Example #1
    def altF4(self, assertClosed=True):
        'Press <Alt>F4'

        procedurelogger.action('Press <Alt>F4.', self)

        if assertClosed: self.assertClosed()
Example #2
    def select(self, log=True):
        'Select the table cell'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Select %s.' % self, self)

Example #3
    def select(self, name, logName=None, log=True):
        'Select a tab'

        # we don't use self.findPageTab or self.__getattr__('findPageTab') 
        # here because findPageTab tries to promote tabs to specific classes 
        # which may have constructors that look for widgets that are 
        # lazy-loaded, causing bogus searchErrors.
        tab = utils.findDescendant(self, lambda x: x.role == pyatspi.ROLE_PAGE_TAB and utils.equalsOrMatches(x.name, name) and x.showing, \

        # do the work of actually selecting the tab.  this should cause
        # lazy-loaded widgets to be loaded.

        # now search for the tab as if we haven't done any of the above, but 
        # don't do any logging
        tab = self.findPageTab(name, logName=logName)

        # now that we have the (possibly promoted) tab, do the logging
        if log: # we need to log after the find() because the tab might be promoted and have a different logName
            procedurelogger.action('Select the %s.' % tab, self)


        return tab
Example #4
    def enterText(self, text, log=True):
        'Enter text'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Enter "%s" into the %s.' % (text, self), self)

        self.text = text # since we don't absolutely need to use typeText here, lets do it this way since its a lot faster
Example #5
    def click(self, log=True):
        'Click the button'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Click the %s.' % self, self)

        super(Button, self).click()
Example #6
    def click(self, log=True):
        'Click the button'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Click the %s.' % self, self)

        super(Button, self).click()
Example #7
    def select(self, log=True):
        'Select the table cell'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Select %s.' % self, self)

Example #8
    def altF4(self, assertClosed=True):
        'Press <Alt>F4'

        procedurelogger.action('Press <Alt>F4.', self)

        if assertClosed: self.assertClosed()
Example #9
    def select(self, name, logName=None, log=True):
        'Select a tab'

        # we don't use self.findPageTab or self.__getattr__('findPageTab')
        # here because findPageTab tries to promote tabs to specific classes
        # which may have constructors that look for widgets that are
        # lazy-loaded, causing bogus searchErrors.
        tab = utils.findDescendant(self, lambda x: x.role == pyatspi.ROLE_PAGE_TAB and utils.equalsOrMatches(x.name, name) and x.showing, \

        # do the work of actually selecting the tab.  this should cause
        # lazy-loaded widgets to be loaded.

        # now search for the tab as if we haven't done any of the above, but
        # don't do any logging
        tab = self.findPageTab(name, logName=logName)

        # now that we have the (possibly promoted) tab, do the logging
        if log:  # we need to log after the find() because the tab might be promoted and have a different logName
            procedurelogger.action('Select the %s.' % tab, self)


        return tab
Example #10
    def click(self, log=True):
        'Click the button'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Click the %s.' % self, self)

Example #11
    def mouseMove(self, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, log=True):
        'Move the mouse cursor to the Accessible' 

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Move the mouse cursor to the %s.' % (self), self)

        x, y = self._getAccessibleCenter()
        pyatspi.Registry.generateMouseEvent(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, 'abs')
Example #12
    def activate(self, log=True):
        'Activate (double-click) the table cell'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Double-click %s.' % self, self)

        super(TableCell, self).activate()
Example #13
    def activate(self, log=True):
        'Activate (double-click) the table cell'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Double-click %s.' % self, self)

Example #14
    def enterText(self, text, log=True):
        'Enter text'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Enter "%s" into the %s.' % (text, self),

        self.text = text  # since we don't absolutely need to use typeText here, lets do it this way since its a lot faster
Example #15
    def activate(self, log=True):
        'Activate (double-click) the table cell'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Double-click %s.' % self, self)

        super(TableCell, self).activate()
Example #16
    def selectColorRGB(self, rgbValues):
        if not self._isDialog():
            raise NotImplementedError

        procedurelogger.action('Select the color with RGB value of: (%s, %s, %s).' % (rgbValues[0], rgbValues[1], rgbValues[2]))
        self.red.value = rgbValues[0]
        self.green.value = rgbValues[1]
        self.blue.value = rgbValues[2]
        procedurelogger.expectedResult('The color with RGB value of (%s, %s, %s) is selected.' % (rgbValues[0], rgbValues[1], rgbValues[2]))
Example #17
    def selectColorHSV(self, hsvValues):
        if not self._isDialog():
            raise NotImplementedError

        procedurelogger.action('Select the color with HSV value of: (%s, %s, %s).' % (hsvValues[0], hsvValues[1], hsvValues[2]))
        self.hue.value = hsvValues[0]
        self.saturation.value = hsvValues[1]
        self.val.value = hsvValues[2]
        procedurelogger.expectedResult('The color with HSV value of (%s, %s, %s) is selected.' % (hsvValues[0], hsvValues[1], hsvValues[2]))
Example #18
    def open(self, path):
        Open a menu

