Example #1
def _validate_vat_id_EU(vat_id, country_code):
    if vat_id[:2] != cc_to_vat_prefix(country_code):
        raise VATIDFinalError(
            _('Your VAT ID does not match the selected country.'))

        result = vat_moss.id.validate(vat_id)
        if result:
            country_code, normalized_id, company_name = result
            return normalized_id
    except (vat_moss.errors.InvalidError, ValueError):
        raise VATIDFinalError(
            _('This VAT ID is not valid. Please re-check your input.'))
    except vat_moss.errors.WebServiceUnavailableError:
            'VAT ID checking failed for country {}'.format(country_code))
        raise VATIDTemporaryError(
            _('Your VAT ID could not be checked, as the VAT checking service of '
              'your country is currently not available. We will therefore '
              'need to charge VAT on your invoice. You can get the tax amount '
              'back via the VAT reimbursement process.'))
    except (vat_moss.errors.WebServiceError, HTTPError):
            'VAT ID checking failed for country {}'.format(country_code))
        raise VATIDTemporaryError(
            _('Your VAT ID could not be checked, as the VAT checking service of '
              'your country returned an incorrect result. We will therefore '
              'need to charge VAT on your invoice. Please contact support to '
              'resolve this manually.'))
    def clean(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data
        if not data.get('is_business'):
            data['company'] = ''
            data['vat_id'] = ''
        if data.get('is_business') and not is_eu_country(data.get('country')):
            data['vat_id'] = ''
        if self.event.settings.invoice_address_required:
            if data.get('is_business') and not data.get('company'):
                raise ValidationError(_('You need to provide a company name.'))
            if not data.get('is_business') and not data.get('name_parts'):
                raise ValidationError(_('You need to provide your name.'))

        if 'vat_id' in self.changed_data or not data.get('vat_id'):
            self.instance.vat_id_validated = False

        if data.get('city') and data.get('country') and str(data['country']) in COUNTRIES_WITH_STATE_IN_ADDRESS:
            if not data.get('state'):
                self.add_error('state', _('This field is required.'))

        self.instance.name_parts = data.get('name_parts')

        if all(
                not v for k, v in data.items() if k not in ('is_business', 'country', 'name_parts')
        ) and len(data.get('name_parts', {})) == 1:
            # Do not save the country if it is the only field set -- we don't know the user even checked it!
            self.cleaned_data['country'] = ''
        if self.validate_vat_id and self.instance.vat_id_validated and 'vat_id' not in self.changed_data:
        elif self.validate_vat_id and data.get('is_business') and is_eu_country(data.get('country')) and data.get('vat_id'):
            if data.get('vat_id')[:2] != cc_to_vat_prefix(str(data.get('country'))):
                raise ValidationError(_('Your VAT ID does not match the selected country.'))
                result = vat_moss.id.validate(data.get('vat_id'))
                if result:
                    country_code, normalized_id, company_name = result
                    self.instance.vat_id_validated = True
                    self.instance.vat_id = normalized_id
            except (vat_moss.errors.InvalidError, ValueError):
                raise ValidationError(_('This VAT ID is not valid. Please re-check your input.'))
            except vat_moss.errors.WebServiceUnavailableError:
                logger.exception('VAT ID checking failed for country {}'.format(data.get('country')))
                self.instance.vat_id_validated = False
                if self.request and self.vat_warning:
                    messages.warning(self.request, _('Your VAT ID could not be checked, as the VAT checking service of '
                                                     'your country is currently not available. We will therefore '
                                                     'need to charge VAT on your invoice. You can get the tax amount '
                                                     'back via the VAT reimbursement process.'))
            except (vat_moss.errors.WebServiceError, HTTPError):
                logger.exception('VAT ID checking failed for country {}'.format(data.get('country')))
                self.instance.vat_id_validated = False
                if self.request and self.vat_warning:
                    messages.warning(self.request, _('Your VAT ID could not be checked, as the VAT checking service of '
                                                     'your country returned an incorrect result. We will therefore '
                                                     'need to charge VAT on your invoice. Please contact support to '
                                                     'resolve this manually.'))
            self.instance.vat_id_validated = False