def _comp (self, warnings=False): """ A tuple view for hashing, comparing, etc. Optional "warnings" whether to warn about underspecification. """ discriminators = self.columns uks = sorted( {uk for col in self.columns for uk in col._find_unique_constraints()}, key=lambda o: len(o.columns), reverse=True) for uk in uks: col_set = set(uk.columns) if col_set.issubset(self.columns): discriminators = col_set # If there's a PK we prefer it over anything else (Including warning # about underspecified rows.) if uk.is_pk: break # Warn about not enough columns to uniquely specify this row of data. if warnings and discriminators is self.columns and uks: try: uk = [k for k in uks if k.is_pk][0] except IndexError: # If no PK, then use the shortest UK uk = uks[-1] unspec_cols = sorted({ for col in uk.columns} - { for col in self.columns}) col_list = '' if len(unspec_cols) > 1: col_list = ', '.join(unspec_cols[:-1]) + ' and ' col_list += unspec_cols[-1] self.log.warning_once('INSERT {} underspecifies the {} key "{}". ' 'Consider adding {} {} to the INSERT statement.' .format( self.get_location(True), "primary" if uk.is_pk else "unique", uk, pluralize(len(unspec_cols), "column", False), col_list)) discriminators = { for col in discriminators} return tuple(sorted(tup for tup in self.values().items() if tup[0] in discriminators))
def read_cache (class_, file_name, default_schema=None): cache_log = logging.getLogger('Cache Loader') try: cache_file_name = _file_cache_file_name(file_name) cached_files, database = _read_cache(cache_file_name) out_of_date_files = [] saw_top_file = False for file, cached_mtime in cached_files: if file == file_name: saw_top_file = True current_mtime = None try: current_mtime = os.stat(file).st_mtime except OSError: pass if current_mtime != cached_mtime: out_of_date_files.append(file) if not saw_top_file:'Cache in file "{}" does not correspond with {}. ' 'Ignoring cache.' .format(cache_file_name, file_name)) return if not database._files.keys() - out_of_date_files: # Everything is out of date, so there's no reason to use the cache'Entire cache is out of date.') return database._top_file = file_name # reestablish Schema links back to Database for schema in database.schemas.values(): schema.database = database database.default_schema = default_schema if out_of_date_files:"Refreshing cache with {}..." .format(pluralize(len(out_of_date_files), 'out of date file'))) database.refresh_files(out_of_date_files) else:'Using cached definition.') return database except ValueError: pass
def drop_invalid_objects (self, invalid_objs):"Invalidating {}...".format(pluralize(len(invalid_objs), 'out of date object'))) for obj in progress_log(invalid_objs, self.log, "Purged {} of invalidated objects."): if == referenced_by = {ref.from_ for ref in obj._referenced_by} if referenced_by.difference(invalid_objs): if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.log.debug("{} will revert to deferred. Referenced by [{}]" .format(obj.pretty_name, ", ".join(ref_obj.pretty_name for ref_obj in referenced_by))) self.make_deferred(obj) else: self.log.debug("{} can be discarded.".format(obj.pretty_name)) # no refences go outside the invalidated set obj._clear_dependencies() self.drop(obj)
def __str__ (self): return "{}{} in schema definition".format(super().__str__(), pluralize(self.num_errors, 'error'))
def from_db (self): owner ="Fetching schema {}...".format(owner)) schema = { 'objects': db.query_all( """ SELECT object_name , object_type , last_ddl_time FROM dba_objects WHERE owner = :o AND subobject_name IS NULL AND object_type IN ( 'FUNCTION' , 'INDEX' , 'PACKAGE' , 'PACKAGE BODY' , 'PROCEDURE' , 'SEQUENCE' , 'SYNONYM' , 'TABLE' , 'TRIGGER' , 'TYPE' , 'TYPE BODY' -- , 'VIEW' ) UNION ALL SELECT constraint_name , 'CONSTRAINT' , last_change FROM dba_constraints WHERE owner = :o -- Ignore constraints on tables in the recyclebin AND NOT (LENGTH(table_name) = 30 AND table_name LIKE 'BIN$%') """, o=owner, oracle_names=['object_name']), 'columns': db.query_all( """ SELECT table_name , COUNT(*) AS num_columns FROM dba_tab_cols WHERE owner = :o -- Ignore columns on tables in the recyclebin AND NOT (LENGTH(table_name) = 30 AND table_name LIKE 'BIN$%') GROUP BY table_name """, o=owner, oracle_names=['table_name']), 'grants': 0, # db.query_one( # """ SELECT COUNT(*) # FROM (SELECT DISTINCT owner, table_name # FROM dba_tab_privs # WHERE grantee = :o) # """, o=owner), } self.log.debug("Query complete.") total_objects = (len(schema['objects']) + sum(table['num_columns'] for table in schema['columns']) + schema['grants']) modified_times = {} for object in schema['objects']: object_name = OracleFQN(owner, object['object_name']) object_type = _to_type(object['object_type'], object_name) if issubclass(object_type, PlsqlCode): object_name = _mangle_plsql_name(object_type, object_name) object_type = PlsqlCode if object_type not in modified_times: modified_times[object_type] = {} modified_times[object_type][object_name] = object['last_ddl_time']"Schema {} has {}.".format(owner, pluralize(total_objects, 'object'))) to_refresh = self.read_cache(modified_times) if schema['grants']: # Refresh all grants, but only if there are actually any grants out there to_refresh[Grant] = None change_count = 0 for obj_type, names in to_refresh.items(): if obj_type is Column: for table in schema['columns']: if names is None or table['table_name'] in names: change_count += table['num_columns'] elif names is None: if obj_type in modified_times: change_count += len(modified_times[obj_type]) elif obj_type is Grant: change_count += schema['grants'] else: change_count += len(names) if to_refresh: def progress_message (o): return "Fetched {{}} of schema {}.{}".format(owner, " Currently fetching {}...".format(_plural_type(o)) if o else '') actual = 0 for obj in progress_log((obj for obj_type, names in to_refresh.items() for obj in obj_type.from_db(, self.database, names)), self.log, progress_message, count=change_count): actual += 1 self.add(obj)"Fetching schema {} complete.".format(owner)) self.cache(modified_times) else:'Using cached schema.')
