def visualize_result_ratio_study(fileName, ratio, name, mode):
    net, demand, node, features = load_network_data(name)
    #Loading the flow per link resulting from frank-wolfe
    f = np.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=',', skiprows=0)

    #Location of the features
    featureLocation = 'data/' + name + '_net.txt'
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = extract_features(featureLocation)

    #Multiply the flow obtained by 4000 since we initially divided by 4000 before frank-wolfs
    f = np.divide(f * 4000, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)

    #creates color array used to visulized the links
    #values useful in differenciating links based of flow on links
    color = 2.0 * f + 1.0

    #Keeping track of the percentage of congestion
    links_congested = len(color[np.where(color >= 3)])
    percentage_of_congestion = float(links_congested) / float(len(color))
    print("congestion is at %3f " % percentage_of_congestion)

        ratio, links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'],
        color, name, mode)
def visualize_LA_result_Scenario_Study(fileName, ratio):
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    f = np.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    #features[:,:3] = extract_features('data/ChicagoRegional_net.txt')
    f = np.divide(f * 4000, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)
    #creates color array used to visulized the links
    #values useful in differenciating links based of flow on links
    color = 2.0 * f + 1.0

    #Keeping track of the percentage of congestion
    links_congested = len(color[np.where(color >= 3)])
    percentage_of_congestion = float(links_congested) / float(len(color))
    print("congestion is at %3f " % percentage_of_congestion)
        ratio, links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'],