Example #1
File: rules.py Project: momacs/pram
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        p = self.p_infection_min

        if group.has_rel({ Site.AT: group.get_rel('school') }):
            site = group.get_rel(Site.AT)

            na = site.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }))
            ns = site.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }))

            p = self.get_p_infection_site(na, ns)

        if group.get_attr('flu') == 's':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p,     attr_set={ 'flu': 'i' })
        elif group.get_attr('flu') == 'i':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.50, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.50, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })
        elif group.get_attr('flu') == 'r':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.10, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.90, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r' })
            raise ValueError("Invalid value for attribute 'flu'")
Example #2
 def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
     if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 's' }):
         at  = group.get_rel(Site.AT)
         n   = at.get_pop_size()
         n_s = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }))
         n_e = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' }))
         n_i = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }))
         beta = R0 / (population*infectiousPeriod)
         lambdat = beta*n_i
         fractionInfected = float(n_i) / float(n)
         numberOfNewlyInfected = np.random.binomial(n_s,lambdat)
         p_infection = float(numberOfNewlyInfected+n_e)/float(n)
         return [
             GroupSplitSpec(p=p_infection, attr_set={ 'flu': 'e' }),
             GroupSplitSpec(p=1-p_infection, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })
     if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 'e' }):
         p_transition = 1.0/latentPeriod
         return [
             GroupSplitSpec(p=p_transition, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i' }),
             GroupSplitSpec(p=1.0-p_transition, attr_set={ 'flu': 'e' })
     if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 'i' }):
         at  = group.get_rel(Site.AT)
         n_i = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }))
         print( n_i, end=' ' )
         p_transition = 1.0/infectiousPeriod
         return [
             GroupSplitSpec(p=p_transition, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r' }),
             GroupSplitSpec(p=1.0-p_transition, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i' })
Example #3
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        mouse_group = pop.get_group(GroupQry({'form': "m"}))
        mouse_population = mouse_group.m

        hawk_group = pop.get_group(GroupQry({'form': 'h'}))
        hawk_population = hawk_group.m / 5

        appetite = mouse_population * hawk_population * PREDATION_COEFFICIENT

        if group.attr['form'] == 'h':
            p = PREDATOR_MORTALITY

            p = p * TIME_COEFFICIENT

            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p, attr_set={'form': "c"}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p)

        elif group.attr['form'] == 'm':
            if appetite > mouse_population:
                appetite = mouse_population

            p = appetite / mouse_population

            p = p * TIME_COEFFICIENT

            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p, attr_set={'form': "h"}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p)
            return [GroupSplitSpec(p=1)]
Example #4
def get_probe_flu_at(school, name=None):
    return GroupSizeProbe(
        name=name or school.name,
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }, rel={ 'school': school })
        qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={ 'school': school }),
Example #5
def probe_flu_at(school, name=None):
    return GroupSizeProbe(
        name=name or school.name,
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }, rel={ 'school': school })
        qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={ 'school': school }),
        var_names=['ps', 'pi', 'pr', 'ns', 'ni', 'nr']
Example #6
def sim_flu_ac_init_get_probe(school, name=None):
    return GroupSizeProbe(
        name=name or str(school.name),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }, rel={ 'school': school })
        qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={ 'school': school }),
        persistance=None,  # pp,
        var_names=['ps', 'pe', 'pr', 'ns', 'ne', 'nr']
Example #7
def probe_grp_size_flu_school(name, school, pp):
    return GroupSizeProbe(name=name,
                              GroupQry(attr={'flu': 's'},
                                       rel={'school': school}),
                              GroupQry(attr={'flu': 'e'},
                                       rel={'school': school}),
                              GroupQry(attr={'flu': 'r'},
                                       rel={'school': school})
                          qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={'school': school}),
                          var_names=['ps', 'pe', 'pr', 'ns', 'ne', 'nr'])
Example #8
    def apply_keep_migrating(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        migrating_groups = pop.get_groups(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({'is-migrating': True})]))
        if migrating_groups and len(migrating_groups) > 0:
            migrating_m = sum([g.m for g in migrating_groups])
            migrating_p = migrating_m / pop.m * 100
            migrating_p = 0

        env_harshness = self.env.get_harshness(iter % 11, True)
        p_death = min(
            env_harshness * self.env_harshness_death_mult +
            migrating_p * self.migration_death_mult, 1.00)
        time_traveled = 1 if env_harshness <= 0.90 else 0  # no travel in very harsh climate

