def test_parse_filter_rules_sanity(raw_config_full):
    config = loads_configuration(raw_config_full)
    assert 0 == len(
        config["HighlightRules"]), "HighlightRules should be an empty list"
    assert 25 == len(config["FilterRules"]), "Unexpected FilterRules length"
    assert config["FilterRules"][0] == Rule(Column.PROCESS_NAME,
                                            RuleRelation.IS, "python.exe",
def test_parse_config_columns_sanity(raw_config_full):
    config = loads_configuration(raw_config_full)
    assert len(config["Columns"]) == 64, "Unexpected columns length"
    assert all(0 <= width <= 0xffff
               for width in config["Columns"]), "Unexpected column width size"
    assert len(config["ColumnMap"]) == 64, "Unexpected column map length"
    columns_width = [width for width in config["Columns"] if width > 0]
    columns_map = [
        column for column in config["ColumnMap"] if column != Column.NONE
    assert len(columns_width) == len(
        columns_map) == config["ColumnCount"], "Unexpected"
def test_parse_built_configuration_sanity():
    config = {
        "FilterRules": [
            Rule('Path', 'contains', '1337', True),
            Rule('pid', 'is_not', '1338', True),
            Rule('Event_class', 'is', 'Profiling', False),
            Rule('Path', 'ends_with', '$Mft', False),

    raw_config = dumps_configuration(config)
    parsed_raw_config = loads_configuration(raw_config)
    assert config == parsed_raw_config, "Parsed Built configuration is not equal to the original configuration"
def test_parse_config_paths_sanity(raw_config_full):
    config = loads_configuration(raw_config_full)
    assert config[
        "DbgHelpPath"] == "C:\\Windows\\SYSTEM32\\dbghelp.dll", "Unexpected DbgHelpPath"
    assert config[
        "SymbolPath"] == "srv*", "Unexpected SymbolPath"
def test_build_parsed_configuration(raw_config_full):
    config = loads_configuration(raw_config_full)
    raw_built_config = dumps_configuration(config)
    assert raw_built_config == raw_config_full, "Built configuration is different then the original one"
def test_build_nonexistent_config_option():
    config = {u"FilterRules2": b"datadatadatadatadatadatadatadata"}

    raw_config = dumps_configuration(config)
    parsed_raw_config = loads_configuration(raw_config)
    assert config == parsed_raw_config, "Parsed Built configuration is not equal to the original configuration"