Example #1
    def addCoords(self, gpsfile):
        self.info("Adding GPS coordinates from file: %s ..." % gpsfile)
        gps = GPS(projection='UTM', utmzone='33')

        if os.path.splitext(gpsfile)[1] == '.mat':
        gps.interpolateProj(self.traces * self.nstacks)
        if self.nstacks > 1:
        self.coords = gps
        self.hascoords = True
Example #2
    def addCoords(self, projection="PS71", utmzone=None, gpsfile=None):
        '''Convenient function:
        Reads GPS coordinates from file and
        interpolates x,y,z coordinates in the specified projection to each trace.
        if gpsfile == None:
            gpsfile = self.filename + '.cor'
        cor = GPS(projection, utmzone=utmzone)
        cor.readCOR(gpsfile, correction='HUBRA')
        cor.interpolateProj(self.traces * self.nstacks)
        if self.nstacks > 1:
        self.coords = cor

        #        if projection == "PS71":
        #            proj_describe = 'Polar Stereographic Coordinates (lat_ts=-71)'
        #        elif projection == "UTM":
        #            proj_describe = "Universal Trans-Mercator, Zone %s" % utmzone
        #        else:
        #            proj_describe = "Lat/Long Degrees"

        self.hascoords = True
Example #3
class GPR:
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize GPR class and set global variables.
        self.eps0 = 8.85418782e-12  #: permittivity of free space [m-3 kg-1 s4 A2]
        self.mu0 = 1.2566371e-6  #: permeability  of free space [H/m]
        self.c0 = 0.299792458  #: speed of light in m/ns
        self.cmed = 0.23  #: speed in bulk medium in m/ns

        self.data = None
        self.samples = None
        self.deltaT = 0
        self.ylabel = "Time"

        self.nstacks = 1
        self.hascoords = False
        self.filename = ""
        self.cmin = 0.0
        self.cmax = 1.0
        self.procext = '_org'  #: added to the filename when saved to avoid file deletion
        self.procstring = ""
        self.proclog = []  #: lists the processing steps in detail

    def parameters(self):

    def info(self, text):
        Writes info text to standard out.
        @todo: Set up for logging and H5.history.
        self.procstring = text[:-4]

    def done(self):
        sys.stdout.write(' Done!')
        print ""

    def log(self):
        HomeDir = os.path.expanduser('~')
        log_file = os.path.join(HomeDir, "processing.log")
        logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.INFO)

    def writeBin(self, filename):
        self.info('Writing data to file %s ...' % filename)
        self.data.tofile(filename)  # data will be written in 'double' format

    def writeAscii(self, filename):
        from scipy.io import write_array

        self.info('Writing data to file: ' + filename + '.asc')
        write_array(filename + ".asc", np.transpose(self.data[1:-1, :]), separator=' ', linesep='\n')

    def writeH5(self, filename):
        self.info('Writing data to file: %s.h5 ...' % filename)
        if np.dtype(self.data[0, 0]) != 'float32':
            self.data = self.data.astype('float32')
        h5file = tables.openFile(filename + '.h5', mode='w', title='GPR data file')
        profile = h5file.createGroup(h5file.root, 'profile', 'GPR profile ' + filename)
        h5file.createArray(profile, 'traces', self.data, 'GPR traces')

        if self.hascoords:
            coordinates = h5file.createGroup(h5file.root, 'coordinates', 'Polar Stereographic coordinates (lat_ts=-71)')
            h5file.createArray(coordinates, 'Y', self.coords.y, 'Trace y location')
            h5file.createArray(coordinates, 'X', self.coords.x, 'Trace x location')
            h5file.createArray(coordinates, 'Elevation', self.coords.elev, 'Trace elevation')
            h5file.createArray(coordinates, 'Distance', self.coords.dist,
                               'Distance from previous trace')  # NEEDS TO BE RECALCULATED AFTER SATACK

        h5file.root.profile._v_attrs.polarity = self.PP
        print h5file

    def saveH5(self, filename):
        from processgpr.core.h5file import H5FILE

        h5file = H5FILE()
        h5file.new(filename, self.data.shape)
        if self.hascoords:

