Example #1
def gradient(grayscale, aperture_size=3):
        Computes the gradient of an image using a Sobel filter.
        :param grayscale:  A field to derive.
        :type  grayscale:  HxW array float
        :param aperture_size: Aperture of the Sobel filter (odd).
        :type  aperture_size: int,odd,>=1
        :return: gx: Gradient in the *x* direction.
        :rtype: array(HxW,float)
        :return: gy: Gradient in the *y* direction.
        :rtype: array(HxW,float)

    check_2d_array(grayscale, "grayscale")

    im = numpy_to_cv(grayscale)
    shape = (im.width, im.height)
    sobel = cv.CreateImage(shape, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    cv.Sobel(im, sobel, 1, 0, aperture_size)
    gx = cv_to_numpy(sobel).squeeze()

    sobel = cv.CreateImage(shape, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    cv.Sobel(im, sobel, 0, 1, aperture_size)
    gy = cv_to_numpy(sobel).squeeze()

    return gx.astype('float32'), gy.astype('float32')
Example #2
def gradient(grayscale, aperture_size=3):
        Computes the gradient of an image using a Sobel filter.
        :param grayscale:  A field to derive.
        :type  grayscale:  HxW array float
        :param aperture_size: Aperture of the Sobel filter (odd).
        :type  aperture_size: int,odd,>=1
        :return: gx: Gradient in the *x* direction.
        :rtype: array(HxW,float)
        :return: gy: Gradient in the *y* direction.
        :rtype: array(HxW,float)

    check_2d_array(grayscale, "grayscale")

    im = numpy_to_cv(grayscale)
    shape = (im.width, im.height)
    sobel = cv.CreateImage(shape, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    cv.Sobel(im, sobel, 1, 0, aperture_size)
    gx = cv_to_numpy(sobel).squeeze()

    sobel = cv.CreateImage(shape, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    cv.Sobel(im, sobel, 0, 1, aperture_size)
    gy = cv_to_numpy(sobel).squeeze()

    return gx.astype('float32'), gy.astype('float32')
Example #3
def smooth(grayscale, gaussian_std=5.0):
        Smooths an image with a Gaussian filter.
        :param grayscale:  A field to derive.
        :type  grayscale:  HxW array float
        :param gaussian_std: Std-deviation of the Gaussian filter.
        :type  gaussian_std: float,>0
        :return: smoothed: The smoothed image.
        :rtype: array(HxW,float)

    check_2d_array(grayscale, "grayscale")
    grayscale = grayscale.astype('float32')

    im = numpy_to_cv(grayscale)
    shape = (im.width, im.height)
    smoothed = cv.CreateImage(shape, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)

    cv.Smooth(im, smoothed, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, gaussian_std)

    result_a = cv_to_numpy(smoothed).squeeze()
    return result_a
Example #4
def smooth(grayscale, gaussian_std=5.0):
        Smooths an image with a Gaussian filter.
        :param grayscale:  A field to derive.
        :type  grayscale:  HxW array float
        :param gaussian_std: Std-deviation of the Gaussian filter.
        :type  gaussian_std: float,>0
        :return: smoothed: The smoothed image.
        :rtype: array(HxW,float)

    check_2d_array(grayscale, "grayscale")
    grayscale = grayscale.astype('float32')

    im = numpy_to_cv(grayscale)
    shape = (im.width, im.height)
    smoothed = cv.CreateImage(shape, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)

    cv.Smooth(im, smoothed, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 0, 0, gaussian_std)

    result_a = cv_to_numpy(smoothed).squeeze()
    return result_a