached_collision_object
        @returns object if one exists in the collision map
        #        other = self.my_world.

        objs = self.my_world.attached_collision_objects()
        for obj in objs:
            if obj.object.id == name:
                return obj

    def get_shape(self, obj):
        for a given object, returns its shape

        @type obj: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.attached_collision_object
        @param obj: detected object 

        @rtype arm_navigation_msgs.msg.shape
        @returns the first (should be only 1) shape in an obj
        if len(obj.object.shapes) != 1:
            print "ERROR: TOO MANY SHAPES: " + str(len(obj.object.shapes))
        return obj.object.shapes[0]

    def get_table_height(self):
        returns the height of the table in '/torso_lift_link' frame

        @rtype float
        @returns table height
        height = 0.0
        objs = self.my_world.collision_objects()
        for obj in objs:
            print "obj id=" + str(obj.id)
            if obj.id == "table":
                table_pose = tf.transform_pose("/torso_lift_link",
                height = table_pose.position.z + 0.01
        return height

    def get_gripper(self, obj, goal):
        finds the pose of the gripper for an object in its hand at the given goal pose
        @type obj: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.attached_collision_object
        @param obj: the object being held by the gripper
        @type goal: PoseStamped
        @param goal: goal pose for the object in torso_lift_link

        @rtype PoseStamped
        @returns pose of the gripper for the given object at the given goal 
        # first get the object's current pose
        obj_pose = tf.transform_pose("/torso_lift_link",
        obj_pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
        obj_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "/torso_lift_link"
        obj_pose_stamped.pose = obj_pose
        #        self.make_marker(obj_pose_stamped, namespace='obj_pose', color=(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.8))

        # next get the gripper's current pose
        gripper_pose_stamped = self.right_arm.get_hand_frame_pose(
        gripper_pose = gripper_pose_stamped.pose
        #        self.make_marker(obj_pose_stamped, namespace='gripper_pose', color=(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.8), mtype=Marker.ARROW)

        # the position of the object when the wrist is the origin
        # grasp = gripper_pose^{-1}*obj_pose
        grasp = gt.inverse_transform_pose(obj_pose, gripper_pose)

        #we need the position of the gripper when the object is at goal
        #gripper_goal = goal*grasp^{-1}

        origin = Pose()
        origin.orientation.w = 1

        #this is grasp^{-1}
        grasp_inv = gt.inverse_transform_pose(origin, grasp)

        #this is goal*grasp_inv
        gripper_goal = gt.transform_pose(grasp_inv, goal.pose)
        gripper_ps = PoseStamped()
        gripper_ps.header.frame_id = goal.header.frame_id
        gripper_ps.pose = gripper_goal

        return gripper_ps

    def move(self, arm, pose, collisions):
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: desired pose for the arm 
        @rtype boolean
        @returns whether the move was successful
        # goal = PoseStamped()
        # goal.header.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link'
        # goal.pose.position.x = 0.7
        # goal.pose.position.y = 0.2
        # goal.pose.position.z = -0.28
        # goal.pose.orientation.x = 0.707
        # goal.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        # goal.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
        # goal.pose.orientation.w = 0.707
        # print "move pose="+str(goal)

        my_arm_mover = arm_mover.ArmMover()
        arm_name = arm  #'left_arm'
        handle = my_arm_mover.move_to_goal(arm_name,
        return handle.reached_goal()

    def release(self, arm):
        my_gripper = gripper.Gripper(arm)

    def make_marker(self, pose, namespace="my_namespace", mtype=Marker.SPHERE, \
                        scale=(0.05,0.05,0.05), color=(1.0,0.0,1.0,0.8)):
        pub = rospy.Publisher('doodie', Marker)

        count = 0
        while count < 10:

            marker = Marker()
            marker.header.frame_id = pose.header.frame_id  #'/torso_lift_link'
            marker.ns = namespace
            marker.id = 0
            marker.type = mtype
            marker.action = Marker.ADD
            marker.pose = pose.pose
            marker.scale.x = scale[0]
            marker.scale.y = scale[1]
            marker.scale.z = scale[2]
            marker.color.r = color[0]  #1.0
            marker.color.g = color[1]  #0.0
            marker.color.b = color[2]  #1.0
            marker.color.a = color[3]  #0.8
            #            print "marker pose="+str(pose)