    def readH5(self, filename, tracemin=0, tracemax=-1,
               samplemin=0, samplemax=-1, roffset=0.0):
        Reads GPR data files in HDF5 format that have been created by L{writeH5}.
        @param filename: The name of the input file.
        @param tracemin: The first trace to used.
        @param tracemax: The last trace to be used.
        @param samplemin: The first sample to be used.
        @param samplemax: The last sample to be used.
        @param roffset: The offset in meters between I{samplemin} and the\

        self.info('Reading data from file: %s ...' % filename)
        ''' Get data '''
        self.filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        h5file = tables.openFile(filename, mode='r')
            self.totalsamples, self.totaltraces = h5file.root.data.traces.shape
        except AttributeError:
            self.totalsamples, self.totaltraces = h5file.root.profile.traces.shape
        print "\n Total", self.totalsamples, self.totaltraces
        if tracemax == -1:
            tracemax = self.totaltraces
        if samplemax == -1:
            samplemax = self.totalsamples

        self.samplendx = np.arange(samplemin, samplemax)
        #        print self.samplendx.shape
        self.tracendx = np.arange(tracemin, tracemax + 1)
        #        print self.tracendx
            self.data = h5file.root.data.traces[samplemin:samplemax,
            self.samples, self.traces = np.shape(self.data)
        except AttributeError:
            self.data = h5file.root.profile.traces[samplemin:samplemax,
                        tracemin:tracemax]  # old format
            self.samples, self.traces = np.shape(self.data)
        if h5file.root.__contains__('coordinates'):
            self.hascoords = True
            self.coords = GPS()
            self.coords.y = h5file.root.coordinates.Y[tracemin:tracemax]
            self.coords.x = h5file.root.coordinates.X[tracemin:tracemax]
            self.coords.elev = h5file.root.coordinates.Elevation[tracemin:tracemax]
            self.d = np.linspace(0, np.add.reduce(self.coords.dist), self.traces)
            print "WARNING: No coordinates found"
            self.gatefreq = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.gatefreq
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Gating frequency not defined"
            self.nstacks = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.nstacks
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Number of stacks not defined"
            self.deltaT = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.deltaT
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Time increment not defined"
            self.cmed = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.cmed
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Medium velocity not defined"
        ''' Set parameters '''
        if samplemax == -1:
            samplemax = self.samples
        #        self.t = self.deltaT*self.samplendx*1e9
        self.t = np.arange(0.0, self.deltaT * self.samples, self.deltaT) * 1e9
        self.r = (self.t * self.cmed / 2.0) + roffset

    def applyWindow(self, window="hanning", ww=0, cf=0):
        Apply window function to frequency domain data
        cf: the frequency the window is centered over [Hz]
        ww: the window width [Hz], if ww equals 0 the window covers the full range
        self.info("Applying %s window ..." % window)
        if window == "hanning":
            if ww == 0:
                w = np.hanning(self.numfreq)
                pos = int((cf - self.lowF) / self.deltaF)
                halfwidth = int(ww / (2.0 * self.deltaF))
                w = np.zeros(self.numfreq)
                w[pos - halfwidth:pos + halfwidth] = np.hanning(2 * halfwidth)
        elif window == "hamming":
            if ww == 0:
                w = np.hamming(self.numfreq)
                pos = int((cf - self.lowF) / self.deltaF)
                halfwidth = int(ww / (2.0 * self.deltaF))
                w = np.zeros(self.numfreq)
                w[pos - halfwidth:pos + halfwidth] = np.hamming(2 * halfwidth)
        elif window == "blackman":
            if ww == 0:
                w = np.blackman(self.numfreq)
                pos = int((cf - self.lowF) / self.deltaF)
                halfwidth = int(ww / (2.0 * self.deltaF))
                w = np.zeros(self.numfreq)
                w[pos - halfwidth:pos + halfwidth] = np.blackman(2 * halfwidth)
        self.data = self.data * w

    def zeropad(self):
        Zero-pad to move samples to the correct position in the FD
        self.info("Zero-padding ...")
        tmparray = np.zeros((self.traces, self.Nfft), dtype=np.float32)
        for trace in xrange(self.traces):
            tmparray[trace, self.nstart:self.nstart + self.numfreq] = self.data[trace, :]
        self.data = tmparray
        self.numfreqpadded = self.data.shape[1]
        del (tmparray)

