Example #1
 def test_insert(self):
     # Verify the value which is smaller than the root of min heap 
     # is new root after it is inserted
     test_input = [
         [3, 4],
         [3, 5, 4],
         [16, 14, 7, 2, 8, 1],
         [12, 11, 6, 8, 10, 2, 3, 1],
         [8, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2]
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
         new_min = min(test_input[i])-1
         self.assertEqual(pq.find_top(), new_min)
     # Verify the value which is larger than the root of min heap 
     # is the leaf node after it is inserted
     test_input = [
         [3, 4],
         [3, 5, 4],
         [16, 14, 7, 2, 8, 1],
         [12, 11, 6, 8, 10, 2, 3, 1],
         [8, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2]
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
         new_max = max(test_input[i])+1
         self.assertEqual(pq.queue[pq.queue_size-1], new_max)
    def test_PriorityQueue_parameters(self):

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        ''' Just call do_something(), and if an exception gets raised,
        the test automatically fails.
        This is also the reason why assertDoesNotRaise() does not exist.
        pass-a-unit-test-if-an-exception-isnt-thrown '''

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                supplied_iterable="Test string 12()3)\45")
    def setUp(self):

        self.empty_priority_queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()

        # Test the supplied_iterable kwarg:
        def craft_iterable():

            # 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
            for each_number in range(10, 81, 10):
                import random
                random_value = random.randint(400, 500)
                yield priority_queue.Node(random_value, each_number)

        self.populated_priority_queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(
Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.nodes, self.connections, self.level, self.index = [], [], 0, 0
     self.last_node = None
     # iterator stuff
     self.current_node = None
     self.queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
     self.seen = []
     self.directed = -1
def astar_search(waternet_graph, start_vertex, goal_vertex):

    current_node = AStarNode(start_vertex, None, None, 0)

    # Check if the start is the goal state
    if is_goal_state(current_node, goal_vertex):
        return construct_route(current_node)
    # Priority queue initialised with node and empty explored list
    unexplored_nodes = priority_queue.PriorityQueue() #priority doesn't matter, right?
    unexplored_nodes.push(current_node, 0)

    explored_nodes = []
    # Perform AStar search until the unexplored nodes is empty.
    while not unexplored_nodes.isEmpty():
        # Pop the current_node of the unexplored node list.
        current_node = unexplored_nodes.pop()

        # Check if this current node is the goal node
        if is_goal_state(current_node, goal_vertex):
            return construct_route(current_node)            

        # Get the neighbours of the current_node
        for current_neighbour, edge_id in waternet_graph.neighbours(current_node.vertex):
            #value = graph_helper.euclidean_distance(node.state, current_neighbour)*1000
            current_edge = waternet_graph.edge(edge_id)

            if isinstance(edge_id, basestring):
                edge_id = int(edge_id.split("_")[0])
            current_neighbour = AStarNode(current_neighbour, edge_id, current_node, (current_node.route_cost + current_node.vertex.euclidean_distance(current_neighbour) * current_edge.cost_function())) #initialise node with actual distance, successor pathcost + entire path cost
            # Check if the neighbour is in the explored explored nodes
            if is_explored_node(current_neighbour, explored_nodes):

            # Check if the neighbour already exists in the explored nodes list.
            is_unexplored_neighbour, current_unexplored_route_cost = is_unexplored_node(current_neighbour, goal_vertex, unexplored_nodes)

            #  + amount(child.state, child.parent.state)
            distance = current_neighbour.route_cost

            # Check if it is not an unexplored node
            if not is_unexplored_neighbour:
                unexplored_nodes.push(current_neighbour, distance)

            elif current_neighbour.route_cost < current_unexplored_route_cost:
                # Replace in frontier heap only if the 
                for unexplored_node in unexplored_nodes.heap:
                    # Only check if the state of the unexplored node is equal to the current neighbour state.
                    if(unexplored_node[2].vertex == current_neighbour.vertex):
                        unexplored_nodes.push(current_neighbour, distance)

    return False
 def __init__(self):
     self.queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
     self.selector = motif_state_selector.default_selector()
     self.scorer = motif_state_search_scorer.MTSS_Astar()
     self.solutions = []
     self.lookup = None
     self.test_node = None
     self.no_more_solutions = 0
Example #7
    def generic_a_star(self, moves, start, end, max_nodes=MAX_VALID_NODES):
        Performs an a* search on the map with the given set of moves
        queue implementation stores the state which consists of
        current position and estimated cost to end point. Based on
        the estimated cost the queue is sorted. The store is indexed
        on position and stores actual cost of reaching the point
        along with parent point.

