def preprocess(jerk, neural_data):
    # ## 3. Preprocess Data

    # ### 3A. User Inputs
    # The user can define what time period to use spikes from (with respect to the output).

    # In[25]:

    bins_before = 150  #How many bins of neural data prior to the output are used for decoding
    bins_current = 1  #Whether to use concurrent time bin of neural data
    bins_after = 150  #How many bins of neural data after the output are used for decoding

    # ### 3B. Format Covariates

    # #### Format Input Covariates

    # In[26]:

    # Format for recurrent neural networks (SimpleRNN, GRU, LSTM)
    # Function to get the covariate matrix that includes spike history from previous bins
    X = get_spikes_with_history(neural_data, bins_before, bins_after,

    # Format for Wiener Filter, Wiener Cascade, XGBoost, and Dense Neural Network
    #Put in "flat" format, so each "neuron / time" is a single feature
    X_flat = X.reshape(X.shape[0], (X.shape[1] * X.shape[2]))

    # #### Format Output Covariates

    # In[79]:

    #Set decoding output
    y = jerk

    # ### 3C. Split into training / testing / validation sets
    # Note that hyperparameters should be determined using a separate validation set.
    # Then, the goodness of fit should be be tested on a testing set (separate from the training and validation sets).

    # #### User Options

    # In[32]:

    #Set what part of data should be part of the training/testing/validation sets
    training_range = [0, 0.5]
    testing_range = [0.7, 0.85]
    valid_range = [0.5, 1]

    # #### Split Data

    # In[81]:

    num_examples = X.shape[0]

    #Note that each range has a buffer of"bins_before" bins at the beginning, and "bins_after" bins at the end
    #This makes it so that the different sets don't include overlapping neural data
    training_set = np.arange([0] * num_examples)) + bins_before,[1] * num_examples)) - bins_after)
    testing_set = np.arange([0] * num_examples)) + bins_before,[1] * num_examples)) - bins_after)
    valid_set = np.arange([0] * num_examples)) + bins_before,[1] * num_examples)) - bins_after)

    #Get training data
    X_train = X[training_set, :, :]
    X_flat_train = X_flat[training_set, :]

    y_train = y[training_set, :]

    #Get testing data
    X_test = X[testing_set, :, :]
    X_flat_test = X_flat[testing_set, :]

    y_test = y[testing_set, :]

    #Get validation data
    X_valid = X[valid_set, :, :]
    X_flat_valid = X_flat[valid_set, :]

    y_valid = y[valid_set, :]

    # ### 3D. Process Covariates
    # We normalize (z_score) the inputs and zero-center the outputs.
    # Parameters for z-scoring (mean/std.) should be determined on the training set only, and then these z-scoring parameters are also used on the testing and validation sets.

    # In[ ]:

    # In[82]:

    #Z-score "X" inputs.
    X_train_mean = np.nanmean(X_train, axis=0)
    X_train_std = np.nanstd(X_train, axis=0)
    X_train = (X_train - X_train_mean) / X_train_std
    X_test = (X_test - X_train_mean) / X_train_std
    X_valid = (X_valid - X_train_mean) / X_train_std

    #Z-score "X_flat" inputs.
    X_flat_train_mean = np.nanmean(X_flat_train, axis=0)
    X_flat_train_std = np.nanstd(X_flat_train, axis=0)
    X_flat_train = (X_flat_train - X_flat_train_mean) / X_flat_train_std
    X_flat_test = (X_flat_test - X_flat_train_mean) / X_flat_train_std
    X_flat_valid = (X_flat_valid - X_flat_train_mean) / X_flat_train_std

    #Zero-center outputs
    y_train_mean = np.mean(y_train, axis=0)
    y_train = y_train - y_train_mean
    y_test = y_test - y_train_mean
    y_valid = y_valid - y_train_mean

    print 'X_flat_train.shape, y_train.shape = ', X_flat_train.shape, y_train.shape

    return X_flat_train, X_flat_valid, X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid
        TestY = matData['SmoothedFinger']
        TestY = TestY[:, Finger]
        TestY = TestY.reshape(TestY.shape[0], 1)