    def applyFFT(self, wdir=os.getcwd(), envelope=True):
        FFT transfers the FD data to TD data
        self.info("Applying FFT ...")
        workfile = os.path.join(wdir, "tmp" + os.path.basename(self.filename) + ".dat")
        fid = open(workfile, "wb")
        if envelope:
            for trace in xrange(self.traces):
                np.abs(fft.fft(self.data[trace])).tofile(fid)  # envelope
            for trace in xrange(self.traces):
                np.real(fft.fft(self.data[trace])).tofile(fid)  # incl. phase

        fid = open(workfile, "rb")
        try:  # Zero-padding applied
            self.data = np.zeros((self.numfreqpadded, self.traces), dtype=np.float32)
            for i in range(self.traces):
                fid.seek(self.numfreqpadded * i * 8)
                self.data[:, i] = np.fromfile(fid, "<f8", self.numfreqpadded)
        except AttributeError:  # Zero-padding not applied
            self.data = np.zeros((self.numfreq, self.traces), dtype=np.float32)
            for i in range(self.traces):
                fid.seek(self.numfreq * i * 8)
                self.data[:, i] = np.fromfile(fid, "<f8", self.numfreq)

        self.samples = self.data.shape[0]
        self.traces = self.data.shape[1]
        self.t = np.arange(0, self.deltaT * self.samples, self.deltaT) * 1e9  #: time axis in ns
        self.r = self.t * self.cmed / 2.0  #: range axis in m

    def stackTraces(self, nstacks=2):
        Stack "nstacks" traces in time domain.
        self.info('Stacking profile over %s traces ...' % nstacks)
        newtraces = int(self.traces / nstacks)
        S = np.zeros((self.samples, newtraces), np.dtype(self.data[0, 0]))
        n = 0
        for i in range(newtraces):
            S[:, i] = np.mean(self.data[:, n:n + nstacks], axis=1)
            if n + nstacks <= self.traces:
                n = n + nstacks
        self.data = S
        self.traces = newtraces
            tracendxmin = int(self.tracendx.min() / nstacks)
            tracendxmax = int(self.tracendx.min() / nstacks) + newtraces
            self.tracendx = np.arange(tracendxmin, tracendxmax + 1)
        except AttributeError:
            self.tracendx = np.arange(self.traces)
        if self.hascoords:
        self.procext += '_stk'
        self.nstacks = nstacks

    def prestackTraces(self, nstacks=2):
        Pre-stack "nstacks" traces in frequency domain.
        self.info('Pre-stacking profile over %s traces ...' % nstacks)
        newtraces = int(self.traces / nstacks)
        S = np.zeros((newtraces, self.numfreq), np.dtype(self.data[0, 0]))
        n = 0
        for i in range(newtraces):
            S[i, :] = np.mean(self.data[n:n + nstacks, :], axis=0)
            if n + nstacks <= self.traces:
                n = n + nstacks
        self.data = S
        self.traces = newtraces

        #        if self.hascoords:
        #            self.coords.stackCoords(self.traces)
        self.procext += '_prestk'
        self.nstacks = nstacks

    def clip(self):
        Clips unwanted neg. values.
        self.data = np.clip(self.data, 0.0, self.data.max())

    def reverse_profile(self):
        ''' Flips the profile left to right '''
        self.info('Flipping profile...')
        self.data = np.fliplr(self.data)

    def power_phase(self, data):
        mask = data < 0.0
        tmpdata = data ** 2
        tmpdata[mask] = -tmpdata[mask]
        return tmpdata

    def backgroundRemoval(self):
        self.info('Applying background removal ...')
        med = np.mean(self.data, axis=1)
        for i in range(self.traces):
            self.data[:, i] = self.data[:, i] - med
        self.procext = '_bkg'

