Example #1
    def parens(self, left='(', right=')', ifascii_nougly=False):
        """Put parentheses around self.
        Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.

        left or right can be None or empty string which means 'no paren from
        that side'
        h = self.height()
        b = self.baseline

        # XXX this is a hack -- ascii parens are ugly!
        if ifascii_nougly and not pretty_use_unicode():
            h = 1
            b = 0

        res = self

        if left:
            lparen = stringPict(vobj(left,  h), baseline=b)
            res    = stringPict(*lparen.right(self))
        if right:
            rparen = stringPict(vobj(right, h), baseline=b)
            res    = stringPict(*res.right(rparen))

        return ('\n'.join(res.picture), res.baseline)
Example #2
    def parens(self, left='(', right=')', ifascii_nougly=False):
        """Put parentheses around self.
        Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.

        left or right can be None or empty string which means 'no paren from
        that side'
        h = self.height()
        b = self.baseline

        # XXX this is a hack -- ascii parens are ugly!
        if ifascii_nougly and not pretty_use_unicode():
            h = 1
            b = 0

        res = self

        if left:
            lparen = stringPict(vobj(left, h), baseline=b)
            res = stringPict(*lparen.right(self))
        if right:
            rparen = stringPict(vobj(right, h), baseline=b)
            res = stringPict(*res.right(rparen))

        return ('\n'.join(res.picture), res.baseline)
Example #3
    def parens(self, left='(', right=')', ifascii_nougly=False):
        """Put parentheses around self.
        Returns string, baseline arguments for stringPict.
        h = self.height()
        b = self.baseline

        # XXX this is a hack -- ascii parens are ugly!
        if ifascii_nougly and not pretty_use_unicode():
            h = 1
            b = 0

        lparen = stringPict(vobj(left,  h), baseline=b)
        rparen = stringPict(vobj(right, h), baseline=b)

        return lparen.right(self, rparen)
Example #4
    def _print_abs(self, e):
        pform = self._print(e[0])

        vbar = vobj('|', pform.height())
        vbar = stringPict(vbar, baseline=pform.baseline)

        pform  = prettyForm(*pform.left (vbar))
        pform  = prettyForm(*pform.right(vbar))
        return pform
Example #5
    def _print_Subs(self, e):
        pform = self._print(e.expr)
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())

        h = pform.height() if pform.height() > 1 else 2
        rvert = stringPict(vobj('|', h), baseline=pform.baseline)
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(rvert))

        b = pform.baseline
        pform.baseline = pform.height() - 1
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print_seq([
            self._print_seq((self._print(v[0]), xsym('=='), self._print(v[1])),
                delimiter='') for v in zip(e.variables, e.point) ])))

        pform.baseline = b
        return pform
Example #6
    def _print_Subs(self, e):
        pform = self._print(e.expr)
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.parens())

        h = pform.height() if pform.height() > 1 else 2
        rvert = stringPict(vobj('|', h), baseline=pform.baseline)
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(rvert))

        b = pform.baseline
        pform.baseline = pform.height() - 1
        pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(self._print_seq([
            self._print_seq((self._print(v[0]), xsym('=='), self._print(v[1])),
                delimiter='') for v in zip(e.variables, e.point) ])))

        pform.baseline = b
        return pform
Example #7
        def asum(hrequired, lower, upper, use_ascii):
            def adjust(s, wid=None, how='<^>'):
                if not wid or len(s) > wid:
                    return s
                need = wid - len(s)
                if how == '<^>' or how == "<" or how not in list('<^>'):
                    return s + ' ' * need
                half = need // 2
                lead = ' ' * half
                if how == ">":
                    return " " * need + s
                return lead + s + ' ' * (need - len(lead))

            h = max(hrequired, 2)
            d = h // 2
            wrequired = max(lower, upper)
            w = d + 1
            more = hrequired % 2