            #rospy.loginfo("MARKER msg="+str(marker))
            count = count + 1

    def block(self, obs, i, dist, shape, goal):
        for a given degree of freedom, will find the best placement for the obstacle to block
        that direction. moves the hand to that pose.
        @type obs: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.collision_object
        @param obs: obstacle (box representation of the other gripper)
        @type i: int
        @param i: index of the of the degree of freedom (x_trans,y_trans,z_trans,x_rot,y_rot,z_rot)
                  in the frame of the object
        @type dist: float
        @param dist: dist in the specified degree of freedom the obj will travel
        @type shape: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.shape
        @param shape: shape of obj
        @type goal: PoseStamped
        @param goal: goal pose of the object

        @type PoseStamped
        @returns the pose of the gripper positioned to block the given the degree of freedom
        #        print "obs dim="+str(obs.dimensions)
        buf = 0.02  #0.1#.2#0.05

        x = goal.pose.position.x
        y = goal.pose.position.y
        z = goal.pose.position.z

        x_displacement = shape.dimensions[0] / 2 + obs.dimensions[0] / 2 + buf
        y_displacement = shape.dimensions[1] / 2 + obs.dimensions[1] / 2 + buf
        z_displacement = shape.dimensions[2] / 2 + obs.dimensions[2] / 2 + buf

        #print "shape dims="+str(shape.dimensions[1]/2)+" obs dims="+str(obs.dimensions[1]/2)

        if i == 0 or i == 3:  # x axis
            if dist > 0:
                x = x + x_displacement
                x = x - x_displacement
        if i == 1 or i == 4:  # y axis
            if dist > 0:
                y = y + y_displacement
                y = y - y_displacement

        if i == 2 or i == 5:  # z axis
            if dist > 0:
                z = z + z_displacement
                z = z - z_displacement

        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = "/torso_lift_link"
        pose.pose.position.x = x
        pose.pose.position.y = y
        pose.pose.position.z = z + 0.1
        pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.707
        pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.707
        pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0  #-0.707
                         scale=(0.1, 0.1, 0.05),
                         color=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8))

        success = self.move("left_arm", pose, None)
        print "MOVE SUCCESS=" + str(success)
        if not success:
            print "MOVE FAILED"
        return success
#        return pose

    def reachable(self, pose):
        determines whether the a pose is has an ik solution

        @type pose:
        @param pose:

        @rtype boolean
        @returns whether the pose is valid
        ik_sol = self.right_arm.get_ik(pose)
        #        rospy.loginfo("ERROR CODE="+str(ik_sol.error_code.val))
        if ik_sol.error_code.val != 1:
            #            print "false. not reachable"
            return False
            print "true. reachable"
            return True

    def place(self, arm, obj_name, pose):
        places the given object with the given arm in the give pose.

        @type arm: String
        @param arm: 'left_arm' or 'right_arm'. arm to place
        @type obj_name: String
        @param obj_name: name of the object being placed from the collision map
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: pose to place the object
        @rtype: boolean
        @returns whether the place was successful
            if arm == "right_arm":
                place_goal = PlaceGoal('right_arm', [pose],
                place_goal = PlaceGoal('left_arm', [pose],
            print "ABOUT TO PLACE"
            doodie = self.pickplace.place(place_goal)
            print "doodie=" + str(doodie)
        except ManipulationError:
            rospy.loginfo("POSE FAILED")
            return False
        return True

    def make_pose(self, pose, h, orientation):
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: original pose
        @type h: float
        @param h: additional height added in the z direction
        @type orientation: list
        @param orientation: orientation to be added to pose