    def subtractMean(self, Lhalf=50):
        self.info('Subtracting mean over %4.0f traces...' % (Lhalf * 2))
        reftrace = self.data[:, 70]
        tmp_data = np.zeros(self.data.shape)
        med_first = np.mean(self.data[:, 0:2 * Lhalf], axis=1)
        med_last = np.mean(self.data[:, self.traces - (2 * Lhalf):self.traces], axis=1)
        med = []
        for i in range(self.traces):
            if i < Lhalf:
                tmp_data[:, i] = self.data[:, i] - med_first
            elif i > self.traces - Lhalf:
                tmp_data[:, i] = self.data[:, i] - med_last
            elif Lhalf <= i <= (self.traces - Lhalf):
                print i - Lhalf, i, i + Lhalf
                med.append(np.mean(self.data[:, (i - Lhalf):(i + Lhalf + 1)], axis=1))
                tmp_data[:, i] = self.data[:, i] - med[-1]
        self.data = tmp_data
        self.procext = '_sbt'
        import pylab

        #        pylab.plot(med_first)
        #        pylab.plot(med_last)
        #        pylab.plot(med[50])
        pylab.plot(self.data[:, 70])


    def linearGain(self, maxgain=1.2):
        self.info('Applying linear gain (Max. Gain = %2.2f) ...' % maxgain)
        gain = np.linspace(1.0, maxgain, self.samples)
        for i in range(self.traces):
            self.data[:, i] *= gain
        self.procext = '_lg'

    def compensateSpread(self, a=2.0, power=True):
        self.info('Compensating for spreading losses (simple) ...')
        r = self.r
        r.shape = (r.shape[0], 1)
        if power:
            self.data = (self.data ** 2) * r ** a
            self.data = self.data * np.sqrt(r ** a)

    def compensateVol(self, h0=0.65, ba=61.0, power=True, view=False):
        ''' From Davis and Poznyak, IEEE Trans., 1993 '''
        self.info('Compensating for volume spreading ...')
        beamangle = np.deg2rad(ba) / 2.0
        dr = self.deltaT * self.cmed * (1.0e9 / 2.0)  # depth increment
        Vs = 2 * np.pi * (1 - np.cos(beamangle)) / 3 * ((h0 + self.r + dr) ** 3 - (h0 + self.r) ** 3)
        r = self.r
        r.shape = (r.size, 1)
        Vs.shape = (Vs.size, 1)
        gain = 1.0 / Vs
        if view == True:
            from pylab import show, plot, xlabel, ylabel

            plot(self.t, gain)
            xlabel("Time [ns]")
            ylabel("Volume spreading correction")

        # One has to make sure that the traces start at the surface and not at the antenna
        # otherwise the initial height h0 needs to be corrected.
        if power:
            self.data = (self.data ** 2 * gain)
            self.data = (self.data * gain)

    def compensateVolSpread(self, h0=0.65, ba=61.0, power=True, view=False):
        ''' From Davis and Poznyak, IEEE Trans., 1993 '''
        self.info('Compensating for volume spreading losses ...')
        beamangle = np.deg2rad(ba) / 2.0
        dr = self.deltaT * self.cmed * (1.0e9 / 2.0)  # depth increment
        Vs = 2 * np.pi * (1 - np.cos(beamangle)) / 3 * ((h0 + self.r + dr) ** 3 - (h0 + self.r) ** 3)
        r = self.r
        r.shape = (r.size, 1)
        Vs.shape = (Vs.size, 1)

        if view == True:
            from pylab import show, plot, xlabel, ylabel

            if power:
                plot(self.t, ((h0 + r) ** 4 / Vs))
                plot(self.t, ((h0 + r) ** 2 / np.sqrt(Vs)))
            xlabel("Time [ns]")
            ylabel("Volume spreading correction")