            lines = []
            if use_ascii:
                lines.append("_" * (w) + ' ')
                lines.append("\%s`" % (' ' * (w - 1)))
                for i in range(1, d):
                    lines.append('%s\\%s' % (' ' * i, ' ' * (w - i)))
                if more:
                    lines.append('%s)%s' % (' ' * (d), ' ' * (w - d)))
                for i in reversed(range(1, d)):
                    lines.append('%s/%s' % (' ' * i, ' ' * (w - i)))
                lines.append("/" + "_" * (w - 1) + ',')
                return d, h + more, lines, 0
                w = w + more
                d = d + more
                vsum = vobj('sum', 4)
                lines.append("_" * (w))
                for i in range(0, d):
                    lines.append('%s%s%s' % (' ' * i, vsum[2], ' ' *
                                             (w - i - 1)))
                for i in reversed(range(0, d)):
                    lines.append('%s%s%s' % (' ' * i, vsum[4], ' ' *
                                             (w - i - 1)))
                lines.append(vsum[8] * (w))
                return d, h + 2 * more, lines, more
Example #8
        def asum(hrequired, lower, upper, use_ascii):
            def adjust(s, wid=None, how='<^>'):
                if not wid or len(s)>wid:
                    return s
                need = wid - len(s)
                if how == '<^>' or how == "<" or how not in list('<^>'):
                    return s + ' '*need
                half = need//2
                lead = ' '*half
                if how == ">":
                    return " "*need + s
                return lead + s + ' '*(need - len(lead))

            h = max(hrequired, 2)
            d = h//2
            wrequired = max(lower, upper)
            w = d + 1
            more = hrequired % 2

            lines = []
            if use_ascii:
                lines.append("_"*(w) + ' ')
                lines.append("\%s`" % (' '*(w - 1)))
                for i in range(1, d):
                    lines.append('%s\\%s' % (' '*i, ' '*(w - i)))
                if more:
                    lines.append('%s)%s' % (' '*(d), ' '*(w - d)))
                for i in reversed(range(1, d)):
                    lines.append('%s/%s' % (' '*i, ' '*(w - i)))
                lines.append("/" + "_"*(w - 1) + ',')
                return d, h + more, lines, 0
                w = w + more
                d = d + more
                vsum = vobj('sum', 4)
                for i in range(0, d):
                    lines.append('%s%s%s' % (' '*i, vsum[2], ' '*(w - i - 1)))
                for i in reversed(range(0, d)):
                    lines.append('%s%s%s' % (' '*i, vsum[4], ' '*(w - i - 1)))
                return d, h + 2*more, lines, more
Example #9
 def _hprint_vseparator(self, p1, p2):
     tmp = prettyForm(*p1.right(p2))
     sep = stringPict(vobj('|', tmp.height()), baseline=tmp.baseline)
     return prettyForm(*p1.right(sep, p2))
Example #10
    def _print_Integral(self, integral):
        f   = integral.function

        # Add parentheses if arg involves addition of terms and
        # create a pretty form for the argument
        prettyF = self._print(f)
        # XXX generalize parens
        if f.is_Add:
            prettyF = prettyForm(*prettyF.parens())

        # dx dy dz ...
        arg = prettyF
        for x in integral.limits:
            prettyArg = self._print(x[0])
            # XXX qparens   (parens if needs-parens)
            if prettyArg.width() > 1:
                prettyArg = prettyForm(*prettyArg.parens())

            arg = prettyForm(*arg.right(' d', prettyArg))

        # \int \int \int ...
        firstterm = True
        s = None
        for lim in integral.limits:
            x = lim[0]
            # Create bar based on the height of the argument
            h = arg.height()
            H = h+2

            # XXX hack!
            ascii_mode = not self._use_unicode
            if ascii_mode:
                H += 2

            vint= vobj('int', H)

            # Construct the pretty form with the integral sign and the argument
            pform = prettyForm(vint)
            #pform.baseline = pform.height()//2  # vcenter
            pform.baseline = arg.baseline + (H-h)//2    # covering the whole argument

            if len(lim) > 1:
                # Create pretty forms for endpoints, if definite integral.
                # Do not print empty endpoints.
                if len(lim) == 2:
                    prettyA = prettyForm("")
                    prettyB = self._print(lim[1])
                if len(lim) == 3:
                    prettyA = self._print(lim[1])
                    prettyB = self._print(lim[2])

                if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                    # Add spacing so that endpoint can more easily be
                    # identified with the correct integral sign
                    spc = max(1, 3 - prettyB.width())
                    prettyB = prettyForm(*prettyB.left(' ' * spc))

                    spc = max(1, 4 - prettyA.width())
                    prettyA = prettyForm(*prettyA.right(' ' * spc))

                pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(prettyB))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(prettyA))

                #if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                #    # too much vspace beetween \int and argument
                #    # but I left it as is
                #    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if not ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if firstterm:
                s = pform   # first term
                firstterm = False
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(pform))

        pform = prettyForm(*arg.left(s))
        return pform
Example #11
 def _hprint_vseparator(self, p1, p2):
     tmp = prettyForm(*p1.right(p2))
     sep = stringPict(vobj('|', tmp.height()), baseline=tmp.baseline)
     return prettyForm(*p1.right(sep, p2))
Example #12
    def _print_Integral(self, integral):
        f = integral.function