def _plural_type (obj): if not isinstance(obj, type): obj = type(obj) if hasattr(obj, 'namespace'): obj = obj.namespace return pluralize(2, obj.pretty_type, False)
def main (): parser = HelpyArgparser(description='Generate Oracle migration script.') # Positional arguments parser.add_argument('connect_string', metavar=ConnectionStringAction.metavar, action=ConnectionStringAction, help='Oracle connection string') parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='SQL*Plus script to parse') # Output control options output_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() output_group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='append_const', const=True, help='Verbose logging. Specify twice for more output.') output_group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Suppress output') # Configuration options parser.add_argument('--list-plsql-only', action='store_true', help='List only the names of the changed PL/SQL objects, ' 'rather than the full source code.') parser.add_argument('--schema', help='Schema name for unqualified object names. Defaults to <username>.') parser.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true', help='Dump specified schema.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--table', metavar='TABLE[:COL1,COL2,...]', action='append', help='Specify a table name to dump its data. Repeat as ' 'needed. Columns can be specified like TABLE:COL1,COL2,...') parser.add_argument('-a', '--alias', metavar='FROM_SCHEMA:TO_SCHEMA', action='append', help='Specify a schema name in the definition file(s) that ' 'you wish to replace with a different schema name for this ' 'run. Repeat for each alias.') # User-input options prompt_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() prompt_group.add_argument('-y', '--apply', action='store_true', help='Apply all changes without asking.') prompt_group.add_argument('-n', '--no-apply', action='store_true', help='Do not ask or apply any changes.') # Now GO! args = parser.parse_args() if not args.file and not args.dump: parser.error('Provide a file, or --dump') # Configure logger log_config = {'style': '{', 'format': '{levelname}: {message}'} if args.quiet: sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') log_config['stream'] = sys.stdout elif args.verbose: if len(args.verbose) > 1: log_config['format'] = '{levelname} {name}: {message}' log_config['level'] = logging.DEBUG else: log_config['level'] = logging.INFO else: log_config['level'] = logging.WARN logging.basicConfig(**log_config) # Disable progress_log output when stderr is not interactive. precog.util.progress_output_enabled = os.isatty(sys.stderr.fileno()) # Precog time try: schema_name = args.username if args.schema: schema_name = args.schema if args.alias: for alias in args.alias: add_schema_alias(*alias.split(':')) if args.file: database = Database.from_file(args.file, schema_name) diffs = database.diff_to_db(args.connect_string) if diffs: retry = '.' while True: changes = sum(1 for diff in diffs if diff.priority) change_str = pluralize(changes, 'change') print("Found {}{}\n".format(change_str, retry), file=sys.stderr) print("\n\n".join(diff.formatted(nosnip=args.no_apply, udiff=True, list_only=args.list_plsql_only) for diff in diffs)) print() if args.no_apply: break if not args.apply: doit = input("Apply {}? [yN] ".format(change_str)) else: doit = 'y' errors = 0 errored_objs = set() unapplied_diffs = [] if 'y' == doit.lower(): print("Applying {}...".format(change_str), file=sys.stderr) for diff in progress_print(diffs, "Applied {} of changes."): try: if diff.dependencies & errored_objs: raise UnappliedDependencyError( "Unable to apply change due to an error in a dependency\n" "SQL: {}".format(diff.sql)) diff.apply() except PrecogError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) errored_objs.add(diff) unapplied_diffs.append(diff) if diff.produces: errored_objs.update(diff.produces) if diff.priority: errors += 1 if errors: print("\nUnable to apply {}.".format(pluralize(errors, 'change')), file=sys.stderr) successes = changes - errors print("Successfully applied {}." .format(pluralize(successes, 'change')), file=sys.stderr) if not errors: # We're done here break if not successes: # Terminate with a nonzero status code sys.exit(1) # Let's retry those that didn't work diffs = unapplied_diffs retry = ' that can be retried.' else: print('Database "{}@{}" is up to date with {}'.format(args.username, args.dsn,, file=sys.stderr) elif args.dump: diffs = Database.dump_schema(args.connect_string, schema_name, args.table) print("\n\n".join(str(diff) for diff in diffs)) except PrecogError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) if args.verbose and len(args.verbose) > 1: raise