        Path must be an array of strings; regular expressions are not supported.

        procedurelogger.action('Open the %s menu.' % ' => '.join(path), self)

        return self._open(path)
Example #19
    def open(self, path):
        Open a menu

        Path must be an array of strings; regular expressions are not supported.

        procedurelogger.action('Open the %s menu.' % ' => '.join(path), self)

        return self._open(path)
Example #20
                        def doActionMethod(log=False):
                            def sensitive():
                                return self.sensitive

                            if not utils.retryUntilTrue(sensitive):
                                raise errors.NotSensitiveError
                            if log:
                                procedurelogger.action('Perform "%s" action for %s.' % (iaction.getName(i), self))

Example #21
    def typeText(self, text, log=True):
        'Type text into the table cell'


        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Enter "%s" into %s.' % (text, self), self)

        super(TableCell, self).typeText(text)
        pyatspi.Registry.generateKeyboardEvent(self._charToKeySym('Return'), None, pyatspi.KEY_SYM)
Example #22
    def typeText(self, text, log=True):
        'Turns text (a string) into a series of keyboard events'

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Type "%s".' % text, self)

        text_syms = map(self._charToKeySym, text)

        for key in text_syms:
            pyatspi.Registry.generateKeyboardEvent(key, None, pyatspi.KEY_SYM)
Example #23
    def select(self, name, logName=None, log=True):
        'Select an item'

        item = self.findMenuItem(name, logName=logName, checkShowing=False)

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Select %s.' % str(item).replace(' menu option', ''), self)


        return item
Example #24
    def select(self, name, logName=None, log=True):
        'Select an item'

        item = self.findMenuItem(name, logName=logName, checkShowing=False)

        if log:
                'Select %s.' % str(item).replace(' menu option', ''), self)


        return item
Example #25
    def mouseClick(self, button=1, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, log=True):
        Click the table cell

        If the table cell is editable, this should trigger the "edit mode".  If
        you just want to select the table cell, use select() instead.

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Click %s.' % self, self)

        super(TableCell, self).mouseClick(button=button, xOffset=xOffset, yOffset=yOffset)
Example #26
    def typeText(self, text, log=True):
        'Type text into the table cell'


        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Enter "%s" into %s.' % (text, self), self)

        super(TableCell, self).typeText(text)
                                               None, pyatspi.KEY_SYM)
Example #27
    def open(self, path):
        Open a menu

        Path must be an array of strings; regular expressions are not supported.

        if type(path) != type(['l']):
            raise TypeError, 'path argument must be a list'

        procedurelogger.action('Open the %s menu.' % ' => '.join(path), self)

        return self._open(path)
Example #28
    def typeText(self, text, log=True):
        'Type text into the table cell'

        # Click the table cell.  If the table cell is editable, this should trigger the 
        # "edit mode".  If you just want to select the table cell, use select() instead.

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Enter "%s" into %s.' % (text, self), self)

        super(TableCell, self).typeText(text, False)
        pyatspi.Registry.generateKeyboardEvent(self._charToKeySym('Return'), None, pyatspi.KEY_SYM)
Example #29
    def insertText(self, text, offset=0, log=True):
        Insert the specified text into an editable text accessible using
        an optional offset from the first index of the accessible.  This method
        uses the IAccessibleEditableText insertText method to insert the
        specified text.

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Enter "%s" into %s.' % (text, self), self)

        ieditable = self._accessible.queryEditableText()
        ieditable.insertText(offset, text, len(text)) 
Example #30
    def mouseClick(self, button=1, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, log=True):
        Click the table cell

        If the table cell is editable, this should trigger the "edit mode".  If
        you just want to select the table cell, use select() instead.

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Click %s.' % self, self)

        super(TableCell, self).mouseClick(button=button,
Example #31
    def select(self, log=True):
        Select the page tab

        This method should not be used to initially select a tab; PageTabList.select()
        should be used instead.  Using PageTabList.findPageTab() may cause bogus search
        errors if the tab's class's constructor looks for sub-widgets and that are

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Select the %s.' % self, self.parent)

Example #32
    def select(self, log=True):
        Select the page tab

        This method should not be used to initially select a tab; PageTabList.select()
        should be used instead.  Using PageTabList.findPageTab() may cause bogus search
        errors if the tab's class's constructor looks for sub-widgets and that are

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Select the %s.' % self, self.parent)

Example #33
    def select(self, path, log=True):
        Select a menu item

        Path must be an array of strings; regular expressions are not supported.

