def validate_auto_graph_changes_applied(coverage_name, default_coverage_name, default_cov_prev_sop_date, docker_client,
                                        navitia_docker_compose_file_path, navitia_docker_compose_file_name,
    Validate that the new default coverage returns results for heat map query for current_start_service_date (as in dates file
    or gtfs date) and that secondary-cov has results for the previous production date of the default.

    :param default_coverage_name: The coverage that gets a new (usually more recent) start of production date
    :param secondary_custom_coverage_name: The coverage that gets a the original default_coverage start of production date
    :param default_cov_sop_date: start of production date of original default coverage (before changes applied)
    :return: whether the graph changes were applied
    current_start_service_date = dt.strptime(process_date.get_date_now(), "%Y%m%d")

    if cfg.ttm_server_on == "aws_ec2":
        time_map_server_url = cfg.time_map_server_aws_url
        time_map_server_url = cfg.time_map_server_local_url

    # Check that the current default coverage is up-to-date by comparing sop dates

    start_navitia_with_single_coverage(navitia_docker_compose_file_path, navitia_docker_compose_default_file_name,
                                       default_coverage_name, False)

    if not check_prod_date_is_valid_using_heat_map(time_map_server_url, default_coverage_name,
        _log.error("The %s coverage seems not to be up-to-date following update attempts.", default_coverage_name)
        return False
    else:"%s coverage is up-to-date with production date %s", default_coverage_name,

    # Check that the coverage_name (the previous one) is up-to-date by comparing sop dates

    is_up = start_navitia_with_single_coverage(navitia_docker_compose_file_path, navitia_docker_compose_file_name,
                                       coverage_name, False)
    if not is_up:
        _log.error("The %s coverage seems not to be up", coverage_name)
    cov_sop_date = get_coverage_start_production_date(coverage_name)
    if cov_sop_date == "":"If this is the first time you're running Transit Analyst Israel data processing, you need to "
                  "copy the generated default.nav.lz4 graph to secondary-cov.nav.lz4 - See docs.")
        return True

    if not check_prod_date_is_valid_using_heat_map(time_map_server_url, coverage_name,
        _log.error("The %s coverage seems not to be up-to-date following update attempts.\nA call for heat map data with"
                   " %s date returned no results", coverage_name, current_start_service_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
        return False"%s coverage is now updated with new start-of-production date %s. "
              "Can be accessed via %s%s", coverage_name, current_start_service_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), time_map_server_url,
    return True
def gtfs_unzip():
    Unzip GTFS and remove BOM charcters that interrupt with reasing the file
    :param _log:
        processdate = process_date.get_date_now()
        gtfs_zip_file_name = cfg.gtfsdirbase + processdate + ".zip"
        unzip_gtfs(gtfs_zip_file_name, cfg.gtfspath, _log)
            os.path.join(cfg.gtfspath, cfg.gtfsdirbase + processdate))
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
def validate_graph_changes_applied(coverage_name):
    Validate that the coverage has a different start of production date different from before
    current_start_service_date = process_date.get_date_now()

    if cfg.ttm_server_on == "aws_ec2":
        time_map_server_url = cfg.time_map_server_aws_url
        time_map_server_url = cfg.time_map_server_local_url