        return [
            GroupSplitSpec(p=p_death, attr_set=Group.VOID),
            GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_death,
                               group.get_attr('migration-time') + 1,
                               group.get_attr('travel-time-left') -
Example #9
    def __init__(self, env, env_harshness_death_mult=0.001, migration_death_mult=0.05, name='migration', t=TimeAlways(), i=IterAlways()):
        super().__init__(name, t, i, group_qry=GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({ 'is-migrating': True })]))

        self.env = env

        self.env_harshness_death_mult = env_harshness_death_mult
        self.migration_death_mult     = migration_death_mult
Example #10
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        # Susceptible:
        if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 's' }):
            at  = group.get_rel(Site.AT)
            n   = at.get_pop_size()                               # total    population at the group's current location
            n_i = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }))  # infected population at the group's current location

            p_infection = float(n_i) / float(n)  # changes every iteration (i.e., the source of the simulation dynamics)

            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=    p_infection, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i', 'mood': 'annoyed' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_infection, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })

        # Infected:
        if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 'i' }):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.2, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r', 'mood': 'happy'   }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.5, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i', 'mood': 'bored'   }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.3, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i', 'mood': 'annoyed' })

        # Recovered:
        if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 'r' }):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.9, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.1, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })
Example #11
 def is_applicable(self, group, iter, t):
     if group.ga("playable") == "yes":
         return False
     if group.ga("flu-status") == "s" and not group.get_mass_at(
             GroupQry(attr={'flu-status': 'i'})) == 0:
         return False
     return super().is_applicable(group, iter, t)
Example #12
    def apply_keep_migrating(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        migrating_groups = pop.get_groups(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({'is-migrating': True})]))
        if migrating_groups and len(migrating_groups) > 0:
            # most attribute access does not work; relevant methods should be called instead
            # migrating_m = sum([g.m for g in migrating_groups])
            # migrating_p = migrating_m / pop.m * 100
            # Note however an inconsistency - getting the mass of each agent will be the square of what we want
            # migrating_m = sum([g.get_mass() for g in migrating_groups])
            migrating_m = len(migrating_groups)
            migrating_p = migrating_m / pop.get_mass() * 100
            migrating_p = 0

        p_death = min(
            self.env_harshness * self.env_harshness_death_mult +
            migrating_p * self.migration_death_mult, 1.00)

        return [
            GroupSplitSpec(p=p_death, attr_set=Group.VOID),
            GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_death,
                               group.get_attr('migration-time') + 1,
                               group.get_attr('travel-time-left') - 1
Example #13
    def run_iter(self, iter, t, traj_id):
        migrating_groups = self.pop.get_groups(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({'is-migrating': True})]))
        if migrating_groups and len(migrating_groups) > 0:
            migration_time_lst = [
                g.get_attr('migration-time') for g in migrating_groups

            migrating_m = sum([g.m for g in migrating_groups])
            migrating_p = migrating_m / self.pop.m * 100
            migrating_time_mean = statistics.mean(migration_time_lst)
            migrating_time_sd = statistics.stdev(
                migration_time_lst) if len(migration_time_lst) > 1 else 0
            migrating_m = 0
            migrating_p = 0
            migrating_time_mean = 0
            migrating_time_sd = 0

            f'{iter or 0:>4}  ' + f'pop: {self.pop.m:>9,.0f}    ' +
            f'dead: {self.pop.m_out:>9,.0f}|{self.pop.m_out / self.pop_m_init * 100:>3,.0f}%    '
            + f'migrating: {migrating_m:>9,.0f}|{migrating_p:>3.0f}%    ' +
            f'migration-time: {migrating_time_mean:>6.2f} ({migrating_time_sd:>6.2f})'

        if self.persistence:
            self.persistence.persist(self, [
                self.pop.m, self.pop.m_out, migrating_m, migrating_p,
                migrating_time_mean, migrating_time_sd
            ], iter, t, traj_id)
Example #14
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        # Susceptible:
        if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 's' }):
            at  = group.get_rel(Site.AT)
            n   = at.get_pop_size()                               # total   population at current location
            n_e = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' }))  # exposed population at current location

            p_infection = float(n_e) / float(n)  # changes every iteration (i.e., the source of the simulation dynamics)

            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=    p_infection, attr_set={ 'flu': 'e' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_infection, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })

        # Exposed:
        if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 'e' }):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.2, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.5, attr_set={ 'flu': 'e' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.3, attr_set={ 'flu': 'e' })