        Note: end should be a valid point on the map for path to be found

            moves: list of allowed moves at each point
            start: x and y coordinates of start point
            end: x and y coordinates of end point
            max_nodes: max number of valid nodes to process

            store: contains the all the states encountered with links to parent states
                it can be used to generate the path and the next step
        def total_cost(cur_pos, next_pos, end):
            return self.movement_cost(cur_pos, next_pos) + self.heuristic_cost(
                next_pos, end)

        queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
        queue.push((self.heuristic_cost(start, end), start))
        store = {start: (0, start)}

        while not queue.is_empty():
            (_, cur_pos) = queue.pop()
            (cur_score, _) = store[cur_pos]
            if cur_pos == end or max_nodes <= 0:
                return store  # return store on reaching end or when exhausted nodes

            next_moves = [cur_pos + move for move in moves]
            valid_moves = [
                move for move in next_moves if self.is_valid_move(move)
            max_nodes -= len(valid_moves)
            possible_state = [(total_cost(cur_pos, move, end), move)
                              for move in valid_moves]
            valid_state = [
                (next_score, next_pos)
                for (next_score, next_pos) in possible_state
                if next_score <= cur_score + self.heuristic_cost(cur_pos, end)
            update_state = [
                state for state in valid_state if state[1] not in store
            for (next_score, next_pos) in update_state:
                store[next_pos] = (cur_score +
                                   self.movement_cost(cur_pos, next_pos),
                queue.push((next_score, next_pos))

        return {}
Example #8
 def testQueue(self):
     queue_a = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
     first_item_removed = queue_a.pop()
     self.assertEqual(first_item_removed, 13)
     self.assertEqual(queue_a.pop(), 29)
     self.assertEqual(queue_a.pop(), 11)
     self.assertEqual(queue_a.pop(), 2)
Example #9
 def test_delete(self):
     # Verify each node of the result keeps proper position
     # by checking heap property
     test_input = [
         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
         [3, 4, 5],
         [4, 9, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15],
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
Example #10
 def test_heapify(self):
     # Verify each node of the result keeps proper position
     # by checking heap property
     test_input = [
         [5, 11, 8],
         [7, 5, 6, 11, 8, 9, 10],
         [8, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2],
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
Example #11
def search_shortest_dist(graph, start, end):
    # Check if the graph is valid. If it is not, return error string.
    if graph is None: return 'graph is null: Function Failed'
    # Declare a queue and enqueue the starting node.
    q = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
    q.put(start, 0)
    curr_cost = {}
    curr_cost[start] = 0

    # Declare a string to count factory stops and int to count miles traversed
    # Set it to blank space.
    solution = ''
    miles_traveled = 0
    nodes_expanded = 0
    # While the q is not empty, get the next node on the queue
    # and check for the goal. If at the goal, return the
    # string of stops and the nodes expanded. Else,
    # expand the node to the queue.
    prev = None
    while not q.empty():
        cur = q.get()
        if prev == cur:
            prev = cur
            cur = q.get()
        nodes_expanded = nodes_expanded + 1
        if prev is not None and prev != cur:
            miles_traveled = miles_traveled + graph.cost(prev, cur)
        if cur != start:
            solution = solution + cur
        #the widgets are complete, return
        if end[1].done and end[2].done and end[3].done and end[4].done and end[
            return (solution, miles_traveled, nodes_expanded)
        #add the neighbors to the queue in order of their cost plus current cost
        for next in graph.neighbors(cur):
            update_cost = curr_cost[cur] + graph.cost(cur, next)
            #if the nighbor isn't in the queue or the new cost is less than it's original cost
            if next not in curr_cost or update_cost < curr_cost[next]:
                curr_cost[next] = update_cost
            prior = update_cost + dist_hist(graph.weights[cur], end, next, 5)
            q.put(next, prior)
        prev = cur
    # Return the failed because solution was not found
    solution = 'FAILED'
    miles_traveled = -1
    return (solution, miles_traveled, nodes_expanded)
Example #12
def search_smallest_stops(graph, start, end):
    # Check if the graph is valid. If it is not, return error string.
    if graph is None: return 'graph is null: Function Failed'

