def profile_edit(request, username): # logged in user can only his/her profile if username != request.user.username: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('user-profile-edit', kwargs={'username': request.user.username})) # profile = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user) cursor = connection.cursor() profile = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users_profile where id = ?', object=Profile, user=request.user) # ===========Implement the followint logic ================== if request.method == 'POST': form = ProfileUpdateForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=profile) if form.is_valid(): profile = # cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.excute('INSERT INTO users_profile VALUES = ?', object=profile) messages.success(request, 'Succefully Updated') else: messages.error(request, 'Error updating') context = {'form': ProfileUpdateForm()} return render(request, 'users/profile_edit.html', context) # return HttpResponse(f"Editing profile of {request.user.username}")
def display_post(request, post_id): # post = Post.objects.get(id=post_id) cursor = connection.cursor() post = cursor.execute('SELECT * from forum_post where id = ?', object=Post, id=post_id) # get all comments related to this post comments = post.comment_set.all() return render(request, 'forum/display_post.html', { 'post': post, 'form': CommentForm(), 'comments': comments })
def comment(request, post_id): # if user is redirected to this page after making a POST request to the form displayed if request.method == 'POST': # create a form with the data submitted by the user form = CommentForm(request.POST) # if the user submitted a valid data, if form.is_valid(): # create an instance of the form but don't save form = # add currently logged user as the author of the comment = request.user # attach the current post to the comment # = Post.objects.get(id=post_id) cursor = connection.cursor() = cursor.execute( 'SELECT * from forum_comment where id = ?', object=Post, id=post_id) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.excute('INSERT INTO forum_comment VALUES = ?', object=form) # display a success message messages.success(request, 'comment added Successfully') else: # print on backend terminal, for debugging purpose print( f'\n Error while adding problem:\n{form.errors.as_data()} \n') form_error = list(form.errors.as_data().values())[0][0] # if user filled form was invalid, send a error message messages.error(request, 'error adding comment') # list unpacking to show the first error as pop-up message messages.error(request, *form_error) # after a successful comment, redirect the user to same page with comment updated return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('display-post', kwargs={'post_id': post_id}))
def delete_post(request, post_id): # post = Post.objects.get(id=post_id) cursor = connection.cursor() post = cursor.execute('SELECT * from forum_post where id = ?', object=Post, id=post_id) if != messages.error(request, 'Not allowed') return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/')) else: post.delete() messages.success(request, 'Deleted Post Successfully') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('forum-home'))
def delete_comment(request, comment_id): # comment = Comment.objects.get(id=comment_id) cursor = connection.cursor() comment = cursor.execute('SELECT * from forum_comment where id = ?', object=Comment, id=comment_id) if != messages.error(request, 'Not allowed') else: comment.delete() messages.success(request, 'Deleted Comment Successfully') # redirect to same page: return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/'))
def profile(request, username): try: # requested_user = User.objects.get(username=username) cursor = connection.cursor() requested_user = cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM auth_user, users_profile where = AND auth_user.username = ?', object=User, username=username) image_url = requested_user.profile.profile_pic context = {'user': requested_user, 'pic': image_url} return render(request, 'users/profile.html', context) except ObjectDoesNotExist: requested_user = None return render(request, 'homepage/404.html')
def create_post(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = PostForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form = = request.user cursor = connection.cursor() codes = cursor.excute('insert into forum_post', object=form) messages.success(request, 'Created Post Successfully') return redirect(home) else: # print on backend terminal, for debugging purpose print(f'\n Error while creating post:\n{form.errors.as_data()} \n') form_error = list(form.errors.as_data().values())[0][0] # if user filled form was invalid, send a error message messages.error(request, 'Error Creating Post') # list unpacking to show the first error as pop-up message messages.error(request, *form_error) return render(request, 'forum/add_post.html', {'form': PostForm()})
def home(request): # posts = Post.objects.all() cursor = connection.cursor() posts = cursor.execute('SELECT * from forum_post', object=Post) return render(request, 'forum/home.html', {'posts': posts})