        # Recovered:
        if group.has_attr({ 'flu': 'r' }):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.9, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.1, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })

        raise ValueError('Unknown flu state')
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        # Susceptible:
        if group.has_attr({'flu': 's'}):
            at = group.get_rel(Site.AT)
            n = at.get_pop_size()  # total    population at current location
            n_i = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(
                attr={'flu': 'i'}))  # infected population at current location

            p_infection = float(n_i) / float(
            )  # changes every iteration (i.e., the source of the simulation dynamics)

            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p_infection, attr_set={'flu': 'i'}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_infection, attr_set={'flu': 's'})

        # Infected:
        if group.has_attr({'flu': 'i'}):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.2, attr_set={
                    'flu': 'r'
                }),  # group size after: 20% of before (recovered)
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.8, attr_set={
                    'flu': 'i'
                })  # group size after: 80% of before (still infected)

        # Recovered:
        if group.has_attr({'flu': 'r'}):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.9, attr_set={'flu': 'r'}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.1, attr_set={'flu': 's'})
Example #16
    def run_iter(self, iter, t, traj_id):
        # Migrating population:
        migrating_groups = self.pop.get_groups(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({'is-migrating': True})]))
        if migrating_groups and len(migrating_groups) > 0:
            migration_time_lst = [
                g.get_attr('migration-time') for g in migrating_groups

            migrating_m = sum([g.m for g in migrating_groups])
            migrating_p = migrating_m / self.pop.m * 100
            migrating_time_mean = statistics.mean(migration_time_lst)
            migrating_time_sd = statistics.stdev(
                migration_time_lst) if len(migration_time_lst) > 1 else 0
            migrating_m = 0
            migrating_p = 0
            migrating_time_mean = 0
            migrating_time_sd = 0

        # Settled population:
        settled_groups = self.pop.get_groups(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({'has-settled': True})]))
        if settled_groups and len(settled_groups) > 0:
            settled_m = sum([g.m for g in settled_groups])
            settled_p = settled_m / self.pop.m * 100
            settled_m = 0
            settled_p = 0

        # Print and persist:
            f'{iter or 0:>4}  ' + f'pop: {self.pop.m:>9,.0f}    ' +
            f'dead: {self.pop.m_out:>9,.0f}|{self.pop.m_out / self.pop_m_init * 100:>3,.0f}%    '
            + f'migrating: {migrating_m:>9,.0f}|{migrating_p:>3.0f}%    ' +
            f'migration-time: {migrating_time_mean:>6.2f} ({migrating_time_sd:>6.2f})    '
            + f'settled: {settled_m:>9,.0f}|{settled_p:>3.0f}%    ' +
            f'groups: {len(self.pop.groups):>6,d}    ' +
            f'{Size.bytes2human(self.pop.sim.comp_hist.mem_iter[-1]):>7}  ' +

        if self.persistence:
            self.persistence.persist(self, [
                self.pop.m, self.pop.m_out, migrating_m, migrating_p,
                migrating_time_mean, migrating_time_sd, settled_m, settled_p
            ], iter, t, traj_id)
Example #17
    def __init__(self, severity, scale, severity_death_mult=0.0001, scale_migration_mult=0.01, name='conflict', t=TimeAlways(), i=IterAlways()):
        super().__init__(name, t, i, group_qry=GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({ 'is-migrating': False })]))

        self.severity = severity  # [0=benign .. 1=lethal]
        self.scale    = scale     # [0=contained .. 1=wide-spread]

        self.severity_death_mult  = severity_death_mult
        self.scale_migration_mult = scale_migration_mult
Example #18
    def get_loc_aggr(self):
        """ Calculate aggregates (currently, sums) of the locations students can be at. """

        m_home, p_home = self.pop.get_groups_mass_and_prop(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.is_at_site_name('home')]))
        m_work, p_work = self.pop.get_groups_mass_and_prop(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.is_at_site_name('work')]))
        m_school, p_school = self.pop.get_groups_mass_and_prop(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.is_at_site_name('school')]))

        return {
            'm_home': m_home,
            'p_home': p_home,
            'm_work': m_work,
            'p_work': p_work,
            'm_school': m_school,
            'p_school': p_school
Example #19
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        p = 0

        if group.m >= pop.get_group(GroupQry({'form': "m"})).m / 4:
            p = 0.1

        return [
            GroupSplitSpec(p=p, attr_set={"form": "c"}),
            GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p)
Example #20
def probes_ls():
    school_l  = Site(450149323)  # 88% low income students
    school_m  = Site(450067740)  #  7% low income students

