def NextButton_clicked(self): beginWaitCursor() try: if self.Error_msg == QUEUES_SMART_INSTALL_ENABLED: self.disable_smart_install() elif self.Error_msg == QUEUES_PAUSED: cups.enablePrinter(self.printerName) msg = "'" + self.printerName + "' is enabled successfully" SuccessUI(self, self.__tr(msg)) else: status, status_str = cups.cups_operation( cups.delPrinter, GUI_MODE, 'qt4', self, self.printerName) if status != cups.IPP_OK: msg = "Failed to remove ' " + self.printerName + " ' queue.\nRemove using hp-toolbox..." FailureUI(self, self.__tr(msg)) else: msg = "' " + self.printerName + " ' removed successfully.\nRe-configuring this printer by hp-setup..." log.debug(msg) path = utils.which('hp-setup') if path: log.debug("Starting hp-setup")'hp-setup --gui') finally: endWaitCursor() self.result = True self.close()
def NextButton_clicked(self): beginWaitCursor() try: if self.Error_msg == QUEUES_SMART_INSTALL_ENABLED: self.disable_smart_install() elif self.Error_msg == QUEUES_PAUSED: cups.enablePrinter(self.printerName) msg ="'"+self.printerName+"' is enabled successfully" SuccessUI(self, self.__tr(msg)) else: status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.delPrinter, GUI_MODE, 'qt4', self, self.printerName) if status != cups.IPP_OK: msg="Failed to remove ' "+self.printerName+" ' queue.\nRemove using hp-toolbox..." FailureUI(self, self.__tr(msg)) else: msg="' "+self.printerName+" ' removed successfully.\nRe-configuring this printer by hp-setup..." log.debug(msg) path = utils.which('hp-setup') if path: log.debug("Starting hp-setup")'hp-setup --gui') finally: endWaitCursor() self.result = True self.close()
def setupPrinter(self): status = cups.IPP_BAD_REQUEST QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QApplication.waitCursor) #if self.ppd_file.startswith("foomatic:"): if not os.path.exists(self.ppd_file): # assume foomatic: or some such add_prnt_args = (self.printer_name.encode('utf8'), self.device_uri, self.location, '', self.ppd_file, self.desc) else: add_prnt_args = (self.printer_name.encode('utf8'), self.device_uri, self.location, self.ppd_file, '', self.desc) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.addPrinter, GUI_MODE, 'qt3', self, *add_prnt_args) log.debug("addPrinter() returned (%d, %s)" % (status, status_str)) log.debug(device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hp'])) if status != cups.IPP_OK: self.FailureUI( self.__tr("<b>Printer queue setup failed.</b><p>Error : %s " % status_str)) else: # sending Event to add this device in hp-systray utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_ADDED, self.device_uri, self.printer_name) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return status
def setupPrinter(self): status = cups.IPP_BAD_REQUEST QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) try: if not os.path.exists(self.print_ppd[0]): # assume foomatic: or some such add_prnt_args = (self.printer_name.encode('utf8'), self.device_uri, self.print_location, '', self.print_ppd[0], self.print_desc) else: add_prnt_args = (self.printer_name.encode('utf8'), self.device_uri, self.print_location, self.print_ppd[0], '', self.print_desc) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.addPrinter, GUI_MODE, 'qt4', self, *add_prnt_args) log.debug(device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hp'])) if status != cups.IPP_OK: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() FailureUI(self, self.__tr("<b>Printer queue setup failed.</b> <p>Error : %s"%status_str)) else: # sending Event to add this device in hp-systray utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_ADDED,self.device_uri, self.printer_name) finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return status