        # One has to make sure that the traces start at the surface and not at the antenna
        # otherwise the initial height h0 needs to be corrected.
        if power:
            self.data = (self.data ** 2 * ((h0 + r) ** 4 / Vs))
            self.data = (self.data * ((h0 + r) ** 2 / np.sqrt(Vs)))

    def equalizeTraces(self):
        '''Calculates the mean value of the whole array and adjust each trace to have this mean value'''
        self.info('Equalizing traces ...')
        ndx = np.argwhere(self.data != np.nan)
        sum = np.nansum(self.data)
        s = np.shape(ndx)
        allmean = sum / (s[0] * s[1])
        print allmean
        for i in range(self.traces):
            tndx = np.argwhere(self.data[:, i] != np.nan)
            tsum = np.nansum(self.data[:, i])
            ts = np.shape(tndx)
            tmean = tsum / (ts[0] * ts[1])
            diff = allmean - tmean
            #            print allmean, tmean, diff, ts
            self.data[:, i] += diff
        self.procext = '_eqz'

    def distanceStack(self, distint=25.0):
        Bins traces with regard to there distance from each other.
        Apply on raw data file that were converted to the time domain!
        dist is an array that contains the distances between the traces - distEach output from GPSprofile.correctTraceNo()
        distint is the distance interval over which traces should be stacked 
        self.info('Averaging traces over %f meter ...' % distint)
        averaged = []
        avglat = []
        avglong = []
        avgelev = []
        m = 0
        stackint = 0.0
        #        print self.traces
        for n in range(self.traces):
            if stackint + self.coords.dist[n] < distint:
                stackint = stackint + self.coords.dist[n]
            #                print stackint
                averaged.append(np.mean(self.data[:, m:n], axis=1))
                avglat.append(np.mean(self.coords.y[m:n], axis=0))
                avglong.append(np.mean(self.coords.x[m:n], axis=0))
                avgelev.append(np.mean(self.coords.elev[m:n], axis=0))
                m = n
                stackint = 0.0
            #        print m, np.add.reduce(self.coords.dist[m:-1])
        averaged.append(np.mean(self.data[:, m:-1], axis=1))
        avglat.append(np.mean(self.coords.y[m:-1], axis=0))
        avglong.append(np.mean(self.coords.x[m:-1], axis=0))
        avgelev.append(np.mean(self.coords.elev[m:-1], axis=0))
        self.data = np.transpose(np.asarray(averaged))
        self.coords.y = np.asarray(avglat)
        self.coords.x = np.asarray(avglong)
        self.coords.elev = np.asarray(avgelev)
        self.traces = np.shape(self.data)[1]
        self.procext = '_dstk'

    def removeTraces(self, remove, extend=True):
        Removes traces defined in array 'remove' in Tdata!
        NEEDS to be updated to remove the correct traces in the HDF file, too.
        if extend:
            remove = np.arange(remove[0], remove[1] + 1)
        self.info('Removing %i traces ...' % len(remove))
        old_tracendx = self.tracendx
        R = np.delete(self.data, remove, axis=1)
        if self.hascoords:
            Rx = np.delete(self.coords.x, remove, axis=0)
            Ry = np.delete(self.coords.y, remove, axis=0)
            Relev = np.delete(self.coords.elev, remove, axis=0)
        self.data = R
        self.traces = np.shape(self.data)[1]
        tracendxmin = int(self.tracendx.min())
        tracendxmax = tracendxmin + self.traces
        self.tracendx = np.arange(tracendxmin, tracendxmax + 1)
        if self.hascoords:
            self.coords.x = Rx
            self.coords.y = Ry
            self.coords.elev = Relev
        print "Removed traces: %i-%i" % (old_tracendx[remove[0]], old_tracendx[remove[-1]])

    def staticCorrection(self, s):
        Removes all samples above I{s}. Used to clip the data before the 
        direct wave.
        @param s: Number of samples to be removed from top.
        @type s: Integer
        self.info('Applying static correction ...')
        self.data = self.data[s:-1, :]
        self.samples = np.shape(self.data)[0]
        self.t = np.arange(0, self.deltaT * self.samples, self.deltaT) * self.BW
        self.r = self.t * self.cmed / 2.0
        self.procext = '_scor'

    def envelope(self):
        Computes the envelope of the traces using the Hilbert transform. 
        from scipy.fftpack import hilbert

        self.info('Applying Hilbert transform ...')
        for trace in range(self.traces):
            self.data[:, trace] = np.abs(hilbert(self.data[:, trace]))

    def correctTopography(self, smoothit=False, sw=5):
        Places each trace at its correct elevation.
        @param smoothit: Bool(false), decides if the elevation values will be\
        @param sw: int(5) is the windowlength of the Hanning window
        self.info('Applying topography correction ...')
        if smoothit:
            from processgpr.util.smooth import smooth