    cov_sop_date = get_coverage_start_production_date(coverage_name)
    if cov_sop_date == "" or not check_prod_date_is_valid_using_heat_map(time_map_server_url, coverage_name,
        _log.error("The %s coverage seems not to be up-to-date following update attempts."
                   "\n A call for heat map data with %s date returned no results",
                   coverage_name, current_start_service_date)
        return False"%s coverage is now updated with new start-of-production date %s\n."
              "Can be accessed via %s%s", coverage_name, current_start_service_date, time_map_server_url,
    return True
def get_config_params():
    Reads monthly_update_config_params.conf file and returns the configuration parameters
    :return: configuration parameters
    # Get parameters
    default_coverage_name = cfg.default_coverage_name
    secondary_custom_coverage_name = cfg.secondary_custom_coverage_name
    # navitia_docker_compose_file_name = "docker-israel-custom-instances.yml"-needed only when 2 coverages should be up
    # Currently we only bring up one coverage and it's always the previous month to be aligned with past and current
    # websites. The regular coverage (most current) file is: "docker-compose.yml"
    coverage_name = secondary_custom_coverage_name
    navitia_docker_compose_file_name = "docker-compose-secondary-cov.yml"
    navitia_docker_compose_default_file_name =  "docker-compose.yml"
    navitia_docker_compose_file_path = Path(os.getcwd()).parent.parent / "navitia-docker-compose" / "compose_files"
    if cfg.get_service_date == "on_demand":
        navitia_docker_compose_file_name = "navitia-docker-ondemand-" + cfg.gtfsdate + ".yml"
        coverage_name = "ondemand-" + cfg.gtfsdate
    gtfs_file_path = Path(os.getcwd()).parent / cfg.gtfspath
    processdate = process_date.get_date_now()
    gtfs_zip_file_name = cfg.gtfsdirbase + processdate + ".zip"
    return default_coverage_name, coverage_name, navitia_docker_compose_file_path, navitia_docker_compose_file_name, \
           navitia_docker_compose_default_file_name, gtfs_file_path, gtfs_zip_file_name
Example #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# convert stopsinmuni_pre_edit.txt to stopsinmuni_post_edit.txt without any changes
# can be replaced with smart algorithem to deal with edge cases...
import transitanalystisrael_config as cfg
import process_date
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

processdate = process_date.get_date_now()

cwd = Path.cwd()

prefile = 'stopsinmuni_pre_edit_' + processdate + '.txt'
postfile = 'stopsinmuni_post_edit_' + processdate + '.txt'

os.chdir(cwd.parent / cfg.processedpath)
shutil.copy(prefile, postfile)
def get_gtfs_file_from_url_ftp(url, file_name_on_server, _log):
    Downloads a GTFS file from an FTP server to the working directory
    :param url: the FTP server URL that points to file's containing folder
    :param file_name_on_server: The file name on the FTP server
    :return: file name of the downloaded content in the working directory
    """"Going to download the latest GTFS from %s ", url)
    download_complete = False
    download_attempts = 1
    max_download_attemtps = 24

    while not download_complete:
        if not download_complete and 24 > download_attempts > 1:
                "%s is unreachable. Sleeping for 60 minutes and trying again. This is attempt %s out of "
                "%s attempts", url, download_attempts, max_download_attemtps)
            time.sleep(60 * 60)
        if not download_complete and download_attempts > 24:
                "%s is unreachable for more than 24 hours. Aborting update",
            raise Exception
        download_attempts += 1

            # Connect to FTP
            ftp = ftplib.FTP(url)
            # Get the GTFS time stamp and generate local file name, "israel20190225"
            file_lines = []
            size = 0

            local_file_name = cfg.gtfsdirbase
            processdate = process_date.get_date_now()
            ftp.dir("", file_lines.append)
            for line in file_lines:
                tokens = line.split(maxsplit=4)
                name = tokens[3]
                if name == file_name_on_server:
                    time_str = tokens[0]
                    actual_time = parser.parse(time_str)
                    local_file_name = local_file_name + processdate + ".zip"
                    size = float(tokens[2])

            pardir = Path(os.getcwd()).parent
            local_file_path_and_name = pardir / cfg.gtfspath / local_file_name
            # Generate a progress bar and download
            local_file = open(local_file_path_and_name, 'wb')
            pbar = createProgressBar(size)

            # Download
            global size_iterator
            size_iterator = 0
                "RETR " + file_name_on_server,
                lambda data, : file_write_update_progress_bar(
                    data, local_file, pbar))

            # Finish
            download_complete = True
  "Finished loading latest GTFS to: %s",
            return local_file_name

        except ftplib.all_errors as err:
            error_code = err.args[0]
            # file not found on server
            if error_code == 2:
                _log.error(file_name_on_server, "is not found on %s", url)
                raise err
            # Unvalid URL
            if error_code == 11001:
                _log.error("URL %s is not valid", url)