def q8(variable, conditions, value): # Do enumeration ask probdist = enumeration_ask(variable, conditions, chatbot) # Parse input to output in correct format for var in conditions: if var == 'ProblemSize': conditions[var] = psize_dict[conditions[var]] if var == 'ConversationLength': conditions[var] = clength_dict[conditions[var]] prob = round(probdist.prob[value], 4) if type(value) == int: value = clength_dict[value] return 'Probability of ' + variable + ' being ' + str(value) + ' given ' + \ str(conditions) + ': ' + str(prob)
print(spam_filter.filter(["i", "am", "spam", "spam", "i", "am"])) # spam list print(spam_filter.filter(["do", "i", "like", "green", "eggs", "and", "ham"])) # ham list print(spam_filter.filter(["i", "do", "not", "like", "that", "spamiam"])) # Problem 2a # TODO: copy into Jupyter notebook from probability import BayesNet, enumeration_ask, elimination_ask, gibbs_ask # Utility variables T, F = True, False grass = BayesNet([ ('Cloudy', '', 0.5), ('Sprinkler', 'Cloudy', {T:0.1, F:0.5}), ('Rain', 'Cloudy', {T:0.8, F:0.2}), ('WetGrass', 'Sprinkler Rain', {(T, T):0.99, (T,F):0.9, (F,T):0.9, (F,F):0.0}), ]) print("\n\nProblem 2") print("i. " + enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(), grass).show_approx()) print("ii. " + enumeration_ask('Sprinkler', dict(Cloudy=T), grass).show_approx()) print("iii. " + enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinkler=T, Rain=F), grass).show_approx()) print("iv. " + enumeration_ask('WetGrass', dict(Cloudy=T, Sprinkler=T, Rain=T), grass).show_approx()) print("v. " + enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(WetGrass=F), grass).show_approx())
# From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example sunny = BayesNet([ ('Sunny', '', 0.7), ('Raise', '', 0.01), ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', { (T, T): 1.0, (T, F): 0.7, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.1 }), ]) # P(Raise | sunny) # These are independent, so it's just P(Raise) # = <0.01, 0.99> print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), sunny).show_approx()) # P(Raise | happy ∧ sunny) # = a * P(H | S, R) * P(R) # = a * 1.0 * 0.01 # <0.0142, 0.986> print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), sunny).show_approx()) # P(Raise | happy) # <0.0185, 0.982> print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T), sunny).show_approx()) # P(Raise | happy ∧ ¬sunny) # <0.0833, 0.917> print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=F), sunny).show_approx())
T: 0.1, F: 0.5 }), ('Rain', 'Cloudy', { T: 0.8, F: 0.2 }), ('WetGrass', 'Sprinkler Rain', { (T, T): 0.99, (T, F): 0.90, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.0 })]) # d. print('P(Cloudy)') print(enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(), wet_lawns).show_approx()) print('P(Sprinker | cloudy') print(enumeration_ask('Sprinker', dict(Cloudy=T), wet_lawns).show_approx()) print('P(Cloudy| the sprinkler is running and it’s not raining)') print( enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinker=T, Rain=F), wet_lawns).show_approx()) print('P(WetGrass | it’s cloudy, the sprinkler is running and it’s raining)') print( enumeration_ask('WetGrass', dict(Cloudy=T, Sprinker=T, Rain=T), wet_lawns).show_approx()) print('P(Cloudy | the grass is not wet)')
''' from probability import BayesNet, enumeration_ask, elimination_ask # Utility variables T, F = True, False cancer = BayesNet([ ('Cancer', '', 0.01), ('Test1', 'Cancer', {T: 0.9, F: 0.2}), ('Test2', 'Cancer', {T: 0.9, F: 0.2}), ]) # a. P(Cancer | Test1 ^ Test2) # This calculates the probability of cancer given that test1 and test2 were positive print(enumeration_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=T), cancer).show_approx()) print(elimination_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=T), cancer).show_approx()) # b. P(Cancer | Test1 ^ -Test2) # This calculates the probability of cancer given that test1 was positive and test2 was negative print(enumeration_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=F), cancer).show_approx()) print(elimination_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=F), cancer).show_approx()) # These results make sense. One failed test reduces the likelihood of having cancer by two orders of magnitude # Here is P(Cancer | Test1 ^ Test2) worked out by hand # = alpha * <P(cancer) * P(test1 | cancer) * P(test2 | cancer), # P(-cancer) * P(test1 | -cancer) * P(test2 | -cancer)> # = alpha * <0.01 * 0.9 * 0.9, 0.99 * 0.2 * 0.2> # = alpha * <0.0081, 0.0396> # = <0.17, 0.83>