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Under the %s menu, select %s.' % (' => '.join(path[0:-1]), path[-1].replace('...', '')), self)

        parent = self._open(path[0:-1]) # the last item in the path is excluded because we're going to click that item

        item = utils.findDescendant(parent, lambda x: (x.role == pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM or x.role == pyatspi.ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM) \
            and utils.equalsOrMatches(x.name, path[-1]) and x.showing, recursive=False)

        return item
Example #34
    def mouseClick(self, button=1, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, log=True):
        'Synthesize a left, middle, or right mouse click on this Accessible'

        if log:
            button_name = "Click"

            if button == 1:
                button_name = "Left click"
            elif button == 2:
                button_name = "Middle click"
            elif button == 3:
                button_name = "Right click"
            procedurelogger.action('%s the %s.' % (button_name, self), self)

        x, y = self._getAccessibleCenter()
        pyatspi.Registry.generateMouseEvent(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, 'b%dc' % button)
Example #35
    def deleteText(self, start=0, end=None, log=True):
        Delete the text of an editable text accessible.  By default all text is
        deleted.  Optionally, a start and end index can be specified to delete
        a range of text.  This method uses the IAccessibleEditableText
        deleteText method to delete the text.

        ieditable = self._accessible.queryEditableText()

        if end is None:
            end = ieditable.characterCount

        text = ieditable.getText(start, end)

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Delete "%s" from %s.' % (text, self), self)

        ieditable.deleteText(start, end)
Example #36
    def select(self, path, log=True):
        Select a menu item

        Path must be an array of strings; regular expressions are not supported.

        if log:
                'Under the %s menu, select %s.' %
                (' => '.join(path[0:-1]), path[-1].replace('...', '')), self)

        parent = self._open(
        )  # the last item in the path is excluded because we're going to click that item

        item = utils.findDescendant(parent, lambda x: (x.role == pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM or x.role == pyatspi.ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM) \
            and utils.equalsOrMatches(x.name, path[-1]) and x.showing, recursive=False)

        return item
Example #37
    def keyCombo(self, combo, grabFocus=True, log=True):
        Optionally focus this Accessible and press a single key or a combination
        of keys simultaneously.

        if log:
            procedurelogger.action('Press %s.' % combo, self)

        import gtk.gdk

        _keymap = gtk.gdk.keymap_get_default()

        keySymAliases = {
            'enter' : 'Return',
            'esc' : 'Escape',
            'alt' : 'Alt_L',
            'control' : 'Control_L',
            'ctrl' : 'Control_L',
            'shift' : 'Shift_L',
            'del' : 'Delete',
            'ins' : 'Insert',
            'pageup' : 'Page_Up',
            'pagedown' : 'Page_Down',
            ' ' : 'space',
            '\t' : 'Tab',
            '\n' : 'Return'

        ModifierKeyCodes = {
            'Control_L' : _keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(gtk.keysyms.Control_L)[0][0],
            'Alt_L' : _keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(gtk.keysyms.Alt_L)[0][0],
            'Shift_L' : _keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(gtk.keysyms.Shift_L)[0][0]

        keys = []
        for key in re.split('[<>]', combo):
            if key:
                key = keySymAliases.get(key.lower(), key)

        modifiers = map(ModifierKeyCodes.get, keys[:-1])
        if grabFocus:


        for key_code in modifiers:
            pyatspi.Registry.generateKeyboardEvent(key_code, None, pyatspi.KEY_PRESS)

        pyatspi.Registry.generateKeyboardEvent(self._charToKeySym(keys[-1]), None, pyatspi.KEY_SYM)

        for key_code in modifiers:
            pyatspi.Registry.generateKeyboardEvent(key_code, None, pyatspi.KEY_RELEASE)
Example #38
 def selectFont(self, family, style, size):
     procedurelogger.action("Select font '%s' with style '%s' on size '%s'." % (family, style, size))
     self.families.select(family, log=False)
     self.styles.select(style, log=False)
     self.sizes.select(size, log=False)
     procedurelogger.expectedResult("The font '%s' with style '%s' on size '%s' is selected." % (family, style, size))
Example #39
def launchApplication(args=[],
    Launch an application with accessibility enabled

    args, cwd, and env are passed to subprocess.Popen.  If cwd is not specified, it
    defaults to os.cwd().  If env is not specified, it defaults to os.environ, plus

    After launching the application, a reference to the
    strongwind.accessibles.Application is cached.  The "name" argument to this
    method is used to find the accessible that should be promoted to a
    strongwind.accessibles.Application.  The name is also used to refer to the
    application in the test procedures log.  If name is not specified, it defaults
    to the basename of args[0] with any file extension stripped.  

    If the accessible name of the application is not fixed, the "find" argument can
    be used to search for a pattern.  If find is not specified, it defaults to
    re.compile('^' + name)

    Returns a tuple containing a strongwind.accessibles.Application 
    object and a Popen object.