            self.coords.elev = smooth(self.coords.elev, window_len=sw, window='hanning')
        if self.hascoords:
            zmin = self.coords.elev.min() - self.r[-1]
            zmax = self.coords.elev.max()
            dz = self.r[1] - self.r[0]
            zsamples = int((zmax - zmin) / dz + 1)
            tmpdata = np.ones((zsamples, self.traces)) * -9999.0
            for n in range(self.traces):
                zspos1 = int((zmax - self.coords.elev[n]) / dz)
                zspos2 = zspos1 + self.samples
                tmpdata[zspos1:zspos2, n] = self.data[:, n]
            self.data = tmpdata
            self.samples = zsamples
            self.e = np.flipud(np.arange(zmin, zmax, dz))
            self.ylabel = "Elevation"
            print "No elevation data found!"

    def get_phasecenter(self, amp_threshold=1.0, freq_range=[500, 3000],
                        stacked=1, save=False, view=False):
        Calculates the phase center along the profile.
        The phase center is -delta_phi/(2 delta_k) 
        delta_k = delta_f * c0 / (2pi)
        The factor 2 in front of delta_k is due to the measuring geometry - the wave travels the distance twice 
        self.info("Calculating the phase center for each trace ...")
        self.phasecenter = np.zeros((self.traces,))
        for n in range(self.traces):
            trace = TRACE(self.data[:, n], self.deltaT, Nfft=2 ** 15)
            trace.get_phasecenter(amp_threshold, freq_range, self.cmed)
            self.phasecenter[n] = trace.zphi
            if self.hascoords:
                scoords = self.coords
        if stacked > 1:
            from processgpr.util.congrid import congrid

            newlength = int(self.phasecenter.shape[0] / stacked)
            self.phasecenter = congrid(self.phasecenter, (newlength,))
            scoords = self.coords

        if save:
            if self.hascoords:
                np.savez('zphi_coords_' + self.filename, zphi=self.phasecenter,
                         x=scoords.x, y=scoords.y, z=scoords.elev)
                np.savez('zphi_' + self.filename, zphi=self.phasecenter)

        if view:
            from pylab import show, plot



    def get_penetrationdepth(self, save=False):
        Calculates the penetration depth for each trace.
        self.info("Calculating the penetration depth along profile ...")
        zp = []
        for trace in range(self.traces):
            T = TRACE(self.data[:, trace], self.deltaT)

        self.zp = np.asarray(zp, np.float32)
        if save:
            if self.hascoords:
                np.savez('zp_' + self.filename, zp=self.zp,
                         x=self.coords.x, y=self.coords.y, z=self.coords.elev)
                np.savez('zp_' + self.filename, zp=self.zp)

    def lin2dB(self, power=True):
        self.info('Converting to decibel ...')
        if power:
            self.data = (10 * np.log10(self.data))
        else:  # intensity needs to be squared: P = I^2
            self.data = (10 * np.log10(self.data ** 2))
        self.procext = '_dB'

    def dB2lin(self):
        self.info('Converting to linear power scale ...')
        self.data = 10. ** (self.data / 10.)
        self.procext = '_lin'

    def norm2max(self):
        self.info('Normalizing to maximum value (lin) ...')
        for n in range(self.traces):
            max_power = np.max(self.data[:, n])
            self.data[:, n] = self.data[:, n] / max_power
        self.procext = '_norm'

    def dBnorm2max(self):
        self.info('Normalizing to maximum value (dB) ...')
        for n in range(self.traces):
            max_power = np.max(self.data[:, n])
            self.data[:, n] = self.data[:, n] - max_power
        self.procext = '_dBnorm'

    def normalize(self):
        self.info('Normalizing linear scale ...')
        for n in range(self.traces):
            total_power = np.sum(self.data[:, n])
            self.data[:, n] = self.data[:, n] / total_power
        self.procext = '_norm'

    def dBnormalize(self):
        self.info('Normalizing dB scale ...')
        for n in range(self.traces):
            total_power = 10 * np.log10(np.add.reduce(10 ** (self.data[:, n] / 10.0)))
            self.data[:, n] = self.data[:, n] - total_power
        self.procext = '_dBnorm'