        @rtype PoseStamped
        @returns a pose modified by h and orientation
        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = goal.header.frame_id
        pose.pose.position.x = goal.pose.position.x
        pose.pose.position.y = goal.pose.position.y
        pose.pose.position.z = goal.pose.position.z + h
        pose.pose.orientation = gt.multiply_quaternions(
            goal.pose.orientation, orientation)
        # pose.pose.orientation.x = #goal.pose.orientation.x + orientation.x#orientation[1]
        # pose.pose.orientation.y = #goal.pose.orientation.y + orientation.y#orientation[2]
        # pose.pose.orientation.z = #goal.pose.orientation.z + orientation.z#orientation[3]
        # pose.pose.orientation.w = #goal.pose.orientation.w + orientation.w#orientation[0]

        return pose

    def get_best_release(self, mobj, obj, goal):
        finds the best release for the given object at the given goal and returns
        the pose of the gripper for that release.

        @type mobj: Mobject
        @param mobj: Mobject of the object to be placed
        @type obj: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.collision_object
        @param obj: obj to be placed
        @type goal: PoseStamped
        @param goal: goal pose for the object
        @rtype PoseStamped
        @returns pose of the gripper for the object at the goal
        # height = 0.15
        # orientation = Quaternion()
        # orientation.w = 1.0
        # pose = self.make_pose(goal, height, orientation)
        # gripper = self.get_gripper(obj, pose)

        #        orien = Orientation(0.0,0.0,0.0)
        placements = mobj.object.best_placements(goal)

        (height, orientation) = placements.pop()
        pose = self.make_pose(goal, height, orientation)
        #    print "REACHABLE="+str(reachable(arm, pose))
        print "start height=" + str(height) + " orien=" + str(orientation)

        gripper = self.get_gripper(obj, pose)

        while not self.reachable(gripper):
            if len(placements) == 0:
                print 'SHIT SNACKS'
                print "F**K height=" + str(height) + " orien=" + str(

#            print "len(placements)="+str(len(placements))
            (height, orientation) = placements.pop()
            #            print "height="+str(height)+" orien="+str(orientation)
            pose = self.make_pose(goal, height, orientation)
            gripper = self.get_gripper(obj, pose)

        print "height=" + str(height) + " orien=" + str(orientation)
                         color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8))
                         scale=(0.1, 0.1, 0.05))
        # print "pose="+str(pose)
        # print "gripper="+str(gripper)

        return (pose, gripper)

    def make_gripper_obs(self):
        obs = Shape()
        obs.type = 1
        obs.dimensions = [0.10, 0.10, 0.10]
        return obs

    def run(self):  #(goal, mass, prims, obs):
        search_start = time.time()
        obj_name = sys.argv[1]

        table_height = self.get_table_height()
        self.goal.pose.position.z = table_height + 0.01
        print "goal=" + str(self.goal)

                         color=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8])

        obj = self.get_obj(obj_name)
        shape = self.get_shape(obj)

        obs = self.make_gripper_obs()

        mobj = Mobject(mass, shape, prims)

        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = "/torso_lift_link"
        pose.pose.position.x = goal.pose.position.x
        pose.pose.position.y = goal.pose.position.y
        pose.pose.position.z = goal.pose.position.z + 0.02  #.1
        pose.pose.orientation = goal.pose.orientation
        vels = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        #        self.place('right_arm', obj_name, pose)

        print "DIMS=" + str(shape.dimensions)

        (release_pose, wrist_release) = self.get_best_release(mobj, obj, goal)
        #        release_pose = pose
        self.make_marker(release_pose, namespace="release_pose")
        print "release_pose=" + str(release_pose)
        search_end = time.time()

        # block_start = time.time()
        # dof = mobj.find_dof(goal, release_pose, vels)
        # print "DOF="+str(dof.degrees)

        # success = False
        # order = dof.index_order()
        # while not success: # not passive placing
        #     if len(order) != 0.0:
        #         next = order.pop(0)
        #         print "NEXT="+str(next)
        #         success = self.block(obs, next, dof[next], shape, goal)
        #         print "SUCCESS="+str(success)
        #     else:
        #         print "BLOCK FAILED"
        #         break

