Example #1
def client_thread(conn):
    # Loop indefinitively
    while True:
        # This blocks the loop untill something is received
        received = conn.recv(1024)
        json_data = ""

        # Received == None
        if not received:
            print("Closing connection")

        # Something was received, decode it
        if received:
            json_data = received.decode()

        # The decoded message is not empty, analyse it
        if json_data != "":
            # The messages use the JSON format
            data = json.loads(json_data)

            # The command is 'login', authenticate the credentials and send back the result
            if data["command"] == "login":
                tosend = {}
                tosend["command"] = "authlogin"
                tosend["auth"] = authenticate(data["username"], data["password"])
                if (tosend["auth"] == "True"):
                    auth = True
                print("Sending: " + json.dumps(tosend))

            # The command is 'getprescriptions', get the prescriptions of the user and compress them to a string
            # in JSON format
            if data["command"] == "getprescriptions" and auth:
                user = database.get_user_by_uid(data["uid"])
                print("Info: " + str(user.id) + ", " + str(user.username) + ", " + str(user.rfid))
                prescriptions = user.get_prescriptions()
                tosend = {}
                tosend["command"] = "getprescriptions"
                tosend["data"] = Prescription.to_json_list(prescriptions)
                print("Sending: " + str(tosend))

    # Properly close the connection, shutdown notifies the client that is should stop listening