Example #1
    def weight(self, lines):
        Look for the lines seen from the robot and compare them to the given map.
        Lines expressed as [x1 y1 x2 y2].
        # TODO: code here!!
        # Constant values for all weightings
        val_rng = 1.0 / (self.meas_rng_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        val_ang = 1.0 / (self.meas_ang_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

        tunung_factor = 15

        # Loop over particles
        for i in range(self.num):
            map_polar = np.zeros((self.map.shape[0],2))

            # Transform map lines to local frame and to [range theta]
            for j in range(self.map.shape[0]):
                map_polar[j,:] = get_polar_line(self.map[j,:],[self.p_xy[0,i],self.p_xy[1,i],self.p_ang[i]])

            # Transform measured lines to [range theta] and weight them
            for j in range(lines.shape[0]):
                if ( (lines[j,0]-lines[j,2])**2 + (lines[j,1]-lines[j,3])**2 ) > 0:
                    local_map_polar = get_polar_line(lines[j,:])
                    w = 0
                    index = -1
                    # Weight them
                    for k in range(map_polar.shape[0]):
                        w_r = np.exp(-(map_polar[k,0]-local_map_polar[0])**2/(tunung_factor*2*self.odom_lin_sigma**2)) * val_rng
                        w_a = np.exp(-angle_wrap(map_polar[k,1]-local_map_polar[1])**2/(tunung_factor*2*self.odom_ang_sigma**2)) * val_ang
                        # w = np.maximum(w,w_r*w_a)
                        if w_r*w_a > w:
                            w = w_r * w_a
                            index = k

                    # self.p_wei[i] *= w
                    # OPTIONAL question
                    # make sure segments correspond, if not put weight to zero
                    len_line_map = np.linalg.norm([(self.map[index,0]-self.map[index,2]), (self.map[index,1]-self.map[index,3])])
                    len_line_odom = np.linalg.norm([(lines[j,0]-lines[j,2]), (lines[j,1]-lines[j,3])])

                    # Check if measured line is larger than best fitting map line
                    # and set p_wei to 0 if it is (best match is invalid)
                    if len_line_odom > 1.1*len_line_map: # 10% error margin
                        # not 0 to avoid problems with turning all values to 0
                        self.p_wei[i] *= 0.00000000000000001
                        self.p_wei[i] *= w

        # Normalize weights
        self.p_wei /= np.sum(self.p_wei)
        # TODO: Compute efficient number
        self.n_eff = 1.0/np.sum(self.p_wei**2)
Example #2
    def weight(self, lines):
        Look for the lines seen from the robot and compare them to the given map.
        Lines expressed as [x1 y1 x2 y2].
        # TODO: code here!!
        # Constant values for all weightings
        val_rng = 1.0 / (self.meas_rng_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        val_ang = 1.0 / (self.meas_ang_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

        # Loop over particles
        for i in range(self.num):
            odompass = [self.p_xy[0, i], self.p_xy[1, i], self.p_ang[i]]
            # Transform map lines to local frame and to [range theta]
            room = np.zeros((self.map.shape[0], 2))

            for j in range(self.map.shape[0]):
                room[j, :] = get_polar_line(self.map[j, :], odompass)

            # Transform measured lines to [range theta] and weight them
            #print lines
            for j in range(lines.shape[0]):
                meas = get_polar_line(lines[j, :])
                # Weight them
                wr = val_rng * np.exp(
                    -np.power((meas[0] - room[:, 0]), 2) /
                    (2 * self.meas_rng_noise * self.meas_rng_noise))
                wt = val_ang * np.exp(
                    -np.power((meas[1] - room[:, 1]), 2) /
                    (2 * self.meas_rng_noise * self.meas_rng_noise))
                #optional part
                # make sure segments correspond, if not put weight to zero
                for k in range(room.shape[0]):
                    rooml = math.sqrt((self.map[k, 1] - self.map[k, 3]) *
                                      (self.map[k, 1] - self.map[k, 3]) +
                                      (self.map[k, 2] - self.map[k, 0]) *
                                      (self.map[k, 2] - self.map[k, 0]))
                    measl = math.sqrt((lines[j, 1] - lines[j, 3]) *
                                      (lines[j, 1] - lines[j, 3]) +
                                      (lines[j, 2] - lines[j, 0]) *
                                      (lines[j, 2] - lines[j, 0]))
                    if rooml < measl:
                        wr[k] = 0
                        wt[k] = 0
                # Take best weighting (best associated lines)
                self.p_wei[i] *= np.max(wr * wt)

        # Normalize weights
        self.p_wei /= np.sum(self.p_wei)
        # TODO: Compute efficient number
        self.n_eff = 1 / np.sum(self.p_wei * self.p_wei)
Example #3
    def weight(self, lines):
        Look for the lines seen from the robot and compare them to the given map.
        Lines expressed as [x1 y1 x2 y2].
        # TODO: code here!!
        # Constant values for all weightings
        val_rng = 1.0 / (self.meas_rng_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        val_ang = 1.0 / (self.meas_ang_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

