for nEvent in range(0, nev):
  if (nEvent%10000 == 0) and i>0 :
    print nEvent

  m0      =      getValue( c, "msugraM0")
  m12     =      getValue( c, "msugraM12")
#    tanb    =      getValue( c, "msugraTanbeta")
#    A0      =      getValue( c, "msugraA0")
#    signMu  =      getValue( c, "msugraSignMu")
  btag0   =      getValue( c, "btag0")
  btag1   =      getValue( c, "btag1")
  ht =           getValue( c, "ht")
  barepfMet =    getValue( c, "barepfmet")
  ileaf = c.GetLeaf("ints_pfRA4Tupelizer_sparticles_PAT.obj")
  pcode = productionCode([int(ileaf.GetValue(0)), int(ileaf.GetValue(1))])
#    sstring = getMSUGRAShortString(m0, m12, tanb, A0, signMu)
  sstring = getMSUGRAShortString(m0, m12, 10, 0, 1)
  for bj in bjetbins.keys():
    for lhbin in binningHT:
      for lmbin in binningMET:
        if not LO_efficiency[bj][lhbin][lmbin].has_key(sstring):
          LO_efficiency[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0
          LO_events[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0
          NLO_efficiency[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0
          NLO_events[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0

        if not efficiencyPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin].has_key(sstring):
          efficiencyPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = {}
          LO_eventsPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = {}
          NLO_eventsPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = {}
Example #2
c.Draw(">>eList", "(1)")
eList = ROOT.gROOT.Get("eList")
print "Total # of Events in Count-Scan:",eList.GetN()

nev = eList.GetN()
if maxEvents>0:
  nev = min(maxEvents, eList.GetN())
for nEvent in range(0, nev):
  if (nEvent%10000 == 0):
    print nEvent

  m0      =      getValue( c, "msugraM0")
  m12     =      getValue( c, "msugraM12")
  pcode = productionCode([getValue( c, "sparticle0"), getValue( c, "sparticle1") ])
  sstring = getMSUGRAShortString(m0, m12, 10, 0, 1)
  if not counts.has_key(sstring):
    counts[sstring] = 0
    countsPP[sstring] = {}

  if not countsPP[sstring].has_key(pcode):
    countsPP[sstring][pcode] = 0
if not small:
  pickle.dump(counts,     open("/data/schoef/efficiencies/msugra_counts.pkl", 'wb'))
  print "Written", "/data/schoef/efficiencies/msugra_counts.pkl"
  pickle.dump(countsPP,   open("/data/schoef/efficiencies/msugra_countsPP.pkl", 'wb'))
  print "Written", "/data/schoef/efficiencies/msugra_countsPP.pkl"
Example #3
for nEvent in range(0, nev):
    if (nEvent % 10000 == 0) and i > 0:
        print nEvent

    m0 = getValue(c, "msugraM0")
    m12 = getValue(c, "msugraM12")
    #    tanb    =      getValue( c, "msugraTanbeta")
    #    A0      =      getValue( c, "msugraA0")
    #    signMu  =      getValue( c, "msugraSignMu")
    btag0 = getValue(c, "btag0")
    btag1 = getValue(c, "btag1")
    ht = getValue(c, "ht")
    barepfMet = getValue(c, "barepfmet")
    ileaf = c.GetLeaf("ints_pfRA4Tupelizer_sparticles_PAT.obj")
    pcode = productionCode([int(ileaf.GetValue(0)), int(ileaf.GetValue(1))])
    #    sstring = getMSUGRAShortString(m0, m12, tanb, A0, signMu)
    sstring = getMSUGRAShortString(m0, m12, 10, 0, 1)
    for bj in bjetbins.keys():
        for lhbin in binningHT:
            for lmbin in binningMET:
                if not LO_efficiency[bj][lhbin][lmbin].has_key(sstring):
                    LO_efficiency[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0
                    LO_events[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0
                    NLO_efficiency[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0
                    NLO_events[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = 0

                if not efficiencyPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin].has_key(sstring):
                    efficiencyPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = {}
                    LO_eventsPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = {}
                    NLO_eventsPP[bj][lhbin][lmbin][sstring] = {}
Example #4
c.Draw(">>eList", "(1)")
eList = ROOT.gROOT.Get("eList")
print "Total # of Events in Count-Scan:", eList.GetN()

nev = eList.GetN()
if maxEvents > 0:
    nev = min(maxEvents, eList.GetN())
for nEvent in range(0, nev):
    if (nEvent % 10000 == 0):
        print nEvent

    m0 = getValue(c, "msugraM0")
    m12 = getValue(c, "msugraM12")
    pcode = productionCode(
        [getValue(c, "sparticle0"),
         getValue(c, "sparticle1")])
    sstring = getMSUGRAShortString(m0, m12, 10, 0, 1)
    if not counts.has_key(sstring):
        counts[sstring] = 0
        countsPP[sstring] = {}

    if not countsPP[sstring].has_key(pcode):
        countsPP[sstring][pcode] = 0
    counts[sstring] += 1
    countsPP[sstring][pcode] += 1
if not small:
                open("/data/schoef/efficiencies/msugra_counts.pkl", 'wb'))
    print "Written", "/data/schoef/efficiencies/msugra_counts.pkl"