#import render
from process import DelayProcess, MoveProcess, ProcessList
import time

sg = Node()
canvas = Canvas(100, 20, sg, char='X')
bomberman = Drawable('!', sg)
bomberman.move(10, 10)
bomb = Drawable('@', bomberman)
bomb.move(1, 0)
#rt = render.RenderThread(canvas)

processes = ProcessList()

delay = DelayProcess(5)
move = MoveProcess(bomberman, (7,2), 3)
move_bomb = MoveProcess(bomb, (10,0), 2)
#explosion = BoomProcess(bomb)


start = time.time()
while len(processes) > 0:
    now = time.time()
    delta = now-start
Example #2
def main(logger, config, xjobids=[]):
    # If not enabled, return immediately
    if not config.enabled:
        logger.info('prologue is disabled: doing nothing')
        return 0

    pbs_home = config.pbs_home
    if not os.path.exists(pbs_home) or not os.path.isdir(pbs_home):
        raise ValueError('bad PBS_HOME directory: %s' % pbs_home)

    jobsdir = os.path.join(pbs_home, 'mom_priv', 'jobs')
    if not os.path.exists(jobsdir) or not os.path.isdir(jobsdir):
        raise ValueError('bad jobs directory: %s' % jobsdir)

    # Get process information before getting current job information
    procs = ProcessList()

    # Determine what users are currently running jobs on this node
    legalusers = nodeusers(logger, jobsdir, xjobids)

    # Combine safeusers with legalusers
    exemptusers = legalusers | config.safeusers

    # Set of additional processes not to kill
    apids = procs.ancestors(os.getpid())
    bpids = procs.descendants(os.getpid())
    exemptpids = apids | bpids

    # Create a dictionary that maps "top pids" to lists of process IDs
    # under that pid
    toplevel = {}
    for pid, pinfo in procs.items():
        if pinfo['user'] not in exemptusers and \
                pinfo['uid'] > SYSTHRESHOLD and \
                pid not in exemptpids:
            tpid = procs.toppid(pid)
            toplevel.setdefault(tpid, []).append(pid)

    # Only print this warning message once
    if len(toplevel) > 0:
        logger.warning('rogue processes detected on ' + NODE)

    # Log the top level commands associated with rogue processes
    for tpid, pids in toplevel.items():
        tproc = procs[tpid]
        pproc = procs[tproc['ppid']]
        pidstr = ' '.join([str(pid) for pid in pids])
        logger.warning('rogue user: %s' % tproc['user'])
        logger.warning('  pids: %s' % pidstr)
        logger.info('  comm: %s -> %s' % \
                    (pproc['comm'], tproc['comm']))

        # Display environment information for each process in the group
        for pid in pids:
            tenv = getenviron(logger, pid)
            tjobid = tenv.get('PBS_JOBID', '')
            ompi_size = tenv.get('OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE', '')

            # Log more information from the environment if possible
            if tenv:
                logger.info('  %d: PBS_JOBID: %s; OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE: %s' % \
                            (pid, tjobid, ompi_size))

        # Kill the rogue processes if requested
        if config.kill:
            killprocs(logger, pids)

    return 0