def load(self, filename):
		"""Loads the font from a ``.dmd`` file (see :meth:`Animation.load`).
		Fonts are stored in .dmd files with frame 0 containing the bitmap data
		and frame 1 containing the character widths.  96 characters (32..127,
		ASCII printables) are stored in a 10x10 grid, starting with space (``' '``)
		in the upper left at 0, 0.  The character widths are stored in the second frame
		within the 'raw' bitmap data in bytes 0-95.
		if self.__anim.width != self.__anim.height:
			raise ValueError, "Width != height!"
		root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
		metrics_filename = root + ".metrics.json"
		self.metrics = None
		left = 0
		if os.path.exists(metrics_filename):
			with open(metrics_filename) as fp:
				self.metrics = json.load(fp)
			left = self.metrics.get("left", 0) = self.metrics.get("top", 0)
			self.margin_top = self.metrics.get("margin_top", 0)
			self.bottom = self.metrics.get("bottom", 0)
		elif len(self.__anim.frames) == 1:
			# We allow 1 frame for handmade fonts.
			# This is so that they can be loaded as a basic bitmap, have their char widths modified, and then be saved.
			print "Font animation file %s has 1 frame; adding one" % (filename)
			self.__anim.frames += [Frame(self.__anim.width, self.__anim.height)]
		elif len(self.__anim.frames) != 2:
			raise ValueError, "Expected 2 frames: %d" % (len(self.__anim.frames))
		self.char_size = self.__anim.width / 10
		self.bitmap = self.__anim.frames[0]

		# FIXME: Create a separate bitmap for each possible color. This makes
		# rendering fast, but could be improved
		self.bitmaps = {}
		self.bitmaps[0xf] = self.bitmap
		for color in xrange(1, 0xf):
			#print color
			width = self.bitmap.width
			height = self.bitmap.height
			self.bitmaps[color] = Frame(width, height)
			bitmap = self.bitmaps[color]
			fill = Frame(width, height)
			sub_color = 0xf - color
			fill.fill_rect(0, 0, width, height, sub_color)
			Frame.copy_rect(bitmap, 0, 0, self.bitmap, 0, 0, width, height)
			Frame.copy_rect(bitmap, 0, 0, fill, 0, 0, width, height, "sub")

			for x in xrange(self.bitmap.width):
				for y in xrange(self.bitmap.height):
					dot = self.bitmap.get_dot(x, y) - (0xf - color)
					if dot > 0:
						self.bitmaps[color].set_dot(x, y, dot)

		self.char_widths = []
		self.left = []
		if not self.metrics:
			for i in xrange(95):
				self.char_widths += [self.__anim.frames[1].get_dot(i%self.__anim.width, i/self.__anim.width)]
				self.left += [0]
			overrides = self.metrics.get("left_override", {})
			for i in xrange(95):
				self.char_widths += [self.metrics["widths"][i][1]]
				ch = chr(ord(' ') + i)
				self.left += [overrides.get(ch, left)]
		return self