    # Declare a queue and enqueue the starting node.
    q = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
    q.put(start, 0)
    curr_cost = {}
    curr_cost[start] = 0

    # Declare a string to count factory stops
    # Set it to blank space.
    solution = ''
    nodes_expanded = 0

    # While the q is not empty, get the next node on the queue
    # and check for the goal. If at the goal, copy the successful
    # path to the array of mazedata and then return 1. Else,
    # expand the node to the queue.
    prev = None
    while not q.empty():
        cur = q.get()
        if prev == cur:
            prev = cur
            cur = q.get()
        nodes_expanded = nodes_expanded + 1
        if cur != start:
            solution = solution + cur

        if end[1].done and end[2].done and end[3].done and end[4].done and end[
            return (solution, nodes_expanded)

        for next in graph.neighbors(cur):
            update_cost = curr_cost[cur] + graph.cost(cur, next)
            if next not in curr_cost or update_cost < curr_cost[next]:
                curr_cost[next] = update_cost
            prior = curr_cost[next] + stop_hist(end, next, 5)
            q.put(next, prior)
        prev = cur

    # Return the failed because solution was not found
    solution = 'FAILED: ' + solution
    return (solution, nodes_expanded)
Example #13
 def __iter__(self):
     if len(self.nodes) != 0:
         for n in self.nodes:
             avail_pos = n.available_children_pos()
             if len(avail_pos) != 0:
                 self.current_node = n
         if self.current_node is None:
             self.current_node = self.nodes[0]
         self.current_node = None
     self.seen = [self.current_node]
     self.queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
     self.directed = -1
     return self
Example #14
 def test_build_heap(self):
     # Verify each node of the result keeps proper position
     # by checking heap property
     test_input = [
         [3, 4],
         [3, 5, 4],
         [16, 14, 7, 2, 8, 1],
         [12, 11, 6, 8, 10, 2, 3, 1],
         [8, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2]
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
Example #15
 def test_find_top(self):
     # Verify the result of find_top method in min heap is 
     # same as the minimum of the array
     test_input = [
         [3, 4],
         [3, 5, 4],
         [16, 14, 7, 2, 8, 1],
         [12, 11, 6, 8, 10, 2, 3, 1],
         [8, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2]
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
         self.assertEqual(pq.find_top(), min(test_input[i]))
Example #16
    def __init__(self, circuit):
        """Creates a simulation that will run on a pre-built circuit.
        The Circuit instance does not need to be completely built before it is 
        given to the class constructor. However, it does need to be complete 
        before the run method is called.
            circuit: The circuit whose state transitions will be simulated.
        self.circuit = circuit
        self.in_transitions = []

        self.queue = pq.PriorityQueue()
        self.probes = []
        self.probe_all_undo_log = []
Example #17
 def test_extract_top(self):
     # Verify the result of find_top method in min heap is 
     # same as the minimum of the array and it's properly removed
     test_input = [
         [3, 4],
         [3, 5, 4],
         [16, 14, 7, 2, 8, 1],
         [12, 11, 6, 8, 10, 2, 3, 1],
         [8, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 2]
     for i in range(len(test_input)):
         pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(test_input[i])
         min_value = min(test_input[i])
         self.assertEqual(pq.extract_top(), min_value)
         assert min_value not in pq.queue
Example #18
    def solve(self, problem):
        done = set()
        start = problem.startState()
        goal_state = None
        cache = {start:(0, start)}
        pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
        pq.push(0, start)
        while not pq.is_empty():
            cost_to, s = pq.pop()

            # once we pop a state skip it
            if s in done:

            # goal then must have traversed shortest path
            if problem.isGoal(s):
                self.cost, _ = cache[s]
                goal_state = s