        # preprocessing
        TrainX = remove_outliers(TrainX)

        x_scaler, y_scaler, TrainX, TestX, TrainY, TestY = preprocessing(
            TrainX, TestX, TrainY, TestY)

        # from here, we reconstruct the input by "looking back" a few steps
        bins_before = 20  #How many bins of neural data prior to the output are used for decoding
        bins_current = 1  #Whether to use concurrent time bin of neural data
        bins_after = 0  #How many bins of neural data after the output are used for decoding

        TrainX = get_spikes_with_history(TrainX, bins_before, bins_after,
        TrainX, TrainY = TrainX[bins_before:, :, :], TrainY[bins_before:, ]

        TestX = get_spikes_with_history(TestX, bins_before, bins_after,
        TestX, TestY = TestX[bins_before:, :, :], TestY[bins_before:, ]

        # Now, we reconstructed TrainX/TestX to have a shape (num_of_samples, sequence_length, input_size)
        # We can fit this to the LSTM

        print("Run for subject " + str(Idx_subject) + " finger " + str(Finger))

        n_hidden = 20
        n_layers = 5
        input_dim = TrainX.shape[2]
        output_dim = TrainY.shape[1]
from metrics import get_R2
from metrics import get_rho

# load data
folder='./InputData/Decoding_Data/' #ENTER THE FOLDER THAT YOUR DATA IS IN
with open(folder+filename+'.pickle','rb') as f:
    neural_data,vels_binned=pickle.load(f,encoding='latin1') #If using python 3

bins_before=6 #How many bins of neural data prior to the output are used for decoding
bins_current=1 #Whether to use concurrent time bin of neural data
bins_after=6 #How many bins of neural data after the output are used for decoding

# Format for recurrent neural networks (SimpleRNN, GRU, LSTM)
# Function to get the covariate matrix that includes spike history from previous bins
#Set decoding output

FireRate_trainR2, FireRate_validR2, FireRate_testR2, FireRate_y_train_pred, FireRate_y_valid_pred, FireRate_y_test_pred, FireRate_y_train, FireRate_y_valid, FireRate_y_test, FireRate_best_params=AllDecoders(X,y)

with open(filename+'_training_results.pkl','wb') as f:
    pickle.dump([FireRate_trainR2, FireRate_validR2, FireRate_testR2, FireRate_y_train_pred, FireRate_y_valid_pred, FireRate_y_test_pred, FireRate_y_train, FireRate_y_valid, FireRate_y_test, FireRate_best_params],f)

print('Best param using firerate: ')

folder = ''
# folder='/home/jglaser/Data/DecData/'
# folder='/Users/jig289/Dropbox/Public/Decoding_Data/'
t0 = time()

with open(folder + 'example_data_s1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    #     neural_data,vels_binned=pickle.load(f,encoding='latin1') #If using python 3
    neural_data, vels_binned, dt_ratio = pickle.load(f)  #If using python 2
bins_before = 3 * dt_ratio  #How many bins of neural data prior to the output are used for decoding
bins_current = 1  #Whether to use concurrent time bin of neural data
bins_after = 3 * dt_ratio  #How many bins of neural data after the output are used for decoding

# Format for recurrent neural networks (SimpleRNN, GRU, LSTM)
# Function to get the covariate matrix that includes spike history from previous bins
inputdata = get_spikes_with_history(neural_data, bins_before, bins_after,
                                    bins_current, dt_ratio)

fractions_of_data = np.asarray([1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.05])
fractions_of_data = np.asarray([1, 0.8])
crossval = 2

#Z-score "X" inputs.
inputdata_mean = np.nanmean(inputdata, axis=0)
inputdata_std = np.nanstd(inputdata, axis=0)
inputdata = (inputdata - inputdata_mean) / inputdata_std

#Zero-center outputs
vels_mean = np.mean(vels_binned, axis=0)
vels_binned = vels_binned - vels_mean

#Declare model