Example #1
def test_priority_union_right_inverse_implementations_are_eq():
    for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(all3VecIO):
        oldAnswer = fv.stack_to_set(fv.right_inv_priority_union(c=c, b=b))
        newAnswer = fv.stack_to_set(fv.right_inv_priority_union_old(c=c, b=b))
        missingFromNew = oldAnswer - newAnswer
        extraInNew = newAnswer - oldAnswer
        assert oldAnswer == newAnswer, f"{i}:{a},{b},{c}\n{missingFromNew}\n{extraInNew}"
Example #2
def test_intersection_of_every_pair_of_LCs_is_the_LC_of_the_meet():
    for i, (a, b) in enumerate([(a, b) for a in all3Vecs for b in all3Vecs]):
        lcA, lcB = fv.lower_closure(a), fv.lower_closure(b)
        lcAs, lcBs = fv.stack_to_set(lcA), fv.stack_to_set(lcB)
        cap = lcAs.intersection(lcBs)
        meet = fv.meet_specification(a, b)
        lcMeet = fv.lower_closure(meet)
        lcMeets = fv.stack_to_set(lcMeet)
        assert cap == lcMeets, f"{i}:{a},{b}\n{cap}\n{lcMeets}"
Example #3
def test_right_inverse_is_associative():
    counterexamples = set()
    for xWrapped, yWrapped, zWrapped in all3VecTriplesSet:
        x, y, z = xWrapped.unwrap(), yWrapped.unwrap(), zWrapped.unwrap()
        xy = fv.right_inv_priority_union(x, y)
        xyWrapped = None if xy is None else fv.stack_to_set(xy)
        if xy is None:
            xy_z = None
            xy_zWrapped = set()
            for xyPrimeWrapped in xyWrapped:
                xyPrime = xyPrimeWrapped.unwrap()
                if fv.right_inv_priority_union(xyPrime, z) is not None:
                            xyPrime, z)))
            xy_z = fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(
                xy_zWrapped) if len(xy_zWrapped) > 0 else None
            # xy_z  = np.unique(fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(
            #     grand_union([
            #         fv.stack_to_set(fv.right_inv_priority_union(xyPrime, z))
            #         for xyPrime in xyWrapped if fv.right_inv_priority_union(xyPrime, z) is not None])
            # ), axis=0)
        yz = fv.right_inv_priority_union(y, z)
        yzWrapped = None if yz is None else fv.stack_to_set(yz)
        if yz is None:
            x_yz = None
            x_yzWrapped = set()
            for yzPrimeWrapped in yzWrapped:
                yzPrime = yzPrimeWrapped.unwrap()
                if fv.right_inv_priority_union(x, yzPrime) is not None:
                            x, yzPrime)))
            x_yz = fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(
                x_yzWrapped) if len(x_yzWrapped) > 0 else None
            # x_yz  = np.unique(fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(
            #     grand_union([
            #         fv.stack_to_set(fv.right_inv_priority_union(x, yzPrime))
            #         for yzPrime in yzWrapped if fv.right_inv_priority_union(x, yzPrime) is not None])
            # ), axis=0)
        # x_yz = None if yz is None else fv.right_inv_priority_union(x, yz)
        if xy_z is None and not x_yz is None:
            counterexamples.add((xWrapped, yWrapped, zWrapped))
        elif xy_z is not None and x_yz is None:
            counterexamples.add((xWrapped, yWrapped, zWrapped))
        elif xy_z is not None and x_yz is not None:
            if not np.array_equal(xy_z, x_yz):
                counterexamples.add((xWrapped, yWrapped, zWrapped))
    assert len(counterexamples) == 0, f"{counterexamples}"
Example #4
def test_intersection_of_every_pair_of_UCs_is_the_UC_of_the_join():
    for i, (a, b) in enumerate([(a, b) for a in all3Vecs for b in all3Vecs]):
        ucA, ucB = fv.upper_closure(a), fv.upper_closure(b)
        ucAs, ucBs = fv.stack_to_set(ucA), fv.stack_to_set(ucB)
        cap = ucAs.intersection(ucBs)
        join = fv.join_specification(a, b)
        if join is not None:
            ucJoin = fv.upper_closure(join)
            ucJoins = fv.stack_to_set(ucJoin)
            assert cap == ucJoins, f"{i}:{a},{b}\n{cap}\n{ucJoins}"
            assert len(cap) == 0, f"{i}:{a},{b}\n{cap}"
Example #5
def test_priority_union_stack_right_as_expected():
    counterexamples = set()
    for xWrapped in all3VecsSet:
        x = xWrapped.unwrap()
        stackRightResult = fv.priority_union(x, all3Vecs)
        nonVectorResult = np.array([fv.priority_union(x, v) for v in all3Vecs],
        stackRightResultSet = fv.stack_to_set(stackRightResult)
        nonVectorResultSet = fv.stack_to_set(nonVectorResult)
        if stackRightResultSet != nonVectorResultSet:
    assert len(counterexamples) == 0, f"Counterexamples:\n{counterexamples}"
Example #6
def test_cap_of_every_interval_pair_is_empty_or_an_interval_with_natural_bounds(
    counterexamples = set()
    for i, intervalLeftWrapped in enumerate(all3VecIntervals):
        intervalLeft = fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(intervalLeftWrapped)
        maxLeft, minLeft = fv.max_of(intervalLeft), fv.min_of(intervalLeft)
        for j, intervalRightWrapped in enumerate(all3VecIntervals):
            intervalRight = fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(intervalRightWrapped)
            maxRight, minRight = fv.max_of(intervalRight), fv.min_of(

