def process_literature_files(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("BRAZILIAN LITERATURE") # walk and merge texts to one file count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 lines = list() count_files = 0 count_authors = 0 for dir_path, dirs, files in os.walk(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "corpus-of-brazilian-portuguese-literature/"): print(dir_path) count_authors += 1 for filename in tqdm.tqdm([f for f in files if f.endswith(".txt")]): file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) count_files += 1 # print(file_path) try: with open(file_path, "r", encoding="windows-1252") as text_file: line = count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) lines.append(line) count_pos += len(line.split()) except: try: with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as text_file: line = count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) lines.append(line) count_pos += len(line.split()) except: with open(file_path, "r", errors="ignore") as text_file: line = count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) lines.append(line) count_pos += len(line.split()) print("Writing to output") with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "corpus-of-brazilian-portuguese-literature/literature_proc.txt", "w+") as out_file: for line in tqdm.tqdm(lines): out_file.write(line + "\n") print("Prev: ", count_prev) print("Pos: ", count_pos) print("Authors: ", count_authors) print("Files: ", count_files)
def process_hc(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("HC") hc_df = pd.read_csv(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "hc_corpus/hc_corpus.tsv", sep="\t") texts = hc_df["content"].values count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 count_posts = 0 with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "hc_corpus/hc_corpus_proc.txt", "w+") as output_file: for line in tqdm.tqdm(texts): line = str(line) count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) splits = line.split() line_len = len(splits) if line_len >= 25: count_posts += 1 output_file.write(line + "\n") count_pos += line_len print("Prev: ", str(format(count_prev, ',d'))) print("Pos: ", str(format(count_pos, ',d'))) print("News: ", str(format(count_posts, ',d')))
def process_old_news(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("OLD NEWS") # with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "old-newspaper/old-newspaper.tsv") as f, \ # open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "old-newspaper/pt_old_news.tsv", "w+") as out: # out.write("language\tnewspaper\tdate\ttext") # for line in tqdm.tqdm(f): # if line[0:25].find("Portuguese") != -1: # out.write(line) dataset_df = pd.read_csv(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "old-newspapers/pt_old_news.tsv", sep="\t") text_values = dataset_df["text"].values count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "old-newspapers/pt_old_news_proc.txt", "w+") as f: for line in tqdm.tqdm(text_values): count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) f.write(line + "\n") count_pos += len(line.split()) print("Prev: ", count_prev) print("Pos: ", count_pos)
def process_folha(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("FOLHA UOL") count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 count_posts = 0 folha_df = pd.read_csv(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "news-of-the-site-folhauol/articles.csv") texts = folha_df["text"].values with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "news-of-the-site-folhauol/folha_proc.txt", "w+") as output_file: for line in tqdm.tqdm(texts): line = str(line) count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) splits = line.split() line_len = len(splits) if line_len >= 10: count_posts += 1 output_file.write(line + "\n") count_pos += line_len print("Prev: ", str(format(count_prev, ',d'))) print("Pos: ", str(format(count_pos, ',d'))) print("News: ", str(format(count_posts, ',d')))