# Utility variables T, F = True, False # From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example burglary = BayesNet([ ('Burglary', '', 0.001), ('Earthquake', '', 0.002), ('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', {(T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001}), ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.90, F: 0.05}), ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.70, F: 0.01}) ]) #1) Compute P(Alarm | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake) print(enumeration_ask('Alarm', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) #2) Compute P(John | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake). print(enumeration_ask('JohnCalls', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) #3) Compute P(Burglary | alarm) print(enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(Alarm=T), burglary).show_approx()) #4) P(Burglary | john ∧ mary) print("Enumeration ask Method:") print(enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx(), '\n\n') print("Rejection Sampling:") print(elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx(), '\n\n')
T, F = True, False weather = BayesNet([ ('Sunny', '', 0.7), ('Raise', '', 0.01), ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', { (T, T): 1.0, (T, F): 0.7, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.1 }), ]) # a. P(Cancer | positive results on both tests) print("a.") print("i. " + enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), weather).show_approx()) print("ii. " + enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), weather).show_approx()) """ By hand: i. P(Raise | sunny) = <0.01, 0.99> Which is taken directly from the table because raise does not depend on sunny and we have the probability of a raise. ii. Using a diagnostic computation P(Raise | happy ^ sunny) = alpha * sum[P(Raise, happy, sunny)] = alpha * sum[P(Raise) * P(sunny) * P(happy | raise ^ sunny) ] = alpha * < 0.01*0.7*1.0, 0.99*0.7*0.9> = alpha * <0.007, 0.6237> = <0.007, 0.6237> / 0.6307 = <0.011, 0.989> TODO: figure out why this is coming out slightly off (but it is close) """ # b. P(Cancer | a positive result on test 1, but a negative result on test 2) print("b.") print("i. " + enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T), weather).show_approx())
# From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example happiness = BayesNet([ ('Sunny', '', 0.70), ('Raise', '', 0.01), ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', { (T, T): 1.0, (T, F): 0.70, (F, T): 0.90, (F, F): 0.10 }), ]) # Exercise 5.3 # a) # i) print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx()) # Output - False: .99, True: .01 # Hand-computed - # P(R | s) = < .01, .99 > --> they are independent events so it is just P(R) # ii) print( enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T, Happy=T), happiness).show_approx()) # Output - False: .986, .0142 # Hand-computed - # P(R | h and s) = alpha P(R, h, s) # = alpha P(h | R and s) * P(s) * p(R) # = alpha < P(h | R and s) * P(s) * p(R), P(h | not R and s) * P(s) * p(not R) > # = alpha < 1.0 * .7 * .01, .7 * .7 * .99 > # = alpha < .007, .4851 > # = < .0142, .986 >
(T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001 }), ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', { T: 0.90, F: 0.05 }), ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', { T: 0.70, F: 0.01 })]) # Exercise 5.1 # a. The answer makes sense given that it can be taken straight off the chart print("P(Alarm | burglary ^ !earthquake) => " + enumeration_ask( 'Alarm', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) # b. This also matches the intuitive notion that P(J|B^!e) = P(J|A) * P(A|B^!e) print("P(John | burglary ^ !earthquake) => " + enumeration_ask( 'JohnCalls', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) # c. This makes sense given that this is the answer we got in class. # It also makes sense that it's pretty low thanks to the potential of the earthquake being about twice as likely # as a burglary. print("P(Burglary | alarm) => " + enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(Alarm=T), burglary).show_approx()) # d. This matches with the answer you showed in hand up top. It also makes sense that it is lower than the P(B | a), # because neither John or Mary have a reliable chance of reporting the alarm (90 and 70 respectively) print("P(Burglary | john ^ mary) => " + enumeration_ask( 'Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())
sys.path.insert(0, '../tools/aima') from probability import BayesNet, enumeration_ask, elimination_ask, gibbs_ask # Utility variables T, F = True, False happyNetwork = BayesNet([('Sunny', '', 0.7), ('Raise', ' ', 0.01), ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', { (T, T): 1.0, (T, F): 0.7, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.1 })]) print("BP ( Raise | Sunny )") print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happyNetwork).show_approx()) print("BP ( Raise | Happy & Sunny )") print( enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), happyNetwork).show_approx()) ''' BP ( Raise | Sunny ) False: 0.99, True: 0.01 BP ( Raise | Happy & Sunny ) False: 0.986, True: 0.0142 The First Probability Distribution is expected because according to the Bayesian Network, there is no causation between the weather being Sunny and getting a Raise The Second Probability Distrubition makes sense because the probability that you have a raise is increased because there is a