        # Loop over particles
        for i in range(self.num):

            # Transform map lines to local frame and to [range theta]
            map_polar = np.zeros((self.map.shape[0], 2))
            d1 = np.zeros(map_polar.shape[0])
            for j in range(self.map.shape[0]):
                map_polar[j, :] = get_polar_line(
                    self.map[j, :],
                    np.array([self.p_xy[0, i], self.p_xy[1, i],
                d1[j] = np.sqrt((self.map[j, 2] - self.map[j, 0])**2 +
                                (self.map[j, 3] - self.map[j, 1])**2)

            # Transform measured lines to [range theta] and weight them
            lines_polar = np.zeros((lines.shape[0], 2))
            for j in range(lines.shape[0]):
                # Weight them
                modify = np.ones(map_polar.shape[0])
                d2 = np.sqrt((lines[j, 2] - lines[j, 0])**2 +
                             (lines[j, 3] - lines[j, 1])**2)
                lines_polar[j, :] = get_polar_line(lines[j, :])
                for c in range(self.map.shape[0]):
                    if d1[c] < d2:
                        modify[c] = 0

                WR = val_rng * np.exp(-(
                    (lines_polar[j, 0] - map_polar[:, 0])**2) /
                                      ((2 * self.meas_rng_noise)**2))
                Wang = val_ang * np.exp(-(
                    (lines_polar[j, 1] - map_polar[:, 1])**2) /
                                        ((2 * self.meas_ang_noise)**2))
                self.p_wei[i] *= np.max(Wang * WR * modify)

        # Normalize weights
        self.p_wei /= np.sum(self.p_wei)
        # TODO: Compute efficient number
        self.n_eff = 1.0 / np.sum(self.p_wei**2)
Example #4
    def data_association(self, lines):
        Look for closest correspondences.

        The correspondences are between the provided measured lines and the map
        known a priori.

          lines : n
f4 matrix with a segment in each row as [x1 y1 x2 y2]
          Hk_list : list of 2x3 matrices (jacobian)
          Yk_list : list of 2x1 matrices (innovation)
          Sk_list : list of 2x2 matrices (innovation uncertainty)
          Rk_list : list of 2x2 matrices (measurement uncertainty)
        # TODO: Program this function
        # 1. Map lines (self.map) to polar robot frame: get_polar_line
        # 2. Sensed lines (lines) to polar robot frame: get_polar_line
        # 3. Data association

        # Init variables
        chi_thres = 0.103  # chi square 2DoF 95% confidence
        associd = list()
        Hk_list = list()
        Vk_list = list()
        Sk_list = list()
        Rk_list = list()

        #return Hk_list, Vk_list, Sk_list, Rk_list  # TODO: delete this line

        # For each obseved line
        #print('\n-------- Associations --------')
        for i in range(0, lines.shape[0]):

            # Get the polar line representation in robot frame
            z = funcs.get_polar_line(lines[i, :])

            # Variables for finding minimum
            minD = 1e9
            minj = -1

            # For each line in the known map
            for j in range(0, self.map.shape[0]):

                # Compute matrices
                h = funcs.get_polar_line(self.map[j, :], self.xk)
                H = self.jacobianH(funcs.get_polar_line(self.map[j, :]))
                v = z - h
                S = np.dot(np.dot(H, self.Pk), H.T) + self.Rk

                # Mahalanobis distance
                D = (np.dot(np.dot(v.T, np.linalg.inv(S)), v))

                # Optional: Check if observed line is longer than map
                islonger = False
                mapl = np.sqrt((self.map[j, 1] - self.map[j, 3]) *
                               (self.map[j, 1] - self.map[j, 3]) +
                               (self.map[j, 2] - self.map[j, 0]) *
                               (self.map[j, 2] - self.map[j, 0]))
                measl = np.sqrt((lines[i, 1] - lines[i, 3]) *
                                (lines[i, 1] - lines[i, 3]) +
                                (lines[i, 2] - lines[i, 0]) *
                                (lines[i, 2] - lines[i, 0]))
                if mapl < measl:
                    islonger = True

                # Check if the obseved line is the one with smallest
                # mahalanobis distance
                if np.sqrt(D) < minD and not islonger:
                    minj = j
                    minz = z
                    minh = h
                    minH = H
                    minv = v
                    minS = S
                    minD = D

            # Minimum distance below threshold
            if minD < chi_thres:
                #print("\t{:.2f} -> {:.2f}".format(minz, minh))
                # Append results
                associd.append([i, minj])

        return Hk_list, Vk_list, Sk_list, Rk_list
    def weight(self, lines):
        Look for the lines seen from the robot and compare them to the given map.
        Lines expressed as [x1 y1 x2 y2].

