Example #1
    def test_flatmap_one_unnested_input(self, executor):
        a = AddTask()
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            z = a.map(x=flatten([1]), y=flatten([[5]]))

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[z].is_mapped()
        assert state.result[z].result == [6]
Example #2
    def test_flatmap_one_unmappable_input(self, executor):
        a = AddTask()
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            z = a.map(x=flatten(1), y=flatten([[1]]))

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[z].is_failed()
        assert (state.result[z].message ==
                "At least one upstream state has an unmappable result.")
Example #3
    def test_flatmap_flatmapped_result(self, executor):
        # flatmap over a flattened mapped task
        ll = ListTask()
        nest = NestTask()
        a = AddTask()

        with Flow(name="test") as f:
            nested = nest.map(ll())
            nested2 = nest.map(flatten(nested))
            x = a.map(flatten(nested2))

        s = f.run(executor=executor)

        assert s.result[x].result == [2, 3, 4]
Example #4
    def test_flatmap_constant(self, executor):
        # flatmap over a constant
        add = AddTask()

        with Flow(name="test") as f:
            a = add.map(flatten([[1, 2, 3]]))
            b = add.map(flatten([[1], [2], [3]]))
            c = add.map(flatten([[1], [2, 3]]))
            d = add.map(flatten([1, 2, 3]))

        s = f.run(executor=executor)

        # all results should be the same
        for task in [a, b, c, d]:
            assert s.result[task].result == [2, 3, 4]
    def test_multiple_annotations_applied(self):
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            z = add(x=edges.mapped(edges.flatten([[1], [2, 3]])),

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[z].result == [101, 102, 103]
Example #6
    def test_flatmap_nested_noniterable_input(self, executor, caplog):
        class NestTaskWithNonIterable(Task):
            def run(self, x):
                if x == 2:
                    return x
                return [x]

        ll = ListTask()
        nest = NestTaskWithNonIterable()
        a = AddTask()
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            nested = nest.map(ll())
            z = a.map(flatten(nested))

        state = flow.run(executor=executor)
        if not isinstance(executor, prefect.executors.dask.DaskExecutor):
            # When multiprocessing with Dask, caplog fails
            assert any(
                    "`flatten` was used on upstream task that did not return an iterable"
                    in record.message
                    for record in caplog.records
            ), "Warning is logged"
        assert state.result[z].result == [2, 3, 4]
Example #7
    def test_flatmap_reduced_result(self, executor):
        # flatmap over a reduced flattened mapped task
        ll = ListTask()
        nest = NestTask()
        a = AddTask()

        with Flow(name="test") as f:
            nested = nest.map(ll())
            nested2 = nest(flatten(nested))
            x = a.map(flatten(nested2))

        from prefect.utilities.debug import raise_on_exception

        with raise_on_exception():
            s = f.run(executor=executor)

        assert s.result[x].result == [2, 3, 4]
Example #8
    def test_apply_map_flatten_works(self, input_type):
        def func(a):
            return a * 2

        def nested_list():
            return [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]

        constant_nested = nested_list.run()

        with Flow("test") as flow:
            nested = nested_list()
            if input_type == "constant":
                a = apply_map(func, edges.flatten(nested))
                a = apply_map(func, edges.flatten(constant_nested))

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[a].result == [2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6]
Example #9
    def test_flatmap_nested_signal_input(self, executor):
        class NestTaskWithSignal(Task):
            def run(self, x):
                if x == 2:
                    raise SKIP("Skip this task execution")
                return [x]

        ll = ListTask()
        nest = NestTaskWithSignal()
        a = AddTask()
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            nested = nest.map(ll())
            z = a.map(flatten(nested))

        state = flow.run(executor=executor)
        assert state.result[z].result == [2, None, 4]
Example #10
    def test_apply_map_mixed_edge_types(self):
        def get_mixed_types():
            return 3, [1, 2, 3], [[1, 2], [3]]

        def identity(a, b, c):
            return a, b, c

        def func(u, m, f):
            return identity(u, m, f)

        with Flow("test") as flow:
            m = get_mixed_types()
            a = apply_map(func, edges.unmapped(m[0]), m[1],

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[a].result == [(3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3)]
Example #11
    def test_flatmap_nested_exception_input(self, executor):
        class NestTaskWithException(Task):
            def run(self, x):
                if x == 2:
                    raise ValueError("This task failed!")
                return [x]

        ll = ListTask()
        nest = NestTaskWithException()
        a = AddTask()
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            nested = nest.map(ll())
            z = a.map(flatten(nested))

        state = flow.run(executor=executor)
        result = state.result[z].result
        assert len(result) == 3
        assert (result[0], result[2]) == (2, 4)
        assert isinstance(result[1], TRIGGERFAIL)
Example #12
    def test_flat_applied_to_constant(self):
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            z = add.map(x=[1, 2, 3], y=edges.unmapped(edges.flatten(100)))

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[z].result == [101, 102, 103]
Example #13
    def test_flat_applied(self):
        with Flow("test") as flow:
            z = add.map(x=edges.flatten([[1], [2, 3]]), y=edges.unmapped(100))

        state = flow.run()
        assert state.result[z].result == [101, 102, 103]
Example #14
 def test_unmapped_annotation_takes_precedence(self):
     e = Edge(edges.flatten(Task()), Task(), flattened=False)
     assert e.flattened is True
Example #15
 def test_flat(self):
     ea = edges.flatten(Task())
     assert ea.annotations == {"flattened": True}
Example #16
 def test_nested_annotation(self):
     e = Edge(edges.flatten(edges.mapped(Task())), Task())
     assert e.flattened is True
     assert e.mapped is True
Example #17
 def test_multiple_annotations(self):
     ea = edges.mapped(edges.flatten(edges.unmapped(edges.mapped(Task()))))
     assert ea.annotations == {"flattened": True, "mapped": True}
Example #18
 def test_flat(self):
     e = Edge(edges.flatten(Task()), Task())
     assert e.flattened is True