def to_environment_variables(config: Config,
                             include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
                             prefix: str = "PREFECT") -> dict:
    Convert a configuration object to environment variables

    Values will be cast to strings using 'str'

        - config: The configuration object to parse
        - include: An optional set of keys to include. Each key to include should be
            formatted as 'section.key' or 'section.section.key'
        - prefix: The prefix for the environment variables. Defaults to "PREFECT".

        - A dictionary mapping key to values e.g.
    # Convert to a flat dict for construction without recursion
    flat_config = collections.dict_to_flatdict(config)

    # Generate env vars as "PREFIX__SECTION__KEY"
    return {
        "__".join([prefix] + list(key)).upper(): str(value)
        for key, value in flat_config.items()
        # Only include the specified keys
        if not include or ".".join(key) in include
Example #2
def test_restore_flattened_dict_with_dict_class():
    nested_dict = DotDict(a=DotDict(x=1), b=DotDict(y=2))
    flat = collections.dict_to_flatdict(nested_dict)
    restored = collections.flatdict_to_dict(flat)
    assert isinstance(restored, dict)

    restored_dotdict = collections.flatdict_to_dict(flat, dct_class=DotDict)
    assert isinstance(restored_dotdict, DotDict)
    assert isinstance(restored_dotdict.a, DotDict)
    assert restored_dotdict.a == nested_dict.a
Example #3
def test_flatten_dict(nested_dict):
    flat = collections.dict_to_flatdict(nested_dict)
    assert flat == {
        collections.CompoundKey([1]): 2,
        collections.CompoundKey([2, 1]): 2,
        collections.CompoundKey([2, 3]): 4,
        collections.CompoundKey([3, 1]): 2,
        collections.CompoundKey([3, 3, 4]): 5,
        collections.CompoundKey([3, 3, 6, 7]): 8,
Example #4
def test_to_environment_variables_roundtrip(config, monkeypatch,
    keys = [".".join(k) for k in dict_to_flatdict(config)]

    # Note prefix is different to avoid colliding with the `config` fixture env
    env = to_environment_variables(config,

    for k, v in env.items():
        monkeypatch.setenv(k, v)

    new_config = configuration.load_configuration(
        test_config_file_path, env_var_prefix="PREFECT_TEST_ROUND")
    assert new_config == config
Example #5
def interpolate_config(config: dict, env_var_prefix: str = None) -> Config:
    Processes a config dictionary, such as the one loaded from `load_toml`.

    # toml supports nested dicts, so we work with a flattened representation to do any
    # requested interpolation
    flat_config = collections.dict_to_flatdict(config)

    # --------------------- Interpolate env vars -----------------------
    # check if any env var sets a configuration value with the format:
    #     [ENV_VAR_PREFIX]__[Section]__[Optional Sub-Sections...]__[Key] = Value
    # and if it does, add it to the config file.

    if env_var_prefix:

        for env_var, env_var_value in os.environ.items():
            if env_var.startswith(env_var_prefix + "__"):

                # strip the prefix off the env var
                env_var_option = env_var[len(env_var_prefix + "__") :]

                # make sure the resulting env var has at least one delimitied section and key
                if "__" not in env_var:

                # env vars with escaped characters are interpreted as literal "\", which
                # Python helpfully escapes with a second "\". This step makes sure that
                # escaped characters are properly interpreted.
                value = cast(str, env_var_value.encode().decode("unicode_escape"))

                # place the env var in the flat config as a compound key
                config_option = collections.CompoundKey(
                flat_config[config_option] = string_to_type(
                    cast(str, interpolate_env_vars(value))

    # interpolate any env vars referenced
    for k, v in list(flat_config.items()):
        flat_config[k] = interpolate_env_vars(v)

    # --------------------- Interpolate other config keys -----------------
    # TOML doesn't support references to other keys... but we do!
    # This has the potential to lead to nasty recursions, so we check at most 10 times.
    # we use a set called "keys_to_check" to track only the ones of interest, so we aren't
    # checking every key every time.

    keys_to_check = set(flat_config.keys())

    for _ in range(10):

        # iterate over every key and value to check if the value uses interpolation
        for k in list(keys_to_check):

            # if the value isn't a string, it can't be a reference, so we exit
            if not isinstance(flat_config[k], str):

            # see if the ${...} syntax was used in the value and exit if it wasn't
            match =[k])
            if not match:

            # the matched_string includes "${}"; the matched_key is just the inner value
            matched_string =
            matched_key =

            # get the referenced key from the config value
            ref_key = collections.CompoundKey(matched_key.split("."))
            # get the value corresponding to the referenced key
            ref_value = flat_config.get(ref_key, "")

            # if the matched was the entire value, replace it with the interpolated value
            if flat_config[k] == matched_string:
                flat_config[k] = ref_value
            # if it was a partial match, then drop the interpolated value into the string
                flat_config[k] = flat_config[k].replace(
                    matched_string, str(ref_value), 1

    return cast(Config, collections.flatdict_to_dict(flat_config, dct_class=Config))
Example #6
def test_restore_flattened_dict(nested_dict):
    flat = collections.dict_to_flatdict(nested_dict)
    restored = collections.flatdict_to_dict(flat)
    assert restored == nested_dict