    def powerDecay(self):
        self.info('Estimating power decay ...')
        for n in range(self.traces):
            total_power = np.sum(self.data[:, n])
            z_power = np.cumsum(self.data[:, n])
            self.data[:, n] = (total_power - z_power) / total_power
        self.procext = '_Pdecay'

    def compensateExtinction(self, k0, A):
        self.info('Correcting extinction term ...')
        E = np.zeros_like(self.data)
        for n in range(self.traces):
            E[:, n] = np.exp((2 * k0[n] * self.r[:] + A[n] * self.r[:] ** 2))

        from pylab import show, imshow

        imshow(E, aspect='auto')

        self.data = 10.0 * np.log10(10.0 ** (self.data / 10.0) * E)

    def set_numfreq(self, val):
        self.numfreq = val
        self.deltaF = self.BW / (self.numfreq - 1)  #: sampling step in the frequency domain
        self.nstart = int(self.lowF / self.deltaF)
        self.deltaT = 1.0 / (self.deltaF * self.Nfft)  #: sampling in the time domain in [ns]
        if self.samples:
            self.t = np.arange(0, self.deltaT * self.samples, self.deltaT) * 1e9  #: time axis in ns
            self.r = self.t * self.cmed / 2.0  #: range axis in m

    def set_cmed(self, val):
        self.cmed = val
        self.r = self.t * self.cmed / 2.0
Example #4
    def readH5(self, filename, tracemin=0, tracemax=-1,
               samplemin=0, samplemax=-1, roffset=0.0):
        Reads GPR data files in HDF5 format that have been created by L{writeH5}.
        @param filename: The name of the input file.
        @param tracemin: The first trace to used.
        @param tracemax: The last trace to be used.
        @param samplemin: The first sample to be used.
        @param samplemax: The last sample to be used.
        @param roffset: The offset in meters between I{samplemin} and the\

        self.info('Reading data from file: %s ...' % filename)
        ''' Get data '''
        self.filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        h5file = tables.openFile(filename, mode='r')
            self.totalsamples, self.totaltraces = h5file.root.data.traces.shape
        except AttributeError:
            self.totalsamples, self.totaltraces = h5file.root.profile.traces.shape
        print "\n Total", self.totalsamples, self.totaltraces
        if tracemax == -1:
            tracemax = self.totaltraces
        if samplemax == -1:
            samplemax = self.totalsamples

        self.samplendx = np.arange(samplemin, samplemax)
        #        print self.samplendx.shape
        self.tracendx = np.arange(tracemin, tracemax + 1)
        #        print self.tracendx
            self.data = h5file.root.data.traces[samplemin:samplemax,
            self.samples, self.traces = np.shape(self.data)
        except AttributeError:
            self.data = h5file.root.profile.traces[samplemin:samplemax,
                        tracemin:tracemax]  # old format
            self.samples, self.traces = np.shape(self.data)
        if h5file.root.__contains__('coordinates'):
            self.hascoords = True
            self.coords = GPS()
            self.coords.y = h5file.root.coordinates.Y[tracemin:tracemax]
            self.coords.x = h5file.root.coordinates.X[tracemin:tracemax]
            self.coords.elev = h5file.root.coordinates.Elevation[tracemin:tracemax]
            self.d = np.linspace(0, np.add.reduce(self.coords.dist), self.traces)
            print "WARNING: No coordinates found"
            self.gatefreq = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.gatefreq
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Gating frequency not defined"
            self.nstacks = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.nstacks
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Number of stacks not defined"
            self.deltaT = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.deltaT
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Time increment not defined"
            self.cmed = h5file.root.data.traces.attrs.cmed
        except AttributeError:
            print "WARNING: Missing attribute - Medium velocity not defined"
        ''' Set parameters '''
        if samplemax == -1:
            samplemax = self.samples
        #        self.t = self.deltaT*self.samplendx*1e9
        self.t = np.arange(0.0, self.deltaT * self.samples, self.deltaT) * 1e9
        self.r = (self.t * self.cmed / 2.0) + roffset