            capSet = intervalLeftWrapped.intersection(intervalRightWrapped)
            capStack = fv.hashableArrays_to_stack(capSet)

            est_cap_max = fv.meet_specification(maxLeft, maxRight)
            est_cap_min = fv.join_specification(minLeft, minRight)
            if len(capSet) > 0:
                est_cap = fv.interval(est_cap_min, est_cap_max)
                est_capSet = fv.stack_to_set(est_cap)
                if not est_capSet == capSet:
                        ((i, intervalLeftWrapped), (j, intervalRightWrapped),
                         (capSet, est_capSet)))
                assert est_cap_max is None or est_cap_min is None or not fv.lte_specification(
                    est_cap_min, est_cap_max), f"{est_cap_max}, {est_cap_min}"
    assert len(counterexamples) == 0, f"Counterexamples:\n{counterexamples}"
Example #7
def test_every_defined_left_inverse_yields_a_bounded_lattice_that_is_an_interval(
    counterexamples = set()
    for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(all3VecIO):
        possibleBs = fv.left_inv_priority_union(a, c)
        possibleBSet = fv.stack_to_set(possibleBs)
        if not possibleBSet in all3VecIntervals:
            counterexamples.add((i, (fv.HashableArray(a), fv.HashableArray(b),
    assert len(counterexamples) == 0, f"{counterexamples}"
Example #8
def test_priority_union_right_inverse_all_expected_to_be_possible_are():
    Ms = fv.stack_to_set(all3Vecs)
    allPairs = {(c, b) for c in Ms for b in Ms}
    for (cWrapped, bWrapped) in allPairs:
        c, b = cWrapped.unwrap(), bWrapped.unwrap()
        ri = fv.right_inv_priority_union(c, b)
        if ri is not None:
            for a in ri:
                assert np.array_equal(fv.priority_union(a, b),
                                      c), f"{a}+{b}≠{c}"
Example #9
def test_priority_union_left_inverse_all_expected_to_be_possible_are():
    Ms = fv.stack_to_set(all3Vecs)
    allPairs = {(a, c) for a in Ms for c in Ms}
    for (aWrapped, cWrapped) in allPairs:
        a, c = aWrapped.unwrap(), cWrapped.unwrap()
        li = fv.left_inv_priority_union(a, c)
        if li is not None:
            for b in li:
                assert np.array_equal(fv.priority_union(a, b),
                                      c), f"{a}+{b}≠{c}"
Example #10
def test_join_specification_possible_stack_implementations_eq():
    Ms = fv.stack_to_set(all3Vecs)
    allPairs = {(a, b) for a in Ms for b in Ms}
    allJoinablePairsA = {
        (a, b)
        for (a, b) in allPairs
        if fv.join_specification_possible(a.unwrap(), b.unwrap())
    allJoinablePairsB = {(a, b)
                         for (a, b) in allPairs
                         if fv.join_specification_possible_stack(
                             np.array([a.unwrap(), b.unwrap()], dtype=INT8))}
    missingFromB = allJoinablePairsA - allJoinablePairsB
    missingFromA = allJoinablePairsB - allJoinablePairsA
    assert allJoinablePairsA == allJoinablePairsB, f"Missing from stack-based result:\n{missingFromB}\nMissing from pairwise result:\n{missingFromA}"
Example #11
 def left_inverse_is_a_lower_closure(i, a, b, c):
     possibleBs = fv.left_inv_priority_union(a, c)
     possibleBsSet = fv.stack_to_set(possibleBs)
     return possibleBs is None or possibleBsSet in allLC3sCompressed
Example #12
                          np.array([0, 1, 2, 1], dtype=INT8))
    assert np.array_equal(int_to_trits(19, 4),
                          np.array([0, 2, 0, 1], dtype=INT8))
    assert np.array_equal(int_to_trits(np.array([16, 19]), 4),
                          np.vstack([[0, 1, 2, 1], [0, 2, 0, 1]]))

# def test_trits_ints_inverse():
# #     trits_to_ints
# #     ints_to_trits
#     pass

all3Vecs = np.array([[x, y, z] for x in {+1, 0, -1} for y in {+1, 0, -1}
                     for z in {+1, 0, -1}],
all3VecsSet = fv.stack_to_set(all3Vecs)
all3VecPairsSet = {(a, b) for a in all3VecsSet for b in all3VecsSet}
all3VecTriplesSet = {(a, b, c)
                     for a in all3VecsSet for b in all3VecsSet
                     for c in all3VecsSet}

# stack-oriented join implementations #

def test_join_specification_possible_stack_implementations_eq():
    Ms = fv.stack_to_set(all3Vecs)
    allPairs = {(a, b) for a in Ms for b in Ms}
    allJoinablePairsA = {
        (a, b)