def showNearestMHIs(num, hv, MHIs, labels):
#    length = len(hv)
#    num = 5
    test_m = []
    test_l = []
    train_m = hv
    train_l = labels
    for i in range(1):
        rand = num
        train_m = np.delete(train_m,rand, 0)
        train_l = np.delete(train_l,rand, 0)
    pred_labs = predictAction(test_m[0], train_m, np.ravel(train_l), debug = False, k = 4, return_all = True)
    fig = plt.figure() 
    j = 1
    for f in pred_labs:
        print('f', f)
        im = MHIs[f,:,:]
        a = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, j)
        imgplot = plt.imshow(im, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
        j += 1
Example #2
def predict_Leave1out(num,hv,labels):
    test_m = []
    test_l = []
    train_m = hv
    train_l = labels
    rand = num
    test_l = labels[rand,0]
    train_m = np.delete(train_m,rand, 0)
    train_l = np.delete(train_l,rand, 0)
    pred_lab = predictAction(test_m[0], train_m, np.ravel(train_l), k = 1)
    return int(pred_lab), int(test_l)
        allMHIs_counter += 1

allLabels = [i for i in xrange(1,6) for j in xrange(4)]
allLabels = np.array(allLabels)
actions = ['botharms', 'crouch', 'leftarmup', 'punch', 'rightkick']
#actions = ['leftarmup']
#trainMHI = np.empty((480,640,20), dtype=np.float32)
#trainMHI_counter = 0"huVectors", allMoments)"allMHIs", allMHIs)
allMoments = allMoments/np.linalg.norm(allMoments)
confusionMatrix = np.zeros((5,5))
for actionnum in range(len(actions)):
    subdirname = basedir + actions[actionnum] + '/'
    subdir = os.listdir(subdirname)
    for seqnum in range(len(subdir)):
#        testMHI = computeMHI(subdirname + subdir[seqnum])
#        testMoments = huMoments(testMHI)
        testMoments = allMoments[actionnum*4 + seqnum]
        trainMHI = np.delete(allMHIs, (actionnum*4 + seqnum), axis=2)
        trainMoments = np.delete(allMoments, (actionnum*4 + seqnum), axis=0)
        trainLabels = np.delete(allLabels, (actionnum*4 + seqnum), axis=0)
        print actions[actionnum], " and subdir is ", seqnum, " with complete ", subdirname + subdir[seqnum]
#        confusionMatrix[actionnum][predictAction(testMoments, trainMoments, trainLabels)] += 1
        confusionMatrix[actionnum][predictAction(testMoments, allMoments, allLabels)-1] += 1

print confusionMatrix

for i in range(5):
    print "Mean Recognition Rate for "+actions[i] + " class is ", confusionMatrix[i][i] * 25, "%"
Example #4

allHuMoments = np.empty((20,7), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(allMHIs.shape[2]):
    allHuMoments[i,:] = huMoments(allMHIs[:,:,i])
#testMHI = computeMHI("./leftarmup/leftarm-up-p2-1")
testMHI = computeMHI("./punch/punch-p1-1")
testMoments = huMoments(testMHI)

actions = ['botharms', 'crouch', 'leftarmup', 'punch', 'rightkick']
#actions = ['leftarmup']
trainMHI = np.empty((480,640,20), dtype=np.float32)
trainMHI_counter = 0
for actionnum in range(len(actions)):
    subdirname = basedir + actions[actionnum] + '/'
    subdir = os.listdir(subdirname)
    for seqnum in range(len(subdir)):
    # cycle through all sequences for this action category
        trainMHI[:,:,trainMHI_counter] = computeMHI(subdirname + subdir[seqnum])
        trainMHI_counter = trainMHI_counter + 1

trainMoments = np.empty((trainMHI.shape[2],7), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(trainMHI.shape[2]):
    trainMoments[i,:] = huMoments(trainMHI[:,:,i])

trainLabels = [i for i in xrange(1,6) for j in xrange(4)]
trainLabels = np.array(trainLabels)

print predictAction(testMoments, trainMoments, trainLabels)
Example #5
if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open("huVectors.npy", "rb") as f:
        huVectors = pkl.load(f)

    num_seq = len(allLabels)
    num_actions = 5
    confusion_matrix = np.zeros((num_actions, num_actions), dtype='int')

    for test_idx in range(num_seq):
        mask = np.arange(num_seq) != test_idx
        train_indices = np.arange(num_seq)[mask]

        test_moments = huVectors[test_idx]
        test_label = allLabels[test_idx]
        train_moments = huVectors[train_indices]
        train_labels = [allLabels[idx] for idx in train_indices]

        predicted_label = predictAction(test_moments, train_moments,
        confusion_matrix[test_label - 1][predicted_label - 1] += 1

    orr = 0
    for i in range(5):
        orr += confusion_matrix[i][i]
    orr = orr / len(allLabels)
    clr = []
    for i in range(5):
        clr.append(confusion_matrix[i][i] / 4)
    print(orr, clr)
    fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
    thresh = cm.max() / 2.
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
                 format(cm[i, j], fmt),
                 color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")

    plt.ylabel('True label')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

# load data
# each row is a hu
hus = np.load('huVectors.npy')
labels = [1] * 4 + [2] * 4 + [3] * 4 + [4] * 4 + [5] * 4
cm = np.zeros((5, 5))
actions = ['botharms', 'crouch', 'leftarmup', 'punch', 'rightkick']

for i in range(20):
    testVec = hus[i]
    trainData = np.delete(hus, i, axis=0)
    trainLabels = np.delete(labels, i, axis=0)
    prediction = predictAction(testVec, trainData, trainLabels)
    cm[i / 4, prediction - 1] = cm[i / 4, prediction - 1] + 1

plot_confusion_matrix(cm, actions, normalize=True)