            # add each ns to pq if cost lower now
            for (a,ns,c) in problem.succAndCost(s):
                total = cost_to + c
                if ns not in cache:
                    cache[ns] = (total, s)
                    pq.push(total, ns)
                elif cache[ns][0] > total:
                    cache[ns] = (total, s)
                    pq.push(total, ns)

        # collect actions with backpointers
        self.actions = [goal_state]
        s = goal_state
        while s != start:
            ps = cache[s][1]
            s = ps
Example #19
def short_path(graph, start, end):
    queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(
        lambda x, y: x['distance'] < y['distance'])
    queue.enqueue({"name": start, "distance": 0, 'index': 0, 'path': ['A']})
    seen = {}
    while len(queue):
        value = queue.dequeue()
        seen[value['name']] = True
        if value['name'] == end:
            return value
        for node in graph[value['name']]:
            if node in seen:
                value['distance'] + graph[value['name']][node],
                value['path'] + [node]
    return None
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     self.scheduling_queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
     self.priority_level = {"high": 3, "mid": 2, "low": 1}
     self.flag_set = ["--once", "--daily", "--weekly", "--monthly"]
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" A first template for a PID controller """

import sys
import priority_queue as pq

### Initializing queue
# key and cost in range(0,5)
print('Initializing queue...')
queue = pq.PriorityQueue()
for vals in range(0,5):
# Print queue
for elems in queue.queue:
    print('%3d %3d'%(elems.key,elems.cost))

### Pop element
print('\nExtracting min key...')
min_val,idx = queue.min_extract()
print('Min key: {}, Min cost: {}'.format(min_val,idx))
# Print queue
for elems in queue.queue:
    print('%3d %3d'%(elems.key,elems.cost))

### Check if is element
print('\nChecking if 5 is a key: {}'.format(queue.is_member(5)))
print('Checking if 3 is a key: {}'.format(queue.is_member(3)))

### Insert element
Example #22
 def test_compare(self):
     pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue([3, 4, 2])
     self.assertEqual(pq.compare(pq.queue[0], pq.queue[1]), True)
     self.assertEqual(pq.compare(pq.queue[1], pq.queue[2]), False)
Example #23
 def test_swap(self):
     pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue([3, 4])
     self.assertEqual(pq.queue, [4, 3])
Example #24
 def setUp(self):
     self.pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue(
         ['T', 'N', 'R', 'P', 'H', 'O', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'G'])
Example #25
    print(str(round(((time.clock() - StartTime) / 60.0), 2)),
          'minutes elapsed')
    print(str(PMIDReadCount), 'results fetched,',
          str(round(((PMIDReadCount / float(NumOfPMIDs)) * 100.0), 2)),
          '% done')

    print('URL Fetch rate', str(URLFetchCount - dFetchRate), 'per',
          str(UpdateTimeInSec), 'sec,', str(URLFetchCount),
          'total URLs fetched')

    print('Total Proxies:', str(len(ProxyQueue.ItemList)))

ProxyQueue = pq.PriorityQueue()

ListCount = 0  # Python list, each item is string 'facebook_count|twitter_count'
skip_index = 0  # number of inputs PMIDs to ignore
ListPMID = []  # Python list, each entry is a PMID as a string

PMIDReadCount = skip_index  # Number of PMIDs that have their count done so far
URLFetchCount = 0  # Number of successful URLs requests so far

NumOfPMIDs = 0  # Number of PMIDs
StartTime = 0  # start time of our program on clock
dFetchRate = 0  # delta fetch rate, to be used to trigger refresh of program performance stats after a specified time interval

NameInputFile = 'pubmed_test.txt'
NameOutputFile = NameInputFile[0:-4] + '_stats.' + NameInputFile[-3:]
BaseURLPubmed = 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/'
Example #26
def solve(state):
    """ solves the 8-torus problem in the least amount of moves possible """
    # run A* search algorithm
    goal_state = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
                  0]  # this is the desired state we wish to reach
    pq = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()

