Example #1
def compile(ctx, url_or_path, output_file):
  Compile the given spec, resolving references if required.

  Resolves references and uses backends exactly as in the "validate"
  command, but only works on single URLs.

  If an output file name is given, output is written there, otherwise
  it is written to the terminal.
  # Create parser to use
  parser, name = __parser_for_url(url_or_path, ctx.obj['resolve'],
      ctx.obj['backend'], ctx.obj['strict'], ctx.obj['encoding'])

  # Try parsing
  __validate(parser, name)

  # Write output
  from prance.util import formats
  contents = formats.serialize_spec(parser.specification, output_file)
  if output_file is None:
    from .util import fs
    fs.write_file(output_file, contents)
    click.echo('Output written to "%s".' % (output_file,))
Example #2
def convert(url_or_path, output_file):
    Convert the given spec to OpenAPI 3.x.y.

    The conversion uses the web API provided by mermade.org.uk to perform the
    conversion. As long as that service is kept up-to-date and you have an
    internet connection, conversion should work and should convert to the latest
    version of the specs.
    # Convert call
    from .util import url
    import os

    absurl = url.absurl(url_or_path, os.getcwd())

    from .convert import convert_url

    content, content_type = convert_url(absurl)

    # Write output
    if output_file is None:
        from .util import fs

        fs.write_file(output_file, content)
Example #3
def __write_to_file(filename, specs):  # noqa: N802
  Write specs to the given filename.

  This takes into account file name extensions as per `fs.write_file`.
    from prance.util import fs, formats
    contents = formats.serialize_spec(specs, filename)
    fs.write_file(filename, contents)
Example #4
def test_write_file(tmpdir):
    with sandbox.sandbox(tmpdir):
        test_text = "söme täxt"
        fs.write_file("test.out", test_text)

        # File must have been written
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(f)]
        assert "test.out" in files

        # File contents must work
        contents = fs.read_file("test.out")
        assert test_text == contents
Example #5
def test_write_file(tmpdir):
    with sandbox.sandbox(tmpdir):
        test_text = u'söme täxt'
        fs.write_file('test.out', test_text)

        # File must have been written
        files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
        assert 'test.out' in files

        # File contents must work
        contents = fs.read_file('test.out')
        assert test_text == contents
Example #6
def merge_swagger_file(main_file: str):
    Generate swagger into a single file
    :param main_file: Swagger file path
    input_file = Path(main_file)
    output_file = Path(input_file.parent, 'swagger-complete.yaml')

    contents = formats.serialize_spec(
    fs.write_file(filename=output_file, contents=contents, encoding='utf-8')
Example #7
def test_write_file_bom(tmpdir):
    with sandbox.sandbox(tmpdir):
        test_text = "söme täxt"
        fs.write_file("test.out", test_text, "utf-8-sig")

        # File must have been written
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isfile(f)]
        assert "test.out" in files

        # Encoding must match the one we've given
        encoding = fs.detect_encoding("test.out")
        assert encoding == "utf-8-sig"

        # File contents must work
        contents = fs.read_file("test.out")
        assert test_text == contents
Example #8
def test_write_file_bom(tmpdir):
    with sandbox.sandbox(tmpdir):
        test_text = u'söme täxt'
        fs.write_file('test.out', test_text, 'utf-8-sig')

        # File must have been written
        files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
        assert 'test.out' in files

        # Encoding must match the one we've given
        encoding = fs.detect_encoding('test.out')
        assert encoding == 'utf-8-sig'

        # File contents must work
        contents = fs.read_file('test.out')
        assert test_text == contents
Example #9
def test_write_file():
    # What we're doing here has really nothing to do with click's CliRunner,
    # but since we have it, we might as well use its sandboxing feature.
    from click.testing import CliRunner
    runner = CliRunner()
    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
        test_text = u'söme täxt'
        fs.write_file('test.out', test_text)

        # File must have been written
        files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
        assert 'test.out' in files

        # File contents must work
        contents = fs.read_file('test.out')
        assert test_text == contents