        # block_end = time.time()
        print "waiting for place:"
        #        raw_input()

        ignore = OrderedCollisionOperations()
        gripper = CollisionOperation()
        gripper.object1 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ALL  #"l_end_effector"
        gripper.object2 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ALL
        gripper.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        wrist = CollisionOperation()
        wrist.object1 = "l_wrist_roll_link"
        wrist.object2 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ALL
        wrist.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        obj = CollisionOperation()
        obj.object1 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS
        obj.object2 = "table"  #CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ALL
        obj.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        ignore.collision_operations = [gripper, wrist, obj]
        self.move("right_arm", wrist_release, ignore)
        #        self.release("right_arm")
        #        self.place('right_arm', obj_name, release_pose)

        search = search_end - search_start
        block = 0.0  #block_end - block_start
        return (search, block)
Example #3
class placer:
    def __init__(self, goal, prims):
        @type goal: PoseStameped
        @param goal: goal pose of the object
        @type prims: list
        @param prims: list of possible motion primitives for the given object
        self.goal = goal
        self.prims = prims

        self.my_world = world_interface.WorldInterface()
        self.right_arm = arm_planner.ArmPlanner('right_arm')
        self.left_arm = arm_planner.ArmPlanner('left_arm')
        self.my_arm_mover = arm_mover.ArmMover()
        self.pickplace = PickPlace(search_place=[], place_on_table=False)
        self._get_model_mesh_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(
            '/objects_database_node/get_model_mesh', GetModelMesh)
        rospy.loginfo('Waiting for model mesh service')

    def get_obj(self, name):
        Returns the object with the given id if it is attached in the collision map
        @type name: String
        @param name: name of the object in the collision map
        @rtype arm_navigation_msgs.msg.attached_collision_object
        @returns object if one exists in the collision map
        objs = self.my_world.attached_collision_objects()
        for obj in objs:
            if obj.object.id == name:
                return obj
        rospy.loginfo("ERROR: OBJECT NAME DOES NOT EXIST")

    def get_shape(self, obj):
        for a given object, returns its shape

        @type obj: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.attached_collision_object
        @param obj: detected object 

        @rtype arm_navigation_msgs.msg.shape
        @returns the first (should be only 1) shape in an obj
        if len(obj.object.shapes) != 1:
            rospy.loginfo("ERROR: TOO MANY SHAPES: %s",
        return obj.object.shapes[0]

    def get_table_height(self):
        returns the height of the table in '/torso_lift_link' frame

        @rtype float
        @returns table height
        height = 0.0
        objs = self.my_world.collision_objects()
        for obj in objs:
            if obj.id == "table":
                table_pose = tf.transform_pose("/torso_lift_link", \
                                                   obj.header.frame_id, \
                height = table_pose.position.z + 0.01
        return height

    def get_gripper(self, obj, goal):
        finds the pose of the gripper for an object in its hand at the given goal pose
        @type obj: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.attached_collision_object
        @param obj: the object being held by the gripper
        @type goal: PoseStamped
        @param goal: goal pose for the object in torso_lift_link

        @rtype PoseStamped
        @returns pose of the gripper for the given object at the given goal 
        # first get the object's current pose
        obj_pose = tf.transform_pose("/torso_lift_link", obj.object.header.frame_id, \
        obj_pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
        obj_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "/torso_lift_link"
        obj_pose_stamped.pose = obj_pose
        #        self.make_marker(obj_pose_stamped, namespace='obj_pose', color=(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.8))

        # next get the gripper's current pose
        gripper_pose_stamped = self.right_arm.get_hand_frame_pose(\
        gripper_pose = gripper_pose_stamped.pose
        #        self.make_marker(obj_pose_stamped, namespace='gripper_pose', color=(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.8), mtype=Marker.ARROW)

        # the position of the object when the wrist is the origin
        # grasp = gripper_pose^{-1}*obj_pose
        grasp = gt.inverse_transform_pose(obj_pose, gripper_pose)

        #we need the position of the gripper when the object is at goal
        #gripper_goal = goal*grasp^{-1}

        origin = Pose()
        origin.orientation.w = 1

        #this is grasp^{-1}
        grasp_inv = gt.inverse_transform_pose(origin, grasp)