    # stores the given state as a dictionary and stores it in our priority queue
    state_dict = {
        'state': state,
        'h': calculate_heuristic(state),
        'parent': None,
        'g': 0,
        'f': calculate_heuristic(state)
    found = False

    closed = []  # stores all 'closed' nodes
    goal_dict = None  # will store the dictionary of the desired goal state

    # finds the goal state through the A* algorithm
    while not pq.is_empty():
        # pops the min-cost element from the queue, adds it to closed, and stores the state
        curr_dict = pq.pop()
        curr_state = curr_dict['state']
        add_to_closed(closed, curr_dict)

        # checks if goal_state is reached
        if curr_state == goal_state:
            goal_dict = curr_dict  # stores the goal dictionary

        # generates and enqueues the successor states as dictionaries
        succ_states = generate_succ(curr_state)

        for succ in succ_states:
            enqueue = True
            succ_dict = {
                'state': succ,
                'h': calculate_heuristic(succ),
                'parent': curr_dict['state'],
                'g': curr_dict['g'] + 1,
                'f': calculate_heuristic(succ) + curr_dict['g'] + 1
            for closed_dict in closed:
                if (closed_dict['state'] == succ_dict['state']):
                    if (closed_dict['f'] < succ_dict['f']):
                        enqueue = False
            if enqueue:

    prev = goal_dict  # this is our goal that we have reached
    moves = [prev]  # stores the list of moves requires to solve the puzzle

    # performs the second half of the A* algorithm by going through the closed list to produce a a list of moves
    # required to reach the goal state
    num_moves = int(goal_dict['f'])
    for i in range(num_moves):
        for curr in closed:
            if curr['state'] == prev[
                    'parent']:  # finds the parent state within the of the current state
                prev = curr
                # sets the previous state to the parent (current) state
                    curr)  # adds the current (parent) to the moves list

    # reverses the list of moves into the correct order
    moves = reversed(moves)

    # prints out the desired results
    for x in moves:
        print str(x['state']) + " h= " + str(x['h']) + " moves: " + str(x['g'])
    print("Max queue length: " + str(pq.max_len))
Example #27
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.age == other.age

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.age < other.age

    def __repr__(self):
        return '(' + str(self.name) + '; ' + str(self.age) + ')'

print("int MaxHeap:")
lst = []
q_int = q.PriorityQueue(lst, key=max, seq_type=int)

print("Checking is empty before assignment:", q_int.is_empty())


print("Checking is empty after assignment:", q_int.is_empty())
print("Heap size is", q_int.heap_size())
print(q_int, "is heap")
peeked = q_int.peek()
print(peeked, "is peeked element")
Example #28
    def a_star(self, mapdata, start, goal):
        rospy.loginfo("Executing A* from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)" % (start[0], start[1], goal[0], goal[1]))
        afrontier = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
        afrontier.put(start, 0)
        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}
        came_from[start] = None
        cost_so_far[start] = 0
        path = []

        the_frontier = GridCells()
        the_frontier.header.frame_id = "map"
        the_frontier.cell_width = mapdata.info.resolution
        the_frontier.cell_height = mapdata.info.resolution
        the_frontier.cells = []

        while not afrontier.empty():
            current = afrontier.get()
            #rospy.loginfo("at point" + str(current))

            if current == goal:
                rospy.loginfo("found the goal")

            current_x = current[0]
            current_y = current[1]

            for this_next in PathPlanner.neighbors_of_8(mapdata, current_x, current_y):
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + PathPlanner.euclidean_distance(current_x, current_y, this_next[0], this_next[1])
                if this_next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[this_next]:
                    cost_so_far[this_next] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + PathPlanner.euclidean_distance(this_next[0], this_next[1], goal[0], goal[1])
                    afrontier.put(this_next, priority)
                    came_from[this_next] = current

                    msg_Point = Point()
                    world_point = PathPlanner.grid_to_world(mapdata, this_next[0], this_next[1])
                    msg_Point.x = world_point.x
                    msg_Point.y = world_point.y
                    msg_Point.z = 0


        the_path = GridCells()
        the_path.header.frame_id = "map"
        the_path.cell_width = mapdata.info.resolution
        the_path.cell_height = mapdata.info.resolution
        the_path.cells = []