def process_instructions(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("INSTRUCTIONS") count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 count_posts = 0 files = glob.glob(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "human-instructions-portuguese-wikihow/*.ttl") for i in range(len(files)): f = files[i] with open(f) as input_file, \ open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "human-instructions-portuguese-wikihow/[email protected]".replace("@", str(i + 1).zfill(3)), "w+") as output_file: print(f) print("Reading file") text = print("Find patterns") lines = re.findall(r'"""(.*?)"""', text) print("Processing") for line in tqdm.tqdm(lines): try: if line.find("Main Steps") != -1 or line.find("Requirements") != -1: continue count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) splits = line.split() line_len = len(splits) if line_len >= 10 and line.find("div class") == -1: count_posts += 1 output_file.write(line + "\n") count_pos += line_len except: pass print("Prev: ", str(format(count_prev, ',d'))) print("Pos: ", str(format(count_pos, ',d'))) print("News: ", str(format(count_posts, ',d')))
def process_wiki_files(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("WIKI PROCESS") with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "wikipedia_ptbr/ptwiki.txt", "r") as wiki_file, \ open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "wikipedia_ptbr/wiki_proc.txt", "w+") as wiki_proc_file: count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 for line in tqdm.tqdm(wiki_file): if (not line.startswith('<') and not line.startswith('</')) and (not line.endswith(">")) and \ len(line.replace("\n", "").split()) >= 1: count_prev += len(line.split()) line = line.replace("Section::::", "").replace("BULLET::::", "").replace("\n\n", "\n") line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) count_pos += len(line.split()) wiki_proc_file.write(line + "\n") print("Prev: ", count_prev) print("Pos: ", count_pos) return None
def process_blog(): print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("BLOG POSTS") count_prev = 0 count_pos = 0 count_posts = 0 i = 0 for chunk in pd.read_csv(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "blogspot-posts/blogposts.csv", chunksize=10 ** 6): i += 1 with open(DATASET_PT_CORPUS_PATH + "blogspot-posts/[email protected]".replace("@", str(i).zfill(6)), "w+") as output_file: contents = chunk["content"].values print("Processing chunk ", i) for line in tqdm.tqdm(contents): line = str(line) splits = line.split() if len(splits) < 25: continue count_prev += len(line.split()) line = clear_text(line) line = clean_text_ret(line) splits = line.split() line_len = len(splits) if line_len >= 25 and line.find("if gte mso") == -1: count_posts += 1 output_file.write(line + "\n") count_pos += line_len print("Prev: ", str(format(count_prev, ',d'))) print("Pos: ", str(format(count_pos, ',d'))) print("Posts:", str(format(count_posts, ',d')))
def setup_data(): # Load "procedentes" print("Loading text files...") data = [] dict_classes = { PATH_LAB_PROC: PROCEDENTE, PATH_LAB_INPROC: IMPROCEDENTE, PATH_LAB_EXT: EXTINCAO, PATH_LAB_PARC_PROC: PARCIALMENTE_PROCEDENTE } regression_df = pd.read_csv("data/attributes.csv") print(regression_df.describe()) for path_class in dict_classes.keys(): folder = JEC_DATASET_PATH + path_class file_paths = glob.glob(folder + "*.txt") for file_path in file_paths: with open(file_path) as f: raw_content = file_name = file_path.replace(folder, "").replace(".txt", "") found_df = np.array(regression_df.loc[regression_df['sentenca'] == int(file_name)]) # print(np.array(found_df)) if len(found_df) == 0: arr = [file_name, raw_content, dict_classes[path_class], 0.0] data.append(arr) else: for fdf in found_df: arr = [file_name, raw_content, dict_classes[path_class], float(str(fdf[1]).replace("R$ ", "").replace(".", "").replace(",", "."))] data.append(arr) print("Pre-processing...") processed_data = [] for file_name, content, label, valor in tqdm.tqdm(data): clean_text = text_preprocessing.clear_text(content) processed_text = text_preprocessing.pre_process(clean_text) processed_data.append([file_name, processed_text, label, valor]) df = pd.DataFrame(data=processed_data, columns=["file_name", "content", "label", "indenizacao"]) df.to_csv(PROJECT_PATH + JEC_DEST_PATH + JEC_FINAL_PATH + "jec_ufsc_dataset.csv") print(df.describe()) x = df[["file_name", "content"]] y = df["label"] x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=(int(time.time()) % 2 ** 32), stratify=y) x_test, x_val, y_test, y_val = train_test_split(x_test, y_test, test_size=0.5, random_state=(int(time.time()) % 2 ** 32), stratify=y_test) print(x_train.shape, x_test.shape, x_val.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape, y_val.shape) _path = PROJECT_PATH + JEC_DEST_PATH + JEC_FINAL_PATH + "jec_ufsc_train.csv" # save_data(x_train, y_train, _path) _path = PROJECT_PATH + JEC_DEST_PATH + JEC_FINAL_PATH + "jec_ufsc_test.csv" # save_data(x_test, y_test, _path) _path = PROJECT_PATH + JEC_DEST_PATH + JEC_FINAL_PATH + "jec_ufsc_val.csv"