        #this is goal*grasp_inv
        gripper_goal = gt.transform_pose(grasp_inv, goal.pose)
        gripper_ps = PoseStamped()
        gripper_ps.header.frame_id = goal.header.frame_id
        gripper_ps.pose = gripper_goal

        return gripper_ps

    def move(self, arm, pose, collisions, try_hard):
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: desired pose for the arm 
        @rtype boolean
        @returns whether the move was successful
        arm_name = arm  #'left_arm'
        handle = self.my_arm_mover.move_to_goal(arm_name, pose, \
                                                    ordered_collisions=collisions, \
        rospy.loginfo("MOVE SUCCESS=%s", str(handle.reached_goal()))
        return handle.reached_goal()

    def release(self, arm, pose, collisions, obj_type):
        Releases the object: opens gripper and pulls it back out of the way.
        @type arm: String
        @param arm: 'left_arm' or 'right_arm'
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: pose the obj is released from
        @type collisions: OrderedCollisionOperations
        @param collisions: list of collisions to ignore in move
        # open gripper
        rospy.loginfo("Releasing the object.")
        my_gripper = gripper.Gripper(arm)

        # pull hand back
        rospy.loginfo("Pulling the gripper out of the way.")
        back = PoseStamped()
        back.header.frame_id = "torso_lift_link"
        if obj_type == "box":
            back.pose.position.x = pose.pose.position.x
            back.pose.position.y = pose.pose.position.y - 0.15
            back.pose.position.x = pose.pose.position.x - 0.15
            back.pose.position.y = pose.pose.position.y
        back.pose.position.z = pose.pose.position.z
        back.pose.orientation = pose.pose.orientation
        self.make_marker(back, namespace="pull_out", mtype=Marker.ARROW, \
                             scale=(0.1,0.1,0.05), color=(1.0,1.0,0.0,0.8))
        if arm == 'right_arm':
            joint_trajectory = self.right_arm.plan_interpolated_ik(\
                back, collision_aware=False, consistent_angle=2.0*np.pi)
            joint_trajectory = self.left_arm.plan_interpolated_ik(\
                back, collision_aware=False, consistent_angle=2.0*np.pi)

        self.my_arm_mover.execute_joint_trajectory(arm, joint_trajectory)

    def make_marker(self, pose, namespace="my_namespace", mtype=Marker.SPHERE, \
                        scale=(0.05,0.05,0.05), color=(1.0,0.0,1.0,0.8)):
        Publishes a marker in rviz.
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: pose of the marker
        @type namespace: String
        @param namespace: name of the marker in rviz
        @type mtype: int
        @param mtype: type of marker
        @type scale: array
        @param scale: (x,y,z) size of the marker
        @type color: array
        @param color: [r,g,b,a] color of the marker
        pub = rospy.Publisher('robust_placing', Marker)

        count = 0
        while count < 10:
            marker = Marker()
            marker.header.frame_id = pose.header.frame_id  #'/torso_lift_link'
            marker.ns = namespace
            marker.id = 0
            marker.type = mtype
            marker.action = Marker.ADD
            marker.pose = pose.pose
            marker.scale.x = scale[0]
            marker.scale.y = scale[1]
            marker.scale.z = scale[2]
            marker.color.r = color[0]
            marker.color.g = color[1]
            marker.color.b = color[2]
            marker.color.a = color[3]

            count = count + 1

    def block(self, obs, i, dist, shape, goal):
        for a given degree of freedom, will find the best placement for the obstacle to block
        that direction. moves the hand to that pose.
        @type obs: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.collision_object
        @param obs: obstacle (box representation of the other gripper)
        @type i: int
        @param i: index of the of the degree of freedom (x_trans,y_trans,z_trans,x_rot,y_rot,z_rot)
                  in the frame of the object
        @type dist: float
        @param dist: dist in the specified degree of freedom the obj will travel
        @type shape: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.shape
        @param shape: shape of obj
        @type goal: PoseStamped
        @param goal: goal pose of the object