        # check point
            '------------------------weighting------------------------------- '
        # TODO: code here!!
        # Constant values for all weightings
        val_rng = 1.0 / (self.meas_rng_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        val_ang = 1.0 / (self.meas_ang_noise * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))

        # Loop over particles
        for i in range(self.num):
            particle_pos = np.array(
                [self.p_xy[0, i], self.p_xy[1, i], self.p_ang[i]])

            # Transform map lines to local frame and to [range theta]
            map_polar = np.zeros((self.map.shape[0], 2))
            for j in range(self.map.shape[0]):
                map_polar[j, :] = get_polar_line(self.map[j, :], particle_pos)
            # Transform measured lines to [range theta] and weight them

            line_max_wei = np.zeros(lines.shape[0])
            for j in range(lines.shape[0]):
                lines_polar = get_polar_line(lines[j, :])
                # Weight them
                for m in range(self.map.shape[0]):
                    wei_rng = val_rng * exp(
                        -(lines_polar[0] - map_polar[m, 0])**2 /
                        (2 * (self.meas_rng_noise**2)))

                    wei_ang = val_ang * exp(
                        -(lines_polar[1] - map_polar[m, 1])**2 /
                        (2 * (self.meas_ang_noise**2)))

                    # OPTIONAL question
                    # make sure segments correspond, if not put weight to zero
                    map_seg = math.sqrt((self.map[m, 2] - self.map[m, 0])**2 +
                                        (self.map[m, 3] - self.map[m, 1])**2)
                    line_seg = math.sqrt((lines[j, 2] - lines[j, 0])**2 +
                                         (lines[j, 3] - lines[j, 1])**2)

                    if line_seg > map_seg:
                        wei_rng = 0
                        wei_ang = 0

                    line_wei = wei_rng * wei_ang

                    if line_wei > line_max_wei[j]:
                        line_max_wei[j] = line_wei

            # Take best weighting (best associated lines)
            self.p_wei[i] *= np.prod(line_max_wei)

        # Normalize weights
        self.p_wei /= np.sum(self.p_wei)
        # TODO: Compute efficient number
        self.n_eff = 1.0 / np.sum(self.p_wei**2)
Example #6
    def data_association(self, lines):
        Look for closest correspondences.

        The correspondences are between the provided measured lines and the map
        known a priori.

          lines : nx4 matrix with a segment in each row as [x1 y1 x2 y2]
          Hk_list : list of 2x3 matrices (jacobian)
          Yk_list : list of 2x1 matrices (innovation)
          Sk_list : list of 2x2 matrices (innovation uncertainty)
          Rk_list : list of 2x2 matrices (measurement uncertainty)
        # 1. Map lines (self.map) to polar robot frame: get_polar_line
        # 2. Sensed lines (lines) to polar robot frame: get_polar_line
        # 3. Data association

        # Init variables
        # chi_thres = 0.103  # chi square 2DoF 95% confidence
        chi_thres = 0.4
        associd = list()
        Hk_list = list()
        Vk_list = list()
        Sk_list = list()
        Rk_list = list()

        # Get the lengths for map lines and measured lines
        map_length = np.sqrt(np.power(self.map[:,2] - self.map[:,0],2) + np.power(self.map[:,3] - self.map[:,1],2))
        lines_length = np.sqrt(np.power(lines[:,2] - lines[:,0],2) + np.power(lines[:,3] - lines[:,1],2))

        # For each observed line
        print('\n-------- Associations --------')
        for i in range(0, lines.shape[0]):

            # Get the polar line representation in robot frame
            z = funcs.get_polar_line(lines[i],[0,0,0])

            # Variables for finding minimum
            minD = 1e9
            minj = -1

            # For each line in the known map
            for j in range(0, self.map.shape[0]):

                # Compute matrices
                h = funcs.get_polar_line(self.map[j],[0,0,0]) # The map line is in the world frame now, only used to calculate the jacobian
                H = self.jacobianH(h,self.xk)
                h = funcs.get_polar_line(self.map[j],self.xk) # Map line is in the robot frame now, used to get innovation
                v = z - h
                S = np.dot(np.dot(H,self.Pk),np.transpose(H)) + self.Rk
                # Mahalanobis distance
                D = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(v), np.linalg.inv(S)), v)

                # Optional: Check if observed line is longer than map
                islonger = False

                if lines_length[i] > map_length[j]:
                    islonger = True

                # Check if the obseved line is the one with smallest
                # mahalanobis distance
                if np.sqrt(D) < minD and not islonger:
                    minj = j
                    minz = z
                    minh = h
                    minH = H
                    minv = v
                    minS = S
                    minD = D

            # Minimum distance below threshold
            if minD < chi_thres:
                print("\t{} -> {}".format(minz, minh))
                # Append results
                associd.append([i, minj])
        return Hk_list, Vk_list, Sk_list, Rk_list