    return GroupSizeProbe(
        name=name or str(school.name),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 's' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'e' }, rel={ 'school': school }),
            GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'r' }, rel={ 'school': school })
        qry_tot=GroupQry(rel={ 'school': school }),
        var_names=['ps', 'pe', 'pr', 'ns', 'ne', 'nr']

    probes = [
        { 'name': 'Low-income school',    'inf': '88% low income students', 'persistenceName': 'low-income', 'id': 450149323 },
        { 'name': 'medium-income school', 'inf':  '7% low income students', 'persistenceName': 'med-income', 'id': 450067740 }
    return jsonify({ 'res': True, 'probes': probes })
Example #21
    def __init__(self, primary_E_site, sei2r_params, p_home_E, p_social_E, soc_dist_comp_young, soc_dist_comp_old, p_fat_by_age_group):
        if p_home_E + p_social_E > 1.0:
            raise ValueError('p_home_E + p_social_E cannot be greater than 1.')

        self.primary_E_site      = primary_E_site  # primary exposure site
        self.sei2r_params        = sei2r_params
        self.p_home_E            = p_home_E
        self.p_social_E          = p_social_E
        self.soc_dist_comp_young = soc_dist_comp_young  # social distancing compliance (young people)
        self.soc_dist_comp_old   = soc_dist_comp_old    # social distancing compliance (old   people)
        self.p_fat_by_age_group  = p_fat_by_age_group

        super().__init__(f'disease-progress-{self.primary_E_site}', group_qry=GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_rel(self.primary_E_site)]))
Example #22
def get_flu_s_sv(pop, group, iter, t):
    Returns the stochastic vector for the 's' state of the 'flu' attribute.  That vector becomes one of the rows of the
    transition matrix of the underlying discrete-time non-homogenous Markov chain.

    at  = group.get_rel(Site.AT)
    n   = at.get_pop_size()                               # total    population at the group's current location
    n_i = at.get_pop_size(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }))  # infected population at the group's current location

    p_inf = float(n_i) / float(n)  # changes every iteration (i.e., the source of the simulation dynamics)

    return [1 - p_inf, p_inf, 0.00]
Example #23
File: sim.py Project: momacs/pram
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        if group.is_at_site_name('school'):
            p = group.get_rel('school').get_mass_prop(
                GroupQry(attr={'flu': 'i'}))
            p = self.p_infection_min

        if group.get_attr('flu') == 's':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p, attr_set={'flu': 's'}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p, attr_set={'flu': 'i'})
        elif group.get_attr('flu') == 'i':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.95, attr_set={'flu': 'i'}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.05, attr_set={'flu': 'r'})
Example #24
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):

        if group.attr['form'] == 'c':

            mouse_group = pop.get_group(GroupQry({'form': "m"}))

            p = (mouse_group.m *
                 MICE_REPRODUCTION_RATE) / group.m  #mice_group_size/pop_size

            p = p * TIME_COEFFICIENT

            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p, attr_set={'form': "m"}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p)

            return [GroupSplitSpec(p=1)]
Example #25
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        migrating_groups = pop.get_groups(
            GroupQry(cond=[lambda g: g.has_attr({'is-migrating': True})]))
        if migrating_groups and len(migrating_groups) > 0:
            migrating_m = sum([g.m for g in migrating_groups])
            migrating_p = migrating_m / pop.m * 100
            migrating_p = 0

        p_death = min(
            self.env_harshness * self.env_harshness_death_mult +
            migrating_p * self.migration_death_mult, 1.00)

        return [
            GroupSplitSpec(p=p_death, attr_set=Group.VOID),
            GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_death,
                               group.get_attr('migration-time') + 1
Example #26
File: sim.py Project: momacs/pram
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        p = self.p_infection_min
        if group.is_at_site_name('school'):
            p = group.get_rel(Site.AT).get_mass_prop(GroupQry(attr={ 'flu': 'i' }))

        if group.get_attr('flu') == 's':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=p,     attr_set={ 'flu': 'i' })
        elif group.get_attr('flu') == 'i':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.50, attr_set={ 'flu': 'i' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.50, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' })
        elif group.get_attr('flu') == 'r':
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.10, attr_set={ 'flu': 's' }),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.90, attr_set={ 'flu': 'r' })
            raise ValueError("Invalid value for attribute 'flu'")
Example #27
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        # Susceptible:
        if group.has_attr({'flu': 's'}):
            p_infection = group.get_mass_at(GroupQry(attr={'flu': 'i'}))
            return [
                                   'flu': 'i',
                                   'mood': 'annoyed'
                GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - p_infection, attr_set={'flu': 's'})