        @type boolean
        @returns the success of the block move
        buf = 0.02  #0.1#.2#0.05

        x = goal.pose.position.x
        y = goal.pose.position.y
        z = goal.pose.position.z

        if shape.type == Shape.MESH:
            bb = gt.bounding_box_corners(shape)
            dims = [(bb[7][0] - bb[0][0]), (bb[7][1] - bb[0][1]),
                    (bb[7][2] - bb[0][2])]
            x_displacement = dims[0] / 2 + obs.dimensions[0] / 2 + buf
            y_displacement = dims[1] / 2 + obs.dimensions[1] / 2 + buf
            z_displacement = dims[2] / 2 + obs.dimensions[2] / 2 + buf
            x_displacement = shape.dimensions[0] / 2 + obs.dimensions[
                0] / 2 + buf
            y_displacement = shape.dimensions[1] / 2 + obs.dimensions[
                1] / 2 + buf
            z_displacement = shape.dimensions[2] / 2 + obs.dimensions[
                2] / 2 + buf

        #print "shape dims="+str(shape.dimensions[1]/2)+" obs dims="+str(obs.dimensions[1]/2)

        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = "/torso_lift_link"
        pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.707
        pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.707
        pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0  #-0.707

        if i == 0 or i == 3:  # x axis
            if dist == 2.0:  # stick
                pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.707
                pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
                pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.707
                pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0

                x = x - x_displacement + .02
                y = y + 0.09
                z = z + 0.18
            elif dist > 0:  # tip
                x = x + x_displacement
                x = x - x_displacement
        if i == 1 or i == 4:  # y axis
            if dist > 0:
                y = y + y_displacement
                y = y - y_displacement

        if i == 2 or i == 5:  # z axis
            if dist > 0:
                z = z + z_displacement
                z = z - z_displacement

        pose.pose.position.x = x
        pose.pose.position.y = y
        pose.pose.position.z = z + 0.02
        self.make_marker(pose,namespace="block", mtype=Marker.ARROW, scale=(0.1,0.1,0.05), \
        success = self.move("left_arm", pose, None, False)
        rospy.loginfo("MOVE SUCCESS=%s", str(success))
        return success

    def reachable(self, pose, collisions):
        determines whether the a pose is has an ik solution

        @type pose:
        @param pose:

        @rtype boolean
        @returns whether the pose is valid
        ik_sol = self.right_arm.get_ik(pose, ordered_collisions=collisions)
        #rospy.loginfo("ERROR CODE=%s"+str(ik_sol.error_code.val))
        if ik_sol.error_code.val != 1:
            return False
            return True

    def place(self, arm, obj_name, pose):
        places the given object with the given arm in the give pose.

        @type arm: String
        @param arm: 'left_arm' or 'right_arm'. arm to place
        @type obj_name: String
        @param obj_name: name of the object being placed from the collision map
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: pose to place the object
        @rtype: boolean
        @returns whether the place was successful
            if arm == "right_arm":
                place_goal = PlaceGoal('right_arm', [pose], \
                                           collision_support_surface_name='all', \
                place_goal = PlaceGoal('left_arm', [pose], \
                                           collision_support_surface_name='table', \
            place_result = self.pickplace.place(place_goal)
            rospy.loginfo("Place result=%s", str(place_result))
        except ManipulationError:
            rospy.loginfo("POSE FAILED")
            return False
        return True

    def make_pose(self, pose, h, orientation):
        @type pose: PoseStamped
        @param pose: original pose
        @type h: float
        @param h: additional height added in the z direction
        @type orientation: list
        @param orientation: orientation to be added to pose

        @rtype PoseStamped
        @returns a pose modified by h and orientation
        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = self.goal.header.frame_id
        pose.pose.position.x = self.goal.pose.position.x
        pose.pose.position.y = self.goal.pose.position.y
        pose.pose.position.z = self.goal.pose.position.z + h
        pose.pose.orientation = gt.multiply_quaternions(
            self.goal.pose.orientation, orientation)

        return pose

    def get_best_release(self, mobj, obj, goal, collisions):
        finds the best release for the given object at the given goal and returns
        the pose of the gripper for that release.