('Sprinkler', 'Cloudy', { T: 0.10, F: 0.50 }), ('Rain', 'Cloudy', { T: 0.80, F: 0.20 }), ('WetGrass', 'Sprinkler Rain', { (T, T): 0.99, (T, F): 0.90, (F, T): 0.90, (F, F): 0.00 })]) print("P(Cloudy)") print(enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(), exercises).show_approx()) print(elimination_ask('Cloudy', dict(), exercises).show_approx()) print("P(Sprinker | cloudy)") print(enumeration_ask('Sprinkler', dict(Cloudy=T), exercises).show_approx()) print(elimination_ask('Sprinkler', dict(Cloudy=T), exercises).show_approx()) print("P(Cloudy| the sprinkler is running and it’s not raining)") print( enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinkler=T, Rain=F), exercises).show_approx()) print( elimination_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinkler=T, Rain=F), exercises).show_approx()) print("P(WetGrass | it’s cloudy, the sprinkler is running and it’s raining)") print( enumeration_ask('WetGrass', dict(Cloudy=T, Sprinkler=T, Rain=T), exercises).show_approx())
def Q1_1_2(): print("=" * 80) print("ANSWER 1.1.2") T, F = True, False bayes_net = BayesNet([('AI', '', 0.8), ('FossilFuel', '', 0.4), ('RenewableEnergy', 'AI FossilFuel', { (T, T): 0.2, (T, F): 0.7, (F, T): 0.02, (F, F): 0.5 }), ('Traffic', 'FossilFuel', { T: 0.95, F: 0.1 }), ('GlobalWarming', 'RenewableEnergy Traffic', { (T, T): 0.6, (T, F): 0.4, (F, T): 0.95, (F, F): 0.55 }), ('Employed', 'AI GlobalWarming', { (T, T): 0.01, (T, F): 0.03, (F, T): 0.03, (F, F): 0.95 })]) #print(bayes_net.variable_node('GlobalWarming').cpt) p_employed = enumeration_ask(X='Employed', e={ 'AI': True, 'FossilFuel': True }, bn=bayes_net) print('-' * 80) print(f"given AI=true and FossilFuel=True:", f"\n\t\tP(Employed)\t\t=\t\t{p_employed.show_approx()}") print('-' * 80) p_global_warming = elimination_ask(X='GlobalWarming', e={ 'Employed': False, 'Traffic': False }, bn=bayes_net) print('-' * 80) print(f"Given Employed=False and Traffic=False, \n\t\tP(GlobalWarming)\t=", f"\t\t{p_global_warming.show_approx()}") print('-' * 80) p_ai = elimination_ask(X='AI', e={ 'RenewableEnergy': True, 'GlobalWarming': True, 'Employed': True, 'Traffic': True, 'FossilFuel': True }, bn=bayes_net) print('-' * 80) print( f"Given RenewableEnergy=T, GlobalWarming=T", f"Employed=T, Traffic=T, FossilFuel=T, \n\t\tP(AI)\t\t\t=\t\t{p_ai.show_approx()}" ) print('-' * 80)
T, F = True, False # from figure in Exercise 5.3 happy = BayesNet([('Sunny', '', 0.7), ('Raise', '', 0.01), ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', { (T, T): 1.0, (T, F): 0.7, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.1 })]) print() # Exercise 5.3 PART A # i. P(Raise | Sunny) print("a. i. ", enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happy).show_approx()) # ii. P(Raise | Happy ^ Sunny) print(" ii. ", enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), happy).show_approx()) # Exercise 5.3 PART B # i. P(Raise | Happy) print("b. i. ", enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T), happy).show_approx()) # ii. P(Raise | Happy ^ ¬Sunny) print(' ii. ', enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=F), happy).show_approx()) ''' Work by hand: a) i. P(Raise | Sunny) = P(Raise) = < P(Raise), P(¬Raise) > = < 0.99, 0.01 >
# Utility variables T, F = True, False # From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example burglary = BayesNet([ ('Burglary', '', 0.001), ('Earthquake', '', 0.002), ('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', {(T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001}), ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.90, F: 0.05}), ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.70, F: 0.01}) ]) # P(Alarm | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake) # From the table: < .04, .96 > print(enumeration_ask('Alarm', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) # P(John | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake) # a * [ P( J | A ) * P( A | B, -E ) + P( J | -A ) * P( -A | B, -E) ] # = a * (0.9 * 0.94 + 0.05 * 0.06) # = < .151, .849 > print(elimination_ask('JohnCalls', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) # P(Burglary | alarm) = # a * [ P(B) * P(E) * P( A | B, E ) + P(B) * P(-E) * P( A | B, -E) ] # = a * (0.001 * 0.002 * 0.95 + 0.001 * 0.998 * 0.94) # = <0.374, 0.626> print(elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(Alarm=T), burglary).show_approx()) # P(Burglary | john ∧ mary) # = <.284, .716>
cancerTest = BayesNet([('Cancer', '', 0.01), ('Test1', 'Cancer', { T: 0.9, F: 0.2 }), ('Test2', 'Cancer', { T: 0.9, F: 0.2 })]) # Exercise 5.2 # Pull and add enumeration_ask computations for the following examples: # # a. P(Cancer | positive results on both