Example #1
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(tempdir_factory, store):
    path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
    config = make_config_from_repo(path)
    # Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
    config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
    hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
    with node.in_env(hook.prefix, hook.language_version):
        output = cmd_output('npm', 'ls', '-g')[1]
        assert 'lodash' in output
Example #2
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(
        tempdir_factory, store,
):  # pragma: no cover (non-windows)
    path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
    config = make_config_from_repo(path)
    # Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
    config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
    repo = Repository.create(config, store)
    with node.in_env(repo._cmd_runner, 'default'):
        cmd_output('npm', 'config', 'set', 'global', 'true')
        output = cmd_output('npm', 'ls')[1]
        assert 'lodash' in output
Example #3
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(
        tempdir_factory, store,
):  # pragma: no cover (non-windows)
    path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
    config = make_config_from_repo(path)
    # Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
    config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
    repo = Repository.create(config, store)
    with node.in_env(repo._cmd_runner, 'default'):
        cmd_output('npm', 'config', 'set', 'global', 'true')
        output = cmd_output('npm', 'ls')[1]
        assert 'lodash' in output
Example #4
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(
        tempdir_factory, store,
):  # pragma: no cover (non-windows)
    path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
    config = make_config_from_repo(path)
    # Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
    config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
    repo = Repository.create(config, store)
    repo.run_hook(repo.hooks[0][1], [])
    with node.in_env(repo.cmd_runner, 'default') as env:
        env.run('npm config set global true')
        output = env.run(('npm ls'))[1]
        assert 'lodash' in output
Example #5
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(
        tempdir_factory, store,
):  # pragma: no cover (non-windows)
    path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
    config = make_config_from_repo(path)
    # Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
    config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
    repo = Repository.create(config, store)
    (prefix, _, version, _), = repo._venvs()
    with node.in_env(prefix, version):
        output = cmd_output('npm', 'ls', '-g')[1]
        assert 'lodash' in output
Example #6
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(
        tempdir_factory, store,
):  # pragma: no cover (non-windows)
    path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
    config = make_config_from_repo(path)
    # Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
    config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
    repo = Repository.create(config, store)
    repo.run_hook(repo.hooks[0][1], [])
    with node.in_env(repo.cmd_runner, 'default') as env:
        env.run('npm config set global true')
        output = env.run(('npm ls'))[1]
        assert 'lodash' in output
Example #7
def test_installs_without_links_outside_env(tmpdir):
        '#!/usr/bin/env node\n'
        '_ = require("lodash"); console.log("success!")\n',
            'name': 'foo',
            'version': '0.0.1',
            'bin': {'foo': './bin/main.js'},
            'dependencies': {'lodash': '*'},

    prefix = Prefix(str(tmpdir))
    node.install_environment(prefix, 'system', ())
    assert node.healthy(prefix, 'system')

    # this directory shouldn't exist, make sure we succeed without it existing
    cmd_output('rm', '-rf', str(tmpdir.join('node_modules')))

    with node.in_env(prefix, 'system'):
        assert cmd_output('foo')[1] == 'success!\n'