        @type mobj: Mobject
        @param mobj: Mobject of the object to be placed
        @type obj: arm_navigation_msgs.msg.collision_object
        @param obj: obj to be placed
        @type goal: PoseStamped
        @param goal: goal pose for the object
        @rtype PoseStamped
        @returns pose of the gripper for the object at the goal
        placements = mobj.object.best_placements(goal)

        (height, orientation) = placements.pop()
        pose = self.make_pose(goal, height, orientation)
        gripper = self.get_gripper(obj, pose)

        while not self.reachable(gripper, collisions):
            if len(placements) == 0:
                rospy.loginfo("ERROR: No reachable place pose.")

            (height, orientation) = placements.pop()
            pose = self.make_pose(goal, height, orientation)
            gripper = self.get_gripper(obj, pose)

        self.make_marker(pose, namespace='place_pose', mtype=Marker.ARROW, \
        self.make_marker(gripper, namespace="place_gripper_pose", mtype=Marker.ARROW, \

        return (pose, gripper)

    def make_gripper_obs(self):
        Creates a box obstacle from the dimensions of the gripper.
        obs = Shape()
        obs.type = 1
        obs.dimensions = [0.10, 0.10, 0.10]
        return obs

    def make_plate(self, obj_name, plate):
        Converts the given obj in the collision map into a plate mesh in the database
        @type obj_name: String
        @param obj_name: name of the obj in the collision map ("graspable_object_****")
        @type plate: int
        @param plate: either the big (18980) or small (18979) plate
        mesh = self._get_model_mesh_srv(plate)

        co = self.my_world.attached_collision_object(obj_name)
        co.object.shapes[0] = mesh.mesh
        co.object.poses[0].orientation.x = 0.707
        co.object.poses[0].orientation.y = 0
        co.object.poses[0].orientation.z = 0
        co.object.poses[0].orientation.w = 0.707

    def get_collisions(self):
        creates list of collisions to be ignored.
        @rtype OrderedCollisionOperations
        @returns list of collisions to be ignored
        ignore = OrderedCollisionOperations()
        gripper = CollisionOperation()
        gripper.object1 = "l_end_effector"
        gripper.object2 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ALL
        gripper.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        wrist = CollisionOperation()
        wrist.object1 = "l_wrist_roll_link"
        wrist.object2 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ALL
        wrist.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        obj = CollisionOperation()
        obj.object1 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS
        obj.object2 = "table"
        obj.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        map_obj = CollisionOperation()
        map_obj.object1 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS
        map_obj.object2 = "collision_map"
        map_obj.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        lfing = CollisionOperation()
        lfing.object1 = "r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link"
        lfing.object2 = "table"
        lfing.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        rfingtip = CollisionOperation()
        rfingtip.object1 = "r_gripper_l_finger_tip_link"
        rfingtip.object2 = "table"
        rfingtip.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        rfing = CollisionOperation()
        rfing.object1 = "r_gripper_l_finger_link"
        rfing.object2 = "table"
        rfing.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        forearm = CollisionOperation()
        forearm.object1 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS
        forearm.object2 = "l_forearm_link"
        forearm.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE
        flex = CollisionOperation()
        flex.object1 = CollisionOperation.COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS
        flex.object2 = "l_wrist_flex_link"
        flex.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE

        ops = []
        op = CollisionOperation()
        op.operation = op.DISABLE
        op.object1 = op.COLLISION_SET_ATTACHED_OBJECTS
        for l in self.my_world.hands['left_arm'].hand_links:
            op.object2 = l

        ignore.collision_operations = [
            gripper, wrist, obj, map_obj, lfing, rfing, rfingtip, forearm, flex
        ] + ops
        return ignore