    # if a name for the application is not specified, try to guess it
    if name is None:
        name = utils.getBasenameWithoutExtension(args[0])

    if logString is None:
        logString = 'Launch %s.' % name


    if env is None:
        env = os.environ

    # enable accessibility for this application
    if not env.has_key('GTK_MODULES'):
        env['GTK_MODULES'] = 'gail:atk-bridge'

    if find is None:
        find = re.compile('^' + name)

    if cwd is None:
        cwd = os.getcwd()

    def findAppWithLargestId(desktop, find):
        Find the application with the largest id whose name matches find

        If ids are not recycled (i.e., ids always increment and never start
        over again at 1), the application with the highest id will be the last
        launched.  We're making this assumption.

        appWithLargestId = None

        apps = utils.findAllDescendants(
            desktop, lambda x: pyatspi.ROLE_APPLICATION == x.role and find.
            search(x.name), False)

        if len(apps) > 0:
            appWithLargestId = apps[0]

        for a in apps:
            if a._accessible.id > appWithLargestId._accessible.id:
                appWithLargestId = a

        return appWithLargestId

    # before we launch the application, check to see if there is another
    # instance of the application already open
    existingApp = findAppWithLargestId(_desktop, find)

    # launch the application
    subproc = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, env=env)

    # wait for the application to launch and for the applications list to
    # settle.  if we try to list the desktop's applications too soon, we get
    # crashes sometimes.

    def findNewApplication():
        Find the application we just launched

        If there is an existing application, make sure the app we find here has
        an id larger than the existing application.

        If no application is found, wait and retry a number of times before
        returning None. 
        for i in xrange(config.RETRY_TIMES):
            app = findAppWithLargestId(_desktop, find)
                if existingApp is None or existingApp.id < app.id:
                    return app
            except (LookupError, pyatspi.ORBit.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE):
                return app

        raise errors.SearchError

    app = findNewApplication()

    if cache:

    return (app, subproc)
Example #40
def launchApplication(
    args=[], name=None, find=None, cwd=None, env=None, wait=config.MEDIUM_DELAY, cache=True, logString=None
    Launch an application with accessibility enabled

    args, cwd, and env are passed to subprocess.Popen.  If cwd is not specified, it
    defaults to os.cwd().  If env is not specified, it defaults to os.environ, plus

    After launching the application, a reference to the
    strongwind.accessibles.Application is cached.  The "name" argument to this
    method is used to find the accessible that should be promoted to a
    strongwind.accessibles.Application.  The name is also used to refer to the
    application in the test procedures log.  If name is not specified, it defaults
    to the basename of args[0] with any file extension stripped.  

    If the accessible name of the application is not fixed, the "find" argument can
    be used to search for a pattern.  If find is not specified, it defaults to
    re.compile('^' + name)

    Returns a tuple containing a strongwind.accessibles.Application 
    object and a Popen object.

    # if a name for the application is not specified, try to guess it
    if name is None:
        name = utils.getBasenameWithoutExtension(args[0])

    if logString is None:
        logString = "Launch %s." % name


    if env is None:
        env = os.environ

    # enable accessibility for this application
    if not env.has_key("GTK_MODULES"):
        env["GTK_MODULES"] = "gail:atk-bridge"

    if find is None:
        find = re.compile("^" + name)

    if cwd is None:
        cwd = os.getcwd()

    def findAppWithLargestId(desktop, find):
        Find the application with the largest id whose name matches find

        If ids are not recycled (i.e., ids always increment and never start
        over again at 1), the application with the highest id will be the last
        launched.  We're making this assumption.

        appWithLargestId = None

        apps = utils.findAllDescendants(
            desktop, lambda x: pyatspi.ROLE_APPLICATION == x.role and find.search(x.name), False

        if len(apps) > 0:
            appWithLargestId = apps[0]

        for a in apps:
            if a._accessible.id > appWithLargestId._accessible.id:
                appWithLargestId = a

        return appWithLargestId

    # before we launch the application, check to see if there is another
    # instance of the application already open
    existingApp = findAppWithLargestId(_desktop, find)

    # launch the application
    subproc = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, env=env)

    # wait for the application to launch and for the applications list to
    # settle.  if we try to list the desktop's applications too soon, we get
    # crashes sometimes.

    def findNewApplication():
        Find the application we just launched

        If there is an existing application, make sure the app we find here has
        an id larger than the existing application.

        If no application is found, wait and retry a number of times before
        returning None. 
        for i in xrange(config.RETRY_TIMES):
            app = findAppWithLargestId(_desktop, find)
                if existingApp is None or existingApp.id < app.id:
                    return app
            except (LookupError, pyatspi.ORBit.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE):
                return app

        raise errors.SearchError

    app = findNewApplication()

    if cache:

    return (app, subproc)