Example #1
    def validate(self, data):
        data = super().validate(data)
        if self.instance and 'options' in data:
            raise ValidationError(_('Updating options via PATCH/PUT is not supported. Please use the dedicated'
                                    ' nested endpoint.'))

        event = self.context['event']

        full_data = self.to_internal_value(self.to_representation(self.instance)) if self.instance else {}

        if full_data.get('ask_during_checkin') and full_data.get('dependency_question'):
            raise ValidationError('Dependencies are not supported during check-in.')

        dep = full_data.get('dependency_question')
        if dep:
            if dep.ask_during_checkin:
                raise ValidationError(_('Question cannot depend on a question asked during check-in.'))

            seen_ids = {self.instance.pk} if self.instance else set()
            while dep:
                if dep.pk in seen_ids:
                    raise ValidationError(_('Circular dependency between questions detected.'))
                dep = dep.dependency_question

        if full_data.get('ask_during_checkin') and full_data.get('type') in Question.ASK_DURING_CHECKIN_UNSUPPORTED:
            raise ValidationError(_('This type of question cannot be asked during check-in.'))

        Question.clean_items(event, full_data.get('items'))
        return data
Example #2
    def validate(self, data):
        data = super().validate(data)
        if self.instance and 'options' in data:
            raise ValidationError(_('Updating options via PATCH/PUT is not supported. Please use the dedicated'
                                    ' nested endpoint.'))

        event = self.context['event']

        full_data = self.to_internal_value(self.to_representation(self.instance)) if self.instance else {}

        if full_data.get('ask_during_checkin') and full_data.get('dependency_question'):
            raise ValidationError('Dependencies are not supported during check-in.')

        dep = full_data.get('dependency_question')
        if dep:
            seen_ids = {self.instance.pk} if self.instance else set()
            while dep:
                if dep.pk in seen_ids:
                    raise ValidationError(_('Circular dependency between questions detected.'))
                dep = dep.dependency_question

        Question.clean_items(event, full_data.get('items'))
        return data
Example #3
    def validate(self, data):
        data = super().validate(data)
        if self.instance and 'options' in data:
            raise ValidationError(_('Updating options via PATCH/PUT is not supported. Please use the dedicated'
                                    ' nested endpoint.'))

        event = self.context['event']

        full_data = self.to_internal_value(self.to_representation(self.instance)) if self.instance else {}

        Question.clean_items(event, full_data.get('items'))
        return data