        rospy.loginfo("shit's goin down")
        while 1 == 1:
            msg_Point = Point()
            world_point = PathPlanner.grid_to_world(mapdata, current[0], current[1])
            msg_Point.x = world_point.x
            msg_Point.y = world_point.y
            msg_Point.z = 0
            previous_node = came_from[current]

            if previous_node == None:
            current = previous_node
        return path
    def a_star(self, mapdata, start, goal):
        Calculates the astar path.
        Publishes the list of cells that were added to the path.
        :param mapdata [OccupancyGrid] The map data.
        :param start [int8,int8]     The x,y grid location of the starting location
        :param goal [int8,int8]     The x,y grid location of the goal location
        :return        [[int8]]        The C-Space as a list of path values.
        rospy.loginfo("Executing A* from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)" %
                      (start[0], start[1], goal[0], goal[1]))
        frontier_cells = []
        unoptimized_path = []
        visited_cells = []
        #initializes dictionaries and lists
        frontier = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(start, 0)
        came_from = {}
        came_from[start] = None
        cost_so_far = {}
        cost_so_far[start] = 0

        #only when not empty
        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()
            #have we reached?
            if current == goal:
            #current cell is turned into a Point class and added to the visited_cells list
            visited_cell = Point()
            world_pos_astar = PathPlanner.grid_to_world(
                mapdata, current[0], current[1])
            visited_cell.x = world_pos_astar[0]
            visited_cell.y = world_pos_astar[1]
            visited_cell.z = 0

            #finds neighbor list in order to start A* algorithm
            list_of_8_neighbors = PathPlanner.neighbors_of_8(
                mapdata, current[0], current[1])
            #iterates through all 8 neighbors to determine cost at each node (f(n))
            for next in list_of_8_neighbors:
                next_x = next[0]
                next_y = next[1]
                #h(n) cost from neighbor. Heuristic is euclidiean distance
                new_cost = cost_so_far[
                    current] + PathPlanner.euclidean_distance(
                        next_x, next_y, current[0], current[1])
                #checks to see how the cost of the next neighbor compares to the visited_cell
                if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
                    #updates cost_so_far[] dictionary to include new neighbor
                    cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + PathPlanner.euclidean_distance(
                        next_x, next_y, goal[0], goal[1])
                    frontier.put(next, priority)
                    #generates list of frontier_cell Points to use in rviz
                    frontier_cell = Point()
                    world_pos_astar = PathPlanner.grid_to_world(
                        mapdata, next[0], next[1])
                    frontier_cell.x = world_pos_astar[0]
                    frontier_cell.y = world_pos_astar[1]
                    frontier_cell.z = 0
                    came_from[next] = current

                    #publishes frontier in rviz
                    frontier_cells_message = GridCells()
                    frontier_cells_message.header.frame_id = 'map'
                    frontier_cells_message.cell_width = mapdata.info.resolution
                    frontier_cells_message.cell_height = mapdata.info.resolution
                    frontier_cells_message.cells = frontier_cells
                    ## Return the C-space

                    #generates list of visited cells and publishes to rviz
                    visited_cells_message = GridCells()
                    visited_cells_message.header.frame_id = 'map'
                    visited_cells_message.cell_width = mapdata.info.resolution
                    visited_cells_message.cell_height = mapdata.info.resolution
                    visited_cells_message.cells = visited_cells
                    ## Return the C-space
        node = goal

        #Iterates through came_from[] dictionary backwards to find A* path
        while node != start:
            node = came_from[node]

            unoptimized_path_cell = Point()
            world_pos_unoptimized_path = PathPlanner.grid_to_world(
                mapdata, node[0], node[1])
            unoptimized_path_cell.x = world_pos_unoptimized_path[0]
            unoptimized_path_cell.y = world_pos_unoptimized_path[1]
            unoptimized_path_cell.z = 0

        # message is published and displayed in rviz
        unoptimized_path_message = GridCells()
        unoptimized_path_message.header.frame_id = 'map'
        unoptimized_path_message.cell_width = mapdata.info.resolution
        unoptimized_path_message.cell_height = mapdata.info.resolution
        unoptimized_path_message.cells = unoptimized_path
        ## Return the C-space

        return unoptimized_path