        # Infected:
        if group.has_attr({'flu': 'i'}):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.2, attr_set={
                    'flu': 'r',
                    'mood': 'happy'
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.5, attr_set={
                    'flu': 'i',
                    'mood': 'bored'
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.3, attr_set={
                    'flu': 'i',
                    'mood': 'annoyed'

        # Recovered:
        if group.has_attr({'flu': 'r'}):
            return [
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.9, attr_set={'flu': 'r'}),
                GroupSplitSpec(p=0.1, attr_set={'flu': 's'})
Example #28
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        if group.m == 0:
            return [GroupSplitSpec(p=1)]

        flu_mass = round(
            self.p * group.get_mass_at(GroupQry(attr={'flu-status': 'i'})) *
        move_mass = round(self.move_p * group.m)

        if group.ga("flu-status") == "i":
            flu_mass = 0

        both_mass = round(
            ((flu_mass / group.m) * (move_mass / group.m)) * group.m)
        flu_mass = flu_mass - both_mass
        move_mass = move_mass - both_mass

        flu_p = flu_mass / group.m
        move_p = move_mass / group.m
        both_p = both_mass / group.m

        if flu_p + move_p + both_p > 1:
            flu_p = 0
            move_p = 0
            both_p = 1

        move_ind = random.randint(0, len(self.sites) - 1)

        return [
            GroupSplitSpec(p=move_p, rel_set={Site.AT: self.sites[move_ind]}),
            GroupSplitSpec(p=flu_p, attr_set={"flu-status": "i"}),
                           attr_set={"flu-status": "i"},
                           rel_set={Site.AT: self.sites[move_ind]}),
            GroupSplitSpec(p=1 - move_p - flu_p - both_p)
Example #29
    def apply(self, pop, group, iter, t):
        # ----- ARGUMENTS -----
        a1 = group.get_attr('foo')
        # a2 = group.get_attr(name='bar') # not legal PRAM code

        b1 = group.is_at_site('1')
        b2 = group.is_at_site(site='2')
        b3 = group.is_at_site_name('3')
        b4 = group.is_at_site_name(name='4')

        c1 = group.set_attr('foo', 'bar')
        c2 = group.set_attr('foo', value='bar')
        c3 = group.set_attr(name='foo', value='bar')
        c4 = group.set_attr('foo', 'bar', False)
        c5 = group.set_attr('foo', 'bar', do_force=False)
        c6 = group.set_attr('foo', value='bar', do_force=False)
        c7 = group.set_attr(name='foo', value='bar', do_force=False)

        d1 = pop.get_group({'one': 1})
        d2 = pop.get_group(attr={'one': 1})
        d3 = pop.get_group({'one': 1}, {'two': 2})
        d4 = pop.get_group({'one': 1}, rel={'two': 2})
        d5 = pop.get_group(attr={'one': 1}, rel={'two': 2})

        e1 = pop.get_groups_mass(GroupQry({'three': 3}))
        e2 = pop.get_groups_mass(qry=GroupQry({'three': 3}))
        e3 = pop.get_groups_mass(GroupQry({'three': 3}), 5)
        e4 = pop.get_groups_mass(GroupQry({'three': 3}), hist_delta=5)
        e5 = pop.get_groups_mass(qry=GroupQry({'three': 3}), hist_delta=5)

        # ----- LAMBDAS -----
        f1 = lambda g: g.get_attr('a') > 0
        f2 = lambda a, b, c: print(a, b, c)

        gq1 = GroupQry(cond=[
            lambda g1: g1.get_attr('a') > 0, lambda g2: g2.ga('b') < 0, lambda
            g3: g3.get_mass() == 100, lambda g4: g4.get_rel('origin') == 'a',
            lambda g5: g5.gr(Site.AT) == 'b', lambda g6: g6.has_attr('foo'),
            lambda g7: g7.get_site_at().get_groups()

        return None
Example #30
def sim03(iter_cnt):
    sim = (Simulation().add([
                    'income': 'l',
                    'flu': 's'
                    'income': 'l',
                    'flu': 'e'
                    'income': 'l',
                    'flu': 'r'
                    'income': 'm',
                    'flu': 's'
                    'income': 'm',
                    'flu': 'e'
                    'income': 'm',
                    'flu': 'r'
        Group(m=500, attr={'income': 'l'}),
        Group(m=500, attr={'income': 'm'})