def setupPrinter(self): status = cups.IPP_BAD_REQUEST QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QApplication.waitCursor) # if self.ppd_file.startswith("foomatic:"): if not os.path.exists(self.ppd_file): # assume foomatic: or some such add_prnt_args = (self.printer_name, self.device_uri, self.location, "", self.ppd_file, self.desc) else: add_prnt_args = (self.printer_name, self.device_uri, self.location, self.ppd_file, "", self.desc) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.addPrinter, GUI_MODE, "qt3", self, *add_prnt_args) log.debug("addPrinter() returned (%d, %s)" % (status, status_str)) log.debug(device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(["hp"])) if status != cups.IPP_OK: self.FailureUI(self.__tr("<b>Printer queue setup failed.</b><p>Error : %s " % status_str)) else: # sending Event to add this device in hp-systray utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_ADDED, self.device_uri, self.printer_name) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return status
try: try: from base import password except ImportError: log.warn("Failed to import Password Object") else: cups.setPasswordCallback(password.showPasswordPrompt) #Removing Queue if remove: tui.header("REMOVING PRINT/FAX QUEUE") sts, printer_name, device_uri = mod.getPrinterName(selected_device_name,None,['hp','hpfax']) selected_device_name = printer_name (log.bold("Removing '%s : %s' Queue"%(printer_name, device_uri))) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.delPrinter, INTERACTIVE_MODE, '', None, selected_device_name) if cups.IPP_OK == status:"Successfully deleted %s Print/Fax queue"%selected_device_name) utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_REMOVED,device_uri, printer_name) clean_exit(0) else: log.error("Failed to delete %s Print/Fax queue. Error : %s"%(selected_device_name,status_str)) clean_exit(1) if not auto:"(Note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press <enter> to accept the default.)")"") # ******************************* MAKEURI if param:
def reconfigure_Queue(que, mode, dialog=None, app=None): global Error_Found Error_msg = None if mode == INTERACTIVE_MODE: if 'hp' in que.DeviceType or 'hpfax' in que.DeviceType: if que.PPDFileError == False: log.debug("'%s' is configured correctly." % (que.PrinterName)) else: Error_msg = "PPD file for '%s' is not correct. Need to choose correct PPD file." % ( que.PrinterName) else: Error_msg = "'%s' is not configured using HPLIP. Need to remove and re-cofigure using hp-setup." % ( que.PrinterName) if Error_msg != None: Error_Found = True log.error(Error_msg) response, value = tui.enter_yes_no( "Do you want to remove and re-configure?") if response == False: log.debug("User Exit") sys.exit(1) elif value == True: status, status_str = cups.cups_operation( cups.delPrinter, INTERACTIVE_MODE, '', None, que.PrinterName) if status != cups.IPP_OK: log.error( "Failed to remove '%s' queue.\nRemove using hp-toolbox." % que.PrinterName) else: "' %s' removed successfully.\nRe-configuring this printer by hp-setup..." % que.PrinterName) if utils.which('hp-setup'): cmd = 'hp-setup -i' os_utils.execute(cmd) elif que.IsEnabled == False: Error_Found = True responce, value = tui.enter_yes_no( "'%s Queue is paused. Do you want to enable queue?" % (que.PrinterName)) if responce == False: log.debug("User Exit") sys.exit(1) elif value == True: cups.enablePrinter(que.PrinterName)"'%s' is enabled successfully" % que.PrinterName) else:"Manually enable '%s'." % que.PrinterName) else: if 'hp' in que.DeviceType or 'hpfax' in que.DeviceType: if que.PPDFileError == False: log.debug("'%s' is configured correctly." % (que.PrinterName)) else: log.error( "PPD file for '%s' is not correct. Need to choose correct PPD file." % (que.PrinterName)) Error_msg = QUEUES_INCORRECT_PPD else: log.error( "'%s' is not configured using HPLIP. Need to remove and re-cofigure using hp-setup." % (que.PrinterName)) Error_msg = QUEUES_CONFIG_ERROR if Error_msg == None and que.IsEnabled == False: Error_msg = QUEUES_PAUSED if Error_msg and dialog and app: Error_Found = True dialog.init(que.PrinterName, que.DeviceURI, Error_msg) log.debug("Starting GUI loop...") app.exec_()