    def setup(self, obj_type, obj_name):
        @type obj_type: String
        @param obj_type: type of place, "dropping","passive","robust"
        @type obj_name: String 
        @param obj_name: type of object, "paper_plate","plastic_plate","box"
        # self.my_world.reset_collider_node() # takes a long time
        table_height = self.get_table_height()
        self.goal.pose.position.z = table_height + 0.1  #+ 0.095 # height of the gripper

        rospy.loginfo("Place goal=%s", str(self.goal))
                         color=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8])

        if obj_type == "paper_plate":
            self.make_plate(obj_name, 18979)  # small plate
        elif obj_type == "plastic_plate":
            self.make_plate(obj_name, 18980)  # big plate
        obj = self.get_obj(obj_name)
        shape = self.get_shape(obj)
        mobj = Mobject(shape, self.prims)
        obs = self.make_gripper_obs()
        return (obj, obs, mobj, shape)

    def drop(self, obj, obj_type, drop_height=0.1):
        @type obj: physics.Object
        @param obj: object being dropped
        @type drop_height: float
        @param drop_height: height to drop the object from (above the table)
        pose = PoseStamped()
        pose.header.frame_id = "/torso_lift_link"
        pose.pose.position.x = self.goal.pose.position.x
        pose.pose.position.y = self.goal.pose.position.y
        pose.pose.position.z = self.goal.pose.position.z + drop_height  #.1#.05# + 0.02 #.1
        pose.pose.orientation = self.goal.pose.orientation

        ignore = self.get_collisions()
        gripper = self.get_gripper(obj, pose)
        success = self.move("right_arm", gripper, ignore, True)
        self.release("right_arm", gripper, ignore, obj_type)

    def passive(self, obj, mobj, obj_type):
        @type obj: physics.Object
        @param obj: object being placed
        @type mobj: mobject.Mobject
        @param mobj: object being placed

        @rtype boolean
        @returns success of passive place
        ignore = self.get_collisions()
         wrist_release) = self.get_best_release(mobj, obj, self.goal, ignore)

        self.make_marker(release_pose, namespace="release_pose")
        print "release_pose=" + str(release_pose)

        success = self.move("right_arm", wrist_release, ignore, True)
        self.release("right_arm", wrist_release, ignore, obj_type)

        return success

    def robust(self, obj, mobj, obs, obj_type, shape):
        @type obj: physics.Object
        @param obj: object being placed
        @type mobj: mobject.Mobject
        @param obj: object being placed
        @type obs: Shape
        @param obs: the gripper as an obstacle
        @rtype boolean
        @returns succes of the robust place
        ignore = self.get_collisions()
         wrist_release) = self.get_best_release(mobj, obj, self.goal, ignore)

        self.make_marker(release_pose, namespace="release_pose")
        print "release_pose=" + str(release_pose)

        vels = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        dof = mobj.find_dof(self.goal, release_pose, vels)
        print "DOF=" + str(dof.degrees)

        success = False
        order = dof.index_order()
        while not success:  # not passive placing
            if len(order) != 0.0:
                next = order.pop(0)
                #print "NEXT="+str(next)
                success = self.block(obs, next, dof[next], shape, self.goal)
                rospy.loginfo("Block success=%s", str(success))
                rospy.loginfo("Block failed.")

        success = self.move("right_arm", wrist_release, ignore, True)
        self.release("right_arm", wrist_release, ignore, obj_type)

        return success

    def run(self, action, obj_type, obj_name):
        @type action: String
        @param action: type of place, "dropping","passive","robust"
        @type obj_type: String
        @param obj_type: type of object, "paper_plate","plastic_plate","box"
        @type obj_name: String
        @param obj_name: name of the object in the collision map, "graspable_object_****"
        @rtype float
        @returns time for execution
        (obj, obs, mobj, shape) = self.setup(obj_type, obj_name)
        if action == 'dropping':
            self.drop(obj, obj_type)
            return time.time()
        elif action == "passive":
            success = self.passive(obj, mobj, obj_type)
            return time.time()
        elif action == "robust":
            success = self.robust(obj, mobj, obs, obj_type, shape)
            return time.time()
            rospy.loginfo("ERROR: %s not a valid action", str(action))
        return time.time()