tests) print( "\n P(Cancer | T1 ∧ T2): ", enumeration_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=T), cancerTest).show_approx()) # b. P(Cancer | a positive result on test 1, but a negative result on test 2) print( "\n P(Cancer | T1 ∧ ¬T2): ", enumeration_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=F), cancerTest).show_approx()) ''' Do the results make sense? How much effect does one failed test have on the probability of having cancer? ANSWER: Failing to test positive on either of the tests will dramatically decrease the likelihood of having cancer. This because the conditional probability of getting a false negative is low (0.1). Explain your answers and work them out by hand. P(Cancer | T1 ∧ T2) = alpha*<P(Cancer, T1, T2), P(¬Cancer, T1, T2)>
('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', { (T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001 }), ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', { T: 0.90, F: 0.05 }), ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', { T: 0.70, F: 0.01 })]) # Compute P(Burglary | John and Mary both call). print( enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # elimination_ask() is a dynamic programming version of enumeration_ask(). print( elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # gibbs_ask() is an approximation algorithm helps Bayesian Networks scale up. print( gibbs_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # See the explanation of the algorithms in AIMA Section 14.4. # Exercise 5.1 # Pull and add enumeration_ask computations for the following examples: # # a. P(Alarm | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake) print(
F: .5 }), ('Rain', 'Cloudy', { T: .8, F: .2 }), ('WetGrass', 'Sprinkler Rain', { (T, T): 0.99, (T, F): 0.9, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.0 }), ]) print("\nP(Cloudy)") print(enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(), cloudy).show_approx()) print("\nP(Sprinkler | Cloudy)") print(enumeration_ask('Sprinkler', dict(Cloudy=True), cloudy).show_approx()) print("\nP(Cloudy | Sprinkler and no Rain)") print( enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinkler=True, Rain=False), cloudy).show_approx()) print("\nP(Wet Grass | sprinkler and cloudy and raining)") print( enumeration_ask("WetGrass", dict(Sprinkler=True, Rain=True), cloudy).show_approx()) print("\nP(Cloudy | no wet grass)")
from probability import BayesNet, enumeration_ask, elimination_ask, gibbs_ask, likelihood_weighting, rejection_sampling # Utility variables T, F = True, False # From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example burglary = BayesNet([ ('Burglary', '', 0.001), ('Earthquake', '', 0.002), ('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', {(T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001}), ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.90, F: 0.05}), ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.70, F: 0.01}) ]) # Compute P(Burglary | John and Mary both call). print(enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # elimination_ask() is a dynamic programming version of enumeration_ask(). print(elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # gibbs_ask() is an approximation algorithm helps Bayesian Networks scale up. print(gibbs_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # See the explanation of the algorithms in AIMA Section 14.4. # rejection_sampling() and likelihood_weighting() are also approximation algorithms. print(rejection_sampling('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) print(likelihood_weighting('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # P(Alarm | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake) print('5.1 i: \t' + enumeration_ask('Alarm', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) # P(John | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake) print('5.1 ii: \t' + enumeration_ask('John', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx()) # P(Burglary | alarm)
T, F = True, False # From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example burglary = BayesNet([('Burglary', '', 0.001), ('Earthquake', '', 0.002), ('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', { (T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001 }), ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', { T: 0.90, F: 0.05 }), ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', { T: 0.70, F: 0.01 })]) # Compute P(Burglary | John and Mary both call). print( enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # elimination_ask() is a dynamic programming version of enumeration_ask(). print( elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # gibbs_ask() is an approximation algorithm helps Bayesian Networks scale up. print( gibbs_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx()) # See the explanation of the algorithms in AIMA Section 14.4.