def HTCScheddFactory(URI, **kwargs):
	Return an interface for the GC-Schedd operations
	URI string
	       The URI of the Schedd to connect to
	adapter, scheme = ProcessAdapterFactory(URI, externalSchemes=["spool"])
	if not adapter:
		raise NotImplementedError("Schedd interfacing via methods of scheme '%s' has not been implemented yet." % scheme)
	for HTCSchedd in [ HTCScheddLocal, HTCScheddSSH ]:
		if adapter.getType() in HTCSchedd.adapterTypes:
			return HTCSchedd(URI = URI, adapter = adapter, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, URI="", adapter = None, parentPool = None):
		URI string
		       URI from which to construct an adapter if none given
		adapter ProcessAdapterInterface
		       adapter to use for issuing schedd commands
		parentPool HTCondorWMS
		       pool WMS the schedd belongs to
		self._log(logging.INFO1, "Establishing HTC Schedd adapter of type %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
		if adapter:
			self._adapter = adapter
			self._adapter, _ = ProcessAdapterFactory(URI, externalSchemes=["spool"])
		self._URI = URI or self._adapter.getURI()
		assert self._adapter != None, "Bug! Schedd initialization with invalid adapter data."
		assert adapter.getType() in self.adapterTypes, "Bug! Got adapter of type '%s', expected '%s'" % (adapter.getType(), "' or '".join(self.adapterType))
		self.parentPool = parentPool
class HTCScheddBase(Plugin):
	Base Interface for interactions with a Schedd
	adapterTypes = []
	_submitScale = 0
	_adapterMaxWait   = 10
	def __init__(self, URI="", adapter = None, parentPool = None):
		URI string
		       URI from which to construct an adapter if none given
		adapter ProcessAdapterInterface
		       adapter to use for issuing schedd commands
		parentPool HTCondorWMS
		       pool WMS the schedd belongs to
		self._log(logging.INFO1, "Establishing HTC Schedd adapter of type %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
		if adapter:
			self._adapter = adapter
			self._adapter, _ = ProcessAdapterFactory(URI, externalSchemes=["spool"])
		self._URI = URI or self._adapter.getURI()
		assert self._adapter != None, "Bug! Schedd initialization with invalid adapter data."
		assert adapter.getType() in self.adapterTypes, "Bug! Got adapter of type '%s', expected '%s'" % (adapter.getType(), "' or '".join(self.adapterType))
		self.parentPool = parentPool

	def getDomain(self):
		return self._adapter.getDomain()
	def getURI(self):
		return self._URI

	# public interfaces for HTC Pool/WMS
	def submitJobs(self, jobNumList, task, queryArguments):
		Submit a batch of jobs from the sandbox
		JobInfoMaps  { HTCJobID : InfoData,...]
		       Sequence of per job information
		raise AbstractError

	def checkJobs(self, htcIDs, queryArguments):
		Get the status of a number of jobs
		htcIDs [HTCJobID, ...]
		JobInfoMapMaps  { HTCJobID : InfoData,...]
		       Sequence of per checked job information maps
		raise AbstractError

	def getJobsOutput(self, htcIDs):
		Return output of a finished job to the sandbox
		htcIDs [HTCJobID, ...]
		ReturnedJobs  [HTCJobID,...]
		       Sequence of retrieved jobs
		raise AbstractError

	def cancelJobs(self, htcIDs):
		Cancel/Abort/Delete a number of jobs
		htcIDs [HTCJobID, ...]
		ReturnedJobs  [HTCJobID,...]
		       Sequence of removed jobs"""
		raise AbstractError

	def getTimings(self):
		"""Return suggested Idle/Active polling interval"""
		return utils.Result(waitOnIdle = 60, waitBetweenSteps = 10)

	def getCanSubmit(self):
		"""Return whether submission to this Schedd is possible"""
		return ( self._adapter.LoggedExecute("which condor_submit").wait(timeout = self._adapterMaxWait) == 0 )
	def getSubmitScale(self):
		"""Return number of jobs to submit as one batch"""
		return self._submitScale

	def getHTCVersion(self):
		"""Return the version of the attached HTC installation as tuple(X,Y,Z)"""
		raise AbstractError