def reconfigure_Queue(que, mode, dialog= None,app=None): global Error_Found Error_msg =None if mode == INTERACTIVE_MODE: if 'hp' in que.DeviceType or 'hpfax' in que.DeviceType: if que.PPDFileError == False: log.debug("'%s' is configured correctly." %(que.PrinterName)) else: Error_msg = "PPD file for '%s' is not correct. Need to choose correct PPD file." %(que.PrinterName) else: Error_msg ="'%s' is not configured using HPLIP. Need to remove and re-cofigure using hp-setup." %(que.PrinterName) if Error_msg != None: Error_Found = True log.error(Error_msg) response, value = tui.enter_yes_no("Do you want to remove and re-configure?") if response == False: log.debug("User Exit") sys.exit(1) elif value == True: status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.delPrinter, INTERACTIVE_MODE, '', None, que.PrinterName) if status != cups.IPP_OK: log.error("Failed to remove '%s' queue.\nRemove using hp-toolbox."%que.PrinterName) else:"' %s' removed successfully.\nRe-configuring this printer by hp-setup..."%que.PrinterName) if utils.which('hp-setup'): cmd = 'hp-setup -i' os_utils.execute(cmd) elif que.IsEnabled == False: Error_Found = True responce, value =tui.enter_yes_no("'%s Queue is paused. Do you want to enable queue?"%(que.PrinterName)) if responce == False: log.debug("User Exit") sys.exit(1) elif value == True: cups.enablePrinter(que.PrinterName)"'%s' is enabled successfully"%que.PrinterName) else:"Manually enable '%s'."%que.PrinterName) else: if 'hp' in que.DeviceType or 'hpfax' in que.DeviceType: if que.PPDFileError == False: log.debug("'%s' is configured correctly." %(que.PrinterName)) else: log.error("PPD file for '%s' is not correct. Need to choose correct PPD file." %(que.PrinterName)) Error_msg = QUEUES_INCORRECT_PPD else: log.error("'%s' is not configured using HPLIP. Need to remove and re-cofigure using hp-setup." %(que.PrinterName)) Error_msg =QUEUES_CONFIG_ERROR if Error_msg == None and que.IsEnabled == False: Error_msg = QUEUES_PAUSED if Error_msg and dialog and app: Error_Found = True dialog.init(que.PrinterName, que.DeviceURI, Error_msg) log.debug("Starting GUI loop...") app.exec_()
def NextButton_clicked(self): p = self.StackedWidget.currentIndex() if p == PAGE_DISCOVERY: self.manual = self.ManualGroupBox.isChecked() self.param = unicode(self.ManualParamLineEdit.text()) self.jd_port = self.JetDirectSpinBox.value() = unicode(self.SearchLineEdit.text()) self.device_desc = int(self.DeviceTypeComboBox.itemData(self.DeviceTypeComboBox.currentIndex()).toInt()[0]) self.discovery_method = self.NetworkDiscoveryMethodComboBox.currentIndex() if self.WirelessButton.isChecked(): dlg = WifiSetupDialog(self, device_uri=None, standalone=False) dlg.exec_() if dlg.success == SUCCESS_CONNECTED: self.manual = True self.param = self.bus = 'net' if not self.WirelessButton.isChecked(): self.showDevicesPage() elif p == PAGE_DEVICES: row = self.DevicesTableWidget.currentRow() self.device_uri = self.DevicesTableWidget.item(row, 0).device_uri = device.queryModelByURI(self.device_uri) back_end, is_hp, bus, model, serial, dev_file, host, zc, port = device.parseDeviceURI(self.device_uri) self.model = models.normalizeModelName(model).lower() self.showAddPrinterPage() elif p == PAGE_ADD_PRINTER: self.print_test_page = self.SendTestPageCheckBox.isChecked() self.print_desc = unicode(self.PrinterDescriptionLineEdit.text()).encode('utf8') self.print_location = unicode(self.PrinterLocationLineEdit.text()).encode('utf8') self.fax_setup = self.SetupFaxGroupBox.isChecked() self.fax_desc = unicode(self.FaxDescriptionLineEdit.text()) self.fax_location = unicode(self.FaxLocationLineEdit.text()) self.fax_name_company = unicode(self.NameCompanyLineEdit.text()) self.fax_number = unicode(self.FaxNumberLineEdit.text()) self.addPrinter() elif p == PAGE_REMOVE: for row in xrange(self.RemoveDevicesTableWidget.rowCount()): widget = self.RemoveDevicesTableWidget.cellWidget(row, 0) if widget.checkState() == Qt.Checked: item = self.RemoveDevicesTableWidget.item(row, 1) printer = unicode('utf-8') uri = device.getDeviceURIByPrinterName(printer) log.debug("Removing printer: %s" % printer) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.delPrinter, GUI_MODE, 'qt4', self, printer) if status != cups.IPP_OK: FailureUI(self, self.__tr("<b>Unable to delete '%s' queue. </b><p>Error : %s"%(printer,status_str))) if status == cups.IPP_FORBIDDEN or status == cups.IPP_NOT_AUTHENTICATED or status == cups.IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED: break else: # sending Event to add this device in hp-systray utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_REMOVED, uri, printer) self.close() else: log.error("Invalid page!") # shouldn't happen!