        # Add parentheses if arg involves addition of terms and
        # create a pretty form for the argument
        prettyF = self._print(f)
        # XXX generalize parens
        if f.is_Add:
            prettyF = prettyForm(*prettyF.parens())

        # dx dy dz ...
        arg = prettyF
        for x in integral.limits:
            prettyArg = self._print(x[0])
            # XXX qparens (parens if needs-parens)
            if prettyArg.width() > 1:
                prettyArg = prettyForm(*prettyArg.parens())

            arg = prettyForm(*arg.right(' d', prettyArg))

        # \int \int \int ...
        firstterm = True
        s = None
        for lim in integral.limits:
            x = lim[0]
            # Create bar based on the height of the argument
            h = arg.height()
            H = h + 2

            # XXX hack!
            ascii_mode = not self._use_unicode
            if ascii_mode:
                H += 2

            vint = vobj('int', H)

            # Construct the pretty form with the integral sign and the argument
            pform = prettyForm(vint)
            #pform.baseline = pform.height()//2  # vcenter
            pform.baseline = arg.baseline + (
                H - h) // 2  # covering the whole argument

            if len(lim) > 1:
                # Create pretty forms for endpoints, if definite integral.
                # Do not print empty endpoints.
                if len(lim) == 2:
                    prettyA = prettyForm("")
                    prettyB = self._print(lim[1])
                if len(lim) == 3:
                    prettyA = self._print(lim[1])
                    prettyB = self._print(lim[2])

                if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                    # Add spacing so that endpoint can more easily be
                    # identified with the correct integral sign
                    spc = max(1, 3 - prettyB.width())
                    prettyB = prettyForm(*prettyB.left(' ' * spc))

                    spc = max(1, 4 - prettyA.width())
                    prettyA = prettyForm(*prettyA.right(' ' * spc))

                pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(prettyB))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(prettyA))

                #if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                #    # too much vspace beetween \int and argument
                #    # but I left it as is
                #    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if not ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if firstterm:
                s = pform  # first term
                firstterm = False
                s = prettyForm(*s.left(pform))

        pform = prettyForm(*arg.left(s))
        return pform
Example #13
    def _print_Integral(self, integral):
        f   = integral.function

        # Add parentheses if a sum and create pretty form for argument
        prettyF = self._print(f)
        # XXX generalize parents
        if isinstance(f, Basic.Add):
            prettyF = prettyForm(*prettyF.parens())

        # dx dy dz ...
        arg = prettyF
        for x,ab in integral.limits:
            prettyArg = self._print(x)
            # XXX qparens   (parens if needs-parens)
            if prettyArg.width() > 1:
                prettyArg = prettyForm(*prettyArg.parens())

            arg = prettyForm(*arg.right(' d', prettyArg))

        # \int \int \int ...
        firstterm = True
        S = None
        for x,ab in integral.limits:
            # Create bar based on the height of the argument
            h = arg.height()
            H = h+2

            # XXX hack!
            ascii_mode = not pretty_use_unicode()
            if ascii_mode:
                H += 2

            vint= vobj('int', H)

            # Construct the pretty form with the integral sign and the argument
            pform = prettyForm(vint)
            #pform.baseline = pform.height()//2  # vcenter
            pform.baseline = arg.baseline + (H-h)//2    # covering the whole argument

            if ab is not None:
                # Create pretty forms for endpoints, if definite integral
                prettyA = self._print(ab[0])
                prettyB = self._print(ab[1])

                if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                    # Add spacing so that endpoint can more easily be
                    # identified with the correct integral sign
                    spc = max(1, 3 - prettyB.width())
                    prettyB = prettyForm(*prettyB.left(' ' * spc))

                    spc = max(1, 4 - prettyA.width())
                    prettyA = prettyForm(*prettyA.right(' ' * spc))

                pform = prettyForm(*pform.above(prettyB))
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.below(prettyA))

                #if ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                #    # too much vspace beetween \int and argument
                #    # but I left it as is
                #    pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if not ascii_mode:  # XXX hack
                pform = prettyForm(*pform.right(' '))

            if firstterm:
                S = pform   # first term
                firstterm = False
                S = prettyForm(*S.left(pform))

        pform = prettyForm(*arg.left(S))
        return pform