	# internal interfaces for HTC Schedds
	def getStagingDir(self, htcID = None, taskID = None):
		"""Return path in the Schedd domain where HTC picks up and returns files"""
		raise AbstractError
	def cleanStagingDir(self, htcID = None, taskID = None):
		"""Clean path in the Schedd domain where HTC picks up and returns files"""
		raise AbstractError

	def _getBaseJDLData(self, task, queryArguments):
		"""Create a sequence of default attributes for a submission JDL"""
		jdlData = [
			'+submitTool              = "GridControl (version %s)"' % utils.getVersion(),
			'should_transfer_files    = YES',
			'when_to_transfer_output  = ON_EXIT',
			'periodic_remove          = (JobStatus == 5 && HoldReasonCode != 16)',
			'environment              = CONDOR_WMS_DASHID=https://%s:/$(Cluster).$(Process)' % self.parentPool.wmsName,
			'Universe                 = %s' % self.parentPool._jobSettings["Universe"],	# TODO: Unhack me
			'+GcID                    = "%s"' % self.parentPool._createGcId(
					gcJobNum  = '$(GcJobNum)',
					gcTaskID  = task.taskID,
					clusterID = '$(Cluster)',
					procID    = '$(Process)',
					scheddURI = self.getURI(),
					typed     = False)
			'+GcJobNumToWmsID         = "$(GcJobNum)@$(Cluster).$(Process)"',
			'+GcJobNumToGcID          = "$(GcJobNum)@$(GcID)"',
			'Log                      = %s' % os.path.join(self.getStagingDir(), 'gcJobs.log'),
			'job_ad_information_attrs = %s' %','.join([ arg for arg in queryArguments if arg not in ['JobStatus']]),
		for key in queryArguments:
				# is this a match string? '+JOB_GLIDEIN_Entry_Name = "$$(GLIDEIN_Entry_Name:Unknown)"' -> MATCH_GLIDEIN_Entry_Name = "CMS_T2_DE_RWTH_grid-ce2" && MATCH_EXP_JOB_GLIDEIN_Entry_Name = "CMS_T2_DE_RWTH_grid-ce2"
				jdlData['Head']['+JOB_%s'%matchKey] = "$$(%s:Unknown)" % matchKey
			except AttributeError:
		for line in self.parentPool._jobSettings["ClassAd"]:
			jdlData.append( '+' + line )
		for line in self.parentPool._jobSettings["JDL"]:
			jdlData.append( line )
		return jdlData
		return jdlData

	def _getRequirementJdlData(self, task, jobNum):
		"""Create JDL attributes corresponding to job requirements"""
		jdlData      = []
		requirements = task.getRequirements(jobNum)
		poolRequMap  = self.parentPool.jdlRequirementMap
		for reqType, reqValue in requirements:
			if reqType == WMS.SITES:
				(wantSites, vetoSites) = utils.splitBlackWhiteList(reqValue[1])
				if "+SITES" in poolRequMap:
					jdlData.append( '%s = "%s"' % (
						poolRequMap["+SITES"][1] % ','.join(wantSites)
				if "-SITES" in poolRequMap:
					jdlData.append( '%s = "%s"' % (
						poolRequMap["-SITES"][1] % ','.join(vetoSites)
			if reqType == WMS.STORAGE:
				if ("STORAGE" in poolRequMap) and reqValue > 0:
					jdlData.append( '%s = %s ' % (
						poolRequMap["STORAGE"][1] % ','.join(reqValue)
			if reqValue > 0 and WMS.reqTypes[reqType] in poolRequMap:
				jdlData.append( "%s = %s" % (
					poolRequMap[WMS.reqTypes[reqType]][1] % reqValue
				if int(reqValue) <= 0:
			except TypeError:
			self._log(logging.INFO3, "Requirement '%s' cannot be mapped to pool and will be ignored!" % WMS.reqTypes[reqType])
		return jdlData

	# GC internals
	def _initLogger(self):
		self._logger = logging.getLogger('backend.htcschedd.%s' % self.__name__)
		self._log = self._logger.log